- published: 17 May 2016
- views: 61131
TGA may refer to:
What is transposition of the great arteries? The great arteries are the aorta and the pulmonary artery, and transposition means to switch places, so with transposition of the great arteries (TGA), the aorta and pulmonary artery switch places such that they're connected to the wrong ventricle. Subscribe - https://goo.gl/w5aaaV. More videos - https://goo.gl/UhOKiM. Support us on Patreon - https://goo.gl/ZGHEk4. This video covers two forms of TGA—dextro-TGA and levo-TGA, as well as the pathophysiology behind each. It also covers the important clinical signs and symptoms. Subscribe - http://www.youtube.com/channel/UCNI0qOojpkhsUtaQ4_2NUhQ?sub_confirmation=1 This video is brought to you by Osmosis. Along with providing open-access videos, Osmosis offers a comprehensive e-learning platform th...
In this TGA tutorial, we provide information on how Thermogravimetric Analysis (TGA) can be applied to help solve your analytical problems. TGA is a technique that measures the weight change of a material as a function of temperature or time. Its main use is to characterize materials with regard to their composition. Application areas include plastics, elastomers and thermosets, mineral compounds and ceramics, as well as a wide range of analyses in the chemical and pharmaceutical industries. Application examples presented cover the stoichiometric weight changes associated with calcium oxalate monohydrate as the sample is heated, moisture determination in a Zeolite, rubber analysis and the quantification of oil in SBR using a vacuum setup. In addition, the compositional analysis of a car...
Aulas de Revisão para o concurso da UFSC com o Prof. Marco Ferrari. Aula válida para os cargos de Administrador e Assistente Administrativo. Canal afiliado ao Clube do Concurso Atualizar, a maior rede de canais gratuitos e de qualidade para concursos públicos do Brasil. Inscreva-se no canal do Prof. Marco Ferrari e nos demais canais de um projeto revolucionário (https://www.youtube.com/editoraatualizar). Contato: professormarcoferrari@gmail.com ou editoraatualizar@gmail.com Editora Atualizar e Clube do Concurso Atualizar. Produzir, Organizar e Distribuir Conhecimento!
加入TGA 請查看形象網站 https://www.taiwangeniusarmy.com/
-Ciao a tutti, eccomi qui con questo nuovo video sulla VieX_Mod -In questo video vi farò vedere come scaricare ed installare s0beit per SA:MP 0.3e con tutte le sue funzioni. Questo è l'unico per ora che funzioni correttamente senza problemi di blocco o altro! -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -Comandi principali Tasto Ins: Vita infinita Shift destro: AirBrake (per muoversi: W, A, S, D, J, L, K, I, U, O, freccia su, freccia giu) Tasto Alt: Speed Hack Tasto Backspace: Inverte la direzione dell'auto Tasto R: Fake Speed Hack Tasto Canc: Raddrizza l'auto ribaltata Tasto N: Uscire dal veicolo velocemente Tasto P: Break Dance (per muoversi: I, K, L, J, U, O) Tasto M: Mappa Tasto Z: Auto Aim (mira automatica) Tasto B: Salto ...
感謝各位的愛戴,這部片很長哦,擊合了2017年年初到現在的許多好笑影片,我們自己看了也是一直笑!XD 希望TGA的創立帶給你們無線的歡笑,也希望以後與你們同在 永遠的朋友!GO! 這裡是台灣天兵軍團 TaiwanGeniusArmy 的頻道 TGA 網站:https://www.taiwangeniusarmy.com/ (了解TGA,點下去就知道我們是誰了!) TGA天兵社團:https://www.facebook.com/groups/1222912334497573/ (裡面有TGA成員的生活日常跟影片搶先看,喜歡在加入,不需要拉人進來!是兄弟朋友在加入!要回答問題唷!) TGA專屬 Discord:https://discord.gg/GJmVhHQ (找我們很方便,從這裡就可以找的到囉!) 幫團長的工作室粉絲團點個讚:https://www.facebook.com/Citysport.Group/ (畢竟老大是靠這個賺錢的嘛) 重要影片:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=17tOxH5PfVw (快快加入!回答問題!) 每周2、5會固定開台,開台時間是晚上 9:00 - 12:00 (沒意外的話) 記得點擊右上鈴鐺接受即時通知! 開台人員目前由所有TGA隊員為主。 本台大多以Fps系列遊戲為主,或者團隊可進行的遊戲 ! 如果本台每天帶給你們的開心、快樂可以媲美你錢包裡的一塊的話 歡迎每個月用 30$ 贊助本團,累積的贊助將會拿來辦活動跟買尿布(誤 贊助帳號:822 059540378052 並請註明你是誰,Youtube帳號! 如果贊助金額超過 30元以上請自動減少15元 (手續費) 或者也能使用Paypal 帳號進行贊助唷! TGA感謝你的愛戴!
Everything I do Is all done for you
Lady I'm yours
And everywhere I go
You're always on my mind
You're all I adore
And I'll go
Outta my way
Just to assure
That our love endures I'm yours
Girl I'm never far away I'll be right there (right there)
To keep you nice and warm I'm rushing right home
Girl I'm never far away I'll be right there (right there)
To protect you from the storm I'm rushing right home
Girl I'll be there I'll be right there
I don't need you say
That I love you
A million times a day
Just the little things I do
All done for you
That's how I display
And I'll go
Out of my way
Just to assure you baby
That our love endures I'm yours
Girl I'm never far away I'll be right there (right there)
To keep you nice and warm
(Girl I'll keep you nice and warm,
You know I'll keep you nice and warm
You know I'll keep you nice and warm)
Girl I'm never far away I'll be right there (I'll be right there)
To protect you from the storm I'm rushing right home
Girl I'll be there I'll be right there
You don't have to go and check my pager
Check my phone and search my pants to figure me out (ha)
Cause I'm an honest man
Don't need a plan, a stronger man
Cause girl there is no doubt
My love's real (as real as it comes)
Even though we are a million miles away from each other
I'm still right here, right here for you
(Here for you, here for you) I could search a million years
And still I wouldn't find anyone as beautiful as you
So rest assured our love endures I'm never far away...
(I'm rushing home baby, I'm coming home baby) I'm never far away...
(I'm rushing home baby, home baby, home baby) I'm never far away...
(I'm rushing home baby, I'm coming home baby) I'm never far away...
(I'm rushing home baby, home baby, home baby) I'm never far away...
(I'm rushing home baby, I'm coming home baby) I'm never far away...
(I'm rushing home baby, home baby, home baby) I'm never, never, never, never far Never, never, never, never far
Never far, never far I'm never far away I'm never far away...
(I'm rushing home baby, I'm coming home baby) I'm never far away...
(I'm rushing home baby, home baby, home baby) I'm never far away...
(I'm rushing home baby, I'm coming home baby) I'm never far away...
(I'm rushing home baby, home baby, home baby) I'm never far away...
(I'm rushing home baby, I'm coming home baby) I'm never far away...
(I'm rushing home baby, home baby, home baby) I'm never, never, never, never far Never, never, never, never far