Politics, History and International Relations


ARG 670x300

Anarchist Research Group

The ARG is based in the School of Social, Political and Geographical Sciences.  Its aims are to:

  • provide an informal space for the discussion, exploration and analysis of anarchist ideas and practices;
  • support anarchism research across scholarly disciplines in the University;
  • help raise the profile of anarchist studies through scholarship and public engagement;
  • co-ordinate with external networks to promote international collaborative work and anarchism research at Loughborough;
  • organise seminars for postgraduate researchers working on aspects of anarchist history and politics.

The ARG was established in 2008. It contributes to the social, political and cultural theory strand of the Communication and Culture Beacon at Loughborough University and is networked internationally through the Anarchist Studies Network (a specialist group of the UK Political Studies Association). The group also collaborates with the Politicised Practice Research Group in the Critical Citizenship, Activism and Art initiative.  

Our seminars are free and open to all.. 

If you are interested in receiving more information about our activities, please contact one of the co-ordinators (M.S. Adams@lboro.ac.uk, D.G.Berry@lboro.ac.uk; A.Christoyannopoulos@lboro.ac.uk; or R.E.Kinna@lboro.ac.uk) and see the information below.

Events / Seminars in 2017-18

Name/Event Affiliation Title Date Room Information
James Yeoman The University of Sheffield Writing the Revolutionary Self: Memoir and Autobiography in the Spanish Anarchist Movement Wednesday 13th December K.1.05  
Marcus Collins Loughborough University The Beatles and the Revolutionary Left: Anarchists, Pacifists, Marxists and Counterculturalists in 1960s and 1970s Britain Wednesday 11th October, 5PM K.1.09  
Paul Raekstad University of Amsterdam Democratisation and
> Prefigurative Politics: A Defence
Wednesday 14th March 2018, 5PM K.1.05  


Previous Events / Seminars in 2016-17







Antonis Vradis

Loughborough University


Wednesday 25th January, 5PM



Professor Erika Cudworth

The University of East London

Beyond the imperial human: towards a creaturely politics

Wednesday 8th February, 5PM



Professor Peter Ackers

De Montfort University Ackers

Alternatives to State-Socialism in Britain

Wednesday 22nd February, 5PM



Dr. Natasha King

The University of Nottingham

No Borders: the politics of immigration control and resistance

Wednesday the 15th of March at 5PM



Dr. Danny Evans

The University of Leeds

'The Spanish Kronstadt? The Barcelona May days 80 years on' Wednesday the 3rd of May  K1.05  

Professor Carl Levy

Goldsmiths, University of London


Anarchists and the City , Cold War City to Occupy/Square Movements, 1945 -2011


Tuesday 9th May, 5PM



 Previous Events in 2015-16:






Elizabet Vasileva   Anarchist Studies Network Fourth International Conference 14-16 September 2016 Visit the webpage

Scott Crow


What, Me Worry? The Rise Of The Surveillance State & What We Can Do About It

Tuesday 27 October, 5pm

J202 (in the Edward Herbert Building)

Grietje Baars 

City University London

Explaining the 'obvious' interconnection of all struggles: Conversations on veganism, gender and queer liberation with the Israeli Anarchists Against the Wall

Wednesday 27 January, 5pm

K105 (in Manzoni)

Nick Kiersey

Ohio University

Occupy Dame Street and Irish Left Strategy: Lessons and Possible Futures

Wednesday 2 March, 5pm

K105 (in Manzoni)

Colin Bruce


Towards Green Anarchism: Total Liberation and the Abolition of Hierarchy

Wednesday 27 April 5pm

K105 (in Manzoni)

Robert Lamb

University of Exeter

In Defence of the Citizen-Philosopher: Political Theory and the Idea of Expertise

Wednesday 18 May 5pm

K105 (in Manzoni)

For past seminars and files available for download, please see below.


Matt Adams, Dave Berry, Alex Christoyannopoulos, Ruth Kinna.

Members & Associates:

Professor Peter Ackers, Professor of Employment Relations, Faculty of Business and Law, De Montfort University

Oscar Addis, Doctoral Student Loughborough University

Sebastian Averill, Doctoral Student, Loughborough University

Jon Bigger, Doctoral Student, Loughborough University       

Dr Will Boisseau, Former Doctoral Student , Loughborough University

Dr John Cromby, Reader in Psychology, University of Leicester

Dr Jennifer Cooke, Lecturer in English, Department of English and Drama, Loughborough University

Dr James Donaghey, Research Fellow, School of History, Anthropology, Philosophy and Politics, Queens University, Belfast Loughborough University

Dr Simon Downs, Lecturer in Graphic Communication, School of the Arts, Loughborough University

Teresa Xavier Fernandes, Postgraduate Researcher, Loughborough University

Dr Cristos Iliopoulos, Former Doctoral Student, Loughborough University

James McIntyre, Doctoral Student, Loughborough University

Dr John Nightingale, Former Doctoral Student, Loughborough University

Dr Saku Pinta, Former Doctoral Student, Loughborough University

Dr Alex Prichard, Senior Lecturer in Politics, School  of Politics, University of Exeter

Dr. Thomas Swann, Research Associate, Loughborough University

Dr Sureyyya Turkeli, Former Doctoral Student, Loughborough University

Elizabet Vasileva, Doctoral Student, Loughborough University

Dr. Antonis Vradis, Vice Chancellor’s Fellow and Lecturer, Department of Geography Loughborough University

Dr Gillian Whiteley, Senior Lecturer in Visual and Material Culture, School of the Arts, Loughborough University

Dr Gwendolyn Windpassinger, Former Doctoral Student, Loughborough University

Dr Matthew Wilson, Former Doctoral Student, Loughborough University

The following publications are freely available on the university's Institutional Repository. See also below for papers and videos of ARG seminars.


PhD theses completed at Loughborough:

Publications by current staff:

Matt Adams

Berry, Dave

Alexandre Christoyannopoulos (see personal website for more)

Ruth Kinna

Matt Adams

  • ‘Unforgetting Clio’, Palabras al Margen (Colombia, 2017) - forthcoming
  • ‘Posibilidades para una historia anarquista: repensando el canon y escribiendo historia’ in Erosión, Revista de Pensamiento Anarquista (Santiago, 2016)
  • “Where do research ideas come from?” IdeaFest 2015, University of Victoria, March, 2015
  • “The Contrary Experience: Herbert Read and the Cultural Memory of the First World War”, Cultures of War, Public Lecture Series, University of Victoria, October, 2014.
  • “Anarchist Communism as a Tradition of Political Thought”, John W. Kluge Center, Library of Congress, Washington, DC, August, 2009

Dave Berry

  • Interviewed about Daniel Guérin by Sasha Lilley for her programme ‘Against the Grain’ on the San Francisco-based Radio Pacifica, April 2015.
  • ‘“Workers of the world embrace!” Homophobia in the French Extreme Left’, Public talk, Cowley Club Bookshop, Brighton, 11 May 2011.
  • ‘Entrevista a los creadores del grupe de investigación: Anarchist Studies Network’, in CNT. Organo de la Confederación Nacional del Trabajo no.364 (February 2010), 4pp.
  • ‘Anarchist Scholarship’ (Interview) in ZNet – The Spirit of Resistance Lives, 29 August 2008
  • ‘Anarchist Scholarship’ (Interview) in Revolution by the Book: The AK Press Blog (2008)
  • ‘A Failed Revolution? The experience of the French Popular Front of 1936-38’ in Anarcho-Syndicalist Review no.48/49(Winter 2008), pp.34-38.

Alex Christoyannopoulos

  • ‘Think the world’s in a mess? Here are four things you can do about it’, The Conversation, 16 November 2016, available via https://theconversation.com/think-the-worlds-in-a-mess-here-are-four-things-you-can-do-about-it-68789.
  • 'War & Peace: Tolstoy's unconventional Christianity', Premier Christianity, 12 January 2016.
  • 'In Depth' live interview with Ed Stagg, BBC Radio Leicester, aired 3 February 2015, 08:30 to 59:38.
  • 'Christian anarchism', Public talk, DaseinLab philosophy café, Athens, December 2014
  • ‘«Gesù è stato il primo anarchico» Da Tolstoj a Occupy: Alexandre Christoyannopoulos racconta i legami tra Cristianesimo e anarchia’, Interview by Dario Ronzoni, Linkiesta, 12 October 2014, available via http://www.linkiesta.it/dio-anarchico
  • ‘The Golden Rule on the Green Stick: Leo Tolstoy’s Postsecular International Thought’, Keynote talk, Dialogue of Civilizations: World Public Forum, Rhodes, Greece, September 2014, available on WPF 2014 livestream (24:00 to 46:40).
  • ‘Una discusión sobre anarquismo cristiano: Entrevista a Alexandre Christoyannopoulos’, Interview by Pedro García Guirao, Erosión: Revista de Pensamiento Anarquista número 3, December 2013, 111-120.
  • ‘Tolstoy and Christian Anarchism’, Public talk, Leicester Secular Society, October 2013
  • ‘It's Only Shorthand for a Cluster of Ideas and Practices’, JesusRadicals, 20 July 2012
  • ‘Contrasting Revolutions: Russia, China, Spain and Iran’, Public talk, Peace News Summer Camp, near Shrewsbury, June 2012
  • ‘Should Christians be Anarchists?’, New Left Project, 8 June 2012
  • ‘Le Christianisme libertaire’, Public talk, Christianisme et subversion atelier organised by L’association culturelle de Boquen and Le Mouvement du christianisme social, Paris, France, February 2012
  • ‘Nev-i Şahsına Münhasır Bir Hristiyan Anarşist: Tolstoy’, Qijika Reş Dergisi'nin 5. Sayısı Çıktı, January 2012, 115-119
  • ‘Exclusive Interview with Alexandre Christoyannopoulos, author of Christian Anarchism’, Interview, The Firebrand: A Magazine of Liberatory Politics, 11 July 2011
  • ‘The biblical roots of Christian anarchism’, Public talk, Catholic Worker ‘Eurogathering’, near London, June 2011
  • ‘An Introduction to Christian Anarchism’, Interview, The Mormon Worker, issue 10, 28 April 2011
  • ‘Putting God back in His Throne: Christian anarchists on 1 Samuel 8’, Public talk, Finchley Progressive Synagogue, London, December 2010
  • ‘De Tolstoï et Ellul aux Catholic workers, redécouvrir et interroger les perspectives d'une théologie politique de la subversion’, Public talk and atelier at ‘Parvis: Grand Rassemblement’ conference, Lyon, France, November 2010
  • ‘Tolstoy's Anarchism’, Radio interview with C. S. Soong, KPFA (Pacifica) Radio’s Against the Grain programme, 8 September 2008
  • ‘Una discusión sobre anarquismo cristiano: Entrevista a Alexandre Christoyannopoulos’, Interview by Pedro García Guirao, Erosión: Revista de Pensamiento Anarquista número 3, December 2013, pp. 111-120
  • ‘Was Jesus an Anarchist?’, Radio interview with William Crawley, BBC Radio Ulster’s Sunday Sequence programme, 29 May 2011
  • ‘Was Jesus an Anarchist?’, Interview, Will and Testament, William Crawley's BBC blog, 17 May 2011

Ruth Kinna

Past speakers (2014-15)

An exciting innovation in 2014-15 was the Critical Citizenship, Activism and Art Series 2014-15, whereby The Politicized Practice Research Group and the Anarchism Research Group joined forces with a broader range of Loughborough researchers to convene a series of events on Critical Citizenship, Activism and Art. The events, under the banner of the Communication, Culture and Citizenship Research Challenge, exhibited and reflected on the use of diverse forms of art to question prevailing political, economic and cultural orthodoxies. In our shrinking world, where communication media remain dominated by entrenched interests and surveillance, critical citizens are developing creative tactics and performances to provoke debate in the public sphere. This series is a space to showcase and critically discuss art activists’ efforts to give a voice to the excluded, promote inclusive alternatives, and enrich global culture and citizenship. This series builds on local multidisciplinary strengths and specialisms, and contributes to the University’s strategic ambitions to enhance the global community’s social, cultural and economic wellbeing, to put forward solutions to contemporary global challenges, and to impact national and international citizenship practices.

Past speakers (2012-13)

Name Affiliation Title Date Room
Allan Antliff University of Victoria

Pacifist-Anarchism and the Arts: Kenneth Patchen, Jackson MacLow, John Cage and Donald Judd

31 October, 5-6:30pm A204 (Schofield)
Kathy Ferguson Hawaii

Anarchist women of the first wave

7 November, 5-6:30pm A204 (Schofield)
Diogo Duarte Instituto de Historia Contemporânea, Lisbon Anarchism and the State in Portugal in the early 20th century 5 December, 5-6:30pm A204 (Schofield)
Peter Ryley Independent
Anarchism's Hidden Histories: Researching Individualism in 19th Century Britain
13 February, 5-6:30pm A204 (Schofield)
Uri Gordon Loughborough Contemporary Anarchist Critiques of the State 24 April, 5-6:30pm A204 (Schofield)
Constance Bantman Surrey Transnational lives - internationalism and nationalism in Belle Epoque anarchism 1 May, 5-6:30pm A204 (Schofield)

Past speakers (2011 - 2012)

Name Affiliation Title Date
Georgios Sagriotis Panteion and Patras

Benjamin and Anarchism (paper available below)

Anthony Fiscella Lund University, Center for Theology and Religious Studies From Anarcho-Fascism to Libertarian Spirituality: What Does it Men to be Free? 29/11/11
Christos Memos University of York Anarchism and Marxism: In Search of Lost Revolutionary Time 18/1/12
Judy Greenway East London ‘Not the Church and not the State, women must decide our fate’: anarchist feminists and the politics of reproduction. 8/2/12
Diane Morgan Leeds Seriality and Everyone's Place Under the Sun: Proudhon with Kant (paper available below) 7/3/12
Andrew Cornell Université Stendhal - Grenoble 3  The Evolution U.S. Anarchism in the Mid-20th Century: From Mother Earth to the Fifth Estate 25/4/12
Richard Morgan UCL  Hygiene is the best of medicines': Petr Kropotkin and Criminological Science.  16/5/12

Past speakers (2010-11)

Name Affiliation Title Date
Cris Iliopoulos Loughborough The anarchist aspects of Nietzsche's philosophy (paper available below)
Maurizio Atzeni Loughborough Worker Occupations in Argentina (paper available here) 26/01/11
Charlotte Alston Northumbria Tolstoyism: An international movement in the late 19th / early 20th centuries  09/03/11 
Emma Dixon  Bangor  Women, Love and Anarchism: Anarcho-Sexism and The Rise of British Second Wave Feminism  04/05/11 
Gabriel Kuhn  independent Gustav Landauer, Erich Mühsam, and Anarchism in Germany  05/05/11

Past speakers (2010)

Name Title Date
Saul Newman Postanarchism and contemporary politics (paper available below) 10/12/08 
Paul McLaughlin  Bakunin and Marx: An Unbridgeable Chasm? (paper available below) 26/01/09 
Ben Franks Anarchism and the Problem of Political Philosophy (slides available below) 13/05/09 
Paul Blackledge  Between science and morality: Victor Serge and Simon Critchley on Marxism, anarchism and the ethics of anti?capitalism  10/03/10

Seminar papers/slides for download: