Transmission Asia-Pacific (TXAP)

by Anonymous User — September 29, 2017
From May 19-25 2008 fifty-five tech and video activists gathered in West Java, Indonesia to share code and stories. Organised by EngageMedia and the Jakarta based Ruangrupa Transmission Asia-Pacific brought together projects from 15 different countries, from Japan to India, and China to New Zealand, to discuss ways to most effectively use online video as a social change tool.

Transmission is a network of citizen journalists, video makers, artists, programmers and web producers who are developing online video distribution tools for social justice and media democracy. The objective is to make independent online video distribution possible using Free and Open Source Software by building the necessary tools, standards, documentation and social networks.

TXAP included close to 50 workshops covering video podcasting, video and human rights, collaboration around regional film festivals, developing content management systems for online video distribution, open source development, video streaming and much more.

The 5 days included a series of nightly screenings covering People's Power Indonesia post 1998, counter-globalisation movements, environment and the land, Let’s Talk About Sex baby!, political repression and human rights.

You can find documentation of the event on the wiki here Photos can be found here

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