Paul Mattick Snr bibliography

Bibliography of texts by council communist Paul Mattick.

These are the English language citations from the complete Paul Mattick Sr. bibliography, grouped alphabetically beginning with A and ending with LE. The numbers correspond to the citations in the full bibliography; omissions in numbering indicate a text in another language. In some cases, the same text appeared in English in several publications - we have not been able to find a way to narrow the spaces between such citations so that these references appear grouped together. Undoubtably, there are other errors as well.

Several of Mattick's books are still in print in the UK and can be ordered from online retailers.

NOTE: "International Council. Correspondence," "Living Marxism," and "New Essays", were all reprinted in a collected facsimile edition by Greenwood Press in 1970 titled "New Essays". This collection should be available through an interlibrary loan from many university libraries in the United States..

Collective Action Notes May 1998

Part 1 - A - J

1. "A.F. of L. and administration break." INTERNATIONAL COUNCIL CORRESPONDENCE 1(6): 18-19, Mar. 1935. [ unsigned]

4. "The affluence of inequality;" review of Wealth and power in America: An analysis of social class and income distribution, by Gabriel Kolko. The New Republic 146(21); 24-26, 21 May 1962.

5. After the revolution: Economic reconstruction in Spain today, by D. A. de Santillan; review. INTERNATIONAL COUNCIL CORRESPONDENCE 3(9/10): 28-30, Oct 1937. [unsigned]

Afterword to Karl Marx (q.v.) 6

. "Against the stream" LIVING MARXISM 4(1):I-3, Feb 1938. [unsigned]

Alienation, see Marxist theory

11. "America and Europe." Resistance 9(l):3-4 & 15, Jun/Jul 1950.

12. "The American economy." Contemporary Issues 51:1-7, Summer,1965.

13. International Socialist Journal 5(25):89-104, Feb 1968.

15. "The American economy: Crisis and policy." ROOT AND BRANCH 3:14-18,1971.

16. "The American Federation of Labor and the present crisis." INTERNATIONAL COUNCIL CORRESPONDENCE 1(5):19-22, Feb 1935. [ unsigned]

17. American labor, by Herbert Harris, and Unions of their own choosing, by Robert R. R. Brooks; review. LIVING MARXISM 4(7): 223-24, Jun 1937. [ unsigned]

19. America on relief, by Marie Dresden Lane and Francis Steegmuller; Trends in relief expenditures, by the U.S. Works Progress Administration; and This question of relief, a Public Affairs Pamphlet; review. LIVING MARXISM 4(3):95-96, May 1938. [unsigned]

20. America's stake in international investments, by The Brookings Institution; review. LIVING MARXISM 4(3):92-94, May 1938. [unsigned]

30. Anti-Bolshevik communism. Introduction, pp. vii-xiii,also by Mattick. White Plains, NY: M. E. Sharpe, 1978.

31. London: Merlin Press, 1978. [for complete contents, see citation #281, #303, #342, #343, #386, #411, #462, #474, #558, #610, #704, & #822]

32. "Anti-Bolshevist communism in Germany. Retort 5(4):10-24, Spr 1947.

33. Southern Advocate for Workers Councils 37:20-24, Aug/Sep 1947.

34. Telos 26:57-69, Win 1975/76.

36. Anti-Samuelson, by Marc Linder; review. Liberation 20(6):29-30, Fall 1977.

38. "Anton Pannekoek (1873-1960)." New Politics 1(2):107-14, Win 1962.

39. Pp. 120-32, in Lenin as philosopher, by Pannekoek. London: Merlin Press, 1974.

46. Apostles of revolution, by Max Nomad; review., LIVING MARXISM 4(7):222-23, Jun 1939. [unsigned]

60. "Are international affiliations aimed against the I.W.W.?" Industrial Solidarity, 9 Sept. 1930

62. "Arms and Capital;" review of Western capitalism since the war, by Michael Kidron. International Socialism 34: 33-35, Fall 1968

64. "Asia and world imperialism" INTERNATIONAL COUNCIL CORRESPONDENCE 3(11/12): 25-35, Dec. 1937

Asia drama, see Gunnar Mydal's. . .

66. Aspects of Revolt by Max Nomad; review. SCIENCE AND SOCIETY 25(2):175-77, Spr. 1961.

72. "Authority and democracy in the United States." ROOT AND BRANCH 7: 10-14 & 27-28, 1979

75. "The Babbits have a program: On the program of the National Association of Manufacturers." INTERNATIONAL COUNCIL CORRESPONDENCE 1(4):I-4, Jan 1935.

76. Backgrounds of conflict: Ideas and forms in world politics, by Kurt London review. WESTERN SOCIALIST 18(158):21, Jan/Feb 1951.

77. "The barricades must be torn down: Moscow-fascism in Spain." INTERNATIONAL COUNCIL CORRESPONDENCE 3(7/8): 25-29, Aug 1937

87. "A bird in the hand;" review of The folklore of capitalism, by Thurmond W. Arnold. LIVING MARXISM 4(2):40-44, Mar 1938.

91. The Bolsheviks-and the World War: The origin of the Third International, by Olga Hess Gankin and H. H. Fisher; review. LIVING MARXISM 5(3): 61-62, Win 1941.

Bolshevism and Stalinism, see Stalin, Trotsky . . .

93. "The bombed mind." Resistance 7(4):4-5, Mar 1949.

94. "The breathing spell." INTERNATIONAL COUNCIL CORRESPONDENCE 2(l):I-8, Dec 1935.

97. "The Brussels Conference." INTERNATIONAL COUNCIL CORRESPONDENCE 1(11):10-12, Sep 1935.

99. "C.C.C.: Capitalism's Conservation Corps." INTERNATIONAL COUNCIL CORRESPONDENCE 1(6):5-9, Mar 1935.

100. "The C.I.O. breaks a strike." INTERNATIONAL COUNCIL CORRESPONDENCE 3(11/12):23-24 Dec 1937.

101. C.I.O.promise or menace, by the Industrial Union Party; review. INTERNATIONAL COUNCIL CORRESPONDENCE 3(11/12):19-20,-Dec 1937

106. "Capital formation and foreign trade." SCIENCE AND SOCIETY 26(3):293-307, Sum 1962.

108. "Capitalism and planning." INTERNATIONAL COUNCIL CORRESPONDENCE 1(4):5-15, Tan 1935.

110. "Capturing the A.F. of L." INTERNATIONAL COUNCIL CORRESPONDENCE 1(8):22-26, May 1935.

111. Caste and class in a Southern town, by John Dollard; review. LIVING MARXISM 4(3):94-95, May 1935.

114. Challenge to Karl Marx, by John K. Turner; review. NEW ESSAYS 6(2):79-80, Fall 1942.

115. The challenge to U.S. dominance of the international corporations by R. Helman; review. SCIENCE AND SOCIETY 36(1):121-23, Spr 1972.

116. The changing environment of international relations. by The Brookings Institution; review. WESTERN SOCIALIST 23(191: 16-17 Sep/Oct 1956.

118. "Child labor: A class issue." INTERNATIONAL COUNCIL CORRESPONDENCE 3(4):7- 11 & 21, Apr 1937.

119. "Civil war in Catalonia." INTERNATIONAL COUNCIL CORRESPONDENCE 3(5/6):41-44, Jun 1937.

120. "The civil war in Spain." INTERNATIONAL COUNCIL CORRESPONDENCE 2(11):1-40, Oct 1936.

121. "Civil work program: What is it?" Workers League News, Dec 1933.

122. Class and American sociology: From Ward to Ross, by Charles Hunt Page; review. LIVING MARXISM 5(4):63-64, Spr 1941.

123. "The class struggle in Spain." INTERNATIONAL COUNCIL CORRESPONDENCE 1(2):23-24, Nov 1934.

124. "The clue to the Middle East crisis." Liberation 3(11):4-8, Jan 1959.

125. The Common Market, by J. F. Deniau, and Europe's coal and steel community by Louis Lister; review. SCIENCE AND SOCIETY 26(2): 245-43, Spr 1962.

126. "Communist production and distribution." LIVING MARXISM 4(4):109-14, Aug 1938.

Comparative, see Six . . .

127. "Competition and monopoly." NE 6(3):26-58, Spr 1943.

129. "The competitors of fascism." INTERNATIONAL COUNCIL CORRESPONDENCE 1(11):13-22, Sep 1935.

131. "The concentration camp grows." LIVING MARXISM 4(6):168-77, Apr 1939.

132. Conditions of Peace, by Edward H. Carr; review. NE 6(3):79-80 Spr 1943.

Contemporary, see Marxism and the latest - . -

136. "Control of markets and world capitalism." INTERNATIONAL COUNCIL CORRESPONDENCE 3(7/8):14-24, Aug 1937.

Controlling, see Planning . . .

Council, see Groups . . .

138. The course of American production, by P. Maslow. Modern Socialism, p. 40, Spr 1942.

Crisis and crisis, see Economic crisis . . .

140. The crisis and decline of capitalism. Chicago: INTERNATIONAL COUNCIL CORRESPONDENCE, 1934.

141. The crisis and the labor movement. Chicago: United Workers Party, 1934.

142. "Crisis and unemployment in the U.S.: Great problems face labor!" Workers Age 2(10):4, 1 Mar 1933. [not continued as indicated]

143. "The crisis of the mixed economy." Pp. 3-26, in #198-200.

147. Critique of Marcuse: One-dimensional man in class society. London: Merlin Press, 1972.

150. "Current trends in Czechoslovakia." INTERNATIONAL COUNCIL CORRESPONDENCE 2(3/4):35-47, 1936.

151. Death is not enough: Essays in active negation, by Michael Fraenkel; review. LIVING MARXISM 5(l):58, Spr 1940

152. The decline of American capitalism. by Lewis Corey; review F 64 (39/40), Oct. 1934

156. "The defeat in France."176. ".The driving force of imperialism INTERNATIONAL COUNCIL CORRESPONDENCE 2(8): 1-9, Jul 1936

157. The defenders, by Franz Hoellering; review. LIVING MARXISM 5(3):63-64, Win 1941

158. "Deflationary inflation" pp. 27-55 in # 199-200

162. Democracy and Marxism, by H.B. Mayo; review SL, 18 Feb 1956

163. "The destruction of money" pp. 56-79, in #198-200

170. "The development of Soviet Russia's foreign policy" INTERNATIONAL COUNCIL CORRESPONDENCE 2(3/4): 1-34, Mar 1934

171. "Dictatorship of the Intellectuals? Critical remarks on the reflections of Max Nomad." INTERNATIONAL COUNCIL CORRESPONDENCE 2(7): 12-36, Jun 1936

176. "The driving force of imperialism today;" paper presented to the Bertrand Russell Centenary Symposium, "Spheres of influence in the age of imperialism," Linz, Austria, Sep 1972. Our Generation 9(2):6-16, Jun 1973.

177. "Dynamics of the mixed economy." SCIENCE AND SOCIETY 28(3):286-304, Sum 1964.

179. "Eagle forgotten:" The life of John Peter Atgeld, by Harry Barnard; review. LIVING MARXISM 4(4):127-28, Aug 1938.

180. Earl Browder, communist or tool of Wall St by George Marlen; review. INTERNATIONAL COUNCIL CORRESPONDENCE 3(9/10):38, Oct 1937.

181. Eastern menace: The story of Japanese imperialism, by the Union of Democratic Control; review. International Review 1(8):143-44, Nov 1936.

182. Economic aspects of the Monroe Doctrine, by T. H. Reynolds, and its companion, As our neighbors see us: Readings in the relations of the U.S. and Latin America, 1820-1940; review. LIVING MARXISM 5(3):64, Win 1941.

183. Economic crisis and crisis theory. Foreword by Mattick; transl. Paul Mattick, Jr. White Plains, NY.: M.E. Sharpe, 1981.

190. Economic growth in the West, by A. Maddison; review. The New Republic, pp. 24 -26 , 16 Jan 1965.

191. Economic welfare by Oscar Newfang; review. INTERNATIONAL COUNCIL CORRESPONDENCE 3(9/10):30-31,Oct 1937.

192. Economics for everybody, by Mervyn Crobaugh; review. LIVING MARXISM 4(2):63, Mar 1938.

"The economics of cybernation." New Politics 1(4):18-33, 1962.

194. The economics of inflation, by H. Parker Willis and John M. Chapman; review. F, Sep 1935.

195. MODERN MONTHLY 9(7): 442-46, Jan 1936.

196. "Economics of the war economy." American Socialist 6(4):18-20, Apr 1959.

197. "The economics of war and peace." Dissent 3(4):376-89, Fall 1956.

198. Economics, politics, and the age of inflation. Preface also by Mattick; transl. M. Vale. White Plains, NY: M. E. Sharpe,1978.

199. International Journal of Politics 7(3), 1978. [simultaneous publication]

200. London: Merlin Press, 1980.

205. "Election year." INTERNATIONAL COUNCIL CORRESPONDENCE 2(5):1-8, Apr 1936.

208. "The end of a strike!" INTERNATIONAL COUNCIL CORRESPONDENCE 3(3):1-5, Mar 1937. [ unsigned]

209. "The end of bourgeois economics." LIVING MARXISM 5(l):27-44, Spr 1940. [unsigned]

210. The end of socialism in Russia, by Max Eastman; review. INTERNATIONAL COUNCIL CORRESPONDENCE 3(5/6): 34-35, Jun 1937. [unsigned]

211. "The end of the New Deal." Proletarian Outlook 5(5), Nov 1939.

215. Engels-Kautsky correspondence; review. International Review 2(2): 26, Feb 1937

216. "The era of good feeling: Roosevelt's second term." INTERNATIONAL COUNCIL CORRESPONDENCE 3(l): 1-8, Jan 1937. [unsigned]

219. "Ernest Mandel's Late capitalism." Pp. 165-226, in #183.

Eros, see Marx and Freud . . .

Europe's coal, see Common . . .

229. "Europe's needs and resources." The New Republic, 2 Apr 1962.

230. The failure of education, by Porter Sargent. WESTERN SOCIALIST13(116):71-72, Jul 946.

Farmers, see Six

233. "Fascism and the middle class", Proletarian Outlook 5(3), May 1939

234. "Fascism made in the USA;" review of The dynamics of war and revolution, by Laurence Dennis and rejoinder to Dennis' reply. LIVING MARXISM 5(3): 1-30 & 33-36, Win 1941

Folklore, see Bird

For communism, see Guy

236. The formation of capital, by Harold G. Moulton for the Brookings Institution; review. F 65 (29/30) : 15, 21 Jul 1935 MODERN MONTHLY 9(7): 442-46, Jan. 1936

239. Forty Years of American-Japanese relations, by Foster Rhea Dulles; review LIVING MARXISM 4(2): 62-63, Mar 1938

240. Foundations of a modern world society, by Linden A. Mauder; review NEW ESSAYS 6(2): 77-78, Fall 1942

241. "The Franco-Prussian Pact." INTERNATIONAL COUNCIL CORRESPONDENCE 1(9): 12- 13, Jul 1935 [unsigned]

243. From Lenin to Stalin, by Victor Serge; review INTERNATIONAL COUNCIL CORRESPONDENCE 3(9/10): 38-39, Oct. 1937 [unsigned]

244. "From Liberalism to fascism." LIVING MARXISM 594): 6-20, Spr 1941 {signed "Luenika"]

245. "Fromm's sane society;" review of the sane society, by Erich Fromm. WS 23(190): 6-8 & 19-20, Aug 1956

246. From Hegel to Marx: Studies in the intellectual developmemnt of Karl Marx, by Disney Hook. F, May 1935 INTERNATIONAL COUNCIL CORRESPONDENCE 3(2): 41-42, Feb 1937 [unsigned]

Full employment, see Serfdom. . .

248. "The future of the German labor movement." INTERNATIONAL COUNCIL CORRESPONDENCE 1(1):11-14, Oct 1934. [unsigned]

249. Industrial Worker. 1 May 1935.

250. "The future of tropical Africa;" review of Tropical Africa, by George H. T. Kimble. The New Republic 144(9):19-20, 27 Feb 1961.

251. "The future of unemployment." LIVING MARXISM 4(1):4-15, Feb 1938. [unsigned ]

262. The German revolution of 1913; A study of German socialism in war and revolt, by A. J. Ryder; review. Solidarity, 4(10): 18-20, 1967.

263. SCIENCE AND SOCIETY 32(3):348-50, Sum 1968.

264. "Germany today." INTERNATIONAL COUNCIL CORRESPONDENCE 1(11):I-7, Sep 1935. [unsigned]

265. Germany's master plan: The story of industrial offensive, by Joseph Borkin and Charles A. Welsh; review. NEW ESSAYS 6(4):80, Win 1943. [ unsigned]

275. "Government and business in the United States." SOCIALIST L, EADER 31 Mar 1956.

276. "The Great Depression and the New Deal.', Pp. 1l4-42, in #570.

280. "Groups of council communists." The Social Frontier 5;(45):243-53, May 1939.

281. "Council communism-" Pp. 73-86, in #30-31.

286. The growth of American thought, by M. Curtis; review. WESTERN SOCIALIST, pp. 91- 92, Aug 1944.

287. "Gunnar Myrdal's dilemma;" review of his Asian drama: An inquiry into the poverty of nations. SCIENCE AND SOCIETY 32(4):421-40, Fall 1968.

288. In Poverty: Selected readings, ed. J. L. Roach and J. K. Roach. Harmondsworth, Eng.: Penguin Books, 1972.

289. "Asian drama." International Socialist Journal 5(26/27): 385-402, 1968

293. "Guy Alfred's 'Mission' " review of his For communism: A communist manifesto defining the workers' struggle and the need for a new communist international. INTERNATIONAL COUNCIL CORRESPONDENCE 1(9):25, Jul 1935. [unsigned]

294. Hamlet, by H. Miller and M. Frankel, and The Journal of Albion Moonlight, by Kenneth Patchen; review. Decision 2(17-2):80 83, 1942.

295. Hammer or anvil: The story of the German working-class movement, by E. Anderson; review. WESTERN SOCIALIST 14(12b): 21, Jul 1947.

299. "Homecoming: The end of the Trotsky movement." INTERNATIONAL COUNCIL CORRESPONDENCE 1(2):26- 28, Nov 1934. [unsigned]

300. "How new is the 'New Order' of fascism?" Partisan Review 3(4): 289-310, Jul/Aug 1941.

301. "How to serve the dlsmaI science;" review of The worldy philosophers, by Robert L. Heilbroner. Dissent 1(2):202-04, Spr 1954.

302. "Humanism and socialism." International Socialism 22: 14-18, Fall 1965; reply, 25:16, 1966.

303. PP. 2-57-68, In #30-31.

311. The idea of nationalism, by Hans Kohn; review. Quarterly Review of Literature 2(1):69-74, Fall 1944.

316. In defense of Marxism: Against the petty-bourgeois opposition, by Leon Trotsky; review. NEW ESSAYS 6(4):80, Win 1943.

317. Industrial relations and the social order, by W. E. Moore; review. WESTERN SOCIALIST 18(158):21-22, Jan/Feb 1951

318. Industrial unionism in the American Labor movements by Theresa WoIfson and Abraham Weiss; review. INTERNATIONAL COUNCIL CORRESPONDENCE 3(9/10):33, Oct 1937 [unsigned]

319. The inevitability of communism: A critique of Sidney Hook's interpretation of Marx. (Polemic pamphlet, no. 3). New York: Polemic Publishers, 1935.

322. "Inflation." INTERNATIONAL COUNCIL CORRESPONDENCE 1(9):14-16, Jul 1936.

324. Japan over Asia, by W. H. Chamberlin; review. LIVING MARXISM 4(2):62, Mar 1938. [unsigned]

325. "The jitterbugs." LIVING MARXISM 4(6):161-65, Apr 1939. [unsigned]

327. John L. Lewis exposed, by Eric Haas; review. INTERNATIONAL COUNCIL CORRESPONDENCE 3(9/10):34-35 Oct 1937. [unsigned]

K - Z

339. "Karl Kautsky." Plebs 31(12):301-04, Dec 1939.

340. pp. 66-71, in # 609

341. "Karl Kautsky: From Marx to Hitler." LIVING MARXISM 4(7)193-207 Jun 1939.

342." " Pp. I-l7, in #30-31. 343.

347. Karl Korsch: His contribution to revolutionary Marxism." Controversy 1(1):11-21, Fall 1962.

348. " " Pp. 139-55, in #30-31.

349. The Marxism of Karl Korsch." Survey 53:86-97, Oct. 1964

354. Karl Marx, by Karl Korsch; review. LIVING MARXISM 4(6):185-88, Apr 1939.

355." " SCIENCE AND SOCIETY 29(l):l04-07, Win 1965.

357. Karl Marx and Marxian Science, by A. Petersen; review. Politics 1(5):156, Jun 1944.

358. Karl Marx' "Capital" in lithographs, by Hugo Gellert; review. Der Kampfsignal 3, I7 Mar 1934.

359. Der Freidenken (13/14):8, 1 Apr 1934.

360. "Kentucky. " Chicagoer Arbeiter Zeitung 1(10): 1-2, Dec 1931. [New Essays]

361. Keynesian economics: Critique of theory and practice, a study course." Mimeographed. Tel Aviv, 1963.

362. "The Keynesian International." Contemporary Issues 2(8):299-311. Spr 1951.

363. The Keynesian revolution." Socialist Leader, 28 Jan 1956.

364. "King Ben." Der Kampfruf 9(41):2-3, Oct 1928

365. The Kohler strike: Its socioeconomic causes and effects. by Walter H. Uphoff; review. Der FreidenkenF 66(9/10):15, 1 Mar 1936.


379. Labor and government, ed. A L. Bernheim and D. van Doren; review. Modern Monthly 5(l):139-40, 1936.

380. Labor,_ industry and government, by Matthew Woll; review. Modern Monthly 9(4):55, Jun 1935

381. The labor spy, by Gordon Hopkins. INTERNATIONAL COUNCIL CORRESPONDENCE 3(9/10):34, Oct 1937

Landlord, see Six . . .

Late capitalism, see Ernest Mandel's

383. "The Lenin legend." INTERNATIONAL COUNCIL CORRESPONDENCE 2(l):I-9, Dec 1935.

Western Socialist 13(111), Jan 1946.

390. Leninism or Marxism? by Rosa Luxemburg; introduction. INTERNATIONAL COUNCIL CORRESPONDENCE 1(5): 1-5, Feb 1935. [

393. "Leon Trotsky." LIVING MARXISM 5(2):1-6, Fail 1940.

394. The letters of Lenin; review. INTERNATIONAL COUNCIL CORRESPONDENCE 3(9/10:35-37, Oct 1937.

395. "The limits of integration." Pp. 374-400, in The critical spirit: Essays in honor of Herbert Marcuse, ed. Kurt H. Wolff and Barrington Moore, Jr. Boston: Beacon Press, 1967. [ cf. expanded version, #147]

399. "Long live the war." Living Marxism 5(2):42-61, Fall 1940.

402. "The Lorelei: Ending of Roosevelt's last fireside chat." LIVING MARXISM 4(3):72-78, May 1938.

403. Lotta Continua's "Interview with Paul Mattick." R&B 5:33-36 1978.

Luxemburg, see also Rosa . . .

408. "Luxemburg versus Lenin." Pt. 1: Modern Monthly 9(5):300-08, Sep 1935.


410." " Pts. 1 & 2: Pp 8-39, in #609

411. " " pp. 19-48, in #30-31.

421. "Man and society in an age of reconstruction;" review of Man and society in an age of reconstruction, by Karl Mannheim. LIVING MARXISM 5(4):30-59, Spr 1941.

424.The managerial revolution, by James Burnham; review. Modern Socialism, pp. 37-39, Spr 1942.

425. "Mandel's economics: Another view;" review of Marxist economic theory, by Ernest Mandel, International Socialism 37:35-39, Jun/Jul 1969.

426. "Some comments on Mandel's Marxist economic theory." Radical America 3(4):12-19, Jul/Aug 1969.

427. "Mandel's Late capitalism, see Ernest Mandel's

432. "The maritime strike." INTERNATIONAL COUNCIL CORRESPONDENCE 3(l):17-21, Jan 1934.

433. "Marx and Freud;" review of Eros and civilization: A philosophical inquiry into Freud, by Herbert Marcuse, Western Socialist 23(188):710, Mar/Apr 1956.

434. "Marx and Keynes." Western Socialist 22(186):15-20, Nov/Dec 1955.

435. " " Cahiers de l'ISEA S5:113-215, Jan 1962. [In English]

436. Marx and Keynes: The limits of the mixed economy. Boston: Porter Sargent, 1969.

437. " " London: Merlin Press, 197I.

446. Marx before Marxism, by David McLellan: review. SCIENCE AND SOCIETY 35(3): 378-30, Fall 1971.

455. "A Marxian' approach to the Jewish question;" review of Nationalism and the class struggle: A Marxian approach to the Jewish problem, by Ber Borochov., LIVING MARXISM 4(5):153-56 Nov 1938.

456. "The Marxian dialectic and its recent critics." NEW ESSAYS 6(2):49-75, Fall 1942.

457. "A Marxian oddity;" review of Marxism and freedom: From 1776 until today, by Raya Dunayevskaya. Western Socialist 25(200):17-20, 1958

458. Marxism, by George Lichtheim; review. Socialist Leader, 7 Jul 1962.

Marxism and freedom, see Marxian oddity . . .

459. "Marxism and marginal utility economics." LIVING MARXISM 4(6):182-85, Apr 1939.

460. "Marxism and 'monopoly capital."' Progressive Labor 7/8:34-49, 1967.

469. "Marxism and the Brookings Institution." International Review 2(6):90-96, Aug 1937.

470." " Workers Literature Bureau, pp. 8-15, Mar 1945.

471. "Marxism and the latest stage of capitalism;" review of Contemporary capitalism, by John Strachey. Western Socialist 24(194):709 & 717-19, ] Mar/Apr 1957.

473. "Marxism and the New physics;" review of The concept of reality in physics, by Max Born. Philosophy of Science 29(4): 350-64, Oct 1962.

474. " " 69-86, in #30-31. 477. "Marxism: Yesterday, today, and tomorrow. ROOT &BRANCH 10, 1981.

Marxist economic theory, see Mandel's economics

483. "Mass unemployment" Proletarian Outlook 5(1), Jan 1939.

484. "The masses and the vanguard." LIVING MARXISM 4(4):106-09, Aug 1938.

486. "Max Nomad's 'Masters of tomorrow;" rebuttal to Nomad's reply to "The dictatorship of the intellectuals?" (q.v.) INTERNATIONAL COUNCIL CORRESPONDENCE 2(12):14-41, Nov 1936.

487. Men who lead labor, by Bruce Minton and John Stuart. LIVING MARXISM 4(1): 32, Feb 1938.

490. "The modern Machiavellians." NEW ESSAYS 6(4):22-44, Win 1943.

491. 'Monopoly in America: The government as promoter. by W. Adam and H.M. Gray; review. Western Socialist 23(187):9, Jan/Feb 1956.

493. Much ado about nothing: The future of the C.I.O." INTERNATIONAL COUNCIL CORRESPONDENCE 3(7/8): 1-13, Aug 1937.

494. Mussolini's Roman Empire, by Geoffrey T. Garratt; review. LIVING MARXISM 4(7): 221-22, Jun 1939.

495. Mutual aid, by Peter Kropotkin; review. Western Socialist 23(187):7-8, Jan/Feb 1956.

496. My life as a rebel, by Angelica Balabanoff; review. LIVING MARXISM 4(6):192 Apr 1939.

497. "The N..R.A., a failure: What's Next?" Workers League News, Oct 1933.

500. The national debt and- government credit. by The Twentieth Century Fund; review. INTERNATIONAL COUNCIL CORRESPONDENCE 3(9/16).- 1, 42, Oct 1937.

502. "Nationalism and socialism." American Socialist 6(9):16-20, Sep 1959. "

505. "Nature and significance of 'overproduction'" INTERNATIONAL COUNCIL CORRESPONDENCE 3(5/6):23-28, Jun 1937.

506. The nature of capitalist crisis, by John Strachey; review. Modern Monthly 9(2): 120-23, Apr 1935.

508 " " The People 10, 19 May 1935.

512.The New Deal in action, by A. M. Schlesinger; review. 1(7):224, Jun-1-939.

513. New Essays: A quarterly devoted to the study of modern society; v.1,pp. 1-8, introduction to the 5- volume facsimile edition of INTERNATIONAL COUNCIL CORRESPONDENCE, LIVING MARXISM, and NEW ESSAYS. Westport,Conn.: Greenwood Reprint Corp., 1970.

514. "International Council Correspondence, Living Marxism. New Essays." Pp. 357-0'3, in The American radical press 1880-1960 ed. Joseph R. Conlin. Westport, Conn.: Greenwood Reprint Corp., 1974.

515. "The 'New look' in economics: The New economics and the New political economy of foreign policy;" review of Policies to combat depression, report of a conference sponsored by the U.S. National Bureau for Economic Research, and The political economy of American foreign policy, report. of a study group of the Woodrow Wilson Foundation and the U.S. National Planning Association. Western Socialist 23(189): 5-8, May/Jun 1956.

518. "New strikes--New methods." INTERNATIONAL COUNCIL CORRESPONDENCE 3(2):26-31, Feb 1937.

521. "Nixon's 'New ' economic policy." Radical America 6(1):14-17, Jan/Feb 1972.

522. Bulletin of the Conference of Socialist Economists 2:43-52, Spr 1972.

523. "The nonsense of planning;." One Big Union Monthly 1(8) 14-17 & 33-34, Aug 1937.

524. "Notes on productivity and profits." INTERNATIONAL COUNCIL CORRESPONDENCE 3(4): 22- 26, Apr 1937.

525. "Notes on the question of uNew Essaysmployment." INTERNATIONAL COUNCIL CORRESPONDENCE 3(l):27-33, Jan 1937.

526. "Notes on the war question." INTERNATIONAL COUNCIL CORRESPONDENCE 2(2):1-9, Jan 1936.

534. "Obsessions of Berlin." Partisan Review 15(10):1108-24, Oct 1948.

535. " " The Adelphi, Jan/Mar and Apr/Jun 1949.

538. "On fluctuation of wages." INTERNATIONAL COUNCIL CORRESPONDENCE 3(3):23-28, Mar 1937.

539. "On international affiliations." Industrial Solidarity, 14 May and 21 May 1930.

543. "On the concept of 'state monopoly capital."' Pp. 28-37, in Marxism and Monopoly Capital. (critique, no. 1: A R&B pamphlet). Somerville, Mass.: R&B, 1975. [In #461]

544. " " Pp. 80-90, in #198-200.

549. "On the economic theory of socialism" review of On the economic theory of socialism: Government control of the economic order. by Oscar Lange and Fred M. Taylor. LIVING MARXISM 4(8): 234-44, Sep 1939. [New Essays]

550. "One step forward, two steps backward: Critical remarks 'on the 'Statement of programmatic orientation by the American Workers Party."' Modern Monthly 8(10):623-28 & 631 & 64o, Dec 1934,

552. "One year 'People's Front' in France." INTERNATIONAL COUNCIL CORRESPONDENCE 3(9/10):13-15 & 43-46, Oct 1937.

553. "Organizations of the unemployed." LIVING MARXISM,4 4(4):97-105, Aug 1938.

Oriental despotism, see Hydraulic

554. The origin of the inequality of the social classes, by Gunnar Landtman; review. LIVING MARXISM 4(7):223, Jun 1939. [New Essays]

555. The origins of American intervention in Russia [19181, by Leonid J. Stralthovsky; review. LIVING MARXISM 4(2);63, Mar 1938.

557. "Otto Ruhle and the German labor movement." Workers Literature Bureau, pp. 4-15, May 1945. 558. " " pp. 87-115, in #30-31.

567. An outline of finance, by Arthur Woodburn; review. INTERNATIONAL COUNCIL CORRESPONDENCE 3(9/10):31-32, Oct 1931.

568. Out-line study course in Marxian economics. Chicago: INTERNATIONAL COUNCIL CORRESPONDENCE, 1935.

571. "The party and the working class." INTERNATIONAL COUNCIL CORRESPONDENCE 2(9/10):43- 48, Sep 1936.

572. " " Solidarity 4(39/40):1 & 4, Aug/Sep 1941.

575. "The permanent crisis: Henryk Grossmann's interpretation of Marx' theory of capitalist accumulation." INTERNATIONAL COUNCIL CORRESPONDENCE 1(2): 1-20, Nov 1934

580. "Philosophy and the state." NEW ESSAYS 6(3):58-69, Spr 1943.

581. "Planning the chaos?" Review of Controlling depressions, by Paul H. Douglas. INTERNATIONAL COUNCIL CORRESPONDENCE 3(2):41-42, Feb 1937.

582. " " Modern Monthly 9(7) 42-46, Jan 1936.

Policies, see New look . . .

Polititcal economy, see New look

587. Politics and trade policy, by J. R. Wilkinson;. review. SCIENCE AND SOCIETY 26(l): 103-09, Win 1962.

588. The politics of war: The world and United States policy, 1943-45, and The roots of American foreign policy, An analysis of power and purose, by Gabriel Kolko; review. SCIENCE AND SOCIETY 53(4):47l- 73, Fall 1969.

589. "Potsdam and after in the light of Keynes." American Perspective 4(4): 441-5!2, 1950.

Power, see Uses of . . .

590. The present as history, by Paul M. Sweezy; review. Western Socialist 22(183): 11, May/Jun 1955.

595. The principle of power: The great political crisis of history, by Guglmo Ferro; review. NEW ESSAYS 6(3).'78-79, Spr 1943.

599. Prosperity in crisis Joseph M. Gilman; review. Contemporary Issues 52: 21-23, Spr 1966.

600. "Prosperity in Western Europe." The New Republic 146(14):25 -28, 2 Apr 1962.

604. "Racketeering: A phase of class conflict."' INTERNATIONAL COUNCIL CORRESPONDENCE 3(7/8:30-45), Aug 1937.

605. Radical political economy. Capitalism and Socialism from a Marxist-humanist Perspective, by Howard Sherman; review. SCIENCE AND SOCIETY 238-42, Sum 1973.

606. A real New Deal, by Charles E. Carpenter; review. LIVING MARXISM 4(2).63-64, Mar 1938.

608. A reappraisal of Marxian economics, by M.Wolfson review. SCIENCE AND SOCIETY 31(3):373-75, Sum 1967. 609. Rebels and renegades and other essays. MelbourNew Essays: Workers Literature Bureau. 1946. [includes contents: #172, #340, & # 4I0

612. The recovery problem in the United States, by The Brookings Institution; review. INTERNATIONAL COUNCIL CORRESPONDENCE 3(5/6):37-40, Jun 1937.

613. Reflection on the revolution of our times, by R. J. Laski; review. Western Socialist, pp. 7- 8, Jun 1944.

614. "Reflections on input-output economics;" review of Input-output economics, by Wassily Leontief. SCIENCE AND SOCIETY 31(2):202-21, Spr 1967.

618. Reflections on the failure of socialism, by Max Eastman; review. Socialist Leader, 21 Jan 1956.

619. "Reflections on the loss of gold." Minority of One 3(6):6-7, Jan 1961.

621. The revolution betrayed, by Leon Trotsky; review. INTERNATIONAL COUNCIL CORRESPONDENCE 3(5/6):29-34, Jun 1937

622. " " One Big Union Monthly 1(11):32-34, Nov 1937.

623. "The 'revolution' of the Babbits." The Adelphi, pp. 416-19, Mar 1934.

628. "Revolutionary Marxism." INTERNATIONAL COUNCIL CORRESPONDENCE 1(8):1-6, May 1935.

629. Rich land--poor land, by Stuart Chase; review. INTERNATIONAL COUNCIL CORRESPONDENCE 3(11/12):20-21, Dec 1937.

630. "The rise of a New Essaysw labor movement." INTERNATIONAL COUNCIL CORRESPONDENCE 1(10):I-26, Aug 1935.

635. "The role of the party: From the bottom up." Modern Socialism, pp. 14-17, Win 1941/42

Roots, see Politics of war . . .

636. Rosa Luxemburg, by J. P. Nettll; review. SCIENCE AND SOCIETY 32(l):108-14, Win 1967.

637. Rosa Luxemburg: Her life and work, by Paul Frolich; review. LIVING MARXISM 5(2): 63-94, Fall 1940.

638. "Rosa Luxemburg in retrospect." Root & Branch 6:36-47, 1978

642. "A run on gold." Socialist Leader, 11 Feb 196l.

643. "Russia and the Next war." The Attack, May 1936.

644. "Russials latest executions---why?" INTERNATIONAL COUNCIL CORRESPONDENCE 3(2): 12- 13, Feb 1937

653. "Samuelson's 'transformations' of Marxism into bourgeois economics." SCIENCE AND SOCIETY 36(3):258-73, Fall 1972. . .

Sane, see Fromm's

661. "Science in the light of Marxism;" review of Die Wissensdhaft im Lichte des Marxismus, by H. Wallon et al. LIVING MARXISM 4(2): 64, Mar 1938.

665. The scientific method of thinking: An introduction to dialectic materialism, by Edward Conze; review. INTERNATIONAL COUNCIL CORRESPONDENCE 2(5):28-29, Apr 1936.

666. "The scum of humanity." INTERNATIONAL COUNCIL CORRESPONDENCE 1(6).:9-18, Mar 1935.

667. "Security with 403's: What you ought to know about relief and W.P.A." LIVING MARXISM 4(8):225- 33, Sep 1939.

668. "Serfdom in a free society;" review of The road to serfdom, byF. A. Hayek, and Full employment in a free society, by W. H. Beveridge. Western Socialist 13(118):91-94, Sep 1946.

672. The silent war: The underground movement in Germany, by J. B. Jansen and Stefan Weyl; review. NEW ESSAYS 6(3).77-78, Spr 1943.

674. Social-economic movements, by 11. W. Laidler; review. Western Socialist 18(158):22, Jan/Feb 1951.

Social origins, see Support

675. Social Security, by Abraham Epstein; review. INTERNATIONAL COUNCIL CORRESPONDENCE 3(9/10):32-33, Oct 1937.

678. The Socialist Party of America: A history, by D. A. Shannon; review. Western Socialist 23(191):16-17, Sep/Oct 1956. [signed "S.F."]

679. The sociological imagination. by C. Wright Mills; review. Chicago Jewish Forum 18(4):35-8,-Sum 1960.

Some comments., see Mandel's

680. Soviet Russian nationalism, by F. C. Barghoorn; review. Western Socialist 23(191): i4-i5, Sep/Oct 1956.

681. The Soviets, by Albert Rhys Williams;.review. INTERNATIONAL COUNCIL CORRESPONDENCE 3(9/10): 35, Oct 1937.

686. Spain today: Revolution or counter-revolution, by Edward Conze; review. International Council Correpsondence 3(2):43, Feb 1937.

687. The Spartacus uprising and the crisis of the German socialist movement: A study of the relation of Political theory and party practice by Eric Waldman; review. SCIENCE AND SOCIETY 24(3): 266-69, Sum 1960.

689. 'Spontaneity and organization." Left 152:121- 38, Aug 1949.

690. PP. 117-37, in #30-31.

Stalin: An appraisal, see Stalin, Trotsky

698 . Stalin and German Communism: A study in the origins of the state party, by Ruth Fischer; review Left 147: 17-24, Feb. 1949.Western Socialist 15(146): 17-22, Mar/Apr 1949 -

700. The Stalin School of Falsification, by leon Trotsky; review INTERNATIONAL COUNCIL CORRESPONDENCE 3(9/10): 39, Oct 1937

701. "Stalin, Trotsky and Lenin:" review of Stalin; An Appraisal of the man and his influence, by Leon Trotsky Southern Socialist International Digest 29: 6-11, 7 Feb 1947

702. " " Now 8: 54-57, May/Jun and 9:67-72, Jul/Aug 1947

703. "Bolshevism and Stalinism: Politics 4(2): 36, Mar/Apr 1947

704. " " pp. 61-72 in # 30-31

705. "Stalin" Indian Sociologist 7(4), Jan 1948

709. Stalinism and Bolshevism, by Leon Trotsky; review INTERNATIONAL COUNCIL CORRESPONDENCE 3(11/12): 36-40, Dec 1937

710. Stalin's frame-up system and the Moscow Trials, by Leon Trotsky; review Western Socialist 18(158): 19-20, Jan/Feb 1951

711. The state and the socialist revolution, by Julius O. Martov; review LIVING MARXISM 4(7): 220-221, Jun 1939

712. "State Capitalism and the mixed economy." pp 91-113, in # 198-200

State Capitalism in, see What kind

715. Spy overhead: The story of industrial espionage, by Clinch Calkins, and The labor spy racket, by Leo Huberman; review F, Jan. 1938716.

716 " " LIVING MARXISM 4(2): 61-62 Mar 1938

717. The story of the C.I.O., by Benjamin Stolberg and Labor's New millions, by Mary Heaton Vorse; review LIVING MARXISM 4(6): 190-92, Apr 1939

722.The structure of the Nazi economy, by MaxiNew Essays Y. Sweezy, and The social policy of Nazi Germany by C.W. Guillebaud. NEW ESSAYS 6(2):75 775 Fall 1942.

723. "The struggle for democracy; review of The pursuit of happiness: The story of American democracy by Herbert Agar. LIVING MARXISM 497): 207-11 Jun 1939

724. "Struggles of the unemployed in England" Workers League News, Dec 1932

726. "Support to failure;" review of Social origins of dictatorship and democracy: Lord and peasant in the making of the modern world, by Barrington-Moore, Jr. International Socialist Journal 5(25):153-60, Feb 1968.

727. "Supreme Court reform: New blood in the judiciary." INTERNATIONAL COUNCIL CORRESPONDENCE 3(-3): 6-9, Mar 1937.

729. Theories of value and distribution since Adam Smith: Ideology and economic theory , by Maurice Dobb SCIENCE AND SOCIETY 38(2): 220-23 Sum 1975.

730. The theory and practice of socialism, by John Strachey; review. International Review 2(3),.41- 42, and (4):60-61, Apr-May 1937.

This Question, see America on relief . . .

Towards the understanding, see Revolutionary interpretation

738. Toynbee and history: Critical essays and reviews. ed. M. F. Ashley Montagu; review. Western Socialist 23(191):16, Sep/Oct 1956.

739. The tragedy of Spain, by Rudolph Rocker; review INTERNATIONAL COUNCIL CORRESPONDENCE 1(11/12): 21-22, Dec 1937.

Trends, see America on relief

Tropical, see Future . . .

743. "Two men in a boat, not to speak of the eight points." LIVING MARXISM 6(1): 24-79, Fall 1941.

745. "Two New Marxian quarterlies;" review of Science and Society and Marxist Quarterly. INTERNATIONAL COUNCIL CORRESPONDENCE 3(2):32-36, Feb 1937

748. "Unemployment and crime." Industrial Worker, 14 Sep 1935.

749. "Unemployment and relief in Illinois;" manuscript presented to the Federal Writers Project, Washington, 1936.

750. Unemployment and the labor market." Industrial Worker, 6 May 1939.

751. "Union unity?" LIVING MARXISM 4(6):166-68, Apr 1939.

Unions, see American labor

752. "The United States in South East Asia." International Socialist Journal 3(14):119-48, 1966.

753. "America's war in Indochina." Root &Branch 3:19-26, 1971.

754. "The United States and Indochina." Pp. 173-207, in Root and Branch: The rise of the workers movements, ed. Greenwich, Conn.: Fawcett Publications, 1975

759. "Upton Sinclair on the road to fascism?" INTERNATIONAL COUNCIL CORRESPONDENCE 1(2):23-24, Nov 1934.

761. "The uses of power;" review of The power elite, by C. Wright Mills. Socialist Leader, 9 Jun 1956.

762." " American Socialist 3(81:19-20, Aug 1956.

764. "Value and price." SCIENCE AND SOCIETY 23(4):289-97, Fall 1959.

767. "Value theory and capital accumulation;" review of The falling rate of profit: Marx's law and its Significance to twentieth century capitalism, by Joseph M. Gilman. SCIENCE AND SOCIETY 23(1): 27- 51, Win 1959.

777. "Wages and prices." INTERNATIONAL COUNCIL CORRESPONDENCE 3(4):12-15 & 21, Apr 1937.

781. "The war for a better world." LIVING MARXISM 5(3):50-61, Win 1941. [signed 'Luenika"]

782. "The war is permanent." LIVING MARXISM 5(l):1-27, Spr 1940.

784. "War prevention schemes." INTERNATIONAL COUNCIL CORRESPONDENCE 3(3):9-11 & 19, Mar 1937.

785. "Was the Bolshevik Revolution a failure?" Modern Quarterly 11(l): 7 & 16-20, Fall 1938.

Wealth, see Affluence . . .

787. The web of thought and action, by H. Levy. INTERNATIONAL COUNCIL CORRESPONDENCE 3(9/10):37-38, Oct 1937.

790. "Welcome the depression." LIVING MARXISM 4(2)-:33-40, Mar 1938.

Western, see Arms . . .

795. "What can the uNew Essaysmployed do'?" Pt. I. LIVING MARXISM 4(2):52-61, Mar 1933.

796. Pt. 2: "Bootlegging of coal in Pennsylvania." LIVING MARXISM 4(3): 85-92, May 1938.

797. " " pp. 4-22, in Fighting for survival: The bootleg coal industry. Huntington, W. Va. Appalachian Movement Press, 1973.

798. What has become of the Russian Revolution? by M. Yvon; review. INTERNATIONAL COUNCIL CORRESPONDENCE 3(11/12): 19 Dec 1937.

799. "What is communism?" INTERNATIONAL COUNCIL CORRESPONDENCE l(l):1-9, Oct 1934.

800. What communism really is. Chicago: INTERNATIONAL COUNCIL CORRESPONDENCE. 1934.

801. "What kind of enterprises?" Review of State Capitalism in the economy of the United States, by Paul K. Crosser. The New Republic 143(27):17-18, 26 -Dec 1960.

803. "What Next in Spain?" INTERNATIONAL COUNCIL CORRESPONDENCE 3(3):12-19, Mar 1937.

804. "What will I do when America goes to war? A symposium statement." Modern Monthly 9(5):264 & 267-68, Sep 1935.

805. "What's behind the 'New Deal?"' INTERNATIONAL COUNCIL CORRESPONDENCE 1(3): 18-22, Dec 1934

806. "Why don't the unemployed fight? A Marxian Analysis." Industrial Worker 14(136):4, 22 Aug.: (136)smile 4, 29 Aug, and (138):4, 5 Sep 1933.

808. Why fascism? by Ellen Wilkinson and Edward Conzt; review. Der Freidenken 26 May 1935.

809. " " Modern Monthly 9(6):381. Dec 1935.

810. "Why 'New Deal' changed." Industrial Worker 2 Sep 1939.

813. "Will we have unemployment insurance?" 'Workers League News Apr 1933.

819. "The Workers' Alliance." LIVING MARXISM 4(5):156-60, Nov 1938.

820. Workers before and after Lenin: Fifty Years of Russian labor. by Manya Gordon; review. LIVING MARXISM 6(1):79-80, Fall 1941. [signed "Luenika"]

821. "Workers' control." Pp. 376-39, in The New Left: A collection of essays, ed. Priscilla Long. Boston: Porter Sargent, 1969.

822. " " Pp. 211-31, in #30-31. 823. 825. World communism: A history of the Communist International, by F. Borkenau LIVING MARXISM 4(8):255-56 1939.

826. The world of nations: A study of the national implications in the work of Karl Marx, by Solomon P. Bloom; review. LIVING MARXISM 5(4):64, Spr 194l.

827. World revolution, 1917-1936: The rise and fall of the Communist International, by C. L. R. James; review. INTERNATIONAL COUNCIL CORRESPONDENCE 3(9/10): 40-41, Oct 1937.

828. "The world war in the making." LIVING MARXISM 4(5):129-38, Nov 1938.

830. World without barriers, by E. R. Posnack; review. Western Socialist 23(192):17, Nov/Dec 1956.

Worldly philosophers, see How to . . .

831. World-wide fascism or world revolution? Manifesto and Program. Chicago: United Workers Party of America, 1934.

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Jan 10 2012 18:45


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