Challenging media bias since 1986.

BY Jordan Holycross

New York Times’ Trauma Tourism

October 26, 2018

BY CounterSpin

Nancy Altman on Social Security Myths

October 26, 2018

BY Jim Naureckas

ACTION ALERT: While Rangers Fight Wildfires, USA Today Fans Flames of Gun Paranoia

October 25, 2018

BY Janine Jackson

‘They’re Going to Pen You In and Charge You for It’

October 24, 2018

BY Janine Jackson

‘The US Immigration System Is Inherently Abusive and Violent and Racist’

October 24, 2018

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New York Times: Trapped by the Walmart of Heroin

New York Times’ Trauma Tourism

The New York Times Magazine took readers on a sensational 6,000-word tour of trauma, complete with cringe-worthy language and compassionless photographs.

Social Security

Nancy Altman on Social Security Myths

Reporting on Mitch McConnell’s threat to Social Security didn’t include any questioning of media’s own role in laying the groundwork for claims that Social Security is a “controversial” or “troubled” program in need of “addressing.”

USA Today photo of a rifle target

ACTION ALERT: While Rangers Fight Wildfires, USA Today Fans Flames of Gun Paranoia

Please ask USA Today not to inflame the gun control debate with clickbait headlines.

Mara Verheyden-Hilliard (image: WTTG/WDCA)

‘They’re Going to Pen You In and Charge You for It’

“The government doesn’t own our public spaces. They are the stewards of our public spaces, and they are simply supposed to manage them. But they want to treat this now as if our public parks, our public lands, are somehow their property.”

‘The US Immigration System Is Inherently Abusive and Violent and Racist’

“Different immigrant communities have different realities and lived experiences. And I want to highlight those as much as possible, and make them the story, make them the center of the story.”

Imposing ‘Balance’ Requires Distortion of Palestine/Israel Struggle

Instead of pretending that the conduct of Palestinians and Israelis is qualitatively and quantitatively the same, what’s needed is an honest accounting.

American flag with Saudi Arabian speaker

Blaming Saudis for Corrupting Otherwise Human Rights–Loving US

The United States’ grotesque alliance with the Saudi theocratic monarchy is not a product of a foreign boogeyman, but core to the US imperial project.

Extra! and CounterSpin

Extra! the newsletter of FAIR

FAIR’s 4-page, ad-free, newsletter publishes ten times a year bringing you the media analysis and activism that you won’t find anywhere else. Choose a print subscription, a digital PDF edition, or both together.

CounterSpin is FAIR's weekly radio show, available on more than 150 noncommercial radio stations and online

FAIR’s weekly radio show is hosted by Janine Jackson. CounterSpin is heard on more than 150 noncommercial stations across the United States and Canada. CounterSpin provides a critical examination of the major stories every week, and exposes what the mainstream media might have missed in their own coverage. The current show and a back archive of shows and transcripts are available online.

FAIR Studies

Block Club depiction of Chicago Police vehicle

Publishing Police Press Releases as Local ‘Crime’ Reporting

Block Club Chicago suffers, particularly on the issue of “crime” reporting, from the same stunted ethical scope all other local corporate media does. Again and again, Block Club’s “crime” reporting consists of simply copy-and-pasting Chicago police blotters about alleged crimes, with no effort to report any side other than the police’s.

Morning Edition tilts to the right

Morning Edition’s Think Tank Sources Lean to the Right

Thirty-five percent of think tank sources on NPR’s morning news show were from conservative or center-right groups, while 19 percent involved progressive or center-left groups.

Abolish ICE Now! cc photo: Sasha Patkin

Calls to Abolish ICE Get Cold Shoulder on Newspaper Opinion Pages

Of the 90 opinion pieces on the subject of ICE that were published in papers across the US from June 28 to July 18, 85 were explicitly against abolishing ICE, while only five were supportive.

ABC News depiction of the immigrant child whose voice was captured by ProPublica

Child Separation Coverage Focused on Beltway Debate, Not Immigrant Voices

As corporate media dove into the child separation story, the voices of those impacted most by immigration policy were drowned out by soundbites from congressmembers and Trump administration officials.

Korean President Moon Jae-in

Korean Voices Missing From Major Papers’ Opinions on Singapore Summit

In major-paper opinion coverage of the Singapore summit, the people with the most to lose and gain from the summit, the people whose nation was actually being discussed—Koreans—were almost uniformly ignored.