Steve Larder is an artist, illustrator, and publisher of indie-comics and zines. He has been publishing his auto-biographical illustrated zine, ‘Rum Lad’ since 2006 and is a regular contributor to 'As You Were' - an international punk comic anthology. Steve lives and works in Nottingham, UK and frequently attends small press events and speaking engagements as well as teaching small publishing workshops. When Steve’s inky fingers are not drawing they making a racket in various music projects.

News :

13/09/17 - 'The Very Strange Thing' added in 'Prints'.

Contact me : /

+44 (0)7883305281





Upcoming events :

23/09/17 : Independent Print and Publishing Fair - Nottingham Writers' Studio.

14/10/17 - Nottingham Comic Convention - Nottingham Conference Centre.

28/10/17 : Lincoln Zine Fair 2017 - The LPAC, Lincoln.

04/11/17 : Nottingham Zine Fest 2017 - Rough Trade, Nottingham.