Theresa May

Updated: 03:28 EST


Humiliated Theresa May heads to Brussels for crucial summit as pro-EU Tory rebels boast about taking 'control' of Brexit process after defeating the government and winning a vote on the final deal 

14/12/17 08:28

14/12/17 01:30

A rebellion of 11 Conservative MPs secured a crunch Commons vote 309 to 305 - handing Mrs May her first ever legislative defeat by just four votes in an historic blow to her credibility.

13/12/17 09:48

The Prime Minister is facing a backlash after apparently increasing the divorce bill offer to up to £50billion.

13/12/17 02:18

At a climate change summit in Paris yesterday, Theresa May said she was ‘very concerned’ by the impact of plastic waste on marine life and pledged to take action.

13/12/17 01:35

EU chief negotiator Michel Barnier has warned that the bloc would 'not accept any backtracking' on the package that was painstakingly assembled by Theresa May in Brussels last week.

13/12/17 01:34

Senior Tory Dominic Grieve (pictured) today vowed to force through his amendment writing the need for a 'meaningful vote' into the EU withdrawal laws tomorrow night.

13/12/17 01:27

Tory grandee Lord Lawson launched a furious attack on the PM saying she had put the country in an 'humiliating' position by begging the EU for a trade deal.

12/12/17 17:11

The Prime Minister was booed and heckled by some residents when she visited the scene of the disaster as locals in west London lashed out at authorities over the fire.

12/12/17 12:10

Theresa May's Brexit deal appears to have led to a small bounce for her party with YouGov putting them on 42 per cent - a single point ahead of Labour on 41 per cent.

12/12/17 10:38

There was no mistaking a lift in the Government’s mood when Theresa May came to the Commons to make a statement about her Brussels agreement, writes QUENTIN LETTS.

12/12/17 09:21

Theresa May scrambled to try to win over Europeans who have moved  to the UK by sayings he understands their 'underlying anxiety' at their future when we quit the bloc.

12/12/17 08:36

Documents show that EU negotiators plan to issue the demand during the next phase of negotiations in return for the ‘transition deal’ wanted by the Prime Minister.

11/12/17 21:51

Theresa May was lashed for offering Britain a Brexit deal that is 'unravelling quicker than a hand-knitted Christmas jumper' today as she defended her agreement with Brussels.

11/12/17 19:11

SNP Westminster chief Ian Blackford (pictured) insisted the Prime Minister should tell the Commons she was committed to a soft border between the Republic and Northern Ireland.

11/12/17 18:21

Bobby Vedral (pictured), a banker partner at Goldman Sachs, said the Labour leader could win power within months if Theresa May's ailing government breaks under pressure.

11/12/17 11:07

Sir Keir Starmer gave the most detailed account yet of Labour's stance as he hinted that the party could back a second referendum on relations with the EU.

11/12/17 10:56

Addressing the House of Commons for the first time since last week’s breakthrough, the PM will promise to ensure that a sovereign UK ‘takes control of its borders, money and laws once again’.

10/12/17 19:05

The Brexit Secretary insisted the package signed off in Brussels merely amounted to a 'statement of intent' about keeping a a soft Irish border and did not mean we would accept the EU's rules wholesale.

10/12/17 17:20

Theresa May and David Davis need to clarify whether they want Britain to stay close to Europe or gravitate to US trade rules before the UK can strike meaningful post- Brexit deals, says Gonzalez.

10/12/17 17:18

The Prime Minister stepped in after Chancellor Philip Hammond and Defence Secretary Gavin Williamson hurled abuse at each other in a shouting match.

10/12/17 16:58

A cross-party group of MPs are pushing an amendment that would force the government to hold a binding vote before it can formally enact the UK's departure from the EU.

10/12/17 13:29

It speaks volumes about Michael Gove and the poisonous political tendency he represents that he waited only a few hours after Theresa May’s modest Brussels triumph before trying to destroy it.

10/12/17 12:13

Michael Gove led the Brexit campaign with Boris Johnson and has suggested voters could force a more radical approach to the UK exit from the European Union.

10/12/17 11:27

David Jones said the settlement dramatically agreed by Theresa May last week could mean handing over 'monstrous' sums.

09/12/17 17:45

The Prime Minister beamed as she placed the silver heel on the tree while husband Philip watched on in their Maidenhead church. Mrs May has described shoes as 'the love of her life'.

09/12/17 00:54

Nigel Dodds, the party's Brexit chief, said the party's 'influence has been brought to bear' on government in securing the last minute changes to the deal.

08/12/17 18:39

After a frantic night of negotiations, a bleary-eyed PM and Jean-Claude Juncker confirmed the 'breakthrough' had been achieved at an early morning press conference.

08/12/17 18:05

The divorce deal signed off by the PM sets out the arrangements for more than three million EU nationals already living in the UK, and one million Britons residing on the continent.

08/12/17 17:30

Staff were enjoying their festive celebration with drinks and canapes in No10 as the frantic negotiations took place.

08/12/17 09:42

Theresa May has finalised a deal with the EU that will unlock talks on trade after frantic night-long negotiations.

08/12/17 07:16

The aggressive approach emerged yesterday as the Prime Minister tries to iron out a deal on the so-called ‘divorce bill’ that would open up talks on trade (pictured: European Parliament in Strasbourg).

08/12/17 01:37

Theresa May is said to be poised to fly to Brussels first thing this morning to finalise a deal with the EU that will unlock talks on trade after frantic night-long negotiations.

08/12/17 01:03

An Irish official said Westminster and Dublin are 'very close' to an agreement on the Irish border and that talks are 'moving quickly'.

07/12/17 17:55

The Queen has arrived in Portsmouth, Hampshire, for the Commissioning Ceremony of the £3.1billion and 65,000-tonne warship, known as Big Lizzie, as it is welcomed into the Navy.

07/12/17 17:50

The former Chancellor said there is a 'consensus' in the parliamentary Conservative Party for the beleaguered PM to be ousted from No 10.

07/12/17 10:50

Chris Grayling was left floundering this morning as he got an on-air grilling about why the Government's Brexit plans hit the skids in what viewers branded a 'car crash' interview.

07/12/17 08:29

The Prime Minister was one of several MPs to tear into Donald Trump for his hugely controversial decision, branding it a threat to peace.

07/12/17 07:48

During Prime Minister's Questions, Jacob Rees-Mogg made his point about not caving into to the EU with such faultless politeness he could have been offering her a slice of lemon drizzle cake.

06/12/17 22:35

Leo Varadkar claimed he had spoken to Mrs May earlier today and that she wanted to get back to him either 'tonight or tomorrow'.

06/12/17 20:05

The PM's deputy faces jibes that he has not been focused on his role as a link with the Northern Ireland party - which is propping up Theresa May in power.

06/12/17 17:58

Naa'imur Zakariyah Rahman, 20, and Mohammed Aqib Imran, 21, will appear at Westminster Magistrates' Court on Wednesday charged with planning terror attacks.

06/12/17 17:24

The report by pollsters NatCen found the proportion of voters who think the UK will get a good deal has fallen from a third back in February to just under a fifth (19 per cent) now.

06/12/17 17:23

The PM's spokesman contradicted the Chancellor after he said it was 'inconceivable' that the UK would not hand over money that it was 'obliged' to pay.

06/12/17 09:07

Two Muslim men are suspected of conspiring to attack Downing Street armed with an improvised bomb, suicide vest and knives.

06/12/17 06:11

The Prime Minister faced a backlash after David Davis confirmed some sectors of the UK economy could have to align with the EU after Brexit to resolve the Irish border issue.

05/12/17 20:18

The Brexit Secretary said the United Kingdom would leave the EU as one nation and no government of any stripe would ever countenance doing otherwise.

05/12/17 20:12

Scottish Tory Paul Masterton (pictured) said the current draft Brexit law on devolution - which is also opposed by the SNP and Scottish Labour - is 'not fit for purpose' and must be replaced.

05/12/17 14:21

Adele, who grew up in Tottenham, North London,  tweeted her support for a petition that calls for the appointment of individuals from a wide range of backgrounds to sit alongside the retired judge.

05/12/17 09:50

Cabinet sources said the Chancellor made the claim at No.10, while in a heated meeting discussing new defence cuts with former Defence Secretary, Sir Michael Fallon.

05/12/17 02:55

In Brussels, when Theresa May arrived for lunch with Jean-Claude Juncker, the wine waiter must have been fingering his corkscrew like Wyatt Earp checking his Colt .45.

05/12/17 01:13

Prime Minister Theresa May broke away from talks with EU leaders to speak to DUP leader Arlene Foster. After the call she backed off a draft agreement critics claim would leave NI in the EU.

04/12/17 17:34

Exclusive: Theresa May said the cap will save around 17 million households up to £100 a year but the Government's proposed legislation states that 'green' tariffs will be exempt.

04/12/17 16:56

The FTSE 100 closed 38.48 points higher at 7,338.97.

04/12/17 14:04

Frazer Thompson, the chief executive of Chapel Down, England's biggest winemaker, was accused of talking 'rubbish' after he said Britons will 'starve' if Brexit stops fruit pickers entering the UK.

04/12/17 13:50

The owner of the New York and Chicago mercantile exchanges has warned the pound could face a ‘nightmare scenario’ if Jeremy Corbyn becomes prime minister.

04/12/17 13:09

US show Saturday Night Live capitalised on the awkward back-and-forth between the two world leaders, with cast member Kate McKinnon performing her best 'Maybot' impression.

04/12/17 08:50

An EU source said the chance of progressing to a possible deal with Dublin was now only ‘50/50’ - which would be a huge blow to the Prime Minister and derails today's crunch talks in Brussels.

04/12/17 07:42

Former Home Secretary Lord Michael Howard (pictured) said retired officers leaking information was 'very damaging' to public trust in the police.

04/12/17 07:38

Ex-Tory leader Iain Duncan Smith (pictured) and former Court of Appeal judge Sir Richard Aikens both warned the Prime Minister to block any future role for the European Court of Justice (ECJ).

03/12/17 18:49

CME Group, an American financial market company with a major office in the City of London, issued the warnings in a briefing last month at the height of the harassment scandal sweeping Westminster.

03/12/17 18:28

Tony Blair's intervention comes on the eve of showdown talks between Theresa May and Jean-Claude Juncker in Brussels on terms of Britain's divorce deal.

03/12/17 17:58

Jeremy Hunt hit out after a flurry of warnings from Brexiteers about the terms of a draft deal due to be discussed by Theresa May in Brussels tomorrow.

03/12/17 16:47

Plans are being made for the US president to make a 'working visit' within months to open the new American embassy in London.

03/12/17 15:24

Donald Trump's intemperate response to what was no more than a mild rebuke from Mrs May was piqued by the fact that he cannot bear being challenged by a woman, writes MICHAEL BURLEIGH.

03/12/17 14:49

The EU has taken advantage of Theresa May’s ‘botched’ Election to run rings around Britain in Brexit talks – and has used her weakened position to ‘punish’ us with a massive ‘divorce’ bill.

03/12/17 14:38

Ex-Labour cabinet minister Alan Milburn said Theresa May could not fulfil her promise of 'a country that works for everyone' while her entire focus was on Brexit.

02/12/17 18:01

Sir Peter Fahy, pictured, the former chief constable of Greater Manchester Police, warned that police should stay out of politics amid a growing row over the alleged discovery.

02/12/17 16:03

The real danger, though, lies not with Mr Corbyn, who is basically a glorified frontman, it comes from his puppet master and Shadow Chancellor, John McDonnell, writes DOMINIC SANDBROOK.

02/12/17 15:35

Bear in mind that Mr Green has been in dispute with the police ever since they raided his Commons office when he was a shadow Home Office minister before the 2010 General Election.

02/12/17 14:51

Theresa May faced a backlash from some MPs this week after agreeing a formula that could see the UK hand Brussels up to £40billion to settle ‘liabilities’ run up during our EU membership.

02/12/17 12:21

Theresa May is under mounting pressure to sack Damian Green after a Cabinet minister and a Downing Street aide urged her to axe her deputy.

01/12/17 23:37

EU Council President Donald Tusk struck a tough line on a visit to Dublin and standing alongside Irish premier Leo Varadkar admitted British politicians might find it 'hard to understand'.

01/12/17 11:27

Senior figures in the Northern Ireland party made clear it was 'not on' for the government to give in to pressure from Dublin on the crucial issue.

01/12/17 11:24

The Prime Minister risked fuelling the row by repeating her view that the US president was 'wrong' to retweet anti-Muslim videos posted by a far-right group.

01/12/17 01:01

Theresa May, prictured here speaking Jordan, said there needed to be economic reform in the oil-dependent states so the booming number of youngsters are not lured into jihadism.

30/11/17 22:34

Clips of a man trying to kick a pigeon and another punching a snowman, with the caption 'Muslim attacks Christmas ', have been posted by the bogus  'British First' profile.

30/11/17 18:37

The British Prime Minister slammed the president on Wednesday after he retweeted anti-Muslim videos posted by the leader of the far right Britain First.

30/11/17 15:34

A Theresa May from Bognor Regis with just six followers on Twitter inadvertently found herself at the centre of a political row between Donald Trump and the Prime Minister last night.

30/11/17 11:40

The most significant debate in the Commons on Wednesday centred on MPs' discussion over the rumoured cost of Britain's EU withdrawal deal, according to Quentin Letts.

30/11/17 10:36

The war of words has been compared by many in the UK to the scene in Love Actually where the UK Prime Minister, played by Hugh Grant, criticises a US President played by Billy Bob Thornton.
