Picture of Rich Goodman
Is a streaming device on your Christmas wish list?
by Rich Goodman - Monday, 11 December 2017, 3:50 PM

Santa has some friendly advice for you.

HallNet is a wired service that lets you register your own computer, game console, smart TV and other devices, so you can connect to the Internet through the campus wired network. 

The service only supports wired connections at the moment. Amazon Echo Dot and Google Home Mini CANNOT be used on HallNet until some time in summer 2018.

Some devices can be ...

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Picture of Rich Goodman
Coursework deadlines on Monday 11th December - Loughborough campus students
by Rich Goodman - Sunday, 10 December 2017, 5:46 PM

Students at the Loughborough campus - any coursework deadlines for tomorrow, Monday 11th December, have been moved to the same time on Tuesday 12th December in order to mitigate against potential disruption to student study and travel arrangements today with the adverse weather conditions. The Loughborough campus library closed at 12 noon today due to the weather. Please look out for updates on alternative study spaces on social media.

Picture of Rich Goodman
Have you met Lynda yet?
by Rich Goodman - Wednesday, 6 December 2017, 2:08 PM

The University is introducing Lynda.com to all staff and students – a free online learning platform to acquire software, technology, business and creative skills with over 5000 video tutorials available to view right now. 

On www.lynda.com you can create/watch playlists of videos, download the app on any device, download courses to watch offline, and receive a certificate on LinkedIn when completing a course. 

Further information, help and guidance is available via the Centre for Academic Practice web page at http://www.lboro.ac.uk/services/cap/tel/lynda/


Module categories

IET (5)


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