
Brutal police attacks on protesters in Buenos Aires

Police attacking protestors in Buenos Aires

Buenos Aires, Argentina – On Thursday police brutally attacked protesters who had gathered in front of the Congress to oppose a law being debated in the lower Chamber of Deputies, including severe cuts to pensions, retirement payments and even social aid (amongst others, the AUH a conditional cash payments to poor families with children).

A Lifetime opposing the US military

by Eliza Egret and Tom Anderson

There are eighty of us sitting down, linking arms, blocking the gates of a US military base. Private security guards are lined up behind us, while men in uniform film us from behind barbed-wire fences. Suddenly, Japanese police officers pile out of their vans in their dozens.

Brighton SolFed in dispute with Cafe Plenty over outstanding pay

Brighton SolFed is making public a dispute with a cafe who are unwilling to settle outstanding pay of over £4K. The former worker, who stopped work at the establishment in early June has been asking to be paid ever since.

Hundreds refuse to cross picket line in wildcat Crossrail strike

Wildcat at crossrail

More than 200 workers at the flagship rail construction project have downed tools today in solidarity with more colleagues who have been sacked and locked out.

Several hurt in clashes with police as anti-fascists protest far-right AfD in Germany

Protests against the party conference of AfD (Alternative für Deutschland – Alternative for Germany) in Hannover met violent police repression. During its party conference, AfD elected new leaders, two hardliners whose victory indicates a further drift to the extreme right of the party.

Planned strikes against Siemens job cuts in Germany

Siemens announces massive job cuts in Germany and worldwide. At the same time, the company is about to realise one of the biggest IPOs in German history. IG Metall trade Union threatens with strikes.

New evidence suggests refugee death in custody was not a suicide

Oury Jalloh

Fresh evidence in the case of Oury Jalloh, a Sierra Leonean refugee who burnt to death in police custody in Germany in 2005, has revealed that he could not have set himself on fire, as claimed by German police.

The Old Man and the Coup

Zimbabwe flag/map

This article looks at the recent events around the removal of Robert Mugabe from power in Zimbabwe. It argues that this will not bring liberation for the people of Zimbabwe, as it does not address the problems Zimbabwe faces - a ruthless ruling class, its state, capitalism and imperialism

Black Friday strikes at Amazon warehouses in Italy and Germany

The CGIL, Italy's biggest trade union confederation, Cisl, Uil and Ugl have called for a strike on Friday at Amazon’s main distribution hub, following a failure to negotiate bonuses with the company.

Police brutality leaves South London boy in critical condition

A fifteen-year-old boy has been left in critical care after being brutally attacked by police in South London.