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Tag Archives: Farmers

When buildings break bones

1st October 2017 | International Solidarity Movement, Nablus team | Urif, Einabus & Huwara, occupied Palestine It was a somber trip through the villages of Urif, Einabus, and Huwara yesterday. Their peripheries continue to be threatened by the illegal settlement ...

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Protest against house demolition in al-Walaje

19th August 2017 | International Solidarity Movement | Al-Khalil team, Occupied Hebron Friday 18th of August, the villagers from al-Walaje, a village near Bethlehem, were peacefully protesting the demolition orders of 22 houses in their village. The residents received the demolition ...

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Jayyous lands again under threat

5th April 2017 | International Solidarity Movement, al-Khalil team | Hebron, occupied Palestine Residents from the West Bank village of Jayyous, east of Qalqilya, endured nightly raids by Israeli forces for a week straight in early April.  Israeli occupation forces ...

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Susya faces demolition for the eighth time

27th February 2017  |  International Solidarity Movement, al-Khalil team  |  Susya, occupied Palestine   The village of Susya in the south Hebron hills faced complete demolition again yesterday as the Israeli court, and the villagers, waited for the Israeli government ...

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Assira, surrounded on all sides

Assira al Quiblya is a West Bank village up on a hill between Huwwara and Nablus.  But unfortunately, it is not sufficiently uphill enough to be free and safe from the Yitzhar settlement.  This settlement, one of the most active ...

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