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Accessibility Statement

We are committed to making our website usable by all people, whatever their abilities or disabilities. To achieve this we strive to comply with the W3C’s Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0 and the Australian Government’s Digital Services Standard (DSS).

Use the right assistive technology to customise this site to your needs

While the site has been created to be usable ‘as is’, many people will enjoy the most accessible experience by customising their device to suit individual needs. For example, use a screen reader such as JAWS, NVDA or Voiceover to have the site read out loud, or change web page colour-schemes, or increase text size using web browser tools.

The BBC’s Accessibility Help page provides comprehensive assistance with changing browser, computer, keyboard and mouse settings to make the web more accessible.

Limitations of this site’s accessibility

While we’ve done a lot to ensure this site is accessibility, you may find some limitations:

  • We always aim to communicate clearly, and as simply as possible; however some of the articles may require a reasonable level of technical understanding due to the technical nature of what they are about.
  • Being a media organisation, many of our stories contain multimedia components such as audio and video. We are working to add captions, text transcripts and audio description to stories.
  • While the site has been created to be as accessible as possible and has been reviewed by accessibility experts, some of the website has not yet been fully user-tested with people who have disabilities.

Let us know if you have difficulties using this site

If you find anything on the site difficult to use please contact us with details of your experience.

You can help get to the bottom of your difficulty faster by providing us with the information suggested in Contacting Organisations about Inaccessible Websites.

All constructive feedback regarding the accessibility or usability of this website is welcome and will be carefully considered.

This statement was last updated on 08 July 2016.

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