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On 10 November 1937, Brazils reigning president Getúlio Vargas seized emergency powers and promulgated a new constitution. The 'new state', Estado Novo, professed its dedication to corporatist... [Item of the Day]
During the economic crisis of the thirties, the labour movement in Romania sees no better trade ahead. "If you don't have work, the prospect of hunger and vagabondism is lurching", according to their... [Item of the Day]
"Bullets pass, Mussolini stays", announced Mussolini after escaping from an attack in September 1926. On 31 October of that same year there was another attempt on his life in Bologna, and once again... [Item of the Day]
The Dutch Nazi party, NSB, participated in the elections for Parliament only once, on May 26, 1937. It received 4.22 percent of the votes and four seats in the Second Chamber. This sticker asks the... [Item of the Day]
In the summer of 1935 the Italian dictator Mussolini starts preparations for the capture of Ethiopia (Abyssinia) by concentrating his troops on the border of Eritrea. He wants to play a full role in... [Item of the Day]