Are YOU washing your hair wrong? Expert reveals the mistakes all of us make - including using too much shampoo

  • Top hairdresser Paul Windle said you should only use small amount of shampoo
  • He said you should shampoo twice, with amount equivalent to two-pence coin
  • He also explained how rinsing is the most important part of the process 

From how often you wash it to what you shampoo use, everyone has their own routine when it comes to looking after their hair.

But now, a top hairdresser has revealed the common mistakes that people tend to make when cleaning their locks. 

Paul Windle, who is the co-founder of London hair salon Windle & Moodie, said one major pitfall is using too much shampoo.

Other mistakes include not rinsing your hair properly - which he suggests is the most important part of the process.

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Paul Windle, who is the co-founder of London hair salon Windle & Moodie, said one major pitfall is using too much shampoo  

Paul Windle, who is the co-founder of London hair salon Windle & Moodie, said one major pitfall is using too much shampoo  

Speaking to Harper's Bazaar, Paul explained how you should think of a two-pence coin when it comes to how much shampoo to use. 

He also said that people should shampoo their hair twice each time, rather than once.  

'People tend to use far too much shampoo,' he said. 'The trick is to shampoo twice and both times use a small amount of product.'

Ensuring that you rinse your hair properly after shampooing is also essential. 

The top hairdresser explained how rinsing your hair is the most important part of the process

The top hairdresser explained how rinsing your hair is the most important part of the process

'It's the rinsing that takes the dirt away, not the shampoo,' Paul explained. 'There is no such thing as over-rinsing.' 

You could also be using the wrong shampoo for your hair type, so making a change in that department could make a significant improvement.

Micellar water shampoos, which have been sweeping the beauty industry of late, are considered to be a gentle and mild cleanser for hair - and particularly suitable for those with fine locks. 

The mild cleansing technology, which involves tiny particles of oil attracting dirt, promises to keep your scalp healthy, causing less chance for irritation and flaking. 

Ken O’Rourke, Charles Worthington brand ambassador, explained: 'I’ve found when working with my clients that finer hair types often feel greasy quickly with those living in cities, or the regular gym-goers, feeling the need to wash their hair daily. 

'I always advise my clients with these hair types to wash their hair with a gentle yet effective cleansing shampoo that doesn’t over-deposit onto the hair which could in turn lead to build-up.

'The results will leave hair soft, prolong the life of your hair, lightweight and with natural movement that you can achieve day after day.' 

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