Civil Disobedience over GOP Tax Bill rocks Capitol Hill

On the 18th of December, the US Senate prepared to vote the following day on Donald Trump's GOP Tax Scam bill. Hundreds of protesters swarmed the offices of both the House and Senate, joined at times by pro DREAM Act protesters. The protests culminated in civil disobedience in the Russell Senate Office builidng Rotunda.

Video compilation: March on the Senate, civil disobedience inside

Still from AmpliFire News video clip of the Russell Rotunda die-in

Local News

Photo by Amkonning

On the 17th of December, advocates of changing the Washington Football Team's name to Washington Redhawks held a pep rally before the team's 1PM game at FedEx Field. Speakers included members of the Piscataway Nation, on whose land FedEx Field sits. This was after the Washington Football Team released a Dec 13 statement condemning the "Redhawks" publicity stunt and recommitting to keeping the team's racist name.

Video: Jerusalem March highlights from Ellipse to Capitol, including Trump Hotel boofest

On the 16th of December, what may have been the largest march for Palestine in years in DC began at the Ellipse and ended at the US Capitol.

Update: Shooters return to Rock Creek Park Mon, Dec 18 in defiance of protesters demands

On the 15th of December, protesters gathered at the intersection of Military Road and Oregon Ave to oppose the shooting of deer in Rock Creek Park by the National Park Service .

NPS has been having deer shot by USDA APHIS Wildlife Services (WS) since 2013, over the heated objections of many who live near the park and other area residents.

A mini highwheeler in the Bike Party

On the 13th of December, the final DC Bike Party of 2013 took to the streets. Next ride probably April 2018.

Video from first half of the ride

This ride was quite a bit smaller than most DC Bike Partys, but it was below freezing and at one point in the ride even began to snow. The ride continued undeterred.

VIdeo from press conference in front of courthouse

On the morning of December 13, a Federal grand jury met in Virginia concerning the events of Aug 12 in Charlottesville, where one person was killed and 19 wounded by neo-Nazi car driver James Fields. Now the survivers of the attack are being harassed by prosecutors and grand jury subpeonas. Activists are advising refusal to testify as the grand jury could be also seeking to charge counterprotesters.

Photo by Lauryn Gutierrez

On the 7th of December, protesters gathered at the US Supreme Court in opposition to the recent decision to allow Trump's Muslim travel Ban to go into entirely into effect while the courts debate the ban's merits or lack therof.