Climate change adaptation (Issue 451)

Climate change adaptation

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Included in this issue

Bangladesh: the great climate exodus

Families are slowly melting away from the Bay of Bengal coastline as habitats degrade. Hazel Healy speaks to new arrivals on the...

Being nice and doing good

Having opinions on social justice may seem like common sense so why does it incite people to shout in your face? wonders Josie...

When a winning smile is not enough

Beauty contests are now big business, but have lost their appeal for Lauri Kubuitsile in her latest Letter From Botswana.

Country profile: Zambia

Mary Namakando digs out facts and ratings on one of Southern Africa's most politically stable countries and probes President Sata...

The dirt on Teodoro Obiang

Time to take aim at the tyrannical President of Equatorial Guinea in this month's 'Worldbeater'.

Ready or not: can Bangladesh cope with climate change?

New Internationalist co-editor Hazel Healy travelled there to find out how people are adapting to a warming world.

The unpalatable reality of working for Apple

A fresh wave of reports unveiling exploitation in the iPad empire are forcing Apple to clean up up its act, reports Mark Engler.

Kimberley Process 'whitewashes' blood diamonds

Aoife Allen describes how The Kimberley Process Certification Scheme is not doing enough to clean up the gems trade.

Putting the 'I' in ecocide

22 April is Earth Day. Should punishment be made to those personally responsible for destroying our planet?

A word with Adonis

One of the greatest Arab poets of our time speaks to Giedre Steikunaite about creativity and consciousness.

Climate-proofing projects: a map

From air-conditioned bus stops in Dubai to painting Peruvian hill tops: a graphic guide to humankind's steps to adapt to global...

The flip side to Bill Gates' charity billions

Microsoft's former CEO has made massive donations to global health programmes but an investigation by Andrew Bowman reveals some...

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