Exclusively in the New Print Issue of CounterPunch

Three Hurricanes, One Climate

In this Issue: One Climate: John Davis on this summer’s mega-storms; Taking Women’s Lives Seriously: Laura Carlsen on sexual violence; Land of the Forbidden Fan: Ned Sublette reports from Cuba; The Russian Revolutions Revisited by John Wight; Can We Finally Unite? by Lee Ballinger. Donna Brazile and the Machine by Yvette Carnell; Trump’s Nuclear Nihilism by Jeffrey St. Clair. Plus: Chris Floyd on the opioid crisis; Julie Work and Daniel Raventos on Catalonia; Ruth Fowler on sexual commodification; Mike Whitney on widening inequality; Wesley Wright on Ceramics and Social Consciousness.

Gen. Flynn Goes Nuclear: Reactor Projects, Corruption and the Russia Inquiry

Lt. General Flynn had sent an enthusiastic text message to Alex Copson of ACU Strategic Partners just a few minutes into Trump’s inauguration ceremony. The message allegedly stated that the proposed nuclear power project for the Middle East was “good to go” and that Copson should contact his business colleagues to “let them know to put things in place.”  The implication was that with Trump now President, economic sanctions against Russia would be “ripped up,” paving the way for Flynn and Copson to develop their proposed US-Russia nuclear partnership. Copson reportedly told the whistleblower: “Mike has been putting everything in place for us. […] This is going to make a lot of very wealthy people.” More

Ring of Fire

Southern California’s Thomas Fire, the state’s fourth largest, continues to grow. To date, it has consumed over 250,000 acres but in the middle of its burn area, which stretches from Santa Paula in the south east to Santa Barbara in the north west, the Ojai Valley (barring an extraordinary turn-of events), has survived. A week ago, the local weekly, The Ojai Valley News, emblazoned its front page with the banner headline, “Ring of Fire”, a phrase that had been in local circulation for several days previously as residents watched the flames encircle their communities on their seemingly inevitable way to the coast. More

Political Paradoxes: “The Post” and the Pentagon Papers

Among the stack of DVD’s received from studio publicists last month was Stephen Spielberg’s “The Post” that is both an homage to a newspaper that has propagandized for every imperialist war as well as a surprisingly candid examination of how it became possible partly through the internecine social ties between the paper’s owner and the warmongering political establishment. More

The FCC Wants The Future Of Net Neutrality To Not Include Net Neutrality

This Week on CounterPunch Radio

  • HOST: Eric Draitsercpradio-podcast
  • GUEST: Steve Horn
  • TOPICS: Trump, energy policy and the environment
