In Sydney, thousands of workers took to the streets on November 16 to demand an end to the Turnbull government's attacks on workers rights and conditions.

The Australian people have overwhelmingly said YES! to marriage equality in every state and territory across the country, with a powerful 61.6% majority. Nearly 80% of the nation turned out to respond.

Socialist Alliance is running in the Queensland elections to help build an anti-capitalist current in Queensland and national politics.

If we’re going to avoid a humanitarian catastrophe on Manus, the campaign will need to broaden out, escalate and challenge Labor's bipartisan support for cruelty.

Steve O'Brien writes on the legacy of the Russian Revolution in the Newcastle Herald.

International students in New South Wales face higher living costs than in other states. Students at Western Sydney University (WSU) are campaigning for the NSW government to grant them transport concessions.

Socialist Alliance is running in the Queensland elections to help build an anti-capitalist current in Queensland and national politics.

Today young activists occupied the offices of the Department of Immigration in Sydney to protest the treatment of 600 asylum-seekers who have been abandoned on Manus Island by the Australian government.

The Federal government is trying to clamp down on the unions, and campaigning organisations such as GetUp!, by pushing tighter restrictions on their ability to campaign.

In Australia, more than 23,000 people reported being sexually assaulted last year, making it the fifth consecutive year in which recorded sexual assaults rose nationally.