Quotations From Chairman Blair Cottrell

The content below is sourced from comments by Blair Cottrell (AKA ‘National Democratic Party of Australia’), Melbourne organiser and spokesperson for the United Patriots Front, on Facebook, YouTube and Google. Almost all of the comments have since been deleted as part of Cottrell’s efforts to erase his neo-Nazi political commitments.

See also : Dialectic of Counter-Enlightenment: The Frankfurt School as Scapegoat of the Lunatic Fringe (March 9, 2012) [Martin Jay] | The Psychopathic God: Adolf Hitler [Robert G.L. Waite] (November 16, 2009).

On Jews, Marxism, Jews, National Socialism, Jews, Adolf Hitler, Jews, Mein Kampf, Jews:



Zionists … I’m sick of hearing that coward word. Get some guts people and just say Jews, they are all Jews or Jewish servants. For thousands of years these Jews have been expelled and chased out of European Nations for the same shit. Napoleon and Hitler were the last to stand against them (please don’t reply to this comment with ‘muh holocaust’ bullshit, cause that is a load of crap too). I[‘]m fed up with all the tiptoe words like [I]lluminati and [Z]ionist … I’ve found that all these so-called ‘truth-seekers’ delve into free information until they hit the plateau of the real truth; that point at which they must admit that there is no [I]lluminati or [Z]ionist conspiracy, only a Jewish conspiracy. Very few people make it past that plateau, they are too pacifist and too egalitarian to accept the reality of the Jewish nature and so they become weird peace & love people who forever talk about the ‘universe’ because they failed to acknowledge the reality of racial dispositions of the Jews. There is no “new” conspiracy with an “[I]lluminati” or “Zionist” foundation, there is only Jews; the same old Jews from a thousand years ago practicing the same old shit, only now they are actually succeeding.



Has it ever occurred to your brilliant mind that Jews get more nobel [sic] prizes because Jews award the nobel [sic] prizes? You do not appreciate the profound level of influence beheld [sic] by Jewish intellectuals. The first line of your comment was interesting, the rest of it was incredible; “jews actually bring generally a good improvement in every environment they live?” Please present to me one single example justifying this statement. You will be hard pressed to find one unless you consider sodomy to be a good improvement to social life. Actually, every environment Jews have ever lived in have been the counties [sic] of other races, and they have worked collectively and actively to morally support that host country; they have introduced and normalized Communism, adultery, homosexuality, atheism (which is a good thing for you I suppose), egalitarianism resulting in bastardization and race-mixing in the host people, economic disasters with the introduction of central banks based upon debt and the list goes on. I would consider the Jews of today to be a much deadlier enemy than the violent Islamic pillagers, who just kill and maim openly and seldom attempt to infiltrate and subvert entire generations of other nations in a bid for world power.



A race once lost cannot be resurrected. And all culture of a Nation; architecture, tradition and religious-moral structure is a product of the race responsible for is [sic] creation; a nation depends on the solidarity and health of its founding race in order to maintain and advance itself. Many races did not shape Europe, and sacrifice for its cultural preservation and advancement. Europe belongs only to a handful of races responsible for its cultural superiority over the rest of the world. Negroids, Mongoloids, Arabs, Asians, Hispanics, Islander natives, Aboriginals and various other tribal and wandering races had nothing to do with the cultural, traditional and religious-moral development of Europe, though today they enter into it and call it their home. They claim a special right on the grounds of ‘humanitarianism’ to reap what has been sown by thousands of years of European generations, and they are granted this right by political corruption and pacifistic weakness in the Democratic realm. If you cannot see this and the genocidal danger it poses or rather, do not want to see it then congratulations, you are just like the other 95% of common consuming masses. The news starts at 6, don’t miss it.



Ok gentlemen, here is what this video fails to explain, National Socialism and Marxism are the same in means but opposites in ends, meaning they use the same methods to achieve a completely different ambition; an opposite ambition in fact. The goal of Marxism is to eliminate Europe’s highborn; members of the nobility, royal families and aristocrats as these people represent the greatest opposition to world Jewish powers which are the governing life force behind Marxism. Marxism murders the best of the European races (their kings and aristocrats) by inciting the masses of peasantry into a hysteria of rage and then proceeds to equalize the remaining masses through ‘republican’ aims and thereby organizing them into a stock of human slavery which serves the centralized Jewish world-government. But Marxism can only ensure a lasting dominion over the Nations of Europe and their extensions (Australia, America, ect [sic].) if it convinces the members of these Nations of equality between the races. Marxism is ultimately a world-view that forces a fallacy of an idea onto the masses of these Nations that all the races of the world are equal and therefore should all live and mix together -the Jewish masters of Marxism promote this theory in massive propagandist force still today while they themselves breed only with members of their own racial group, so they may therefore remain the pure-blood masters of the world. Every other race inter-breeds gradually and loses its original identity and creative force while the Jewish race stays pure and therefore stays in control.

Now National Socialism still indeed tried to force the world view onto the masses through propagandist methods and early indoctrination however National Socialism represents the opposite world view; the ‘Naturalist’ view, which is more of a law than a view. It operates from the standpoint that all the races are not equal but unique and ought to be preserved in their purest form. It places the cultural advancement of the species as the highest judge of right and wrong; the most culturally advanced race which in the case of the early 1900’s [sic] and long before-hand was the English, the French and Germans, these cultures were viewed by the National Socialists as the highest races of humanity with a God-given ability to create and sacrifice for the sake of creation. National Socialism also harbors the highborn of its creative racial elements; it does not wish to kills its most gifted people in order to remain in power but rather, it finds and guides them through advanced institutions of education aimed at channeling the best racial elements into the service of the advancement of the whole world race and consequently; its culture.

The simple reality is, Marxism is a socialist clique of Jewish intellectuals and finance peoples which seek to and have usurped the leadership Europe and have gathered up all the power of influence over the masses into their own hands. It is also in its disguise a world view which convinces the masses of racial and sexual equality thereby demoralizing the integrity of Nation they dominate and prolonging their subversive despotic rule over such a Nation. Marxism = Jewish world power with massive influence and the disguise of equality.
National Socialism is or was represented by the intellectuals of the German race which created a bulwark against Marxist power and instead created their own Nationalist influence over their people, essentially inoculating them against Marxist influence by teaching them about it, about race, love of the Nation, advancement of the culture ect [sic].
Marxism is Jewish world power in the pretty disguise of equality.
National Socialism is a leadership of Nationalists who try to advance their own Nation and its culture in spite of Marxism.



Honestly, I am that sick of seeing so-called ‘enlightened’ people and their comparisons between communism and national socialism; trying to make them out to be the same. Please shut up and take a week off the internet to read Mein Kampf. The basis for national socialism is race, which exists, it is real and important. The basis for communism on the other hand is a set of abstract ideals hidden within a mendacious global (yes Jewish) agenda. No more bullshit please, just read the book. If you can[‘]t understand the book, or if you can[‘]t summon the mental energy to try, stay out of politics, you were not made for it. off you go now[.]



They [Jews] will give off the impression that they are hard done by, complain and create imaginary adversity for themselves in order to pass new legislations [sic], which make it illegal to speak out against or question Jews. Such as the “global anti-semitism [sic] declaration” that the Australian Prime Minister just signed. It all contributes to their ambition of international dominion over non-Jews.

Note : PM signs global anti-Semitism declaration, Joshua Levi, The Australian Jewish News, April 26, 2013 | The London Declaration on Combating Antisemitism | This Is Not How You Fight Anti-Semitism, David Shoebridge and John Kaye, New Matilda, May 28, 2013.



lol @ the immediate and incredibly prejudiced claim that Hitler was “the most nasty and evil person in history”. the scumbags producing this film made sure to open it up with that statement probably to keep their funds rolling in.

Note: The documentary film is God & Hitler, produced by the Christian Broadcasting Network (2012).



There should be a picture of this man [Adolf Hitler] in every classroom and every school, and his book [Mein Kampf] should be issued to every student annually[.]



Scott is correct in every sense. Even if this women [sic] couldn’t call upon upon an impressive vocabulary to articulate her feelings, she is only reacting to the cosmopolitan disaster of multi-culturalism and racial diversity.

Every question of today is ultimately a question of race. Anyone who can’t see this or doesn’t want to see it can only be an unconscious Marxist, hiding under the veil of “democrat”. There is only Marxism and Nationalism. Anything is [sic] between is just a false state of political paralysis. You are either for your people or against them. And neutralism is worthy of death in a crisis such as the one we are currently in.

On women:



As a young scamp, I did a year and a half in prison because I found out someone else had sex with my girlfriend so I set his house on fire. I suppose I am not much of an intellectual[.]



I disagree. I have been to prisonin [sic] Australia for 19 months all up and yes there are a lot more female prison officers than male, but everything is actually tighter because of that. Women take the job way too seriously and abuse the authority. There is a lot more fear in the whole prison system with them around, can’t say this can’t do that. It’s not what you think. It’s the same as a feminist mother running a household. The husband shuts up just to keep her happy, she runs riot and the son ends up being a strange gothic [sic] bisexual or starts doing drugs. The point is, females being appointed to leadership roles of responsibility creates general chaos but due to those make believe sexism ideas, no one does anything about it, it’s the same in prison[.]



In an ideal world, but women are not the puzzle modern times make them out to be. They are attracted to strength, so if you cherish them and pay all your attention to them they will think you’re just a little bitch and you’ll end up the cuck. To them what is strong is self-reliant, care-free and physically solid. Care less about them and even crack them around the ear every once in a while and this sort of thing never eventuates, I learned this the hard way. But beware the modern ‘careerist’ woman who doesn’t want kids and thinks she is equal to men, these women are delusional and extremely hard to handle.



Women have manipulated me using sex and emotion; demoralization, and I have manipulated them using violence and terror. We use what we have to get what we want.

On the correct handling of anti-fascists and liberals:



They get no payment. They are executed post revolution or sent to labour camps, along with all the liberal leaders. Their purpose is to prevent Nationalism, demoralize and pacify the most national elements and prepare the country for revolution via civil war. To them, what they are doing is alternative and cool, that’s the attraction.


Cottrell distinguishes between two kindsa Jews …


Those Orthodox Jews are much less dangerous than the the bergs [sic] and steins [sic] that dress like us and cut their hair like us and talk as though they were one of us; those atheistical intellectual Jews who pass themselves off as white or European and bury themselves into our financial and political realm, they are the enemy, these Orthodox Jews are just the lowborn; the lesser of their kin, they have no real power. If anything the crypto-Jews like Zuckerberg and Rothstein they want us to focus on and attack their lowborn religious kin because it intensifies the philosophical shield of anti-semitism [sic] and also helps them escape the microscope. Lowborn Orthodox Jews are like a decoy enemy which the highborn crypto-Jews will gladly sacrifice if it means the broadening and protection of their power.

#UnitedPatriotsFront rally @ Parliament House, July 18 #Melbourne


As part of his ongoing crusade against Muslims and ‘The Left’, today Shermon Burgess (aka ‘The Great Aussie Patriot’) announced that the Reclaim Australia (RA) splinter group the ‘United Patriots Front’ (UPF) will be holding a rally at 1pm on Saturday, July 18 at Parliament House in Melbourne.

The first and to this date only rally organised by the UPF took place in Richmond on Sunday, May 31. The rally attracted around 50-70 people while a counter-rally drew several hundred in opposition. Previously, the RA rally of April 4 attracted hundreds of supporters and many more counter-protesters.

The leadership of the UPF in Melbourne consist of Blair Cottrell (aka ‘National Democratic Party of Australia’) and Neil Erikson (aka ‘Nationalist Republican Guard’/’European Australian Civil Rights League’). Both men are neo-Nazis, with Erikson having a criminal conviction for harrassing a local rabbi (Dovid Gutnick) and Cottrell both despising Jews (whom he holds responsible for The Decline of Western Civilization) and claiming to have been imprisoned for arson.

The last time the far right rallied at Parliament House was on March 18, 1995, when neo-Nazi group ‘National Action’ assembled 40 or so members and supporters, ostensibly in order to protest a racial vilification bill (later the Racial and Religious Tolerance Act 2001). NA’s fuehrer Michael Brander was later charged and convicted of assault after he struck a counter-protester with a flagpole.

It’s unclear at this stage if ‘Reclaim Australia Melbourne’ (aka Monika Evers) will be joining the UPF, having previously stated that their rally would take place at Flagstaff Gardens. In any case, the UPF is pulling out all stops for July 18 and every far right grouping in the country has pledged support, from the Sydney-based Australia First Party through to Nationalist Alternative in Melbourne and every anti-Muslim and anti-leftist Facebook group in-between. ‘Patriots’ from around the country have similarly pledged to travel from interstate to supplement the UPF’s rather modest support base in Melbourne.

Two Facebook pages have been established to promote attendance at a counter-rally on July 18 : RALLY AGAINST RACISM – Stop ‘Reclaim Australia’ – Melbourne and Melbourne Counter-Rally Against racism, Islamophobia and the far right.

antifa notes (may 29, 2015) : United Patriots Front, neo-Nazism and moar

There are two events on in Melbourne this weekend which may be of interest.

1) UNITING AGAINST ISLAMOPHOBIA – How can we stop ‘Reclaim Australia’? – Sunday May 31 /// 2-4pm /// Melbourne’s Multicultural Hub /// 506 Elizabeth St, Melbourne:

This free community forum is hosted by No Room for Racism and supported by the Islamic Council of Victoria. The forum will consist of a panel of speakers followed by discussion on how to counter the growing threat of right-wing, racist and Islamophobic groups like ‘Reclaim Australia’. The forum will be used to prepare for the July 18 ‘Rally Against Racism’ (counter-demonstration to ‘Reclaim Australia’).

Speakers: Vivian Malo – First Nations activist; Ghaith Krayem – President, Islamic Council of Victoria; Yassir Morsi – Author of ‘Islamophobia is Racism’; Robert Stary – Lawyer and anti-terror law expert; Omar Merhi – Electrical Trades Union organiser; Mel Gregson – No Room for Racism campaigner.

The forum will be co-hosted by Monique Toohey & Cllr Stephen Jolly. If you are concerned about rising Islamophobia and want to join the fight against racism come along and get involved! The time to get organised is now. (Everyone is welcome except Islamophobes & racists.)

2) Also on Sunday, in Richmond, ‘Reclaim Australia’ splinter group ‘United Patriots Front’ will be assembling in Citizens Park before marching to an empty Richmond Town Hall, where they’ll be ranting and raving about Muslims and leftists. A counter-rally has been organised by the ‘Campaign Against Racism and Fascism’. Start time for the CARF event is noon, but there will be other folks ITA from 11am …

3) In related news, Steve Jolly (Yarra Councillor, Socialist Party) was interviewed by Tom Elliott of 3AW this afternoon on the subject of the UPF’s little Nuremberg rally in Richmond and the Islamophobia forum in the city. You can listen to the interview here. The former face of ‘Reclaim Australia’ turned UPF leader Shermon Burgess is very upset at the interview, because not only was Jolly (“the communist traitor that hates the fucking ANZACs”) given air time, but Burgess’s comrade and fellow UPF leader Neil Erikson (the convicted anti-Semite and neo-Nazi) was not given an opportunity to speak on air. In response, Burgess has published a video on Facebook in which he implores his dwindling number of supporters to call 3AW and to “tell them they are traitors. They are the people helping these communists support terrorists. 3AW you are fucking filth. Oh and another thing, if ya ever want … any interview in future, where UPF gets bigger, ya not gonna fucking get it. You’re a bunch of dickheads.”

Silly boy.

For those joining anti-fascists and anti-racists in Richmond, this post by FightDemBack! includes a neat spotting guide to local neo-Nazis, while the Melbourne Activist Legal Network has a good collection of Resources.

4) As previously noted, the UPF leadership in Melbourne consists of two men: Neil Erikson and Blair Cottrell. Both men are anti-Semites and pro-Nazi, although only Erikson has a criminal conviction for the former, while Cottrell claims to have been jailed for arson. In any case, Cottrell is a serious young fascist and further claims to have been inspired to form his ‘National Democratic Party of Australia’ by the events of April 4.

In the same manner as Shermon Burgess has attempted to re-write his history as an Australian Defence League militant — celebrating the deaths of asylum seekers at sea, the anti-Muslim pogroms in Cronulla in December 2005, and advocating the killing of Muslims and the destruction of mosques — so Cottrell has sought to erase his history of online misogyny, racism, anti-Semitism and neo-Nazism. Give the rank ignorance and prejudice which saturates its ranks, it’s unsurprising that none of Burgess’s followers have any ever expressed any reluctance to form a coalition with the neo-Nazi and fascist right — and nothing is likely to alter that situation. Nonetheless, for anti-fascists, it’s worth taking note of who it is that will assemble in Richmond on May 31, in the city on July 18, their views and political perspectives, and what drives the RA and UPF leadership in their self-declared war on Islam and socialism.


antifa notes (may 24) : United Patriots Front rally + counter-rally: Richmond, Sunday, May 31

The newly-formed ‘United Patriots Front’ (UPF) has organised a rally at 1pm on Sunday May 31 in Richmond. The UPF plan to assemble at Citizens Park before proceeding to Richmond Town Hall, the location of Yarra City Council.


The UPF has organised the event in order to protest the presence on council of Socialist Party (SP) member Steve Jolly. Jolly and other SP members — Anthony Main and Mel Gregson — are held responsible for disrupting the Reclaim Australia (RA) rally at Federation Square on April 4, as well being guilty of the crime of being ‘Un-Australian’.

A counter-rally has been organised by the ‘Campaign Against Racism and Fascism’, which has issued the following statement on May 31:


1. Reclaim Australia was very successful on 4 April in aggregating racist and fascist forces throughout Australia.

2. This had been a long term project of the far right in Australia for many years and for many years the left had prevented it from occurring.

3. Reclaim Australia has now split in to right wing racists and outright fascist components. Their components are still as dangerous as they were before.

4. Reclaim Australia and fascist groups have now called something like 18 rallies to take place in various locations in the near future.

5. On 19 July they plan at least 14 rallies around Australia against Islam, against Mosques, against the right to wear cultural dress, against Muslim businesses, against refugees and against multiculturalism. We are working with comrades all around Australia to counter each one of those racist rallies.

6. On 18 July they plan at least one rally in Melbourne on all of the above issues. However, in their publicity, they are describing it as a retaliation against the Melbourne left for having successfully opposed them on the 4 April. We will join with No Room for Racism in a united counter rally that stops the Reclaim Australia movement.

7. On 31 May, the fascist components are promising a very aggressive rally against Yarra City Council, the Socialist Party and prominent members of the Socialist Party including Stephen Jolly, Anthony Main and Mel Gregson.

8. It is possible that on 31 May splinters of the fascist components will attempt to attack the meeting called Uniting Against Islamophobia that will be held at the Multicultural Hub, 506 Elizabeth Street, Melbourne, as the leadership of the Socialist Party will be participating in the meeting.

9. A number of left organisations are attempting to mobilise against this new threat.

10. One left meeting that was held on 19 May established a coalition to help organise against the fascists and racists. It is understood that what is required is actually a much wider mobilisation in the labour movement and in the left, and in communities across Melbourne and Australia. However, this was a useful first step.

11. We called this coalition Campaign Against Racism and Fascism. It is not meant to be exclusive or even the complete answer to what we are facing. However we need structures in order to organise.

12. We have called a counter mobilisation to the fascist rally expected in Richmond on Sunday 31 May.

13. We have also called for defence of the Uniting Against Islamophobia meeting that will be held on 31 May at the Multicultural Hub, 506 Elizabeth Street, Melbourne at 2pm.

14. We will defend Stephen Jolly, Anthony Main and Mel Gregson and the Socialist Party and the meeting.

15. We have stopped the fascists before. We will stop the fascists again. They will not break our movement.

Campaign Against Racism and Fascism
21 May 2015

The principal spokespersons for the UPF are Shermon Burgess, Blair Cottrell and Neil Erikson. Burgess is from NSW while Cottrell and Erikson are from VIC.


Burgess is better known as ‘The Great Aussie Patriot’ and until recently was the principal propagandist for RA, a network of anti-Muslim activists which emerged in January 2015. Prior to this, Burgess was active as a member of the Australian Defence League. He is also notorious for having composed songs for the Internet project ‘Eureka Brigade’. The chorus for their song ‘Border Patrol’ (now removed from YouTube) gives some indication of the pathological hatred for Muslims, asylum seekers and refugees the band expressed: ‘We’re sick of your shariah burn your fucking mosques, it’s time to show you muzzrats we’re the fucking boss, you thought you had it easy but you surely lost, Cronulla was Australia’s Muslim holocaust.’ Other songs include ‘ADL Killing Machine’ and ‘Shit On A Mosque’.

See also : Far right targets Muslims with hate campaign, Greg Ansley, The New Zealand Herald, April 26, 2014.


Cottrell is the face of a newly-formed group called ‘National Democratic Party of Australia’ and spoke at the RA rally in Melbourne in the company of members of neo-Nazi grouplet ‘Nationalist Alternative’. Over the past several years Cottrell has expressed admiration for the achievements of Adolf Hitler and Nazi Germany, hatred and suspicion of Jews, and an especially virulent form of misogyny. (Like Burgess, Cottrell has made some effort to erase his online record.)


Erikson is the face of another fascist project called ‘Nationalist Republican Guard’ (NRG) and throughout 2015 has worked closely with Burgess to promote RA, chiefly through the publication of various videos. Like Cottrell, Erikson has publicly endorsed Nazism, has attended neo-Nazi events in Melbourne — including neo-Nazi gigs organised by Blood & Honour and the Southern Cross Hammerskins and attendance at the tour of Canadian Holocaust denialist Paul Fromm — and has a criminal conviction (February 2014) for harassing a rabbi.


• Please note that UPF has become increasingly shrill in their appeals to their supporters to attend on May 31 and to take up the fight against ‘the left’, a force which is understood as being one of the main impediments to their goal of cleansing Australia of Muslims.

• Richmond is a suburb with a diverse cultural, ethnic and national population and residents should be rightly concerned at the presence of of an organised group of neo-Nazis, fascists and racists on their streets. This applies both before, during and after the event.

• Those attending the counter-rally may find the following links useful: A quick guide to staying safe and being effective: all out against ‘Reclaim Australia’!, Anarchist Affinity, April 3, 2015 | Activist Rights | Melbourne Street Medic Collective.

Who are the United Patriots Front?

As noted previously, Shermon Burgess (‘The Great Aussie Patriot’) has abandoned ‘Reclaim Australia’ to establish a new organisation called the ‘United Patriots Front’ (UPF). In essence, the UPF is a coalition of neo-Nazis, fundamentalist Christians belonging to the Rise Up Australia Party (RUAP), and a handful of semi-pro Islamophobes.


The UPF’s first excursion into the public domain will be on May 31, when it and assorted other neo-Nazis, fascists, racists and Islamophobes will be protesting outside Richmond Town Hall (see : Former Reclaim Australia member to hold rally in Richmond on May 31, Toby Prime, Melbourne Leader, May 20, 2105) because a socialist (Stephen Jolly) is on Yarra Council and because socialists (‘the left’) are understood to be in league with Muslims to destroy Australia.

The UPF got off to a slightly rocky start: having appropriated an image produced by Australian Geographic to promote the Front, the magazine promptly informed the motley crew that this was a copyright violation (to which at this stage there has been no response).

[UPDATE : Australian Geographic successfully arranged for the UPF to remove their image from their Facebook page. See : Reclaim Australia Offshoot Tangles With Australian Geographic, Max Chalmers, New Matilda, May 21, 2015.]

The two principal neo-Nazis belonging to the leadership of the UPF are Neil Erikson (‘Nationalist Republican Guard’) and Blair Cottrell (‘National Democratic Party of Australia’). Erikson has a criminal conviction for harassing a rabbi and has otherwise been active with the (now defunct) ‘European Australian Civil Rights League’ and ‘Nationalist Alternative’, as well as having attended neo-Nazi gigs organised by Blood & Honour and the Southern Cross Hammerskins, met with Canadian Holocaust denialist Paul Fromm during his tour here in late 2010 and attended various anti-Muslim protests in the company of other neo-Nazis.

Blair Cottrell is a relative newcomer, though he has been very active online in the last few years, expressing vile misogyny, a hatred of Jews and a love of Hitler, recommending that all Australian school children should be forced to read Mein Kampf at least once a year.


Like Burgess, Cottrell has made some effort to rewrite his history, deleting his commentary upon the Facebook page ‘Dispossessed’ (a repository of Nazi revisionist history and White supremacist ideology), on YouTube and elsewhere. In this context, it’s worth noting that none of Burgess’s followers have expressed any misgivings regarding the involvement of neo-Nazis in his political projects, a fact amusingly echoed by Pastor Danny Nalliah (who has happily joined Burgess in the UPF) when he made the transparently absurd claim that the several dozen neo-Nazis who attended the Reclaim Australia rally in Melbourne on April 4 — in his version, there was one — were planted by the Socialist Alliance(!):

The leader of the Rise Up Australia party has accused left wing groups of “planting” neo-Nazi protesters at Saturday’s controversial Reclaim Australia rally at Federation Square.

Danny Nalliah, one of the key speakers at the rally, told Tom Elliott he would not have been a part of the event had he known otherwise.

Photos of a man with a swastika tattooed to his head went viral following the event, leading many to brand the protest racist and fascist.

“The guy who came in was an implant, possibly by the Socialist Alliance,” Mr Nalliah said on 3AW Drive.

“Because the guys who organised the rally told every single person for three months that this was going to be a peaceful rally.

“I wouldn’t have been a part of it (if it wasn’t).”

Can neo-Nazism and fundamentalist Christianity get along? Time will tell.