
Welcome to the UN

A UN System Induction Course 

"Welcome to the UN" is a self-paced on-line orientation programme for new personnel across the UN system. This course provides an overview of the key features, structures and inter-agency mechanisms through which the UN system seeks to respond to global challenges, as well as an overview of individual responsibilities and commitments you take on when joining a UN system organisation. The link will direct you to a different e-platform, where no registration is required.
E-Course - UNV and Volunteerism

Just got appointed to your first UNV assignment? Interested in becoming a UN Volunteer? Or simply curious what “volunteerism” and “UNV” are all about? In this course you will first learn to understand all the facets to the verb “volunteering”, how you can contribute to create a better world and what kind of impact you can have as a volunteer.

E-Course - Ethics and Integrity as UN Volunteer

This course aims to enhance your awareness about the behavioural standards that you need to demonstrate as a UN volunteer everyday. The goal of this training is to reinforce ethical principles and standards of behaviour for all UN volunteers.

E-Course - Hosting a Volunteer

The purpose of this course is to inform and inspire the managers, such as yourself, who involve UN Volunteers within their programmes, projects and field operations to better achieve Peace and Development goals. The course also informs you on how to effectively host the UN Volunteers.

E-Course - Cultural awareness and working  in cross-cultural environments

This course aims to expand the cultural awareness of UN Volunteers, such as yourself to help build an understanding of various cultures. It also provides an overview of the dynamics of working in multi-cultural environments.

Greening the Blue

Becoming more sustainable is the challenge facing all organizations, businesses and individuals around the world. Greening the Blue is the UN's response, and provides information on how the UN is greening its activities, what's been achieved so far, and how all UN personnel can contribute to the effort. We can all be part of creating a more sustainable UN, simply by making small changes in our day-to-day work. Find out more about ‘Greening the Blue’ in this online course.



Learn the basics of humanitarian response

Please note that the link will direct you to a different e-platform, where a different registration is required.