Showing posts with label Analysis. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Analysis. Show all posts

Wednesday, July 30, 2014

Theory and Information Against National Anarchsim

National Anarchist
Conor Wrigley and his.. crew
There has been a tendency within far-right, fascist movements over a number of years, starting largely in Europe, coming to the U.S. in recent years and unfortunately making more of an appearance here in Illinois in recent months.This tendency is "National Anarchism."

The National Anarchist Movement has been largely influenced by Troy Southgate, who was formerly an active member in a number of far-right parties in Europe, including the British National Front, English Nationalist Movement, International Third Position and National Revolutionary Faction.

The ideology of National Anarchism includes elements of traditional anarchist theory and quotes from Bakunin, Proudhon, and even Hakim Bey appear in their writings. They promote small scale communities without a centralized State.  However, they have combined anti-Statism with racial separatism where different cultures, “tribes,” or races are not to coexist.

National Anarchists go out of their way to talk about how they're not fascist, yet have striking similarities to fascist, far right, white supremacist movements:

-Belief that multi-racial societies are "destroying Europe" (Southgate p.130)

-Utilization of anti-semitic narratives such as references to the "Zionist media" (Southgate "Tradition and revolution"p. 125), referring to Jews as "vampiric parasites intent on carving up the world's resources in an attempt to create a single, global market" (NAM Manifesto)

-Opposing interracial relationships (what they call the "dominant ideology of inbreeding")

-Organizing on White Power websites like

Clearly, these positions are incompatible with a radical anarchist movement opposed to racism and white supremacy (regardless of whether they admit to their fascist leanings).

Some might ask why anti-racist anarchists should be concerned with this fringe movement.  One answer is because they actively pursue a strategy of "entryism" where they enter existing movements and utilize them for their own ends.

In their own words, entryism is "the name given to the process of entering or infiltrating bona fide organizations, institutions and political parties with the intention of either gaining control of them for our own ends, misdirecting or disrupting them for our own purposes or converting sections of their memberships to our cause."  (Southgate "Tradition and revolution" p. 220)

Here in the U.S., National Anarchists have attended and participated in anarchist events, such as demonstrations and book fairs.  With an anti-State position, critique of Capitalism and the fact that they embrace other causes anarchists are invested in (animal rights, environmentalism, opposition to Israeli militarism, etc.) it is likely that they would have an appeal to some anarchists, particularly those who are young or new to radical politics.

In a way, these attempts at engaging with Leftists, anti-authoritarians and anti-racist anarchist scenes make them even more of a threat than groups that make their racist, white supremacist position more apparent.  Their attempts to recruit from existing anarchist communities makes it essential that they be confronted and exposed wherever they appear.

In the last several years here in the U.S., there have been attempts by national anarchists to organize in New York (National Anarchist Tribal Alliance-NY), San Francisco (Bay Area National Anarchists) and recently some National Anarchists have appeared here in Illinois.

For example, National Anarchist Brandon Lashbrook played a prominent role in the utterly failed Illinois "White Man March".

Here are a two other National Anarchists from Illinois:

Jesse Abraham Deutsch 
possible address: 2130 W 21st St
Chicago, IL 60608

Conor Wrigley (pictured at top)
2778 Deerpath Park Dr
Decatur, IL 62521-5607
Works at Menards Sales · Forsyth, Illinois
Born May 31, 1991
217-428-7922 (land line-parents house)
‪(217) 855-4750‬

Listen to Crimethinc Podcast on anti-fascism, including analysis of National Anarchism:

Troy Southgate "Tradition and Revolution- Collected Writings of Troy Southgate", “National Anarchism: Trojan Horse for White Nationalism”

Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Golden Dawn’s Fascist Ideology

Taken from and written by Matthew Lyons:

Continuing Three Way Fight’s series on the Greek neonazi party Golden Dawn, in this post I offer a profile of Golden Dawn’s fascist ideology, based on online writings from the party and its affiliated organizations (Women’s Front, Youth Front, and Green Wing), which I have accessed using Google’s Translate function. Although some of the auto-translation results are garbled, many passages come through clearly and major points are often repeated in different ways, so I believe the following is reasonably accurate. (For Greek language sources, I have provided URLs in the “Sources” section below, rather than hyperlinks.)

Golden Dawn’s web offerings feature a familiar set of fascist ideological themes, including aggressive and expansionist nationalism, a vision of racial purity through purging alien groups and influences, a crude anti-elitism based on scapegoating Jews, patriarchal traditionalism, homophobia, closeness to nature, rejection of both capitalism and communism, and a call for a strong state role in the economy and society.

The party glorifies a militaristic approach to politics. GD’s Youth Front blog, for example, declares “The People’s Nationalism stands [for the] neglected Values of Honor, Duty, of ethics, of Blood, discipline, power of will and self-improvement for Life and finally the heroic lifestyle.” [1] And U.S. neonazi influences are evident. The Youth Front posted a glowing tribute to Robert Mathews, leader of The Order, who died in a 1984 shootout with U.S. federal agents. [2] The Women’s Front blog main page features a version of the “Fourteen Words” slogan coined by Order co-founder David Lane: “We must ensure the existence of our race and the future of our children!” [3]

Against globalization

Historian Roger Griffin has argued that fascist ideology centers on a vision of palingenesis, or collective rebirth out of a near-fatal crisis or decline. This fits Golden Dawn well, as the party’s name suggests. “Today the country is going through a deep crisis. [A] crisis of values and ethics. [A] crisis economic, cultural and national” – a crisis brought on mainly by globalization. “We do not believe in any globalization and believe that this is the way for the subjugation of all peoples of mankind in [the] global conspiracy that exists today.” [4] GD cites damaging effects of economic globalization including “the depopulation of the countryside, methodical destruction of agriculture, closure of sugar factories, textiles and dozens of other productive sectors related to agricultural production,” as well as the closing of hundreds of factories and decline of the shipping industry. Because “multinationals operate unchecked,” Greece has become dependent on imports for 80 percent of food consumed, and cheap imports “create fictitious and false needs.” [5]

GD also argues that “the system” has brought about “commercialization of the arts and cultural alienation of our people” through imposition of “outlandish American subculture” and (presumably worse) even Turkish culture. These changes are “aimed at discrediting the Greek civilization and [causing Greeks] to forget their manners, customs and traditions of our nation.” [5]

The part of globalization that upsets Golden Dawn the most is mass immigration, which they regard as an attack on Greece’s cultural and racial purity. “Millions of immigrants have invaded and continue to invade our country unchecked… so in a few years the Greeks [will be] a minority in our land…” The “international system of globalization” is forcing Greece “to become multinational and multicultural…. Crime is now rampant. Neglected infectious diseases reappear.” The party calls for immediately arresting and deporting “all illegal immigrants” and securing the country’s borders with antipersonnel mines. [5]

Anti-elitism and antisemitism

Golden Dawn says that Greece is “under occupation” – controlled by outside forces. “The local corrupt political establishment, hooked to power, executes all the commands of dependence and subordination selling out [the] country.” [5] According to GD, real power is held by global elites, who the party refers to more or less interchangeably as “multinationals,” “capitalists,” “plutocracy,” [6] “predatory banking system,” or “international moneylenders.” [7] These terms hint at the classic fascist distinction between “productive” industrial capital and “parasitic” finance capital, but from what I have seen Golden Dawn doesn’t seem to develop this argument clearly. In any case, at the center of the conspiracy is “the one and only ruler of nations: the world Jewry.” [8]

The GD Youth Front argues that Jews use globalization “to create people incapable, [with] no future, and to eventually destroy humanity. Materialism will prevail and any value will be erased permanently from the souls of men. The consumerism will reap people and any resistance will immediately [be] suppressed.” [1] On GD’s own website we are told that Zionism (Jewish nationalism) is trying “to exterminate the ‘eternal’ enemy (the Greeks)” and that the Jewish lobby in the U.S. is behind U.S. policy in the Eastern Mediterranean region, which aims at “segmentation of the Greek State and the disappearance of the Greek Nation.” Zionism, by accelerating globalization, “put the U.S. on a slippery road [of] confrontation… with all nations of the earth.” [9])

Beyond left and right

Golden Dawn claims that “the political theories of bourgeois democracy, liberalism, Marxism and capitalism …ultimately are creations of the Jews, who incite the New World Order.” [1] Thus political left and political right are two sides of the same coin. “The right and left solutions supposedly fight each other, [but] it’s just theater[:] two partners who perpetuate the dominance of cosmopolitan internationalist and anti-national and anti-people forces.” [6] GD rejects both capitalism and communism as “instruments of the Zionist world domination attempt.” [5] “The oligarchy of money and [Bolshevik] party tyranny [are] the same. Enemies of the Nation and the People.” [6] On one side, the free market is “only the vehicle [of] internationalist capital, banks and moneylenders.” Adam Smith’s “theory of the ‘invisible hand’” (the belief that free markets channel selfish behavior into social benefits) has been disproved, because on “one finger of the hand, [is a] shining gold ring with the star of David!”

On the other side, the idea of class struggle “is opposed to our vision for unity of the people in a community of shared blood. The Bolsheviks did not believe in the reality of race.” [10] “In contrast with the sweat and blood of the worker, the leftists [have] the privileged status of rottenness and corruption.” In addition, GD claims, the left actually aids the capitalists they claim to be fighting. “While we are nationalists, [we have] argued from the outset against the invasion of foreign workplaces, [while] the unfortunate Marxists rushed to side on the side of smuggled migrants, essentially serving the interests of capitalists…. Who was actually the beneficiary of the massive invasion of foreign manpower in our country? [It] was undoubtedly the class of capitalists…” [7]

Rebirth of the nation

Golden Dawn aims to restore the unity, purity, and independence of the Greek nation. This involves not only purging foreigners, getting rid of corrupt politicians, and freeing Greece from the control of international moneylenders. The “ultimate aim” is to form “a new society and a new type of man” through “a radical renewal of the obsolete and counterfeit social values.” To GD, “nationalism is the only absolute and true revolution because it seeks [a] new birth [of] ethical, spiritual, social and mental values.” [6]

Golden Dawn’s “policy line is that the national interest stands above anything else…” [4] This means subordinating the individual to the nation. “It is important to society, the whole community of the People, not the person…. A person can only be one person who completes the socialization through capability, as [a] harmonious composition of social and individual values. This superior type of person is a new kind of person who seeks to realize nationalism.” [6]

Golden Dawn nationalism celebrates Greek culture as an outgrowth of Greeks’ racial heritage. “Tradition, the History of Law of our Nation and the Idea of Hellenism are the supreme values through which we experience the world and approach the concept of culture.” “We believe in a new Greek culture based on [the] great and eternal tradition of our race. We believe in a Greek way of life against the vile and vulgar outlandish customs.” [4] “Our way is the way of natural law: because Nature herself stated that Greek blood will be the most complete, most crystallized and perfect expression of human culture!” [10] “Nobody can refute the eternal natural law, no one can refute the Law of Blood!” [7] In this framework, “racial mixing is unacceptable, and almost always leads to disorder, mental illness, due to the destructive combination of inherited mental gifts, resulting in the destruction of human nature.” [1]

Women's duty

Golden Dawn proclaims “the importance of family and the value of motherhood.” Having babies is women's duty to the nation, in that “More children means more Greek[s], more opportunities for progression and creativity, more power to prevent any foreign conspiracy.” [8] When the party advocates services for women, such as more childcare centers or “support for single mothers to prevent abortion,” it is mainly to support their function as mothers. Similarly, the head of Golden Dawn's Women's Front, Eugenia Christou, said, "We want women to be educated because those will nurture their children, who are the hope and future of this country." [11]

At the same time, GD argues that traditional roles are a source of strength and pride for Greek women, in contrast to global culture's consumerism, sexual exploitation, and racial dangers. Declaring that women should not be treated as a "pleasure vessel or object," Christou proclaimed, “In today’s society, dominated by the standards of prostitution, where the role of the mother has become obsolete and has been replaced by superficial values, Women of the Golden Dawn, dynamic and informed about the nature of the female sex, strongly assert a healthy standard.” [11] A GD Women's Front blog post about a women's self-defense course explains, "our members were taught how with simple movements [they] can protect themselves, as attacks against women by hordes of illegal immigrants have already become a daily occurrence…. The course is for Greeks only.” [12]

Nature and tradition

Like the original Nazi party before them, Golden Dawn emphasizes closeness to nature. The party has an environmentalist affiliate organization called Green Wing, whose blog features articles about recycling, organic farming, the blight of strip mall construction, and traditional ways of harvesting olives. [13] Green Wing frames such concerns in a nationalist context. “Man is and should be in direct contact with nature and the natural environment. The rupture of this bond [through] urbanization leads to a decline in[to] a vulgar way of life, this American, cosmopolitan lifestyle away from their ancestral homes and Nature.” [14]

Taking this a step further, Green Wing has also promoted eugenics. In 2007 their blog reprinted an article by J. Bauge-Prevost on “Biopolitics and Eugenics,” which argued that “The hereditary burdened people [such] as paranoid, the mentally retarded, the schizophrenic, epileptic, carriers of mutated genes, incurable alcoholics, advanced drug addicts and others should [be] sterilized.” The same article listed “homosexuality, the degenerate marriages, racial intermarriage, [and] wild consumerism” along with “the soiling of the environment” as threats to the white race. [15]

A strong state

Golden Dawn's website refers to their ideal of the purified and unified nation as “the People’s State” or “the secular state.” “For the People nationalism is not only a numerical unity of people but a qualitative synthesis of people with the same biological and spiritual heritage, which is the source of all creation and expresses its power in the People’s State[:] the only state that can express the people as an organic whole and spiritual living.” “In [the] secular state there is no social stratification based on income-economic classes. The popular classes are collaborating organic[ally], other groups of people with special abilities and production skills each. Just like in a living body. The different systems contribute harmoniously and in full cooperation for their survival.” [6]

The People’s or secular state will be “a fair state where everybody is equal before the law and where the law is respected by all.” [4] But this formal equality will allow true, natural inequality to express itself. “The People’s State of Nationalism [that] delivers social equality of opportunity is grounded in meritocracy and [does] not ignore the law of diversity and difference in nature. Respecting the spiritual, ethnic and racial inequality of men can build egalitarian society and law.” [6] Specifically, “the Armed Forces and the people of Culture and Education” represent “a natural aristocracy.” “In our state they will be the leaders and guides of the nation and not the cunning politicians or government-nouveau riche plutocrats.” [4] (The reference to the Armed Forces as natural leaders of Greece evokes the rightist military dictatorship of 1967-1974, whose former leaders helped inspire Nikolaos Michaloliakos to found the Golden Dawn party.)

Golden Dawn advocates a strong state role in the economy. “As there can be no strong economy without private initiative, so it can not exist without public sector. The strategic sectors of the economy [should be] controlled by the national state.” [5] Further, “the state should control private property so that it is not dangerous for the survival of the People or can manipulate [the People].” [6] They want to nationalize those banks that have received bailout funds and merge them into a strong national bank, whose income will be invested in domestic production to make Greece self-sufficient. They also want debt relief for low-income people and “specialized programs to support workers, Motherhood, vulnerable groups and youth.” But at the same time, Golden Dawn also calls for a “dramatic reduction of government expenditure,” to be achieved by reducing the salaries of MPs, expenditures on parliament and the presidency, and cutting funding for political parties and NGOs. [5]

Foreign policy

Golden Dawn calls for an aggressive and expansionist foreign policy. “We denounce the abandonment of Northern Epirus [part of Albania], the constant retreats in Cyprus, Macedonia, [and] Aegean Thrace...” [4] “Macedonia is our land since ancient Greek times…. Today, some parts of it remain outside the National Backbone and Greeks living there [are] methodically persecuted.” GD wants political autonomy for Northern Epirus and Greek citizenship for ethnic Greeks living there. They declare that “Cyprus is Greece” and call for the liberation of occupied Cyprus from Turkish rule. They also want to expand Greek territorial waters to 12 nautical miles,  “close the Turkish consulate and [deport] agents of Ankara.” [5]

              *         *         *

Golden Dawn’s website and blogs offer a relatively traditional form of fascist ideology, not that different from what was common in the 1920s and 1930s. Like many current-day fascists, GD has adapted old themes to fit new circumstances – thus the rejection of globalization and the scapegoating of immigrants. Golden Dawn has apparently not gone in for any of the more systematic reworkings of fascist ideology, such as Alain de Benoist’s ethno-pluralism, Julius Evola’s racial mysticism, Lyndon LaRouche’s esoteric conspiracy theories, or Troy Southgate’s national anarchism. GD is also not significantly influenced by national bolshevism, Strasserism, or any other avowedly anti-capitalist variants of fascism. Although one of their articles proclaims Golden Dawn’s “own real socialism,” all this amounts to is providing a Greek-only employment agency, emergency food distribution, and a blood bank. [7]

Golden Dawn advocates a rightist revolution against Greece’s established political and cultural order, but it bolsters capitalist economic power through its attacks on the left and large sections of the working class, and by channeling many people’s frustration and rage at the economic crisis into anti-immigrant bigotry and violence. I agree with clandestina that here “capitalism uses fascism, as it also has in the past,” but I’m skeptical of their claim that the rise of Golden Dawn (“a seemingly ‘militant’ fascist organization”) was simply part of a campaign manufactured by the ruling class. Yes, there are close ties between Golden Dawn and the police, but that doesn’t explain the genuine popular support for the party or address the question of possible divisions within the ruling class or the state.

Similarly, I agree with "9 Theses on the Golden Dawn..." that Golden Dawn stands with one foot “in increasing totalitarianism, mafia and violence” but not that its other foot is in “neoliberal rationalism.” Arguing that the free market is a tool of Jewish power and that “the state should control private property so that it is not dangerous for the survival of the People” is flatly at odds with neoliberalism. It seems more likely that Golden Dawn is aligned with sections of the Greek ruling class that are resisting neoliberal demands from the European Union and global capital.

Monday, September 24, 2012

Chik-fil-A Claims To No Longer Support Political Agendas

There has been much controversy in the news about Chik-fil-A and their ties to the anti-gay movement. There are many reasons, including actual admittance, that warrant these allegations. Chik-fil-A was listed by the anti-gay marriage organization known as Pennsylvania Family Institute (PFI) as a co-sponsor of two marriage conferences. Chik-fil-A's chief operating officer Dan Cathy not only told the Christian news service Baptist Press that the company did support a “traditional family” but then he appeared on “The Ken Coleman Show” and stated that he believed advocating same-sex marriage would be “inviting God’s judment on our nation". Just yesterday, after months of public outcry and withdrawal of some corporate support, Chik-fil-A has claimed to longer"support political or social agendas". This decision has caused quite a backlash, not only amongst Christian Rightists, but amongst the white supremacist movement as well.

Quote and screen shots from "Many White Nationalists supported Chick-Fil-A because it was in our interests to stand up for the traditional values that were instrumental in creating Western Civilization."
We can assume, just as Rick Garcia, senior policy adviser for the Civil Rights Agenda has, that the motivations behind this "change of heart" are strictly financial. The need to sell more chicken and climb to the number one rank as the nations largest chicken chain is clearly more important to them than their twisted homophobic beliefs. So what does it mean if Chik-Fil-A has changed its policies? From our critical perspective this is a success because it has dried up funding that would otherwise be going to homophobic groups and nonprofits, and not because a capitalist corporation decided to become "moral". Under capitalism, a businesses very existence is based on the exploitation and alienation of every single living thing it reaches; from the person who grows/raises the food, to the person who cooks the food, to the person who serves the food, to the person who eats the food, and even to the food itself. It's not a matter of Chik-fil-A making "greedy" or "selfish" choices, it's the inescapable nature of capitalism. So we need not praise them, or Starbucks or any other business simply because they choose not to fund groups that promote homophobic bullshit. Against Chik-fil-A, against Starbucks....against homophobia and capitalism! For a classless, free society!

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Anarchist Reflections On The Tinley Park Incident. By Some Anarchist Antifascists

Some anonymous anarchists analyze and speak favorably about the recent action in Tinley Park.

Taken from

About one month back 15-20 masked antifascists stormed a white supremacist meeting at the Ashford House restaurant in Tinley Park, IL with weapons in hand and not only brought the meeting to an immediate end, but out of the 12 white supremacists in attendance, 10 were injured, many were hospitalized, 2 were arrested and several were DOX'd after the action. 5 of the alleged attackers were also arrested and are currently fighting charges

Different variations of anti-racist activists from liberal to militant have voiced their opinions of the action (some silently and some not so silently) in terms of the approach and the outcome. The obvious critics saying that " it did nothing for the cause" and even some more militant anti-fascists have raised the question "was it worth it in the end?". The purpose of this article is to critically analyze the approach used by anti-fascists on May 19th in Tinley Park and to show why we see this action (and others alike), although no better than some other tactics at achieving direct goals, as one of the more effective, in terms of the massive long term damage done to fascist organizing and spirit. 

Other less dangerous, yet still militant, tactics, like the ones employed at the attack on the MCL cafeteria in Indiana during Irving's 2011 tour, the smoke bombing at the Hitler birthday celebration in Lyons, IL in 2011, or other preemptive attacks on individual organizers, can very well achieve the same immediate end and should typically be seen as the go-to tactics , as they better allow you to remain anonymous and at a more safe reach from the fascists and the state. We must always attempt to minimize injuries on on our side as they can be extremely hurtful to the work we are doing. Staying safe is always extremely important but we must be realistic; simply doing this work, at any level, puts us in a precarious and often unsafe position. The danger of fascist organizing or individuals should be taken seriously, but here and there, a genuine show of strength, courage and brute force is necessary. Especially when numbers permit. We can not, and will not, always toss rocks over picket fences at one another. Whether we, as antifascists, can agree on that statement or not, the lasting impact that actions like the battle of York, Baltimore, the battle of Pemberton in 2011, the 2009 campaign against David Irving and In Tinley Park last month, leave in the hearts and minds of the fascists, as well as anti-fascists, is undeniable. 

These type of actions do more than simply end an event or meeting. The attack at the Ashford house has driven fear and paranoia into the white supremacists scene, especially those in attendance. It drove potentially talented white supremacists organizers out of commission and set an example of what can happen to any space or business hosting these type of events. Aside from the immense damage it dealt to their side, for us, it was inspirational and sparked a massive interest in militant anti-fascist work. At last, it created a platform for us to express to more mainstream audiences why we believe using direct action to fight against the fascists is necessary as it forced many non-radical folks to look for answers to the questions that were causing them such cognitive dissonance. 

The fear: 

Imagine, after months of planning, several anarchists in your area, some you may know and some you may not, sit down at a table in some neutral space to have a discussion. Then, within minutes, you become trapped in a room filled with 20 masked white supremacists wielding weapons and injuring 70% of the attendees at this event. What kind of effect do you think this would have on us? How many people would drop out of "anarchist organizing"? Would folks blame others for the lack of security or even make snitch or informant accusations. Would people feel comfortable to ever go to another event and would the topic at hand be overshadowed, or distracted from, by the immense need for self protection. How would this type of attack differ from say a protest or phone calls to our host space? Had the event been attacked the night before, the host may have pulled the plug, but with some hurdle jumping and a few phone calls could we potentially continue the discussion with at least a portion of the crowd, at some other place, at some other time in the not so distant future? All the tactics mentioned above should not be dismissed, nor should they be considered ineffective, weak or less glamorous, especially the latter, but at the same time, think of the tremendous long lasting damage this type of full frontal assault would have on us and our supporters mentally. The fear, the sense of defeat and the disempowerment. 

Since the Ashford attack, the predictable came true; Not only has the finger pointing and snitch jacketing amongst white supremacists began, but the lead organizer has alleged her retirement from her short lived activist career as a direct result of antifa harassment. The discourse taking place amongst a large number of white supremacists on stormfront no longer revolved around offensive organizing of any kind, but were now defensive, and centered around how to deal with us and how to protect themselves, and as long as we do our job right, this pondering should continue. 

Setting a precedent: 

Aside from the lasting impression on white supremacist individuals, this attack sets a fine example of what type of consequences you can expect from hosting such events.The next time David Irving, or any other white supremacists speaker or organization, reserves a space, simply reminding them of Irving's tour in 2009, in which Edelweiss restaurant was damaged and then sued for a half a million dollars , hotels were barged into, and attendees were stabbed, should be enough to make them think twice. If not, this very incident in Tinley Park, the alleged 15,000 dollars in damages, loss of customers and bad reputation, will surely do the trick. It is just another addition to the list of reasons of why you should not support fascist organizing. 

The arrests on our side: 

The down side to the Ashford attack was the arrests made. Only so much critique can be laid down here. If those arrested were actually involved, only those who attended know what led them to be arrested and how, if at all, it can have been avoided. However, from the look of things from an outside perspective, the fact that there wasn't a public call to confront the white supremacists yet there were 20 antifas there, the fact that the secret hosting location was discovered and that according to media reports the attack lasted under a minute, it doesn't seem to be a matter of bad planning or lack of pre-emptive thought.

We believe that the outcome, in terms of the arrests, shouldn't necessarily have any difference on the way we view this approach unless we see these arrests as an essential characteristic of such an approach. Had no one got arrested would some of the more militant advocates still hold such criticisms over the tactic used? It is also important to remember that, although it is always our goal to evade capture, our immediate goal as antifascists is to attack fascist organizing and shut down organizations and events, and in that it did.. and then some! If someone feels that in this particular case, the arrests weren't worth the damage done to fascist organizing, they are entitled to that opinion. This opinion may or may not be commonly shared or popular, but it should not necessarily reflect negatively on the approach universally as much as in this particular case. 

Clandestine yet visible: 

Being anarchist antifascists we recognize that the state and capitalism are just as undesirable as the fascism we fight and that the law actively seeks to render us ineffective, the same way we do to the fascists. That being said, sometimes visions of antifa crews that allow everyone and anyone to participate with no hesitation can be utopian and naive. Depending on a given antifa crews methods, this type of approach can be detrimental. This doesn't mean that anti-fascism should be specialized or left to professionals. The difficulty within ARA and antifa work is just that; we want this war to be inclusive (or at least more visible and less specialized) yet we want it to be secure and impenetrable for those of us who participate. To a certain degree, this action met all standards; a quietly organized group of folks achieved an end, while also reaching out to several thousands of people not already involved in antifa work and said, "Do the damn thing, and this is how!" 

If you look close enough, and stop waiting to read public call outs by fascists, you will realize that fascist organizing is happening quite often and generally in secret. If we constantly used the tactic used at Ashford house a great majority of us would likely burn out, or be in jail. It is not that we believe that arrests are unavoidable in this type of approach, but the visibility and large number of people engaging in illegal activity in a single area do make it a little harder to evade capture. Tactics we use should be dependent on the situation. Their numbers, the type of location, the type of group were dealing with and their organizational strategy etc. We should remain inventive and have multiple forms of attack. We should attempt to use tactics that better guarantee we will be around to fight another day. 

It is absolutely important when you start doing antifascists work to strategize. Analyze what is happening around you and what you think might work best in your situation. But only so much strategy can be developed without action. Spending far too long strategizing, fearing and remaining in a defensive mindset without action will get you nowhere. We must instigate. They hide from us, not the other way around. The best way to further develop your strategy is to create action and document your experience. 

Be smart, and be secure, but be fearless fucking tigers. Some of them are willing to go the distance..are we? 

Mad solidarity to the Tinley Park 5 and all those fighting against the state, capitalism and the fascists! 

Their world is shit and our dreams are beautiful!

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Who is Jesse Deutsch?

Jesse Abraham Deutsch (possible address: 2130 W 21st St Chicago, IL 60608) is a "national anarchist" AKA fascist scumbag. Jesse has large life rune tattoos on both of his forearms, "still ill" on his collarbone, a deaths head skull on his inner right arm and variations of ss bolts on  his neck and elsewhere. . Aside from his tattoos he wears red laced boots, death in June shirts and has a Hitler-esque haircut. In our eyes, this combination of signs screams white supremacist, but taking a look closer, as any serious antifascist should, only confirms it.

Jesse has claimed to be influenced by Francis Parker Yockey who was involved with many far right causes around the world and remains one of the "seminal influences in many extremist right political and race / nationalist movements. He promoted; harsh criticism of Jews, German National Socialism and other Fascist causes." Jesse is also influenced by what is called “neo-Volkish movements”. “These loose networks revive or imitate the völkisch movement of 19th and early 20th century Germany in their defensive affirmation of white identity against modernity, immigration, multiracialism, and multiculturalism. Some identify as neo-fascist, neo-Nazi, or Third Positionist; others are politicised around some form of white ethnic nationalism or identity politics, and may show anarchist tendencies."

Jesse is Orcadian and German and originally lived in st.Louis. He then moved to long beach California sometime after 2008. He has attended Saint Louis Community College-Forest Park and University Of Missouri-St Louis Majoring in nursing and Philosophy and minoring in German. He does not define as a Nazi and actually calls himself a national anarchist and Odian. But it goes without question that Jesse is a fascsist and therefore should not be welcome in our city. According to word on the street, this message has already been delivered in a less than nice way.

Taken from Jesses blog:

I am a National-Anarchist and Odian. I am of Orcadian/German decent, with a little English in there for good measure! I have been actively pursuing a Study of Runic History, Lore, and Operant Magic for around 13 years. I also have an interest in the Hermetic Tradition, and the Aryo-Vedic one as well. As a National-Anarchist, I feel that it is fundamental for me to help "spread the word", so to speak, to other's interested in the Indo-European Traditions. National-Anarchism, as a current, is very compatible with our ancient Indo-European Tribal systems

Jesse Asa Deutsch
Asa Boyd
Asa Boyd TorssÛn
Asa Germania

Here are pictures of Jesse including ones from his curb stomping in 2007:

Thursday, December 8, 2011

Occupy movement: Anti-capitalism versus populism

From threewayfight by Matthew N Lyons
Occupy Wall Street is one of the most exciting political developments in years, but like any social movement it has its contradictions. As I noted briefly at the end of my previous post, the Occupy movement is vulnerable to right-wing overtures to the extent that many progressive-minded activists lack clear anti-capitalist and anti-fascist politics. While some Occupiers have put forward a radical class analysis, others have voiced a sort of liberal populism, which identifies the problem as specific institutions, policies, or subjective behaviors rather than the capitalist system. Several leftists on other websites have addressed this political limitation and its unfortunate resonances with right-wing ideology. Here I want to summarize some of their main points, then offer an important counter-example of Occupy movement anti-capitalism – the plan by West coast Occupy movements to blockade ports on December 12th. 

Against "corporate greed" 
Bill Weinberg has urged Occupiers to take a clear stand against capitalism, rejecting the defensive slogan, "We aren't against capitalism, we're against corporate greed." Weinberg counters: "The assumption behind this response is that with enough public oversight or (in the more reactionary versions) if Wall Street brokers acted with greater patriotism, capitalism could 'work.'" Failing to target capitalism as a system, he argues, offers more room to "gold-standard crankery, Federal Reserve fetishism and other right-wing, pro-capitalist responses to the crisis" – including antisemitism. 

Ross Wolfe similarly criticizes the tendency by many protesters to blame greed for the inequities of capitalism, arguing that this "mistakes an epiphenomenal characteristic of capitalism for something more fundamental" and "ignores the way that the capitalists themselves are implicated by the intrinsic logic of capital." Even the capitalist who enjoys the benefits of great wealth "is constantly compelled to reinvest his capital back into production in order to stay afloat." Thus "capitalism is not a moral but rather a structural problem." Wolfe further argues that blaming capitalist inequities on rich people's moral failings "ultimately amounts to what might be called the 'diabolical' view of society – the idea that all of society's ills can be traced back to some scheming cabal of businessmen conspiring over how to best fuck over the general public. (The 'diabolical' view of society is not all that far removed from conspiracy theories about the 'New World Order, the Illuminati, or 'International Jewry.'…)" 

Glorifying the "real" economy 
The Occupy movement's focus on banks presents a related pitfall, depending on whether banks are targeted as a major component of the capitalist system or as a parasitic growth on it. As BobFromBrockley points out in a wide-ranging discussion of Occupy, "the valorization of the good, honest, organic 'real economy' against the predatory tentacular finance capital is not just a feature of the Zeitgeist movement and antisemitic cranks," but has also been taken up, for example, by liberal Christians. Bob continues:

"The idea that capitalism would be fine if we removed all that smoke and mirrors finance stuff and got back to the 'real' production of stuff is both deeply reactionary (based on nostalgia for something that never existed, and with a close kinship to the 'socialism of fools' that thinks the problem is Jew-financiers) but also empirically nonsense. Sweatshops where adults and children labour for long hours in appalling conditions to make clothes and electronic components are part of 'the real economy'. As are the biofuel plantations that are eating up the rainforests that produce the air we breathe. As are the oil wells and oil pipes that poison our river deltas; the manufacture of weapons of torture and warfare; the coltan mines that central African child soldiers kill and are killed for; the soybean and rapeseed monocultures that we rely on for our daily meals, the beds we sleep on wrought from rainforest lumber; and so on. All wage labour involves exploitation, whatever part of the capitalist economy you’re in. The 'real economy' may be realer, but it is ultimately no better."

West coast port shutdown and class politics 
In contrast with liberal populism, the plan by West coast Occupations to shut down West coast ports on December 12th defines the movement as confronting structural, class inequality. The action is specifically planned in solidarity with labor battles by port workers in Longview (Washington) and Los Angeles, but more broadly to "economically disrupt 'wall street on the waterfront.'" The website for the action declares, "U.S. ports have…become economic engines for the elite; the 1% these trade hubs serve are free to rip the shirts off the backs of the 99% who turn their profits." Occupy Seattle's port shutdown statement declares further that "the Occupy movement is part of the workers' movement," whether its members are union members or non-members, unemployed, students, or homeless. The Seattle statement also draws connections between corporate union-busting, government budget cuts that target working people, and police violence and harassment of Occupy activists worldwide. (Occupy Seattle organizers have issued an emergency fundraising request to help charter buses for the port shutdown. Donations can be made at 

Anti-capitalism versus liberal populism is only one dimension of the Occupy Wall Street movement. This issue doesn't capture the movement's dynamism or fluidity: the way it has opened up important new space for people to tell their stories and debate what is happening in the economy and society, and the way people's politics can shift and change – sometimes very quickly – when participating in mass activism or facing police repression. Critiquing capitalism as a system isn't a full recipe for radical change, but it is a necessary ingredient.

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Rightists Woo The Occupy Wall Street Movement

 By Matthew Lyons. Take from Three way Fight:

Most right-wing responses to the Occupy Wall Street (OWS) movement have ranged from patronizing to hostile. Rightists have variously criticized the Occupy forces for--supposedly--copying the Tea Party; failing to target big government; being dirty, lazy lawbreakers; being orchestrated by pro-Obama union bosses and community organizers; having ties with radical Islamists; fomenting antisemitism; or failing to address Jewish dominance of Wall Street. (On the Jewish Question, the John Birch Society wants to have it both ways--arguing that antisemitic attacks are integral to the Occupy movement's leftist ideology, but also that the movement is bankrolled by Jewish financier George Soros, who is backed by "the unimaginably vast Rothschild banking empire.") 

At the same time, some right-wingers have joined or endorsed Occupy events, causing some leftists and liberals to raise warning flags. Neonazis have shown up at Occupy Phoenix and been kicked out of Occupy Seattle, where leftists formed an antifascist working group to keep them out. The Liberty Lamp, an anti-racist website, has identified a number of right-wing groups that have sought to "capitalize on the success" of OWS, including several neonazi organizations, Oath Keepers (a Patriot movement group for police and military personnel), libertarian supporters of Texas congressmember Ron Paul, and even the neoconservative American Spectator magazine. Lenny Zeskind's Institute for Research & Education on Human Rights has warned against Tea Party supporters "who want to be friends with the Occupiers," including FedUpUSA, Ron Paul's Campaign for Liberty, and conspiracist talk show host Alex Jones. The International Socialist Organization has focused on Ron Paul libertarians as a particular threat to the Occupy movement. In a related vein, the socialist journal Links reposted a detailed expose of Zeitgeist (aka the Venus Project), a conspiracist cult that has been involved in Occupy movement events, many of whose ideas are rooted in antisemitism or other right-wing ideology. 

There is always a danger that some rightists will come to Occupy movement events to harass or attack leftists, or act as spies or provocateurs. More commonly, rightists see the movement as an opportunity to gain credibility, win new recruits, or build coalitions with leftists. When pitching to left-leaning activists, these right-wingers emphasize their opposition to the U.S. economic and political establishment--but downplay their own oppressive politics. In place of systemic critiques of power, rightists promote distorted forms of anti-elitism, such as conspiracy theories or the belief that government is the root of economic tyranny. We've seen this "Right Woos Left" dynamic over and over, for example in the anti-war, environmental, and anti-globalization movements. 

Neo-fascists against financial elites 

Rightists who support the Occupy movement aim to redefine and redirect Occupiers' discontent. Hoosier Nation (Indiana chapter of American Third Position) pledged to join Occupy Indianapolis as a "popular uprising against the financial elites" but criticized the rally organizers' call for human unity as "muddled thinking": "Not to quibble, but our races, religions, and identities do matter. Our identities aren't the problem, they're the solution.... The notion that we don't exist as families and nations but rather as autonomous individuals is a fiction perpetuated by our financial elites to topple the barriers standing in the way of exploiting us." 

A cruder style of rhetoric comes from Rocky Suhayda's American Nazi Party, which champions the "White working class" against "this evil corrupt, decadent JUDEO-CAPITALIST SYSTEM." The ANP praised the Occupy movement as "a breath of cleansing air" and urged its supporters to get involved. "Produce some flyers EXPLAINING the 'JEW BANKER' influence--DON'T wear anything marking you as an 'evil racist'--and GET OUT THERE and SPREAD the WORD!" (Another fascist grouplet, the National Socialist American Labor Party, immediately repudiated the ANP's stance and denounced Occupy Wall Street as a Jewish Communist movement.) 

The Lyndon LaRouche network, which offers a more esoteric version of fascist politics, has a long history of attaching itself to popular movements--as well as violence, spying, and dirty tricks against political opponents. LaRouchites have always denounced finance capital as one of the world's main evils, so it is no surprise that they have joined Occupy events in several cities. True to their current attempt to package themselves as Franklin Roosevelt liberals, the LaRouchites are pushing for reinstatement of the 1933 Glass-Steagall Act's wall between investment banking and commercial banking, which was repealed in 1999. The LaRouchites take credit for supposedly making Glass-Steagall reinstatement "a leading demand" of the Occupy movement.

Attack the System's "Message to Occupy Wall Street" 

A more sophisticated rightist overture to the Occupy movement comes from Keith Preston's Attack the System (ATS) network. Two ATS associate editors, RJ Jacob and Miles Joyner, have produced a YouTube video titled "Message to Occupy Wall Street: Power to the Neighborhoods." The 13-minute video is explicitly "tailored to the mainstream left" and contains many elements designed to appeal to leftists. Jacob and Joyner call for OWS to develop into a revolutionary insurgency against the American Empire and highlight their opposition to U.S. military aggression, state repression, global capitalist institutions, corporate welfare, gentrification, and other standard leftist targets. They also advocate a strategy of "pan-secessionism" to help bring about "a system of decentralized cities, towns and neighborhoods where all colors, genders, and political groups can achieve self-determination." 

What Jacob and Joyner's video doesn't tell us is that their organization's vision of revolution would not dismantle oppression but simply decentralize it. ATS founder and leader Keith Preston believes that most people are herd-like "sheep" who will inevitably be dominated by a few power hungry "wolves." Although Preston calls himself an anarchist, he has no problem with authoritarianism on a small scale and has made it a priority to "collaborate with racialists and theocrats" against the left. White nationalists and Christian rightists are major players in the pan-secessionist movement that ATS and the Jacob/Joyner video promote. (For details on Preston and ATS, see my article "Rising Above the Herd.") 

ATS elitism is reflected in "Message to Occupy Wall Street." In explaining what's needed to move toward revolution, the video puts a big emphasis on the development of "an intellectual and philosophical counter-elite." It is this counter-elite that develops revolutionary ideas, which then "trickle down into the ranks of the masses." No hint that "the masses" might develop a few ideas of their own.

"Message" also calls for a revolutionary movement that transcends left/right divisions. This is a standard theme for ATS (and many other far rightists), but the approach to it here is different from what I have seen in Preston's work. Jacob and Joyner argue that "counter-elites" on both the left and the right have contributed to developing a revolutionary movement--but in very different ways. The leftist counter-elites "have served as leaders of systems disruption, networked resistance, informational warfare, communications, and public intelligence." Meanwhile, "it is the counter-elites of the right who are developing an entirely new political paradigm in opposition to the state ideologies of the system." In other words, leftists are good at developing the technologies of revolution, but rightists are the ones with the actual vision for society. 

Jacob and Joyner's list of important rightist counter-elites includes anarcho-capitalist Hans-Hermann Hoppe, paleoconservative Paul Gottfried, European New Rightist Alain de Benoist, and the ever-popular Ron Paul, among others. Their list of "leftists" who have influenced the Occupy movement is heavily weighted toward the technology/info-guerrilla side, with figures such as WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange, digital currency developer Satoshi Nakamoto, the Chaos Computer Club, and the hacker network Anonymous. The list also includes Ralph Nader and Kirkpatrick Sale, who among liberals have been two of the leading practitioners of left-right collaboration--Sale through the pan-secessionist movement, and Nader through the anti-globalization movement. 

John Robb, open-source technocrat 

The counter-elite figure who gets the most coverage in "Message" is John Robb, who runs the Global Guerrillas website, and he deserves attention here because of his murky politics and his interest in OWS. Robb is a former U.S. counter-terrorism mission commander turned independent military theorist and technology analyst. He has written about the rise of "open-source warfare"--characterized by decentralized networks of terrorists, criminals, and other non-state actors acting with a high degree of innovation and flexibility--and the hollowing out of traditional nation-states. In response to these and other trends--including economic and environmental crises--Robb promotes the development of "resilient communities," which are autonomous and largely self-sufficient in terms of energy, food, security, and other basic needs. Robb has praised the Occupy Wall Street movement as a pioneering example of "open-source protest" that is "constructing the outlines of resilient communities in the heart of many of our most dense urban areas." 

Jacob and Joyner's video characterizes Robb as a leftist, and indeed many of his ideas, such as his belief that both capitalism and the nation state are breaking down and his emphasis on decentralized solutions, sound radical. But while I don't claim to fully understand where Robb is coming from, I am deeply wary. Robb himself avoids political labels, and Thomas Barnett has characterized him as "a serious technocrat who distrusts politics." According to his online bio, Robb has consulted extensively for government agencies such as the CIA, NSA, and Defense Department. And his anti-establishment friends seem to be found mainly on the right. For example, he has archived the former blog of fellow military theorist William Lind and features it prominently on the Global Guerrillas home page. Lind, whose theory of "fourth generation war" has a lot in common with Robb's ideas, is a hardline traditionalist conservative who spent many years at Paul Weyrich's Free Congress Foundation. 

Robb's writings are often reposted on right-wing websites such as, The Occidental Quarterly, Occidental Dissent, and Attack the System. As far as I know, he has never tried to dissociate himself from these organs. Intentionally or unintentionally, his own work often resonates with rightist themes without invoking them directly, as when he writes about "the decline of the West" (echoing Oswald Spengler) or the virtues of building a "tribe" (echoing national-anarchists, among others). John Robb's relationship with the right merits more in-depth study, but he is no leftist. 

So far, the effect of right-wing groups on the Occupy Wall Street movement has been limited. Yet the lack of clear anti-capitalist and anti-fascist analysis in much of the movement opens the door for rightists to spread radical-sounding propaganda rooted in oppressive politics. It is important for us to understand and expose this danger, in the Occupy movement and others that may follow.

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Some one Claiming KC IWW Promotes Platform For The Fascists

An update 10/06/11: 
I, Brianna Holmes-Burton, when making the statement below, was not speaking for the IWW as a whole, nor was I speaking for the Kansas City Branch of the IWW. I have asked other branch members if someone else can manage the Kansas City IWW facebook page and will not be using it except to check for IWW inquiries so that no one is ignored while we are waiting for someone else to volunteer to keep up with the page. I consent to being named publicly as the source of this problem and concede to all points against my statement. I offer no defense for any contested point whatsoever. This is entirely my fault and I should never have posted a personal opinion on the Kansas City IWW page. I did not seek input from my branch or any member of the IWW before making the statement. Also, on a personal note, I do not condone racism or any other similar forms of hate in any way whatsoever. That was not my intent in any shape, form or fashion.  I am so sorry. 
 Please contact me if there is anything else I can do to help fix this

Since the politics of the occupy movement are pretty vague/up in theair at the moment, most of the discussion we have seen has been of thenature of liberal vs. radical/anti-capitalist tug-of-war. However,there is another crew (or handful of crews) that also want in - thefar right. 

This is from a blog entry aboutOccupy KC, where someone posting as the KC IWW on facebook said:

 KansasCity IwwOccupations, please do not fall for divide and conquer tactics! thisis not about partisan politics, this is about class solidarity amongthe 99%. Tea Party members are part of the 99%. If we reject eachother based on political affiliation, we will fail. We need to focuson what we have in common as 99% of the world population who issuffering at the hands of the 1%. Find one demand that we can allembrace. It is there. Find it. Turn no one away. Explain to theracists why race is not the problem, explain to liberals why the TeaParty is not the problem, explain to conservatives why Obama is notthe problem. Tell everyone, the 1% is the problem. We are the 99% 

There are multiple problems with this:

1)"this is not about partisan politics, this is about class solidarityamong the 99%" - Not sure we're down with this 99% thing, as itseems to imply a broad class front that includes everyone but therichest of the rich. There are plenty of people left out of thecategory of the super-rich that I don't want solidarity with, likefascists, white nationalists, police/FBI, politicians, Stalinists, thebourgeoisie and some of the petty bourgeoisie that make up the bossesand landlords that we have so many problems with, etc.

2) "Tea Party members are part of the 99%" - White nationalistsseeking to push the Republican Party back to the days of lynching.Fuck 'em, they may technically be part of the 99%, but they want to bepart of the 1%.

3) "If we reject each other based on political affiliation, we willfail". -  Couldn't disagree more with this.

4) "Find one demand that we can all embrace" - Overly simplistic andclass-reductionist, the 99% is much to diverse for this (especially ifit includes people that are not part of the working-class). Wateringdown our messages/goals is not a good idea. Furthermore, we should not begging for scraps. Attack the root of oppression;capitalism. Do not beg for the improvement of the issues created by it.

5) "Turn no one away" - This is probably our  biggest issue with all ofthis. Within ARA we do anti-fascism from the "No Platform" approach,which means we don't allow fascists (or others on the far right) tohave a public say. To do so is to allow a victory for fascists, asthey get a chance to get their message out to the audience or organizein a community and possibly make some new contacts. We don't preferto peacefully protest, we shut events down or prevent them fromhappening in the first place. This "turn no one away" approach meansa passive approach to neo-nazis, Klansmen, Minutemen, etc., but italso means a passive approach to white nationalists, Tea Partiers,third-positionists, anti-semites, conspiracy theorists, and othershitheads that can pass off their ideas as mainstream and legitimatebecause they don't wear SS uniforms or white sheets.

6) "Explain to the racists why race is not the problem" - This one isalso bullshit. We get what they are going for, but racial oppressionis a major problem in this country and needs to be directly addressedand not pushed to the side. Open discussion of race and whitesupremacy is something that should be at the front of our organizing,just like class, gender, the environment, and other issues that wehave identified.The other example cited was of a 9/11 Truther passing on anti-semiticpropaganda through facebook on a page related to Occupy KC. APennsylvania Tea Party group has already public stated: "Listen upPatriots! We have access to over 50,000 kids on Occupy Together! Goeducate them to the truth". These two examples should be enough toprove our points, but we're sure we are going to see more. It is sort ofsimilar to the way Tea Partiers deny they are racist, but consistentlyattract Nazis, Klansmen, and other white nationalists to their eventsbut don't really seem to have an answer as to why it happens. If theOccupy Movement situation is made repugnant to anyone that would wantto push oppressive ideas, they will be much less likely to participate(or successfully participate) that if we allow them their say.

 The other recent post on OPP details Occupy Boston's creation of ananti-oppression policy early on, which looks like a much better ideathan being tolerant of fascists and white nationalists if they wantthis movement to be liberatory and not just another populist agendathat is divisive on class issues.

Monday, September 5, 2011

NSM Holds Rally in West Allis Surrounded by Thousands of Counter-Protesters

On Saturday September 3rd the neo-nazi group known as the National Socialist Movement(NSM) held a rally at the courthouse of West Allis WI to protest what they described as "violent black-on-white hate crimes" at the county fair a month earlier. Their rally was met with thousands of counter-protesters who voiced that they did not want the NSM's racial hatred in their community. Police from multiple jurisdictions came out in full support to protect the NSM's rally, making sure that "freedom of speech" reigned supreme by separating the Nazis and counter-protesters with a system of barricades and rows of armed riot cops. The rally ended without much incident with the state, the fascists, and the counter-protesters declaring a victory. While the the majority of West Allis came out to denounce the Nazis hate speech, the fight to drive out fascism in Wisconsin is far from over.

The rally was organized by Wisconsin NSM unit leaders Harriet Paletti and Paul Paletti (20225 W Coffee Road, New Berlin 53146, 414-554-2483) who had also recently protested Milwaukee Pridefest and the roller derby team "Rushin’ Rollettes" earlier this year. Speaking to the press, they denied being a "hate" group and talked about their "non-violent" intentions but NSM members have a long history of racial violence: Paul Paletti himself has done prison time for hate crimes where he attacked a Mexican teenager outside a bar while shouting racial slurs. Paul's husband Harriet is also running for local political office in 2012 for her district's alderman position as well as the Crime Prevention Committee. She also operates a business called "Garfield Accounting Services" but it is hard to imagine anybody who would trust these neo-nazi scum their their personal finances or electoral positions.

Chicago's Art Jones sieg heils and
tells the media "I wish there were
50 Hitlers, one for every state!"
Not surprisingly they were not successful in drawing many people to their membership however, they did manage to mobilize over a dozen white supremacists who were not members of the NSM. The NSM and close comrades included John Alexander(a Chicago Blood & Honour member who attended the failed 2010 White Pride World Wide march), Arthur Jones (who organized the failed 2011 Hitler Birthday celebration and was protested at his home in Lyons IL), Eli James(Chicago Christian Identity pastor), Mike Delaney (from Milwaukee, WI and who runs, NSM "Commander" Jeff Schoeppe and "Chief Of Staff" Jason Heicke (both who also got whomped at the 2011 NSM Nationals in NJ), Herr Junker (former SS during Nazi Germany who now runs a Hitler memorial in Elkhorn, WI), amongst others. Although the NSM had only 25 people what the counter demonstrators failed to realize (exemplary by their naïve claims of “victory”)is that there were far more local and somewhat organized support for the fascists then there should have been. Although the NSM themselves are a joke, and they may not have built their organization numerically, their opportunist attempts to gain and mobilize local supporters by capitalizing off the incidents at the state fair a month earlier seemed to be somewhat successful. It appeared as if there was a small, but noteworthy, appeal towards white supremacy amongst some residents and youth of west Allis.

The liberal belief that we should "peacefully voice our opposition" while respecting the fascists' "right to free speech" creates a platform that allows nazis to spread their ideology and makes them think they are safe to come back. The State considered the West Allis action a victory in that they protected the nazis' "right to free speech" while restricting the counter-protesters to certain penned-in "freedom of speech zones", even arresting a few troublemakers who allegedly stepped out of line. The Fascists considered the action a success in that they were able to bring local as well as out-of-town racists to West Allis without much confrontation (although there were allegedly attacks by militants against fascists on two separate incidents), and that they had an opportunity to make a physical presence, as well as news headlines, (even getting several TV interviews) in an attempt to spread their racial hatred while fanning the flames of an already intense situation.

The counter-protest failed in that it allowed fascists to have the floor at all: there were several dozen other racists who were not part of the NSM openly walking amongst the protesters to and from the neighborhood with little to no opposition. Despite the fact that several of these bigots were seen with knives and were said to be armed with guns, a crowd of mostly black protesters did move to confront the racists in our midst only to be stopped by self-appointed "peace patrols". This act of betrayal on the part of protest organizers reveals the poverty of the liberal non-violent doctrine: it is not up to anyone to dictate and control the way in which people challenge oppressive forces. Fascism is a grass roots movement that must be defeated at the roots with militant confrontation. Playing the pacifist role and stifling peoples natural desire to confront neo-nazis is not only authoritarian but actually helps the fascists build their movement. The counter demonstration also failed in the fact that not only was there no analysis of the supposedly racially motivated mob attacks and their relationship to race, privelege and power(if they were even racially motivated to begin with) but there was no analysis whatsoever. "Lets all just get along" seemed to be the only other thing they had to say aside from “no violence". If the police weren't there to protect the nazis, how would this protest turned out differently? Would the liberals themselves act as police and prevent the community from getting near the fascists? Would the protesters be able to defend themselves if the nazis truly were armed and prepared for another attack like Greensboro, as some nazis on suggested? Sure, the fascists were outnumbered, but how many people in the counter demonstration were ready and willing to hold their ground physically? And would the nazis be so quick to arrogantly show their faces in the Milwaukee area ever again if they got a severe beatdown?

Fortunately amongst the crowd of boring and tactically inept protestors there were a handful of militant antifascists present, and word on the street says there were a few militant confrontations against the NSM and their supporters in two separate incidents. From One Peoples Project:
According to an account being circulated on the internet NSM members were confronted by antifa at a meeting point for those attending the rally, and in its aftermath. "The Milwaukee NSM was attacked in their car by antifascists as they(the NSM) attempted to pick up supporters for their rally, leaving their supporters deserted and unable to join up with the rally, the brief report read. "Following the rally a local nazi bonehead received blows to the face, including one with a glass bottle letting him know that you can't just freely walk about your neighborhood to and from the local Nazi demo and to send a similar message to the crew he was rolling with."
Although we assume that the counter-demonstrators will now go home and do nothing but pat themselves on the back and ignore the present threat of fascism there are many steps to be taken from here by antifascists. Yes we should work to push the counter-protests toward a more direct action based approach, but we should not limit our work to simply showing up at the expected time/places where we will fall into the role expected of us by the state. We must also build our intelligence files on local white supremacists, expose them(to their community family, jobs etc) and confront them while promoting a militant anti-fascist culture. We believe that a growing fascism should be met with hostility and repression as early as possible in an effort to prevent it from becoming something we may not be able to handle. Props go out to the militants who came out. As for the liberals and peace police... either change your game or stay the fuck out of our way.

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

What is Fascism? Some General Ideological Features

 An essay by Matthew Lyons Taken from political research associates

What is Fascism? Some General Ideological Features

by Matthew N. Lyons

I am skeptical of efforts to produce a "definition" of fascism. As a dynamic historical current, fascism has taken many different forms, and has evolved dramatically in some ways. To understand what fascism has encompassed as a movement and a system of rule, we have to look at its historical context and development--as a form of counter-revolutionary politics that first arose in early twentieth-century Europe in response to rapid social upheaval, the devastation of World War I, and the Bolshevik Revolution. The following paragraphs are intented as an initial, open-ended sketch.

Fascism is a form of extreme right-wing ideology that celebrates the nation or the race as an organic community transcending all other loyalties. It emphasizes a myth of national or racial rebirth after a period of decline or destruction. To this end, fascism calls for a "spiritual revolution" against signs of moral decay such as individualism and materialism, and seeks to purge "alien" forces and groups that threaten the organic community. Fascism tends to celebrate masculinity, youth, mystical unity, and the regenerative power of violence. Often, but not always, it promotes racial superiority doctrines, ethnic persecution, imperialist expansion, and genocide. At the same time, fascists may embrace a form of internationalism based on either racial or ideological solidarity across national boundaries. Usually fascism espouses open male supremacy, though sometimes it may also promote female solidarity and new opportunities for women of the privileged nation or race.

Fascism's approach to politics is both populist--in that it seeks to activate "the people" as a whole against perceived oppressors or enemies--and elitist--in that it treats the people's will as embodied in a select group, or often one supreme leader, from whom authority proceeds downward. Fascism seeks to organize a cadre-led mass movement in a drive to seize state power. It seeks to forcibly subordinate all spheres of society to its ideological vision of organic community, usually through a totalitarian state. Both as a movement and a regime, fascism uses mass organizations as a system of integration and control, and uses organized violence to suppress opposition, although the scale of violence varies widely.

Fascism is hostile to Marxism, liberalism, and conservatism, yet it borrows concepts and practices from all three. Fascism rejects the principles of class struggle and workers' internationalism as threats to national or racial unity, yet it often exploits real grievances against capitalists and landowners through ethnic scapegoating or radical-sounding conspiracy theories. Fascism rejects the liberal doctrines of individual autonomy and rights, political pluralism, and representative government, yet it advocates broad popular participation in politics and may use parliamentary channels in its drive to power. Its vision of a "new order" clashes with the conservative attachment to tradition-based institutions and hierarchies, yet fascism often romanticizes the past as inspiration for national rebirth.

Fascism has a complex relationship with established elites and the non-fascist right. It is never a mere puppet of the ruling class, but an autonomous movement with its own social base. In practice, fascism defends capitalism against instability and the left, but also pursues an agenda that sometimes clashes with capitalist interests in significant ways. There has been much cooperation, competition, and interaction between fascism and other sections of the right, producing various hybrid movements and regimes.

Saturday, May 14, 2011

Workers file charges over racist symbols, hostile work environment

About a month ago,  the National Socialist Movement (NSM) held a conference in Pemberton, New Jersey.  The largest U.S. Nazi group's conference ended with a bloody war between them and anti-fascists, leaving several Nazis injured and 4 in the hospital. In Chicago on April 16th, Nazis from the "unity" group Illinois United attempted to have a Hitler Birthday celebration that was shut down with a smoke bomb. It has become clear that in response to the incompetent but rising tide of fascism, anti-racists and anti-fascists are fighting back to repress a movement that falsely claims itself to be both struggling for white civil rights and victims of oppression, while at the same time teaching white supremacy and genocide.

The tensions of white supremacy not only exist in the halls and back rooms of restaurants, but on the street and in the work place. At Schenker Logistics in Joliet (a home base of the former white supremacist group World Church of the Creator), employees have been subject to racist propaganda such as swastika and KKK graffiti and confederate flags. Their employers, though cognizant of the issue, have refused to act. In response, workers have filed lawsuits over this and other discriminatory practices experienced at Kraft/Cadbury and DB Schenker. From People's World:

Workers file charges over racist symbols, hostile work environments

CHICAGO - Nine workers filed charges here with the U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission April 28, alleging the company they work for, and it's management, has repeatedly refused to address several counts of discrimination including the use of hate symbols.

The mostly African American workers say the Kraft/Cadbury warehouse in Joliet, a suburb just west of here, and DB Schenker, the company running the warehouse, along with its supervisors and their lack of action to correct the problem has created a hostile work environment.

"There are Nazi signs on the walls," said Angela McDonald, 44, who has worked at the warehouse for the last three years. She and her co-workers have repeatedly complained about the swastika graffiti and other charges to their managers and supervisors. "But they don't want to talk to us," she said.

The workers say that when management was approached about the problem they claimed that the black and Latino workers painted the swastikas in order "to get attention." On top of the Nazi symbols the workers also say a vehicle displaying confederate flags has consistently been seen parked on the property near the warehouse entrance.

"They're discriminating against my race and it's hateful," said McDonald, adding how the swastikas have not been removed from public areas at the warehouse, including the break room and the men's rest room. "They have been up for over eight months now. Those symbols represent hate and slavery and are not just offensive to blacks but everyone. We shouldn't have to put up with that," she said.

"When I'm leaving at one in the morning, there is no security and I know there are people who are hateful and prejudiced in the building," said McDonald. "I'm afraid of someone hurting me."

McDonald and a group of her co-workers and labor activists recently met with civil rights leaders and local clergy to mobilize support against the company's failure to address the issue.

Mark Meinster with Warehouse Workers for Justice said his group has been fighting for the rights of warehouse workers in the area for years. He points to a study released by the group last year, which found nearly 40 percent of Will County warehouse workers, where the warehouse in question is located, reported being discriminated against. The report, Bad Jobs in Goods Movement, found that 63 percent of workers in Will County warehouses are employed by temp agencies, earn poverty wages and have few benefits.

"We still don't have a society where workers are free from these types of discrimination charges," said Meinster. "And we're not just seeing discrimination at one place but it's happening throughout the warehouse industry in the area." Worker injustice is being allowed all over and target Latino and immigrant workers too, he said. Too many are being denied promotions based on their race, age and immigration status. And most of them are temp workers, he said.

"That's why workers need to come together and get organized and fight back. This recent battle is just the tip of the iceberg," said Meinster. "We're calling on the company, DB Schenker, to remove the hate symbols immediately and we want the local management to be completely replaced, because they clearly don't have the capacity to respect workers' basic human rights."

After the charges are filed and if the company fails to move, Meinster said the workers and supporters will step up their campaign, which will include pressure from the community, clergy and elected officials.

"We have to speak out and let them know we don't tolerate discrimination in our community and at our workplaces," he said.

McDonald said she was born and raised in Joliet. She is the mother of three and has several grandchildren.

"A lot of people still use the N-word, but I hate that word and I never allow my children to use it," she said. "I want my grandkids to know their history and I don't ever want them to have to experience what we are going through today at the warehouse. I just want the company to treat us fairly, to stop treating us like less human because we all deserve equal rights, black, brown and white. And we're not going to stand for it. By ... saying nothing, they're really saying something. But we want some changes."

Chris Williams, an attorney with the Workers' Law Office said mostly African American workers, both male and female, and one Latino worker filed the charges. Although the majority of the workers claim racial discrimination, others include being denied promotions for complaining about it, age discrimination and sexual harassment.

The warehouse loads and distributes various candies, cough drops, gum, chocolate bars and ingredients to make such items.

Photo: During an April 28 press conference in Chicago, Angela McDonald shows a picture of swastika graffiti at the Joliet, Ill. warehouse where she works. Pepe Lozano/PW.

Friday, April 29, 2011

Chicago ARA Releases Zine #2 – May Day Edition

Read Zine Online (Scribd), or download Printable PDF or Readable PDF
In solidarity with worker and immigrant communities who rise up every year on this date and take action against the bosses and politicians that oppress us all, we are proud to release the second issue of the South Side ARA zine on May Day. This issue contains action reportbacks from the past year, information on active fascists in the area, news & analysis, and more. Please read, copy, and redistribute as you see fit.

May 1st - International Workers Day is celebrated worldwide. On this date in Chicago, during the 1886 General Strike, workers and immigrants fought and died fighting for better working conditions and an eight hour work day. To this day, the State, the rich ruling class, and street-level fascists are still attacking marginalized communities and the working class. Several states are passing legislation to privatize public services and attack union collective bargaining rights, while other bills are being passed which encode racial profiling and attack immigrant communities. At the same time, Nazis, the Klan and other street-level white supremacists are spreading racial terror through vigilante border patrols, rallies and marches, and even attempted assassinations and bombings.

As the crisis of capitalism intensifies, it is becoming more and more necessary to organize and take direct action against the forces that seek to dominate our lives and the planet. We hope the release of this issue will spark debate and inspire action to destroy all forms of oppression.

Sunday, March 20, 2011

Stop Indiana from becoming the "Arizona of the Midwest"

In Indiana, the Republican-controlled house and senate are waging a full-on attack by attempting to pass anti-immigrant, anti-worker and homophobic bills, revitalizing Indiana's fascist history and putting Indiana back on the map as the "Arizona of the Midwest". Although proceedings are currently stalled (several democrats have boycotted and fled to Illinois to avoid quorum), the Indiana Republicans are not backing off. Recently, they proposed another anti-immigrant law: HB-1402, which eliminates resident tuition to the undocumented. Indiana republicans are also attempting to pass a constitutional amendment banning civil unions and gay marriages - a step backwards considering many states (including Illinois) are beginning to recognize gay marriage as legal.
Bloomington residents take
to the streets against SB590
In response to the rising tide of fascism in the Midwest, more and more people are taking to the streets. On February 21st, hundreds marched in Bloomington demanding  that IU President Michael McRobbie take a stand against SB590.  An occupation staged at IU, with an info-point distributing handouts educating people about the bill, was eventually shut down by IU administrators and police. Bloomington citizens are also organizing know-your-rights trainings and discussions on the current status of the bill and how to effectively fight it. On March 10 in Chicago, hundreds took to the streets to "come out of the shadows" as undocumented and unafraid.  The march culminated at "Liberation Square" with speeches, food, and music. Also on March 10, hundreds of immigrant rights activists rallied in Indianapolis and La Porte, marching in opposition to SB590 (in addition to the massive workers-rights demonstrations). In Wisconsin, Voces de la Frontera Action organized twenty buses to Madison for the colossal March 12 demonstration to show solidarity with the general strike and opposition to the Arizona-style anti-immigrant bill. On March 15, hundreds more rallied yet again in Indianapolis against SB590
Matt Parrott
1145 Golfview Dr Apt F
Carmel, IN 46032
(317) 324-8282
During the Indianapolis March 10 action, a handful of racists gathered to counter-protest the immigrant rights march, holding signs showing their support of SB590 and demanding people to "go back to Mexico". Attendees include Jaenelle Antas and Matt Parrott from the hate groups Hoosier Nation and Council of Conservative Citizens, and members of the neo-nazi skinhead crew Vinlander Social Club (including leader Brien James from Indianapolis who inanely attempted to provoke the crowd by shouting, "Who wants to make some anarchy? You wanna go in the alley and make some anarchy one on one? I’ll take on any of you"). We want people to be aware of active racists in their neighborhoods (and we have previously posted address info for Jaenelle Antas and Brien James) but if you have any choice words for Matt Parrott his address is listed on an application when he applied for a permit when he and his white supremacist friends rallied in support of Jerry Piland and several other white Indianapolis police officers who savagely beat a young person of color in June 2010.

Nick "NordicHeathenVinlander"
"Hjalmar Hellstrom"
Another Vinlander affiliate actively promoted the counter-protest on racist websites, and Nick (who goes by the aliases NordicHeathenVinlander and Hjalmar Hellstrom), also created a Facebook account friending many groups and individuals associated with the immigrant rights movement around Indianapolis in the weeks before the event.  While posting several comments and links pretending to be against SB590, he was simultaneously posting on, encouraging people to "call Immigration Customs and Enforcement" because he "heard there are going to be illegals tomorrow" (even providing lists of phone numbers for different ICE offices). Nick eventually revealed his true colors as a Hoosier Nation and VSC supporter after word was put out warning people of his futile attempts to gather personal information in order to report people.

Massively outnumbered, all they could do was attempt to engage in "debate" with a few anti-SB590 protesters, by spouting their tired xenophobic arguments. As ARA, we do not believe in giving any platform for fascism to spout their hate and find it disgusting that such individuals walked around in broad daylight openly affiliating with known nazis. Freedom of speech is a concept that both the right and certain factions of the left, argue for-- ultimately minimizing our ability to actually act and creating a society where you can say whatever you want so long as you don't do anything about it. Unfortunately for them, not only we do see this as deceptive but we believe that if Nazis want to preach oppression and genocide, then those who they wish to oppress, and who oppose this, should fight them by any means necessary. We also do not believe that an attack on them can even be considered a violation of freedom of speech, as opposed to say an imprisonment for such rhetoric, but rather an act of free will based out of a necessity to eliminate apparatuses of oppression. Furthermore, we do not believe in appealing to politicians to seek petty reforms and willingly give up power. Whether through militant confrontation, occupations, or general strikes, the only way forward is direct action.