Trump did This: Israeli Troops injure 150 Palestinian protesters in Palestine

Ma`an News Agency | – –

BETHLEHEM (Ma’an) — Thousands of Palestinians took to the streets on Friday in continued protest of US President Donald Trump’s announcement last week recognizing Jerusalem — the Eastern part of which is illegally occupied by Israel in contravention of international law — causing clashes with Israeli forces to erupt across the occupied West Bank, East Jerusalem and besieged Gaza Strip.

Sources from the Palestinian Red Crescent said that teams treated at least 54 injuries in the West Bank and East Jerusalem as of Friday afternoon: four with live fire, 11 with rubber-coated steel bullets, 37 tear-gas suffocation and two others.

Meanwhile, the Red Crescent of the Gaza Strip said that at least 96 injuries were reported including, 38 with live ammunition.

Gaza Strip

Clashes erupted between protesters and Israeli forces along the border between Gaza and Israel.

Israeli forces opened fire at protesters near the Beit Hanoun checkpoint in the northern Gaza Strip.

The Palestinian Ministry of Health announced that three protesters were moderately injured with live fire in eastern Jabaliya, while two others were injured in eastern al-Bureij and another in Gaza City.

One youth was injured with a bullet in the back during clashes in eastern Gaza City, and and

was transferred to the Abu Youssif Najjar Hospital.

Another Palestinian youth was injured with live ammunition in the leg during clashes at the Erez crossing and was transferred to the Indonesian Hospital in northern Gaza.

East Jerusalem

A march set off from the Al-Aqsa Mosque compound following Friday prayers, as Israeli forces were heavily deployed across the streets and alleyways of the Old City.

At the Qalandiya checkpoint between northern Jerusalem and Ramallah, several Palestinian youths were injured as Israeli forces suppressed protests with tear-gas, stun grenades and rubber-coated steel bullets.


Israeli forces fired tear gas and rubber-coated steel bullets at Palestinian youth who threw rocks at the northern entrance of Bethlehem, following Friday prayers in front of Israel’s separation wall.


Clashes erupted in the Bab al-Zawiya area in central Hebron City following a march that set off from the al-Hussein Bin Ali mosque.

Clashes also erupted at the entrance of al-Arroub refugee camp, Beit Ummar and the Shuyoukh village in northern Hebron and in Tarqumiya in western Hebron.


Following demonstrations in the villages of Kafr Qaddum, Azzun and Jayyous, clashes erupted between Palestinians and Israeli forces.

In Kafr Qaddum clashes erupted at the eastern entrance of the town, where three youths were injured with rubber-coated steel bullets.


A march set off from the al-Manara circle in central Ramallah City, commemorating the 30th anniversary of the Hamas movement establishment and condemning Trump’s decision.

In the Budrus town in western Ramallah, clashes erupted following a march, where Israeli soldiers used live ammunition to suppress protesters.


Thousands of Palestinians performed prayers at the al-Shuhada circle in central Nablus City, after which time hundreds of Palestinians headed to the Huwwara military checkpoint in southern Nablus.

Clashes erupted with Israeli forces at the checkpoint, at the Beita crossroads in southern Nablus and in the Beit Fruik and Salem village in eastern Nablus.

Medical sources said that 100 Palestinians were injured during clashes, and that four were detained by Israeli forces at the Huwwara checkpoint.


Clashes erupted with Israeli forces in western Tulkarem City after hundreds of Palestinians had set off in a march following Friday prayers.

Israeli soldiers fired tear gas and stun grenades at protesters.

Activist Khairi Hannoun was hit with a tear-gas bomb in the head.


A protest set off in Jenin following Friday prayers, as hundreds of Palestinians marched waving Palestinian flags and chanted slogans in support of Jerusalem and condemning the US


Via Ma`an News Agency

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6 Responses

  1. According to the Zionists, evangelicals, and US leaders in the White House and Congress, Palestinians (and Muslims), cannot resist, protest, or make demands, when they are occupied, shocked and awed, blockaded, have their lands stolen, homes demolished, families killed by Western and Israeli bombs, and if they do, they are referred to as “terrorists”.

    “Never again” is for the Jews, but when it comes to the Muslims, it is “again and again”. The Palestinians have every right to be angry, and disappointed, by Trump’s back stabbing policies, and perhaps this is a reality check that the US will NEVER be honest broker, and they have to re-think their plans to get their statehood, freedom, and lands back. The rest of the civilized world, must support them now.
    Why is that scoundrel in law quiet now? Jared has done his bit for the motherland, and Netanyahu must be thrilled.

    • Thank you for telling the truth.It just breaks my heart knowing what is being done to SO many innocent lives with the help of American weapons.These people ‘ our government ‘have NO shame.They go to bed every night not having to worry that a bomb could destroy their home and kill the people they love…..

    • America imposes its prejudices on the world.
      Consider that 100 years ago, the Arabs were the heroes of the American media, thanks to Lowell Thomas’ romantic reporting of Lawrence’s Arab rebel army fighting the Turks. Jews, on the other hand, were widely despised as radical conspirators and unassimilable aliens because of the flood of rural Eastern European Jews fleeing the Czar straight into US ghettoes. If you’d taken a poll, maybe people would have said the Lebanese Arabs immigrating into Michigan were better Americans than the Jews.

      Yet decades before that flood, Jews were relatively respected because that generation of Jews were middle-class Germans, such that a Jew served as Confederate Secretary of State.

      So the “race” that creates problems in the USA right now is coded terrorist and radical and impossible to assimilate, and the one that (1) contributes to our capitalism with the least hassle or (2) stays in its exotic homeland so our media can spin romantic yarns about it, is considered worthy of human rights in a very abstract sense.

      The Zionists figured this out and spent generations shaping the media narrative to seize the mantle of humanity away from Arabs. They had the choice of sharing that mantle instead as fellow Semites, but Jabotinsky admitted all those years ago that the goal was to do to the Arabs what the Americans had done to the Indians. That Civilizing Settlers vs. Barbaric Redskins narrative was a natural sell in America.

  2. Why aren’t we investigating Israeli meddling in US politics?

    Russia collusion farce – true or untrue, is the ultimate in “sock-puppetry” to distract.

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