Commuters Rush To Help People Out Of Derailed Train, Comfort Victims

Taking action instead of waiting on first responders.

Via Washington Times:

Daniel Konzelman was one of thousands of commuters barreling along a highway outside Seattle on Monday morning when the emergency response training he learned as an Eagle Scout kicked in.

He and a friend pulled over after an Amtrak passenger train hurtled off an overpass and crashed into vehicles on Interstate 5 below, killing at least six people and injuring dozens of others, officials said. They rushed to help, running along the tracks and over the bridge to get to the scene.

Some train cars had their roofs ripped off or were turned upside down. Others were turned sideways on the bridge. Konzelman, 24, and his friend clambered into train cars to look for victims.

“I just wanted to help people because I would want people to help me,” he said.

The scene was grisly, with some people pinned under the train and others who appeared to be dead. If people could move and seemed stable, Konzelman said he helped them climb out of the train. If they looked seriously hurt, he tried to offer comfort by talking to them to calm them down.

They stayed to help for nearly two hours.

“I wasn’t scared. I knew what to expect. … I prepared for the worst and hoped for the best. I saw a little bit of both,” Konzelman said.

Dr. Nathan Selden, a neurosurgeon at the Oregon Health & Science University in Portland, Oregon, was driving to Seattle with his son and stopped to help. He went to a medical triage tent to help tend to victims.

The most severely wounded had already been taken to hospitals by the time he arrived, Selden said. The victims he assessed had injuries such as sprains, open wounds, skull and pelvis fractures.

He called it a miracle that an infant from the train appeared completely unharmed.

While the doctor worked, others – including Selden’s son, a college freshman – helped carry in supplies from firetrucks and other tasks. He applauded the first responders as skilled, dedicated and compassionate.

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Chick-fil-A Opens On Sunday to Feed Stranded Atlanta Airport Passengers


Via Daily Caller:

After Atlanta’s Hartsfield-Jackson International Airport experienced a major blackout Sunday, Chick-fil-A stepped up to feed thousands of stranded passengers despite being closed on Sundays.

Georgia Power is working to restore electricity after a fire at an underground facility caused the power outage early Sunday afternoon, according to WSBTV.

Atlanta’s Mayor Kasim Reed tweeted a status update Sunday night, and thanked Chick-fil-A for providing over 2,000 meals to the weary travelers.

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Nikki Haley Shoots Down UN Resolution Condemning Trump’s Jerusalem Decision

They knew Haley would veto it, but they wanted to stick a thumb in Trump’s eye.

Via Daily Caller:

The U.S. vetoed Monday a United Nations Security Council resolution calling on President Donald Trump to “withdraw” his decision to recognize Jerusalem as the capital of Israel.

Casting the lone opposition vote against 14 votes in favor, U.S. ambassador to the U.N. Nikki Haley called the resolution “an insult” that won’t be forgotten. She has repeatedly criticized the U.N. for anti-Israel bias and for holding what she calls “Israel-bashing sessions” in the guise of legitimate diplomatic business.

Haley’s rejection was the only one needed to defeat the symbolic measure. To pass, a resolution must have the support of nine members and no vetoes by the U.S., France, Britain, Russia or China.

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Report: Fed Agency Committed ‘Militaristic’ Operation Against Cliven Bundy, Withheld Exculpatory Evidence

One of the few protests where the stand-down order wasn’t given.

Via Daily Caller:

An investigation into the Bureau of Land Management’s (BLM) handling of the 2014 Nevada standoff with rancher Cliven Bundy revealed “incredible bias,” widespread misconduct and likely illegal actions by the BLM.

Prosecutors shared the report with the Bundys’ defense attorneys, prompting a petition to Judge Gloria Navarro for a mistrial, or for the case to be dismissed altogether, The Oregonian reports. Navarro’s judgement is expected to come down Wednesday.

“It’s time for our men to go home and start making a living for their families,” Carol Bundy, Cliven Bundy’s wife, told The Daily Caller News Foundation. “We’re two years behind. We’ve got a lot of catching up to do.”

The investigation’s report, made by BLM Special Agent Larry Wooten and addressed to the Department of Justice, was publicized last week after Washington state Rep. Matt Shea posted it on his Facebook page, according to The Wall Street Journal.

Wooten’s 18-page report discussed some of what he witnessed during his three-year investigation, such as a BLM agent’s “kill list” featuring people who had committed suicide while under investigation by the agency, BLM agents and officials referring to the Bundys as “retards” and “douche bags,” agents bragging about “grinding” a Bundy family member’s face into gravel, and lead prosecutor and Nevada’s acting U.S. Attorney Steve Myhre’s “preferred ignorance” of investigation details that would benefit the Bundys’ defense case.

Former Special Agent Dan Love, who was in charge of impounding Cliven Bundy’s cattle in 2014, conducted “the most intrusive, oppressive, large scale and militaristic trespass cattle impound possible” against Bundy’s ranch against the direction of the U.S. attorney’s office, according to Wooten. The Bundys’ defense strategy accuses the BLM of using overly-aggressive and threatening tactics.

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Senate Intel Panel Asks Jill Stein Campaign For Documents in Russia Probe

Via Newsmax:

The Senate Intelligence Committee has requested documents from 2016 Green Party presidential candidate Jill Stein as it investigates claims of Russian collusion during the campaign.

Dennis Trainor Jr. was the Stein campaign’s communications director and acting manager from January-August 2015. He told BuzzFeed News that the committee is looking for records tied to him because he was the “primary point of contact” for people trying to reach Stein and the campaign, a list that includes media company RT — which is funded by the Russian government.

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Her communications director, Dennis Trainor, was a far-left leader in Occupy. The far left has been associated with Russia/Soviet Union for years. RT went out of its way to push Occupy and to imply it meant the U.S. was on the verge of chaos.

Here’s Dennis narrating for Occupy Boston in 2011 when they occupied the lobby of the Israeli consulate in Boston.

Russia has always been supportive of the Palestinian cause and is aligned with Hezbollah and Iran who are against Israel.

Top NY Democrat Calls For Investigation Into Claim That Linda Sarsour Covered Up Sexual Assault

Dov Hikind is a sharp guy, he knows what’s what. Oh, that Sarsour should get charged, that would be great.

Via Daily Caller:

A former employee alleged in a story published Sunday that Women’s March co-founder Linda Sarsour covered up and dismissed complaints of graphic sexual assault. Now New York Democratic state Rep. Dov Hikind is calling for an investigation into the charges.

Sarsour is accused of enabling the alleged sexual assault and harassment of a woman who worked for her, Asmi Fathelbab, according to the victim and two sources directly familiar with the matter.

The assault took place at the Arab American Association while Sarsour served as executive director. Fathelbab told The Daily Caller that instead of properly dealing with the complaints, Sarsour dismissed them because Fathelbab “was not attractive enough to be harassed” and the accused was a “good Muslim” who was “always at the Mosque.”

Hikind, a Democrat from Brooklyn who has served since 1983, is calling for an investigation into the prominent activist.

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House Republicans Call For Investigation Into Leaks Of Don Jr.’s Testimony

There’s a reason that Adam Schiff kept leaving the room.

Via Daily Caller:

Three House Republicans are calling on House Speaker Paul Ryan and House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi to investigate leaks from the House Intelligence Committee’s investigation into Russian interference in the election.

In particular, the three Republicans, New York Rep. Lee Zeldin, Utah Rep. Mia Love, and Texas Rep. John Ratcliffe, want to find out who leaked confidential information from testimony given earlier this month by Donald Trump Jr.

“Significant evidence that serious leaks have occurred in relation to the [House intel] investigation into alleged Russian meddling in the 2016 election must be immediately addressed,” the Republicans wrote.

The Republicans noted that CNN began to report information from Trump Jr.’s testimony even while he was being interviewed. Trump Jr’s. lawyer, Alan Futerfas, has complained about the leaks, noting that he and Trump Jr. were unaware of the leaks because they were required to surrender their cell phones prior to the closed-door proceedings.

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Trump Delivers National Security Speech, Big Change From Obama: ‘America First,’ Names ‘Islamist Terror’

Says will deal with transnational crime that funds terrorism, the very same thing that Obama gave a free pass that helped Iran and Hezbollah.

Via Fox News:

President Trump on Monday unveiled a national security strategy that enshrines his “America First” approach into U.S. policy, stressing American strength and economic security and putting rivals like China and Russia on notice.

“America is in the game and America is going to win,” Trump said, making clear that the United States will stand up for itself even if that means acting unilaterally or alienating others on issues such as trade, climate change and immigration.

In a 20-minute speech, Trump said the U.S. faces “an extraordinarily dangerous world” and one of his goals is to make sure the U.S. is “leading again on the world stage.”

“America is coming back, and America is coming back strong,” he said.

Trump, who released his 68-page national security strategy ahead of his speech, said he is making good on campaign pledges that he promised would “revitalize the American economy, rebuild our military, defend our borders, protect our sovereignty and advance our values.”

Trump’s national security strategy, a document mandated by Congress, is based on four principles: protecting the homeland by restricting immigration, pressuring trading partners, building up the military and otherwise increasing U.S. influence globally.

Trump also took on the rise in North Korea’s nuclear aggression and painted China and Russia as U.S. rivals despite his own relationship with Russian President Vladimir Putin, which included two telephone calls last week.

Bryan Llenas has the rogue regime’s reaction.
“China and Russia challenge American power, influence, and interests, attempting to erode American security and prosperity,” the strategy document says. “They are determined to make economies less free and less fair, to grow their militaries, and to control information and data to repress their societies and expand their influence.”

The strategy accuses the two nations of “developing advanced weapons and capabilities that could threaten our critical infrastructure and our command and control architecture.”

While Trump in his address did not mention Russia meddling in U.S. elections, the written strategy also calls out Moscow for “using information tools in an attempt to undermine the legitimacy of democracies” and says adversaries like Russia “target media, political processes, financial networks and personal data.”

In a shift from the last administration, Trump’s strategy also refers to the “jihadist” terror threat and “Islamist” terror groups.

“We will pursue threats to their source, so that jihadist terrorists are stopped before they ever reach our borders,” it says.

Further, the strategy backs off naming climate change as a major threat. The last such strategy document, prepared by then-President Barack Obama in 2015, declared climate change an “urgent and growing threat to our national security.”

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Top Dems Now Want Accused Groper Al Franken Back

So much for their higher moral ground. Plus there are at least three other folks who haven’t even faked resigned yet.

Via Daily Wire:

Two weeks ago, when it appeared that Alabama Senate Republican candidate Roy Moore could cruise to victory despite credible allegations of molestation of a 14-year-old girl and a 16-year-old girl, Democrats went all-in on their #MeToo strategy: they decided to dump Sen. Al Franken (D-MN) on the side of the road to grab the moral high ground on sexual abuse. Franken reluctantly announced his resignation, all the while indignantly maintaining his innocence.

Then the voters of Alabama cast Moore out into the darkness. And the Democrats have no ability to claim the moral high ground — Moore isn’t around to use as a whipping post. Which means, of course, that top Democrats now want to walk back Franken’s resignation.

Sen. Joe Manchin (D-WV) stated, “What they did to Al was atrocious, the Democrats.” He called Democratic attempts to oust Franken, “The most hypocritical thing I’ve ever seen done to a human being — and then have enough guts to sit on the floor, watch him give his speech and go over and hug him? That’s hypocrisy at the highest level I’ve ever seen in my life. Made me sick.”

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Update: Colin Kaepernick Wants In On Buying The Panthers…

Update to this story. The only way he’ll ever be a QB again is to buy a team and make himself the QB.

Via Daily Mail:

Controversial free-agent quarterback Colin Kaepernick hopes to join entertainer Sean ‘Diddy’ Combs in purchasing the Carolina Panthers from embattled founder Jerry Richardson, who recently announced his intention to sell the team following allegations of sexual harassment and racism.

‘I want in on the ownership group!’ Kaepernick tweeted Monday. ‘Let’s make it happen!’

On Sunday Combs said he wanted to buy the team and hire Kaepernick to play quarterback after a Sports Illustrated report documented wide-ranging claims of workplace misconduct against Richardson.

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Atlanta Airport Blackout Sends Message To Terrorists: America Is Unprepared…

Via The Daily Beast:

If a terrorist wanted to find the most vulnerable point in America’s airport network they could not have hoped for a better guide than what just happened at Atlanta Hartsfield-Jackson.

Just after 1 p.m. Sunday the whole airport, the world’s busiest, went dark for 11 hours. Thousands of flights were disrupted. For many hours nobody in authority attempted to explain—or even seemed able to explain—what had happened.

Just imagine this is a classic plan for phase one of a terrorist attack: Render the target blind. None of the defenses are operational. Thousands of people are trapped in restricted space without directions about how they can find an exit.

As chaos spreads nobody knows who turn to for information. The communications blackout is as complete as the power blackout.

Given this situation a small band of suicide bombers could roam freely and commit mayhem and massacre on an unprecedented scale.

Initial responses as the story broke were that the holiday season travel would be disrupted for days. That is true. The ripple effect of the paralyzed airport will be worldwide as thousands of international connections are canceled.

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Buzzfeed Editor: All I Want For Christmas Is Full Communism…

Move to North Korea, dimwit.

Via The Wrap:

A science editor at BuzzFeed UK raised a few eyebrows last week after some curious remarks about Communism.

“All I want for Christmas is full Communism now,” editor Kelly Oakes tweeted — before locking down her account after it was picked by right-wing media and the always ferocious James Woods.

The screenshots tell the story.

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Scientists Believe They’ve Discovered A Potential Volcano Under New England…

Bye, hippies!

Via Science Alert:

A vast mass of hot rock is welling up underneath Vermont and extending into other subterranean regions below New England, new research shows.

Scientists used a network of thousands of seismic measurement devices in the largest geological study of its kind, detecting the enormous blob upwelling under Vermont, New Hampshire, and Massachusetts – and possibly elsewhere.

“The upwelling we detected is like a hot air balloon, and we infer that something is rising up through the deeper part of our planet under New England,” says geophysicist Vadim Levin from Rutgers University – New Brunswick.

Since New England doesn’t have any active volcanoes, the huge build-up is thought to be a geologically recent phenomenon, although in this case that means it could have slowly but steadily been growing for tens of millions of years.

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Tavis Smiley Fires Back At Accuser: “PBS Made A Big Mistake”

Via ABC:

Talk-show host Tavis Smiley defended himself again against sexual misconduct allegations today, saying, “PBS made a huge mistake here.”

PBS suspended the distribution of his namesake talk show earlier this month after an investigation, citing “multiple, credible allegations,” the network told ABC News in a statement.

A PBS spokesperson said, “PBS engaged an outside law firm to conduct an investigation immediately after learning of troubling allegations regarding Mr. Smiley. This investigation included interviews with witnesses as well as with Mr. Smiley. The inquiry uncovered multiple, credible allegations of conduct that is inconsistent with the values and standards of PBS, and the totality of this information led to today’s decision.”

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Report: Legalizing The ‘Dreamers’ Would Cost $26 Billion…

EU Commissioner: Europe “Too White,” Mass Migration From Third World “New Norm”….

Suicide in slow motion.

Brussels has said that Europeans must accept mass migration from the third world as the “new norm”, warning that neither walls nor policies will allow any part of the EU to remain “homogenous and migration-free”.

“It’s time to face the truth. We cannot and will never be able to stop migration,” writes EU Commissioner for Migration Dimitris Avramopoulos, in a piece for POLITICO, published Monday entitled, “Europe’s Migrants Are Here to Stay”.

In it, the Eurocrat wrote “human mobility will increasingly define the 21st century”, and that mass migration is an issue Brussels has committed Europe to “for the long haul”, stating: “Migration is deeply intertwined with our policies on economics, trade, education and employment — to name just a few.”

Noting that people from non-European backgrounds living in Europe are much more likely to be unemployed or on low wages, the Commission even stressed that “integration measures” would be necessary for hosting the arrivals they claim are essential to the continent’s economies.

In the piece, the Greek politician also praised a series of POLITICO articles which accuse the EU of being “too white”, in which the bloc was urged to bring in measures which would encourage replacing native Europeans with “people of colour” in Brussels jobs.

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University of Minnesota Tells Students That Santa And Christmas Trees Are “Not Appropriate” For Holidays…

Bah humbug!

Via Fox News:

Santa Claus, Christmas trees and the colors red and green are examples of inappropriate “religious iconography” during the holiday season, according to a paper distributed during a “Respecting Religious Diversity” event at the University of Minnesota.

“Jewish Hanukkah” is targeted, too, with menorahs and the colors blue and white also described as being “not appropriate.”

“Consider neutral-themed parties such as a ‘winter celebration,’” the handout read. “Decorations, music, and food should be general and not specific to any one religion.”

It was part of a Dean’s Dialogues “Religious Diversity and Holidays” event within the College of Food, Agricultural and Natural Resource Sciences earlier this month, and was first reported on by the Intellectual Takeout.

Over Half Of The 23 NFL Players Still Kneeling For The National Anthem Are On One Team…

Shockingly, the team is based in Seattle.

Via Daily Caller:

The national anthem protest has mostly subsided 15 weeks into the NFL season, and the players on just one team outnumber those around the rest of the league who are continuing to kneel.

Twelve players on the Seattle Seahawks knelt for the national anthem ahead of their game against the Los Angeles Rams on Sunday. Only 11 other players among the other 31 teams in the NFL are also continuing to protest, according to a breakdown by CNS News.

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MSNBC Guest: “Psychologically Deranged” Trump Called Sen. Gillibrand A “Whore”

Speaking of psychologically deranged…

Russian President Vladimir Putin Thanked President Trump For Intel That Thwarted Terror Attack

Putin remembers what happened at the Boston Marathon.

Via Washington Times:

Russian President Vladimir Putin thanked President Trump in a phone call Sunday for U.S. intelligence agencies providing a warning that thwarted a major terrorist plot in St. Petersburg, Russia.

The White House said information that the United States provided enabled Russian authorities to capture the terrorists “just prior to an attack that could have killed large numbers of people.”

No Russian lives were lost, and the would-be terrorist attackers were caught and now are incarcerated, the statement said.

Mr. Trump appreciated the call and told Mr. Putin that he and the entire United States intelligence community “were pleased to have helped save so many lives.”

Russian security services said the information foiled an attack on St. Petersburg’s Kazan cathedral. The attack was allegedly planned to take place on Saturday.

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