0 Soviet Happiness: Photos of Soviet People Happily Spending Their Free Time

Soviet Happiness: Photos of Soviet People Happily Spending Their Free Time

Just some photos of Soviet
people enjoying life.

0 Examples of Soviet Cars Modifications That Were Popular Back Then in USSR

Examples of Soviet Cars Modifications That Were Popular Back Then in USSR

Most of the Soviet citizens had to drive practically same cars. Import of cars almost not existed at time. Soviet cars weren't much different one from another. In order to
add some kind of exclusivity for his own car Soviet men were pimping their cars, mostly with very primitive mod ideas. Here is a selection of some of those.

1 Another Selection of Weird and Interesting Pictures from Russia

Another Selection of Weird and Interesting Pictures from Russia

Here is a new part of our "Daily pics from Russia" series. We also call
those sometimes "Only in Russia photos" and there is a reason for this.

2 Ice Trapped Cars of Russia

Ice Trapped Cars of Russia

Colds are here and car owners have to be more careful where they park their cars. Sometimes the old central pipes, legacy of USSR, ruptures and cars
become trapped. Water pours freely and then quickly freezes making cars stuck in ice. A selection of such occasions we have here today.

1 70 Year Old Belorussian Retired Man Doesn’t Want to Get Old, Becomes Bodybuilder

70 Year Old Belorussian Retired Man Doesn’t Want to Get Old, Becomes Bodybuilder

"I am very insulted when someone wants me to give his seat in the bus", says the man. He goes to his self made gym
for forty minutes every day. He wants to beat his aging and as of now he is pretty firm at his position.

4 Faces of War (Chechnya, 1999)

Faces of War (Chechnya, 1999)

Those are strong photos. Those are faces of young Russian soldiers who fought the war in Chechnya in 1990s.
Many of them are just eighteen years old and were thrown into a real war against a strong enemy.

6 Meanwhile in the Russian Army

Meanwhile in the Russian Army

A collection of funny and curious photos from Russian army
lies ahead. Are you ready for your dose of Russian army?

3 Soviet Women Photos from Soviet Magazines

Soviet Women Photos from Soviet Magazines

Those are various photos of Russian (Soviet) women from Soviet magazines. Some of
them are "Cover Girls" of popular Soviet magazine "Ogonyok" ("Little Fire").

1 Man Waiting for A Bus… and a few more crazy Russian bus stops [photos]

Man Waiting for A Bus… and a few more crazy Russian bus stops [photos]

Well, not only Russia but also some more ex-Soviet countries
participate here, to name few Kazakhstan, Kyrgystan,

4 Most Strangely Looking Post Offices Across Russia

Most Strangely Looking Post Offices Across Russia

Here is the collection of Russian Post office buildings across the Russia, most awkward of them. Since Russia is big country has many cities and small villages it has to
have a very large network of post offices.  So sometimes people working in post office use it as a house too. Here is a collection of some of those: