Šentjur - Song Of Southern Railway
Promotional video for Šentjur Municipality.
Šentjur is one of the largest municipalities in Slovenia. It boasts with a number of attractions, natural and cultural heritage sites, museums and other points of interest.
We kindly invite you to explore the wonders of this beautiful land.
More about tourism offer of Šenjtur:
More about Šentjur Municipality:
published: 26 Aug 2015
Ptuj je NAJ: Hincejeva sekvoja pri Ptuju
Hincejeva sekvoja je največje in najstarejše drevo te vrste v Sloveniji. Nahaja se v naselju Orešje pri Ptuju. V višino meri kar impozantnih 45 metrov. Mimo drevesa poteka tudi Dravska kolesarska pot, ki povezuje Ptuj z Mariborom.
published: 13 Dec 2020
Dobrodošli v Makolah
Dobrodošli v Makolah
Turistična ponudba in kulturne ter naravne znamenitosti v občini Makole.
© Turistično društvo Štatenberg, april 2018
published: 19 Apr 2018
15.11.24. - Sufinanciranje EU projekata za KZŽ
U krapinskoj gradskoj vijećnici održano je svečano uručivanje ugovora iz Programa za sufinanciranje provedbe EU projekata na regionalnoj i lokalnoj razini u financijskom razdoblju 2021. – 2027. za Krapinsko-zagorsku županiju. Ministar regionalnog razvoja i EU fondova Šime Erlić uručio je 11 ugovora vrijednosti 480 tisuća eura.
published: 23 Nov 2024
Alex and his Slovenian cycling adventure 🚲🌿 Exploring the Kozjansko region
On the second day of his Slovenian cycling adventure, Alex was following the path of the Kozjansko region. Lovely encounter with deer near Podčetrtek, the majestic monastery of Olimje, cycling along Podčetrtek - Rogaška Slatina route, tour of Rogaška Slatina ... and relaxing in spa.
Follow Alejandro's adventure on social media and his blog.
Official page ➡️ https://ter.li/7pkipz
💚 ALEX: https://ter.li/8lxdcb
published: 24 May 2018
25.11.24. - Predsjednik SDP a u KZŽ
Predsjednik SDP-a Siniša Hajdaš Dončić održao je sastanak s vodstvom te stranke iz Krapinsko-zagorske županije...
published: 28 Nov 2024
Stolp ljubezni na Žusmu na Kozjanskem 💚
𝙎𝙩𝙤𝙡𝙥 𝙡𝙟𝙪𝙗𝙚𝙯𝙣𝙞 𝙣𝙖 𝙕̌𝙪𝙨𝙢𝙪 💚 Na 669 metrov visokem vrhu hriba Žusem na sončnem Kozjanskem stoji 𝗻𝗮𝗷𝘃𝗶𝘀̌𝗷𝗶 𝗹𝗲𝘀𝗲𝗻 𝗿𝗮𝘇𝗴𝗹𝗲𝗱𝗻𝗶 𝘀𝘁𝗼𝗹𝗽 v Sloveniji 😊 Jesenski dnevi vabijo v naravo, na čist zrak, sonce, v gozdove in poti. Vzpon na stolp ljubezni te nagradi z osupljivim razgledom na magično pokrajino 🙂
👉 𝙋𝙤𝙝𝙤𝙙𝙣𝙞𝙨̌𝙠𝙚 𝙥𝙤𝙩𝙞 ⭕️
Do stolpa vodi več pohodniških poti. Pot lahko začnemo pri Turistični kmetiji Žurej v Ječovem 👉 @turisticnakmetijazurej, priporočamo da izbverete panoramsko pot. Na vrh se lahko povzpnemo iz Loke pri Žusmu ali pa iz Dobrine. Če imamo manj časa lahko krenemo po gamsovi poti blizu razvalin nekdaj mogočnega gradu Žusem 💚 Če imaš raje od pohoda sprehod, potem se zapelji do cerkva na Žusmu. Od tam do stolpa te loči le 15 prijetnih minut hoje po cesti in gozdni poti 😉
👉 𝙊𝙨𝙪𝙥𝙡𝙟𝙞𝙫 𝙧𝙖𝙯𝙜𝙡...
published: 10 Nov 2022
Zagorje ob žlici, 2019, ZON.si
published: 22 Sep 2019
Pobegnimo skupaj v Šentjur 💚
𝙋𝙤𝙗𝙚𝙜𝙣𝙞𝙢𝙤 𝙨𝙠𝙪𝙥𝙖𝙟 𝙫 𝙎̌𝙚𝙣𝙩𝙟𝙪𝙧 💚 Mamljive ideje za izletniški pobeg v deželo Šentjur Tour 😊
👉 𝙄𝙙𝙚𝙟𝙚 𝙯𝙖 𝙞𝙯𝙡𝙚𝙩𝙣𝙞𝙨̌𝙠𝙞 𝙥𝙤𝙗𝙚𝙜
Svoje doživetje lahko začnemo v Zgornjem trgu v Šentjurju 🙂 V muzeju Ipavčeva hiša spoznamo znamenite skladatelje in zdravnike Ipavce, avtorje številnih skoraj ponarodelih skladb 😊 Arheološki park Rifnik je izvrstna izbira, če želimo spoznavanje preteklosti povezati s pohodniškim izletom 😉 Ljubitelje morja očara Slivniško jezero ali Kozjansko morje, kot mu ljubkovalno pravijo domačini 🙂 Jezero s svojo razgibano obalo privablja ribiče, kavarna pa ljubitelje kav, čajev, tortic, sladoledov 😋 Planina pri Sevnici očara s trškim jedrom in mogočnimi razvalinami srednjeveškega gradu 😊 Na hrib Resevna vodi več planinskih poti, razgledni stolp, planinski dom in gugalnica pa privab...
published: 15 Nov 2024
Zagorje moje srijeda 08.02.23. - najava
Zagorje moje srijeda 08.02.
na kanalu MREŽA TV Zagreb u 19.45
na YouTube kanalu Zagorska televizija u 20.00
Obilazak PŠ Laz Bistrički
Gradilište Područne škole Laz Bistrički obišel je ministar Bačić u pratnji župana Kolara. Morete čujti kaj su imeli za povedati o obnovi na području Krapinsko-zagorske županije.... budite z nami lučite nas....
published: 08 Feb 2023
Važnost sastanka u Podčetrtku
Donosimo posljednji prilog vezan za veliki sastanak održan na temu revitalizacije Kumrovečke pruge. U njemu donosimo mišljenja predstavnika JLS-ova s područja Krapinsko-zagorske županije kao i samog župana vezana za donesene zaključke vezane za projekt revitalizacije.
Pratite nas na:
published: 06 Nov 2024
Cycling Ambassadors of Slovenia discovering Kozjansko and Dolenjska region 🏰🚲
On the second day of their Slovenian cycling adventures, the Cycling Ambassadors of Slovenia were discovering the Dolenjska and Kozjansko region.
Learn more about the Cycling Ambassadors of Slovenia project and follow their adventure on social media and their blogs.
Official page ➡️ https://ter.li/7pkipz
💚 SABRINA: https://ter.li/izr2w0
💚 ORIOL: https://ter.li/7l87a2
💚 ALEX: https://ter.li/8lxdcb
💚 PIERRE: https://ter.li/ch6sol
💚 KRIS: https://ter.li/71aqhi
published: 24 May 2018
Družinska hiša, Majšperk
DRUŽINSKA HIŠA Majšperk, leto izdelave 1972, obnova 2007, površina stavbe (GURS) 194,70 m2, parcela 859 m2.
LOKACIJA: naselje Mestinje; oddaljenost: 16 km do Ptuja, 16 km do Slovenske Bistrice, 17 km do kraja Rogatec.
Družinska hiša, Majšperk se nahaja v urejenem naselju, v bližini je vsa potrebna infrastruktura.
DRUŽINSKA HIŠA, Majšperk, novemu lastniku ponuja prijetno bivanje v obnovljeni in lepo vzdrževani hiši ter sprostitev na zunanji terasi, vrtu ali v masažnem bazenu.
Razgiban tloris hiše – odprti bivalni prostori in zasebnost petih sob – tri sobe imajo izhod na teraso oziroma balkon; dobro je izkoriščen tudi preostali prostor.
Hiša je zasnovana v K+ P+1+M etažah; dnevni prostor z izhodom na prostorno teraso in vrt.
Klet: shramba, pom. prostor (Buder...
published: 13 Aug 2022
Dvorca Gornja Bedekovčina Early Spring Where Local Visit Travel Croatia Zagorje Attractions #vlog
Hit the 🔔 and subscribe! 🤗
#IG has more!
📌 More feeds
🎥 Video | Playlist: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL7mkf-T6PeXUdqtGX9n5FAjcJu1tjgNx7
published: 15 Mar 2023
Šentjur - Song Of Southern Railway
Promotional video for Šentjur Municipality.
Šentjur is one of the largest municipalities in Slovenia. It boasts with a number of attractions, natural and cultur...
Promotional video for Šentjur Municipality.
Šentjur is one of the largest municipalities in Slovenia. It boasts with a number of attractions, natural and cultural heritage sites, museums and other points of interest.
We kindly invite you to explore the wonders of this beautiful land.
More about tourism offer of Šenjtur:
More about Šentjur Municipality:
Promotional video for Šentjur Municipality.
Šentjur is one of the largest municipalities in Slovenia. It boasts with a number of attractions, natural and cultural heritage sites, museums and other points of interest.
We kindly invite you to explore the wonders of this beautiful land.
More about tourism offer of Šenjtur:
More about Šentjur Municipality:
- published: 26 Aug 2015
- views: 2878
Ptuj je NAJ: Hincejeva sekvoja pri Ptuju
Hincejeva sekvoja je največje in najstarejše drevo te vrste v Sloveniji. Nahaja se v naselju Orešje pri Ptuju. V višino meri kar impozantnih 45 metrov. Mimo dre...
Hincejeva sekvoja je največje in najstarejše drevo te vrste v Sloveniji. Nahaja se v naselju Orešje pri Ptuju. V višino meri kar impozantnih 45 metrov. Mimo drevesa poteka tudi Dravska kolesarska pot, ki povezuje Ptuj z Mariborom.
Hincejeva sekvoja je največje in najstarejše drevo te vrste v Sloveniji. Nahaja se v naselju Orešje pri Ptuju. V višino meri kar impozantnih 45 metrov. Mimo drevesa poteka tudi Dravska kolesarska pot, ki povezuje Ptuj z Mariborom.
- published: 13 Dec 2020
- views: 274
Dobrodošli v Makolah
Dobrodošli v Makolah
Turistična ponudba in kulturne ter naravne znamenitosti v občini Makole.
© Turistično društvo Štatenberg, april 2018
Dobrodošli v Makolah
Turistična ponudba in kulturne ter naravne znamenitosti v občini Makole.
© Turistično društvo Štatenberg, april 2018
Dobrodošli v Makolah
Turistična ponudba in kulturne ter naravne znamenitosti v občini Makole.
© Turistično društvo Štatenberg, april 2018
- published: 19 Apr 2018
- views: 2612
15.11.24. - Sufinanciranje EU projekata za KZŽ
U krapinskoj gradskoj vijećnici održano je svečano uručivanje ugovora iz Programa za sufinanciranje provedbe EU projekata na regionalnoj i lokalnoj razini u fin...
U krapinskoj gradskoj vijećnici održano je svečano uručivanje ugovora iz Programa za sufinanciranje provedbe EU projekata na regionalnoj i lokalnoj razini u financijskom razdoblju 2021. – 2027. za Krapinsko-zagorsku županiju. Ministar regionalnog razvoja i EU fondova Šime Erlić uručio je 11 ugovora vrijednosti 480 tisuća eura.
U krapinskoj gradskoj vijećnici održano je svečano uručivanje ugovora iz Programa za sufinanciranje provedbe EU projekata na regionalnoj i lokalnoj razini u financijskom razdoblju 2021. – 2027. za Krapinsko-zagorsku županiju. Ministar regionalnog razvoja i EU fondova Šime Erlić uručio je 11 ugovora vrijednosti 480 tisuća eura.
- published: 23 Nov 2024
- views: 43
Alex and his Slovenian cycling adventure 🚲🌿 Exploring the Kozjansko region
On the second day of his Slovenian cycling adventure, Alex was following the path of the Kozjansko region. Lovely encounter with deer near Podčetrtek, the majes...
On the second day of his Slovenian cycling adventure, Alex was following the path of the Kozjansko region. Lovely encounter with deer near Podčetrtek, the majestic monastery of Olimje, cycling along Podčetrtek - Rogaška Slatina route, tour of Rogaška Slatina ... and relaxing in spa.
Follow Alejandro's adventure on social media and his blog.
Official page ➡️ https://ter.li/7pkipz
💚 ALEX: https://ter.li/8lxdcb
On the second day of his Slovenian cycling adventure, Alex was following the path of the Kozjansko region. Lovely encounter with deer near Podčetrtek, the majestic monastery of Olimje, cycling along Podčetrtek - Rogaška Slatina route, tour of Rogaška Slatina ... and relaxing in spa.
Follow Alejandro's adventure on social media and his blog.
Official page ➡️ https://ter.li/7pkipz
💚 ALEX: https://ter.li/8lxdcb
- published: 24 May 2018
- views: 555
25.11.24. - Predsjednik SDP a u KZŽ
Predsjednik SDP-a Siniša Hajdaš Dončić održao je sastanak s vodstvom te stranke iz Krapinsko-zagorske županije...
Predsjednik SDP-a Siniša Hajdaš Dončić održao je sastanak s vodstvom te stranke iz Krapinsko-zagorske županije...
Predsjednik SDP-a Siniša Hajdaš Dončić održao je sastanak s vodstvom te stranke iz Krapinsko-zagorske županije...
- published: 28 Nov 2024
- views: 85
Stolp ljubezni na Žusmu na Kozjanskem 💚
𝙎𝙩𝙤𝙡𝙥 𝙡𝙟𝙪𝙗𝙚𝙯𝙣𝙞 𝙣𝙖 𝙕̌𝙪𝙨𝙢𝙪 💚 Na 669 metrov visokem vrhu hriba Žusem na sončnem Kozjanskem stoji 𝗻𝗮𝗷𝘃𝗶𝘀̌𝗷𝗶 𝗹𝗲𝘀𝗲𝗻 𝗿𝗮𝘇𝗴𝗹𝗲𝗱𝗻𝗶 𝘀𝘁𝗼𝗹𝗽 v Sloveniji 😊 Jesenski dnevi vabij...
𝙎𝙩𝙤𝙡𝙥 𝙡𝙟𝙪𝙗𝙚𝙯𝙣𝙞 𝙣𝙖 𝙕̌𝙪𝙨𝙢𝙪 💚 Na 669 metrov visokem vrhu hriba Žusem na sončnem Kozjanskem stoji 𝗻𝗮𝗷𝘃𝗶𝘀̌𝗷𝗶 𝗹𝗲𝘀𝗲𝗻 𝗿𝗮𝘇𝗴𝗹𝗲𝗱𝗻𝗶 𝘀𝘁𝗼𝗹𝗽 v Sloveniji 😊 Jesenski dnevi vabijo v naravo, na čist zrak, sonce, v gozdove in poti. Vzpon na stolp ljubezni te nagradi z osupljivim razgledom na magično pokrajino 🙂
👉 𝙋𝙤𝙝𝙤𝙙𝙣𝙞𝙨̌𝙠𝙚 𝙥𝙤𝙩𝙞 ⭕️
Do stolpa vodi več pohodniških poti. Pot lahko začnemo pri Turistični kmetiji Žurej v Ječovem 👉 @turisticnakmetijazurej, priporočamo da izbverete panoramsko pot. Na vrh se lahko povzpnemo iz Loke pri Žusmu ali pa iz Dobrine. Če imamo manj časa lahko krenemo po gamsovi poti blizu razvalin nekdaj mogočnega gradu Žusem 💚 Če imaš raje od pohoda sprehod, potem se zapelji do cerkva na Žusmu. Od tam do stolpa te loči le 15 prijetnih minut hoje po cesti in gozdni poti 😉
👉 𝙊𝙨𝙪𝙥𝙡𝙟𝙞𝙫 𝙧𝙖𝙯𝙜𝙡𝙚𝙙 📸💚
Razgled iz stolpa ljubezni je osupljivo lep. Čudovito se vidijo griči in hribi na Kozjanskem, hrvaškem Zagorju na vzhodu, na severu se vidi vse od Donačke gore, Boča in Pohorja ter na zahodu Alpe, v lepem vremenu se vidi tudi Triglav 💚
➡️ Več o stolpu ljubezni na Žusmu in pohodniških poteh najdeš na: https://www.turizem-sentjur.com/Pohodnistvo/Stolp-ljubezni-na-Zusmu/
#šentjurtour #žusem #stolpljubezni #stolpljubeznižusem #kozjansko #pohod #zazaljubljence #zadružine #pot #pohodništvo #narava #gozd #izlet #ideja #hike #hiking #ljubezen #ifeelslovenia #love #hribi #jesen #photooftheday #instagood #wonderful_places #travelpic #tower #visit #lovenature #sunnyday #slovenia
𝙎𝙩𝙤𝙡𝙥 𝙡𝙟𝙪𝙗𝙚𝙯𝙣𝙞 𝙣𝙖 𝙕̌𝙪𝙨𝙢𝙪 💚 Na 669 metrov visokem vrhu hriba Žusem na sončnem Kozjanskem stoji 𝗻𝗮𝗷𝘃𝗶𝘀̌𝗷𝗶 𝗹𝗲𝘀𝗲𝗻 𝗿𝗮𝘇𝗴𝗹𝗲𝗱𝗻𝗶 𝘀𝘁𝗼𝗹𝗽 v Sloveniji 😊 Jesenski dnevi vabijo v naravo, na čist zrak, sonce, v gozdove in poti. Vzpon na stolp ljubezni te nagradi z osupljivim razgledom na magično pokrajino 🙂
👉 𝙋𝙤𝙝𝙤𝙙𝙣𝙞𝙨̌𝙠𝙚 𝙥𝙤𝙩𝙞 ⭕️
Do stolpa vodi več pohodniških poti. Pot lahko začnemo pri Turistični kmetiji Žurej v Ječovem 👉 @turisticnakmetijazurej, priporočamo da izbverete panoramsko pot. Na vrh se lahko povzpnemo iz Loke pri Žusmu ali pa iz Dobrine. Če imamo manj časa lahko krenemo po gamsovi poti blizu razvalin nekdaj mogočnega gradu Žusem 💚 Če imaš raje od pohoda sprehod, potem se zapelji do cerkva na Žusmu. Od tam do stolpa te loči le 15 prijetnih minut hoje po cesti in gozdni poti 😉
👉 𝙊𝙨𝙪𝙥𝙡𝙟𝙞𝙫 𝙧𝙖𝙯𝙜𝙡𝙚𝙙 📸💚
Razgled iz stolpa ljubezni je osupljivo lep. Čudovito se vidijo griči in hribi na Kozjanskem, hrvaškem Zagorju na vzhodu, na severu se vidi vse od Donačke gore, Boča in Pohorja ter na zahodu Alpe, v lepem vremenu se vidi tudi Triglav 💚
➡️ Več o stolpu ljubezni na Žusmu in pohodniških poteh najdeš na: https://www.turizem-sentjur.com/Pohodnistvo/Stolp-ljubezni-na-Zusmu/
#šentjurtour #žusem #stolpljubezni #stolpljubeznižusem #kozjansko #pohod #zazaljubljence #zadružine #pot #pohodništvo #narava #gozd #izlet #ideja #hike #hiking #ljubezen #ifeelslovenia #love #hribi #jesen #photooftheday #instagood #wonderful_places #travelpic #tower #visit #lovenature #sunnyday #slovenia
- published: 10 Nov 2022
- views: 165
Pobegnimo skupaj v Šentjur 💚
𝙋𝙤𝙗𝙚𝙜𝙣𝙞𝙢𝙤 𝙨𝙠𝙪𝙥𝙖𝙟 𝙫 𝙎̌𝙚𝙣𝙩𝙟𝙪𝙧 💚 Mamljive ideje za izletniški pobeg v deželo Šentjur Tour 😊
👉 𝙄𝙙𝙚𝙟𝙚 𝙯𝙖 𝙞𝙯𝙡𝙚𝙩𝙣𝙞𝙨̌𝙠𝙞 𝙥𝙤𝙗𝙚𝙜
Svoje doživetje lahko začnemo v Zgornje...
𝙋𝙤𝙗𝙚𝙜𝙣𝙞𝙢𝙤 𝙨𝙠𝙪𝙥𝙖𝙟 𝙫 𝙎̌𝙚𝙣𝙩𝙟𝙪𝙧 💚 Mamljive ideje za izletniški pobeg v deželo Šentjur Tour 😊
👉 𝙄𝙙𝙚𝙟𝙚 𝙯𝙖 𝙞𝙯𝙡𝙚𝙩𝙣𝙞𝙨̌𝙠𝙞 𝙥𝙤𝙗𝙚𝙜
Svoje doživetje lahko začnemo v Zgornjem trgu v Šentjurju 🙂 V muzeju Ipavčeva hiša spoznamo znamenite skladatelje in zdravnike Ipavce, avtorje številnih skoraj ponarodelih skladb 😊 Arheološki park Rifnik je izvrstna izbira, če želimo spoznavanje preteklosti povezati s pohodniškim izletom 😉 Ljubitelje morja očara Slivniško jezero ali Kozjansko morje, kot mu ljubkovalno pravijo domačini 🙂 Jezero s svojo razgibano obalo privablja ribiče, kavarna pa ljubitelje kav, čajev, tortic, sladoledov 😋 Planina pri Sevnici očara s trškim jedrom in mogočnimi razvalinami srednjeveškega gradu 😊 Na hrib Resevna vodi več planinskih poti, razgledni stolp, planinski dom in gugalnica pa privabljata vse več kolesarjev 💚
➡ Še več idej za izlete v destinaciji Šentjur Tour najdeš na www.turizem-sentjur.com Lokalna akcijska skupina Od Pohorja do Bohorja je uspešno zaključila programsko obdobje 2014–2020, v katerem je izvedla več kot 40 LEADER/CLLD projektov, med njimi tudi projekt POBegnimo skupaj!, namenjen promociji dosežkov, izvedenih projektov in bogatega območja LAS.
Naložbo sofinancirata Republika Slovenija in Evropska unija iz Evropskega kmetijskega sklada za razvoj podeželja.
#šentjurtour #ifeelslovenia #kozjansko #ipavci #rifnik #planinaprisevnici #grad #slivniškojezero #resevna #hrib #lepoteslovenije #kamnaizlet #izlet #LAS #LocalActionGroup #OdPohorjaDoBohorja #EuropeanUnion
𝙋𝙤𝙗𝙚𝙜𝙣𝙞𝙢𝙤 𝙨𝙠𝙪𝙥𝙖𝙟 𝙫 𝙎̌𝙚𝙣𝙩𝙟𝙪𝙧 💚 Mamljive ideje za izletniški pobeg v deželo Šentjur Tour 😊
👉 𝙄𝙙𝙚𝙟𝙚 𝙯𝙖 𝙞𝙯𝙡𝙚𝙩𝙣𝙞𝙨̌𝙠𝙞 𝙥𝙤𝙗𝙚𝙜
Svoje doživetje lahko začnemo v Zgornjem trgu v Šentjurju 🙂 V muzeju Ipavčeva hiša spoznamo znamenite skladatelje in zdravnike Ipavce, avtorje številnih skoraj ponarodelih skladb 😊 Arheološki park Rifnik je izvrstna izbira, če želimo spoznavanje preteklosti povezati s pohodniškim izletom 😉 Ljubitelje morja očara Slivniško jezero ali Kozjansko morje, kot mu ljubkovalno pravijo domačini 🙂 Jezero s svojo razgibano obalo privablja ribiče, kavarna pa ljubitelje kav, čajev, tortic, sladoledov 😋 Planina pri Sevnici očara s trškim jedrom in mogočnimi razvalinami srednjeveškega gradu 😊 Na hrib Resevna vodi več planinskih poti, razgledni stolp, planinski dom in gugalnica pa privabljata vse več kolesarjev 💚
➡ Še več idej za izlete v destinaciji Šentjur Tour najdeš na www.turizem-sentjur.com Lokalna akcijska skupina Od Pohorja do Bohorja je uspešno zaključila programsko obdobje 2014–2020, v katerem je izvedla več kot 40 LEADER/CLLD projektov, med njimi tudi projekt POBegnimo skupaj!, namenjen promociji dosežkov, izvedenih projektov in bogatega območja LAS.
Naložbo sofinancirata Republika Slovenija in Evropska unija iz Evropskega kmetijskega sklada za razvoj podeželja.
#šentjurtour #ifeelslovenia #kozjansko #ipavci #rifnik #planinaprisevnici #grad #slivniškojezero #resevna #hrib #lepoteslovenije #kamnaizlet #izlet #LAS #LocalActionGroup #OdPohorjaDoBohorja #EuropeanUnion
- published: 15 Nov 2024
- views: 48
Zagorje moje srijeda 08.02.23. - najava
Zagorje moje srijeda 08.02.
na kanalu MREŽA TV Zagreb u 19.45
na YouTube kanalu Zagorska televizija u 20.00
Obilazak PŠ Laz Bistrički
Gradilište Područne škol...
Zagorje moje srijeda 08.02.
na kanalu MREŽA TV Zagreb u 19.45
na YouTube kanalu Zagorska televizija u 20.00
Obilazak PŠ Laz Bistrički
Gradilište Područne škole Laz Bistrički obišel je ministar Bačić u pratnji župana Kolara. Morete čujti kaj su imeli za povedati o obnovi na području Krapinsko-zagorske županije.... budite z nami lučite nas....
Zagorje moje srijeda 08.02.
na kanalu MREŽA TV Zagreb u 19.45
na YouTube kanalu Zagorska televizija u 20.00
Obilazak PŠ Laz Bistrički
Gradilište Područne škole Laz Bistrički obišel je ministar Bačić u pratnji župana Kolara. Morete čujti kaj su imeli za povedati o obnovi na području Krapinsko-zagorske županije.... budite z nami lučite nas....
- published: 08 Feb 2023
- views: 87
Važnost sastanka u Podčetrtku
Donosimo posljednji prilog vezan za veliki sastanak održan na temu revitalizacije Kumrovečke pruge. U njemu donosimo mišljenja predstavnika JLS-ova s područja K...
Donosimo posljednji prilog vezan za veliki sastanak održan na temu revitalizacije Kumrovečke pruge. U njemu donosimo mišljenja predstavnika JLS-ova s područja Krapinsko-zagorske županije kao i samog župana vezana za donesene zaključke vezane za projekt revitalizacije.
Pratite nas na:
Donosimo posljednji prilog vezan za veliki sastanak održan na temu revitalizacije Kumrovečke pruge. U njemu donosimo mišljenja predstavnika JLS-ova s područja Krapinsko-zagorske županije kao i samog župana vezana za donesene zaključke vezane za projekt revitalizacije.
Pratite nas na:
- published: 06 Nov 2024
- views: 34
Cycling Ambassadors of Slovenia discovering Kozjansko and Dolenjska region 🏰🚲
On the second day of their Slovenian cycling adventures, the Cycling Ambassadors of Slovenia were discovering the Dolenjska and Kozjansko region.
Learn more abo...
On the second day of their Slovenian cycling adventures, the Cycling Ambassadors of Slovenia were discovering the Dolenjska and Kozjansko region.
Learn more about the Cycling Ambassadors of Slovenia project and follow their adventure on social media and their blogs.
Official page ➡️ https://ter.li/7pkipz
💚 SABRINA: https://ter.li/izr2w0
💚 ORIOL: https://ter.li/7l87a2
💚 ALEX: https://ter.li/8lxdcb
💚 PIERRE: https://ter.li/ch6sol
💚 KRIS: https://ter.li/71aqhi
On the second day of their Slovenian cycling adventures, the Cycling Ambassadors of Slovenia were discovering the Dolenjska and Kozjansko region.
Learn more about the Cycling Ambassadors of Slovenia project and follow their adventure on social media and their blogs.
Official page ➡️ https://ter.li/7pkipz
💚 SABRINA: https://ter.li/izr2w0
💚 ORIOL: https://ter.li/7l87a2
💚 ALEX: https://ter.li/8lxdcb
💚 PIERRE: https://ter.li/ch6sol
💚 KRIS: https://ter.li/71aqhi
- published: 24 May 2018
- views: 194
Družinska hiša, Majšperk
DRUŽINSKA HIŠA Majšperk, leto izdelave 1972, obnova 2007, površina stavbe (GURS) 194,70 m2, parcela 859 m2.
LOKACIJA: naselje Mestin...
DRUŽINSKA HIŠA Majšperk, leto izdelave 1972, obnova 2007, površina stavbe (GURS) 194,70 m2, parcela 859 m2.
LOKACIJA: naselje Mestinje; oddaljenost: 16 km do Ptuja, 16 km do Slovenske Bistrice, 17 km do kraja Rogatec.
Družinska hiša, Majšperk se nahaja v urejenem naselju, v bližini je vsa potrebna infrastruktura.
DRUŽINSKA HIŠA, Majšperk, novemu lastniku ponuja prijetno bivanje v obnovljeni in lepo vzdrževani hiši ter sprostitev na zunanji terasi, vrtu ali v masažnem bazenu.
Razgiban tloris hiše – odprti bivalni prostori in zasebnost petih sob – tri sobe imajo izhod na teraso oziroma balkon; dobro je izkoriščen tudi preostali prostor.
Hiša je zasnovana v K+ P+1+M etažah; dnevni prostor z izhodom na prostorno teraso in vrt.
Klet: shramba, pom. prostor (Buderus peč na olje).
Pritličje predstavlja: hodnik, toaletni prostor, 2 sobi, stopnišče.
Etaža 1: kuhinja z jedilnim delom, dnevni prostor z izhodom na teraso.
Etaža 2: spalnica, kopalnica, soba.
Mansarda: 2 sobi - kabinet.
CENA: 194.000 eur.
Tla: keramika.
Okna: 2005, dvoslojna.
Ogrevanje: kamin, radiatorji (peč na olje).
Streha: 2013, S Metal.
Fasada:2011, demit 15 cm.
Urejen dostop, pred hišo je veliko dvorišče / parkirišče.
Hiša se prodaja večinoma opremljena oziroma po dogovoru.
Rastlinjak novemu lastniku lahko omogoča del samooskrbe - sveža zelenjava skozi večino leta.
Na parceli se poleg stanovanjske hiše nahaja še zidan enostaven objekt, ki služi kot prostor za shranjevanje.
PREDNOSTI DRUŽINSKE HIŠE, Majšperk, ki je naprodaj:
ODLIČNA LOKACIJA za družine, v bližini se nahaja vsa potrebna infrastruktura, VELIKOST HIŠE, razgiban TLORIS in pripadajoča PARCELA.
Kupec ne plača provizije.
Za informacije in dogovor za ogled pokličite.
DRUŽINSKA HIŠA Majšperk, leto izdelave 1972, obnova 2007, površina stavbe (GURS) 194,70 m2, parcela 859 m2.
LOKACIJA: naselje Mestinje; oddaljenost: 16 km do Ptuja, 16 km do Slovenske Bistrice, 17 km do kraja Rogatec.
Družinska hiša, Majšperk se nahaja v urejenem naselju, v bližini je vsa potrebna infrastruktura.
DRUŽINSKA HIŠA, Majšperk, novemu lastniku ponuja prijetno bivanje v obnovljeni in lepo vzdrževani hiši ter sprostitev na zunanji terasi, vrtu ali v masažnem bazenu.
Razgiban tloris hiše – odprti bivalni prostori in zasebnost petih sob – tri sobe imajo izhod na teraso oziroma balkon; dobro je izkoriščen tudi preostali prostor.
Hiša je zasnovana v K+ P+1+M etažah; dnevni prostor z izhodom na prostorno teraso in vrt.
Klet: shramba, pom. prostor (Buderus peč na olje).
Pritličje predstavlja: hodnik, toaletni prostor, 2 sobi, stopnišče.
Etaža 1: kuhinja z jedilnim delom, dnevni prostor z izhodom na teraso.
Etaža 2: spalnica, kopalnica, soba.
Mansarda: 2 sobi - kabinet.
CENA: 194.000 eur.
Tla: keramika.
Okna: 2005, dvoslojna.
Ogrevanje: kamin, radiatorji (peč na olje).
Streha: 2013, S Metal.
Fasada:2011, demit 15 cm.
Urejen dostop, pred hišo je veliko dvorišče / parkirišče.
Hiša se prodaja večinoma opremljena oziroma po dogovoru.
Rastlinjak novemu lastniku lahko omogoča del samooskrbe - sveža zelenjava skozi večino leta.
Na parceli se poleg stanovanjske hiše nahaja še zidan enostaven objekt, ki služi kot prostor za shranjevanje.
PREDNOSTI DRUŽINSKE HIŠE, Majšperk, ki je naprodaj:
ODLIČNA LOKACIJA za družine, v bližini se nahaja vsa potrebna infrastruktura, VELIKOST HIŠE, razgiban TLORIS in pripadajoča PARCELA.
Kupec ne plača provizije.
Za informacije in dogovor za ogled pokličite.
- published: 13 Aug 2022
- views: 138
Dvorca Gornja Bedekovčina Early Spring Where Local Visit Travel Croatia Zagorje Attractions #vlog
Hit the 🔔 and subscribe! 🤗
#IG has more!
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Hit the 🔔 and subscribe! 🤗
#IG has more!
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🎥 Video | Playlist: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL7mkf-T6PeXUdqtGX9n5FAjcJu1tjgNx7
Hit the 🔔 and subscribe! 🤗
#IG has more!
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🎥 Video | Playlist: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL7mkf-T6PeXUdqtGX9n5FAjcJu1tjgNx7
- published: 15 Mar 2023
- views: 353
Internets WORST Websites
It would change my life and yours
#internetfacts #internet #gaming #internetgems #trilzo #websites
Weird Body Website
- https://me.meshcapade.com/editor
Cursor Dance "Party"
- https://www.cursordanceparty.com/
Fr Who is Using This?
- https://oimo.io/works/clock/
Waiting In Line Simulator
- https://www.rajeevbasu.com/projects/wil3d/
This Foot Does Not Exist
- https://thisfootdoesnotexist.com/
published: 11 Aug 2024
Internets WEIRDEST Websites Pt.18
It would change my life and yours
#internetfacts #internet #gaming #internetgems #trilzo #websites
published: 08 Jul 2024
Internets WEIRDEST Websites Pt.20
1. https://psxparty.kosmi.io/
2. https://js13kgames.com/games/scroll-run
3. https://www.futureme.org/
4. https://clicktheredbutton.com/
5. https://character.ai/
It would change my life and yours
#internetfacts #internet #gaming #internetgems #trilzo #websites
published: 23 Sep 2024
How to Make a Website in 10 mins - Simple & Easy
❤️ 𝗦𝘁𝗮𝗿𝘁 𝗵𝗲𝗿𝗲 ➜ https://visit.websitelearners.com/10minWeb18
⏰️ Save Time, Let Ai Write Your Website Content - https://gravitywrite.com/
👉 𝗚𝗲𝘁 𝟱𝟬% 𝗢𝗙𝗙 𝗢𝗡 𝘁𝗵𝗲 𝗦𝗨𝗣𝗘𝗥 𝗙𝗔𝗦𝗧 𝗪𝗼𝗿𝗱𝗣𝗿𝗲𝘀𝘀 𝗛𝗼𝘀𝘁𝗶𝗻𝗴 ➜ https://go.webspacekit.com/Website10Mins2018
📌 *Get New Video Updates* ➜ https://whatsapp.com/channel/0029VaAYBig7IUYaC6vcu53s
Learn how to make a website in 10 minutes
🎬 𝗧𝗮𝗯𝗹𝗲 𝗼𝗳 𝗖𝗼𝗻𝘁𝗲𝗻𝘁𝘀
0:00 Intro
0:32 Pick a name for your website
0:52 Get hosting & domain
2:48 To install WordPress
4:30 Install a new theme
7:11 Edit the Content
📌 𝗙𝗼𝗹𝗹𝗼𝘄 𝘁𝗵𝗲𝘀𝗲 𝘀𝗶𝗺𝗽𝗹𝗲 𝘀𝘁𝗲𝗽𝘀
Step 1: Pick a name for your website
First, go to ➜ https://visit.websitelearners.com/10minWeb18
And pick a name for your website & check its avability
Step 2: Get Hosting & Domain
Hosting is the place where your website’s files get store...
published: 03 Jan 2018
Internets WEIRDEST Websites Pt.19
1. https://neal.fun/sun-vs-moon/
2. https://www.onemillionpats.com/
3. https://rando.gg/
4. https://justtypestuff.com/
5. https://neal.fun/spend/
It would change my life and yours
#internetfacts #internet #gaming #internetgems #trilzo #websites
published: 27 Aug 2024
you STILL need a website RIGHT NOW!! (yes, even in 2024)
Build your website in 5 seconds: https://hostinger.com/networkchuck10 (use coupon code NETWORKCHUCK for an extra 10% off)
🗳️🗳️VOTE!!: Who has the best website? ➡️➡️ https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC9x0AN7BWHpCDHSm9NiJFJQ/community?pvf=CAI%253D
Super awesome, amazing advanced website code: https://github.com/happygilmore445/mywebsite/blob/main/index.html
Discover how easy it is to create your own website in 2024 with NetworkChuck! In this video, Chuck guides you through the process of building a website from scratch using free tools like GitHub Pages. He also explores the power of AI-driven website builders like Hostinger that allow you to create stunning, professional sites in minutes without any coding knowledge. Learn why having your own website is crucial for learning, sharing your...
published: 26 Apr 2024
Creepiest Websites You Should Never Visit
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#shorts #creepy #websites #scary #horror #website #creepiest #google #internet #sambucha
published: 13 Oct 2024
How To Create A Free Website - with Free Domain & Hosting
❤️ *Start here* ➜ https://visit.websitelearners.com/Freewebsite20
⏰️ *Save Time, Let Ai Write Your Website Content* ➜ https://gravitywrite.com/
👉 *Get the Domain* ➜ https://wl.tools/godaddy
📌 *Get New Video Updates* ➜ https://whatsapp.com/channel/0029VaAYBig7IUYaC6vcu53s
Learn how to create a website for free
🎬 𝗧𝗮𝗯𝗹𝗲 𝗼𝗳 𝗖𝗼𝗻𝘁𝗲𝗻𝘁𝘀
0:00 Intro
0:39 Part-1 launch your website
4:25 Part-2 Start building your website
11:02 How you can add a new page to your website
14:05 How you can get a .com domain name
📌 𝗙𝗼𝗹𝗹𝗼𝘄 𝘁𝗵𝗲𝘀𝗲 𝘀𝗶𝗺𝗽𝗹𝗲 𝘀𝘁𝗲𝗽𝘀
👉 Part 1: Launch your website
step 1: create an account on go to profreehost
go to profreehost.com
and create an account,
Step 2: which is to get your free domain.
Enter the name for your website
👉 Part 2: Build your website.
step 1: Login to your websi...
published: 06 Apr 2020
Is Your Business Ready to Go Online? 🚀 #digitalbranding #digitalmarketing #website #ai #socialmedia
published: 01 Dec 2024
Internets WORST Websites Pt.2
It would change my life and yours
#internetfacts #internet #gaming #internetgems #trilzo #websites
- neal.fun/eyechat
The Free Movie
- thefreemovie.buzz
Is My Computer On Fire?
- ismycomputeronfire.com
Trip To Mars
- absurd.website/trip-to-mars
Ruin My Search History
- proprivacy.com/tools/ruinmysearchhistory (Firefox Only)
Thanks For Watching
published: 29 Aug 2024
I tried every FREE website builder. This is the best
Carrd — https://try.carrd.co/r2x1byk2
Canva — https://www.canva.com
Wix — http://wixstats.com/?a=780&c;=124&s1;=
Ucraft — https://www.ucraft.com
Jimdo — https://www.jimdo.com
Square — https://square.sjv.io/c/41544/1231833/9398
WordPress.com — https://wordpress.com/create/?aff=9485
Carrd — https://goodharvest.carrd.co/ (Winner)
Canva — https://goodharvest.my.canva.site/ (Runner Up)
Square — https://good-harvest.square.site/
Jimdo — https://good-harvest.jimdosite.com/
Ucraft — https://goodharvest.ucraft.site/
Wix — https://watchgoodharvest.wixsite.com/good-harvest
WordPress.com — https://goodharvest8.wordpress.com
I set out to build a website for FREE — here's what I learned.
On my journey I would try all kinds of free website tools. I even ended up building the same websi...
published: 04 Mar 2024
Internets Worst Website Designs Pt.3
It would change my life and yours
#internetfacts #internet #gaming #internetgems #trilzo #websitedesign #website
published: 15 Jun 2024
This Website Will Cure your Boredom!
If you have ever wanted to create landscape paintings like bob ross then you need to try out this website to cure boredom that uses nvidia gaugan's artificial intelligence!
published: 08 Mar 2022
Internets Worst Website Designs
It would change my life and yours
#internetfacts #internet #gaming #internetgems #trilzo
published: 06 Jun 2024
Internets WORST Websites
It would change my life and yours
#internetfacts #internet #gaming #internetgems #trilzo #websites
Weird Body Website
- https://me.meshcapade.com/ed...
It would change my life and yours
#internetfacts #internet #gaming #internetgems #trilzo #websites
Weird Body Website
- https://me.meshcapade.com/editor
Cursor Dance "Party"
- https://www.cursordanceparty.com/
Fr Who is Using This?
- https://oimo.io/works/clock/
Waiting In Line Simulator
- https://www.rajeevbasu.com/projects/wil3d/
This Foot Does Not Exist
- https://thisfootdoesnotexist.com/
It would change my life and yours
#internetfacts #internet #gaming #internetgems #trilzo #websites
Weird Body Website
- https://me.meshcapade.com/editor
Cursor Dance "Party"
- https://www.cursordanceparty.com/
Fr Who is Using This?
- https://oimo.io/works/clock/
Waiting In Line Simulator
- https://www.rajeevbasu.com/projects/wil3d/
This Foot Does Not Exist
- https://thisfootdoesnotexist.com/
- published: 11 Aug 2024
- views: 13681967
Internets WEIRDEST Websites Pt.18
It would change my life and yours
#internetfacts #internet #gaming #internetgems #trilzo #websites
It would change my life and yours
#internetfacts #internet #gaming #internetgems #trilzo #websites
It would change my life and yours
#internetfacts #internet #gaming #internetgems #trilzo #websites
- published: 08 Jul 2024
- views: 4323766
Internets WEIRDEST Websites Pt.20
1. https://psxparty.kosmi.io/
2. https://js13kgames.com/games/scroll-run
3. https://www.futureme.org/
4. https://clicktheredbutton.com/
5. https://character...
1. https://psxparty.kosmi.io/
2. https://js13kgames.com/games/scroll-run
3. https://www.futureme.org/
4. https://clicktheredbutton.com/
5. https://character.ai/
It would change my life and yours
#internetfacts #internet #gaming #internetgems #trilzo #websites
1. https://psxparty.kosmi.io/
2. https://js13kgames.com/games/scroll-run
3. https://www.futureme.org/
4. https://clicktheredbutton.com/
5. https://character.ai/
It would change my life and yours
#internetfacts #internet #gaming #internetgems #trilzo #websites
- published: 23 Sep 2024
- views: 403709
How to Make a Website in 10 mins - Simple & Easy
❤️ 𝗦𝘁𝗮𝗿𝘁 𝗵𝗲𝗿𝗲 ➜ https://visit.websitelearners.com/10minWeb18
⏰️ Save Time, Let Ai Write Your Website Content - https://gravitywrite.com/
👉 𝗚𝗲𝘁 𝟱𝟬% 𝗢𝗙𝗙 𝗢𝗡 𝘁𝗵𝗲...
❤️ 𝗦𝘁𝗮𝗿𝘁 𝗵𝗲𝗿𝗲 ➜ https://visit.websitelearners.com/10minWeb18
⏰️ Save Time, Let Ai Write Your Website Content - https://gravitywrite.com/
👉 𝗚𝗲𝘁 𝟱𝟬% 𝗢𝗙𝗙 𝗢𝗡 𝘁𝗵𝗲 𝗦𝗨𝗣𝗘𝗥 𝗙𝗔𝗦𝗧 𝗪𝗼𝗿𝗱𝗣𝗿𝗲𝘀𝘀 𝗛𝗼𝘀𝘁𝗶𝗻𝗴 ➜ https://go.webspacekit.com/Website10Mins2018
📌 *Get New Video Updates* ➜ https://whatsapp.com/channel/0029VaAYBig7IUYaC6vcu53s
Learn how to make a website in 10 minutes
🎬 𝗧𝗮𝗯𝗹𝗲 𝗼𝗳 𝗖𝗼𝗻𝘁𝗲𝗻𝘁𝘀
0:00 Intro
0:32 Pick a name for your website
0:52 Get hosting & domain
2:48 To install WordPress
4:30 Install a new theme
7:11 Edit the Content
📌 𝗙𝗼𝗹𝗹𝗼𝘄 𝘁𝗵𝗲𝘀𝗲 𝘀𝗶𝗺𝗽𝗹𝗲 𝘀𝘁𝗲𝗽𝘀
Step 1: Pick a name for your website
First, go to ➜ https://visit.websitelearners.com/10minWeb18
And pick a name for your website & check its avability
Step 2: Get Hosting & Domain
Hosting is the place where your website’s files get stored and
Domain is the name of your website.
So, get your hosting with free domain
Step 3: Installing WordPress
Go to your hosting account & click ‘Managed WordPress’
Create WordPress Login by entering a username & password.
After the WordPress Installation is complete,
You’ll then be taken to your WordPress Dashboard.
To visit your WordPress Dashboard again, just type: yoursite.com/login.
Step 4: Adding a New Theme
Install a new theme by going to ‘Themes.’
You can install Astra theme Also, install Astra Sites Plugin
Now, before you select a design, make sure you click ‘Elementor’
which will make it easy for you to edit the design.
Step 5: Editing the Demo Content
Go to the page that you want to edit & click ‘Elementor.’
To edit any text, just select it, and type anything you want.
And to edit the header & footer, click ‘Customize.’
You’ll see some blue icons on the page.
To edit anything, like the logo or the menu section,
Just click the blue icon & make your changes.
The same works-out in the footer area, also.
So this is how easily you can launch your website.
✅ 𝗪𝗲 𝘄𝗶𝗹𝗹 𝗯𝘂𝗶𝗹𝗱 𝗮 𝗽𝗿𝗼𝗳𝗲𝘀𝘀𝗶𝗼𝗻𝗮𝗹 𝗪𝗲𝗯𝘀𝗶𝘁𝗲 𝗳𝗼𝗿 𝘆𝗼𝘂𝗿 𝗕𝘂𝘀𝗶𝗻𝗲𝘀𝘀 ➜https://bit.ly/WebsiteRequirement
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🔴 🖥️ Ready-made Websites for 🏷️ Sale | 𝗠𝗮𝗸𝗲𝗬𝗼𝘂𝗿𝗪𝗣 | https://wl.coupons/3rmxzjM
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𝗪𝗲❜𝗿𝗲 𝗛𝗶𝗿𝗶𝗻𝗴: https://websitelearners.com/careers/
Want your website developed by us? Email us your requirements to contact@websitelearners.com
💬 𝗙𝗼𝗹𝗹𝗼𝘄 & 𝗖𝗵𝗮𝘁 𝘄𝗶𝘁𝗵 𝘂𝘀:
Instagram ➜ https://www.instagram.com/websitelearners
Facebook ➜ https://www.facebook.com/websitelearners
LinkedIn ➜ https://www.linkedin.com/company/website-learners
❤️ 𝗦𝘁𝗮𝗿𝘁 𝗵𝗲𝗿𝗲 ➜ https://visit.websitelearners.com/10minWeb18
⏰️ Save Time, Let Ai Write Your Website Content - https://gravitywrite.com/
👉 𝗚𝗲𝘁 𝟱𝟬% 𝗢𝗙𝗙 𝗢𝗡 𝘁𝗵𝗲 𝗦𝗨𝗣𝗘𝗥 𝗙𝗔𝗦𝗧 𝗪𝗼𝗿𝗱𝗣𝗿𝗲𝘀𝘀 𝗛𝗼𝘀𝘁𝗶𝗻𝗴 ➜ https://go.webspacekit.com/Website10Mins2018
📌 *Get New Video Updates* ➜ https://whatsapp.com/channel/0029VaAYBig7IUYaC6vcu53s
Learn how to make a website in 10 minutes
🎬 𝗧𝗮𝗯𝗹𝗲 𝗼𝗳 𝗖𝗼𝗻𝘁𝗲𝗻𝘁𝘀
0:00 Intro
0:32 Pick a name for your website
0:52 Get hosting & domain
2:48 To install WordPress
4:30 Install a new theme
7:11 Edit the Content
📌 𝗙𝗼𝗹𝗹𝗼𝘄 𝘁𝗵𝗲𝘀𝗲 𝘀𝗶𝗺𝗽𝗹𝗲 𝘀𝘁𝗲𝗽𝘀
Step 1: Pick a name for your website
First, go to ➜ https://visit.websitelearners.com/10minWeb18
And pick a name for your website & check its avability
Step 2: Get Hosting & Domain
Hosting is the place where your website’s files get stored and
Domain is the name of your website.
So, get your hosting with free domain
Step 3: Installing WordPress
Go to your hosting account & click ‘Managed WordPress’
Create WordPress Login by entering a username & password.
After the WordPress Installation is complete,
You’ll then be taken to your WordPress Dashboard.
To visit your WordPress Dashboard again, just type: yoursite.com/login.
Step 4: Adding a New Theme
Install a new theme by going to ‘Themes.’
You can install Astra theme Also, install Astra Sites Plugin
Now, before you select a design, make sure you click ‘Elementor’
which will make it easy for you to edit the design.
Step 5: Editing the Demo Content
Go to the page that you want to edit & click ‘Elementor.’
To edit any text, just select it, and type anything you want.
And to edit the header & footer, click ‘Customize.’
You’ll see some blue icons on the page.
To edit anything, like the logo or the menu section,
Just click the blue icon & make your changes.
The same works-out in the footer area, also.
So this is how easily you can launch your website.
✅ 𝗪𝗲 𝘄𝗶𝗹𝗹 𝗯𝘂𝗶𝗹𝗱 𝗮 𝗽𝗿𝗼𝗳𝗲𝘀𝘀𝗶𝗼𝗻𝗮𝗹 𝗪𝗲𝗯𝘀𝗶𝘁𝗲 𝗳𝗼𝗿 𝘆𝗼𝘂𝗿 𝗕𝘂𝘀𝗶𝗻𝗲𝘀𝘀 ➜https://bit.ly/WebsiteRequirement
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🔴 🖥️ Ready-made Websites for 🏷️ Sale | 𝗠𝗮𝗸𝗲𝗬𝗼𝘂𝗿𝗪𝗣 | https://wl.coupons/3rmxzjM
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🙌 𝗢𝗳𝗳𝗶𝗰𝗶𝗮𝗹𝗹𝘆:
𝗪𝗲❜𝗿𝗲 𝗛𝗶𝗿𝗶𝗻𝗴: https://websitelearners.com/careers/
Want your website developed by us? Email us your requirements to contact@websitelearners.com
💬 𝗙𝗼𝗹𝗹𝗼𝘄 & 𝗖𝗵𝗮𝘁 𝘄𝗶𝘁𝗵 𝘂𝘀:
Instagram ➜ https://www.instagram.com/websitelearners
Facebook ➜ https://www.facebook.com/websitelearners
LinkedIn ➜ https://www.linkedin.com/company/website-learners
- published: 03 Jan 2018
- views: 19331324
Internets WEIRDEST Websites Pt.19
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It would change my life and yours
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- published: 27 Aug 2024
- views: 1322629
you STILL need a website RIGHT NOW!! (yes, even in 2024)
Build your website in 5 seconds: https://hostinger.com/networkchuck10 (use coupon code NETWORKCHUCK for an extra 10% off)
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Build your website in 5 seconds: https://hostinger.com/networkchuck10 (use coupon code NETWORKCHUCK for an extra 10% off)
🗳️🗳️VOTE!!: Who has the best website? ➡️➡️ https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC9x0AN7BWHpCDHSm9NiJFJQ/community?pvf=CAI%253D
Super awesome, amazing advanced website code: https://github.com/happygilmore445/mywebsite/blob/main/index.html
Discover how easy it is to create your own website in 2024 with NetworkChuck! In this video, Chuck guides you through the process of building a website from scratch using free tools like GitHub Pages. He also explores the power of AI-driven website builders like Hostinger that allow you to create stunning, professional sites in minutes without any coding knowledge. Learn why having your own website is crucial for learning, sharing your unique perspective, enhancing job prospects, and opening up new opportunities. Join NetworkChuck on this informative journey into the world of web development and take control of your online presence today!
- **00:00** - The Shocking Truth: 81% Don't Have Websites
- **00:05** - Quick Website Creation Challenge Begins
- **01:06** - Introducing AI to Simplify Web Design
- **01:38** - Debunking Myths: You Can Build a Website with AI
- **02:06** - Starting Simple: Your First Text-Based Website
- **02:52** - Getting Your Website Online: A Step-by-Step Guide
- **04:06** - Free Web Hosting on GitHub: How to Set It Up
- **05:45** - Upgrading Your URL: Custom Domain Names Explained
- **06:40** - Exclusive Deal Alert: Hostinger's Web Hosting Services
- **09:53** - From Simple to Fancy: AI-Powered Website Building
- **12:33** - Why You Absolutely Need a Website Today
- **16:03** - Debunking the "I Have Social Media, I Don't Need a Website" Myth
- **18:28** - The Big Reveal: AI-Built Websites by NetworkChuck's Daughters
🔥🔥Join the NetworkChuck Academy!: https://ntck.co/NCAcademy
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➡️NetworkChuck membership: https://ntck.co/Premium
☕☕ COFFEE and MERCH: https://ntck.co/coffee
Check out my new channel: https://ntck.co/ncclips
🆘🆘NEED HELP?? Join the Discord Server: https://discord.gg/networkchuck
STUDY WITH ME on Twitch: https://bit.ly/nc_twitch
-Learn Python: https://bit.ly/3rzZjzz
-Get your CCNA: https://bit.ly/nc-ccna
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/networkchuck/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/networkchuck
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/NetworkChuck/
Join the Discord server: http://bit.ly/nc-discord
My network gear: https://geni.us/L6wyIUj
Amazon Affiliate Store: https://www.amazon.com/shop/networkchuck
Buy a Raspberry Pi: https://geni.us/aBeqAL
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1. How to create a website for free in 2024
2. Building a website with GitHub Pages tutorial
3. AI-powered website builders for beginners
4. Hostinger AI website creator review
5. Why you need a personal website in 2024
6. Best free website hosting options
7. NetworkChuck's guide to web development
8. Learn faster by teaching through your website
9. Showcase your skills with a personal site
10. Boost your job prospects with a website
11. Alternatives to traditional resumes in 2024
12. Take control of your online presence
13. Website vs social media for personal branding
14. Future-proof your content with a website
15. Avoid algorithm dependence on social platforms
16. Buying a custom domain name for your site
17. Pointing your domain to GitHub Pages
18. Serendipity vehicle: unexpected opportunities
19. Website as your home base on the internet
20. Using AI to generate website content
21. WordPress vs AI website builders
22. Hostinger discount for NetworkChuck viewers
23. Creating a family website on a budget
24. Website ideas for tech professionals
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Build your website in 5 seconds: https://hostinger.com/networkchuck10 (use coupon code NETWORKCHUCK for an extra 10% off)
🗳️🗳️VOTE!!: Who has the best website? ➡️➡️ https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC9x0AN7BWHpCDHSm9NiJFJQ/community?pvf=CAI%253D
Super awesome, amazing advanced website code: https://github.com/happygilmore445/mywebsite/blob/main/index.html
Discover how easy it is to create your own website in 2024 with NetworkChuck! In this video, Chuck guides you through the process of building a website from scratch using free tools like GitHub Pages. He also explores the power of AI-driven website builders like Hostinger that allow you to create stunning, professional sites in minutes without any coding knowledge. Learn why having your own website is crucial for learning, sharing your unique perspective, enhancing job prospects, and opening up new opportunities. Join NetworkChuck on this informative journey into the world of web development and take control of your online presence today!
- **00:00** - The Shocking Truth: 81% Don't Have Websites
- **00:05** - Quick Website Creation Challenge Begins
- **01:06** - Introducing AI to Simplify Web Design
- **01:38** - Debunking Myths: You Can Build a Website with AI
- **02:06** - Starting Simple: Your First Text-Based Website
- **02:52** - Getting Your Website Online: A Step-by-Step Guide
- **04:06** - Free Web Hosting on GitHub: How to Set It Up
- **05:45** - Upgrading Your URL: Custom Domain Names Explained
- **06:40** - Exclusive Deal Alert: Hostinger's Web Hosting Services
- **09:53** - From Simple to Fancy: AI-Powered Website Building
- **12:33** - Why You Absolutely Need a Website Today
- **16:03** - Debunking the "I Have Social Media, I Don't Need a Website" Myth
- **18:28** - The Big Reveal: AI-Built Websites by NetworkChuck's Daughters
🔥🔥Join the NetworkChuck Academy!: https://ntck.co/NCAcademy
**Sponsored by Hostinger
➡️NetworkChuck membership: https://ntck.co/Premium
☕☕ COFFEE and MERCH: https://ntck.co/coffee
Check out my new channel: https://ntck.co/ncclips
🆘🆘NEED HELP?? Join the Discord Server: https://discord.gg/networkchuck
STUDY WITH ME on Twitch: https://bit.ly/nc_twitch
-Learn Python: https://bit.ly/3rzZjzz
-Get your CCNA: https://bit.ly/nc-ccna
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/networkchuck/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/networkchuck
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/NetworkChuck/
Join the Discord server: http://bit.ly/nc-discord
My network gear: https://geni.us/L6wyIUj
Amazon Affiliate Store: https://www.amazon.com/shop/networkchuck
Buy a Raspberry Pi: https://geni.us/aBeqAL
Do you want to know how I draw on the screen?? Go to https://ntck.co/EpicPen and use code NetworkChuck to get 20% off!!
fast and reliable unifi in the cloud: https://hostifi.com/?via=chuck
1. How to create a website for free in 2024
2. Building a website with GitHub Pages tutorial
3. AI-powered website builders for beginners
4. Hostinger AI website creator review
5. Why you need a personal website in 2024
6. Best free website hosting options
7. NetworkChuck's guide to web development
8. Learn faster by teaching through your website
9. Showcase your skills with a personal site
10. Boost your job prospects with a website
11. Alternatives to traditional resumes in 2024
12. Take control of your online presence
13. Website vs social media for personal branding
14. Future-proof your content with a website
15. Avoid algorithm dependence on social platforms
16. Buying a custom domain name for your site
17. Pointing your domain to GitHub Pages
18. Serendipity vehicle: unexpected opportunities
19. Website as your home base on the internet
20. Using AI to generate website content
21. WordPress vs AI website builders
22. Hostinger discount for NetworkChuck viewers
23. Creating a family website on a budget
24. Website ideas for tech professionals
#aiwebsite #website2024
- published: 26 Apr 2024
- views: 532853
Creepiest Websites You Should Never Visit
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#shorts #creepy #websites #scary #horror #website #creepiest #google #internet #sambucha
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#shorts #creepy #websites #scary #horror #website #creepiest #google #internet #sambucha
- published: 13 Oct 2024
- views: 4642383
How To Create A Free Website - with Free Domain & Hosting
❤️ *Start here* ➜ https://visit.websitelearners.com/Freewebsite20
⏰️ *Save Time, Let Ai Write Your Website Content* ➜ https://gravitywrite.com/
👉 *Get the Doma...
❤️ *Start here* ➜ https://visit.websitelearners.com/Freewebsite20
⏰️ *Save Time, Let Ai Write Your Website Content* ➜ https://gravitywrite.com/
👉 *Get the Domain* ➜ https://wl.tools/godaddy
📌 *Get New Video Updates* ➜ https://whatsapp.com/channel/0029VaAYBig7IUYaC6vcu53s
Learn how to create a website for free
🎬 𝗧𝗮𝗯𝗹𝗲 𝗼𝗳 𝗖𝗼𝗻𝘁𝗲𝗻𝘁𝘀
0:00 Intro
0:39 Part-1 launch your website
4:25 Part-2 Start building your website
11:02 How you can add a new page to your website
14:05 How you can get a .com domain name
📌 𝗙𝗼𝗹𝗹𝗼𝘄 𝘁𝗵𝗲𝘀𝗲 𝘀𝗶𝗺𝗽𝗹𝗲 𝘀𝘁𝗲𝗽𝘀
👉 Part 1: Launch your website
step 1: create an account on go to profreehost
go to profreehost.com
and create an account,
Step 2: which is to get your free domain.
Enter the name for your website
👉 Part 2: Build your website.
step 1: Login to your website
Type /login after your site's address, press enter
and login to your website
step 2: Choose a design for your website
Install a theme called ‘Astra’ in WordPress
Click on ‘Elementor’
choose a design and import it to your site.
Step 3: Edit the contents of your website
just go into page you want to edit
and click Edit with Elementor.
And here, you can edit any text or image, just select it,
and change it. This works throughout the website.
Now, to edit the header and footer area
Just click ‘Customize’ to edit the logo or menu section.
To create a new page
drag and drop elements using Elementor.
Or by pre-made designs using Templates.
Our domain has the extra text, after the site name
to get a domain like ‘Yoursite.com’,
Just click this link ➜ https://websitelearners.com/get/freewebdomain
And it will take you to godaddy.com
search for the domain name add it to cart and purchase it.
how do we move the website we built to this domain?
1- Add your domain to profreehost
Now enter your domain name in parked domain section
2- Add DNS records to godaddy
Add the 2 records from profreehost to Godaddy
your new domain will be added to profreehost.
Now to go ‘settings’ in WordPress,
And replace the domain with the you purchased
This is how you can create a free website using Wordpress
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🙌 𝗢𝗳𝗳𝗶𝗰𝗶𝗮𝗹𝗹𝘆:
𝗪𝗲❜𝗿𝗲 𝗛𝗶𝗿𝗶𝗻𝗴: https://websitelearners.com/careers/
Want your website developed by us? Email us your requirements to contact@websitelearners.com
💬 𝗙𝗼𝗹𝗹𝗼𝘄 & 𝗖𝗵𝗮𝘁 𝘄𝗶𝘁𝗵 𝘂𝘀:
Instagram ➜ https://www.instagram.com/websitelearners
Facebook ➜ https://www.facebook.com/websitelearners
LinkedIn ➜ https://www.linkedin.com/company/website-learners
❤️ *Start here* ➜ https://visit.websitelearners.com/Freewebsite20
⏰️ *Save Time, Let Ai Write Your Website Content* ➜ https://gravitywrite.com/
👉 *Get the Domain* ➜ https://wl.tools/godaddy
📌 *Get New Video Updates* ➜ https://whatsapp.com/channel/0029VaAYBig7IUYaC6vcu53s
Learn how to create a website for free
🎬 𝗧𝗮𝗯𝗹𝗲 𝗼𝗳 𝗖𝗼𝗻𝘁𝗲𝗻𝘁𝘀
0:00 Intro
0:39 Part-1 launch your website
4:25 Part-2 Start building your website
11:02 How you can add a new page to your website
14:05 How you can get a .com domain name
📌 𝗙𝗼𝗹𝗹𝗼𝘄 𝘁𝗵𝗲𝘀𝗲 𝘀𝗶𝗺𝗽𝗹𝗲 𝘀𝘁𝗲𝗽𝘀
👉 Part 1: Launch your website
step 1: create an account on go to profreehost
go to profreehost.com
and create an account,
Step 2: which is to get your free domain.
Enter the name for your website
👉 Part 2: Build your website.
step 1: Login to your website
Type /login after your site's address, press enter
and login to your website
step 2: Choose a design for your website
Install a theme called ‘Astra’ in WordPress
Click on ‘Elementor’
choose a design and import it to your site.
Step 3: Edit the contents of your website
just go into page you want to edit
and click Edit with Elementor.
And here, you can edit any text or image, just select it,
and change it. This works throughout the website.
Now, to edit the header and footer area
Just click ‘Customize’ to edit the logo or menu section.
To create a new page
drag and drop elements using Elementor.
Or by pre-made designs using Templates.
Our domain has the extra text, after the site name
to get a domain like ‘Yoursite.com’,
Just click this link ➜ https://websitelearners.com/get/freewebdomain
And it will take you to godaddy.com
search for the domain name add it to cart and purchase it.
how do we move the website we built to this domain?
1- Add your domain to profreehost
Now enter your domain name in parked domain section
2- Add DNS records to godaddy
Add the 2 records from profreehost to Godaddy
your new domain will be added to profreehost.
Now to go ‘settings’ in WordPress,
And replace the domain with the you purchased
This is how you can create a free website using Wordpress
✅ 𝗪𝗲 𝘄𝗶𝗹𝗹 𝗯𝘂𝗶𝗹𝗱 𝗮 𝗽𝗿𝗼𝗳𝗲𝘀𝘀𝗶𝗼𝗻𝗮𝗹 𝗪𝗲𝗯𝘀𝗶𝘁𝗲 𝗳𝗼𝗿 𝘆𝗼𝘂𝗿 𝗕𝘂𝘀𝗶𝗻𝗲𝘀𝘀 ➜ https://bit.ly/WebsiteRequirement
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🙌 𝗢𝗳𝗳𝗶𝗰𝗶𝗮𝗹𝗹𝘆:
𝗪𝗲❜𝗿𝗲 𝗛𝗶𝗿𝗶𝗻𝗴: https://websitelearners.com/careers/
Want your website developed by us? Email us your requirements to contact@websitelearners.com
💬 𝗙𝗼𝗹𝗹𝗼𝘄 & 𝗖𝗵𝗮𝘁 𝘄𝗶𝘁𝗵 𝘂𝘀:
Instagram ➜ https://www.instagram.com/websitelearners
Facebook ➜ https://www.facebook.com/websitelearners
LinkedIn ➜ https://www.linkedin.com/company/website-learners
- published: 06 Apr 2020
- views: 9750787
Internets WORST Websites Pt.2
It would change my life and yours
#internetfacts #internet #gaming #internetgems #trilzo #websites
- neal.fun/eyechat
The Free Movie
- thef...
It would change my life and yours
#internetfacts #internet #gaming #internetgems #trilzo #websites
- neal.fun/eyechat
The Free Movie
- thefreemovie.buzz
Is My Computer On Fire?
- ismycomputeronfire.com
Trip To Mars
- absurd.website/trip-to-mars
Ruin My Search History
- proprivacy.com/tools/ruinmysearchhistory (Firefox Only)
Thanks For Watching
It would change my life and yours
#internetfacts #internet #gaming #internetgems #trilzo #websites
- neal.fun/eyechat
The Free Movie
- thefreemovie.buzz
Is My Computer On Fire?
- ismycomputeronfire.com
Trip To Mars
- absurd.website/trip-to-mars
Ruin My Search History
- proprivacy.com/tools/ruinmysearchhistory (Firefox Only)
Thanks For Watching
- published: 29 Aug 2024
- views: 6755360
I tried every FREE website builder. This is the best
Carrd — https://try.carrd.co/r2x1byk2
Canva — https://www.canva.com
Wix — http://wixstats.com/?a=780&c;=124&s1;=
Ucraft — https://www.ucraft.com
Jimdo — https://w...
Carrd — https://try.carrd.co/r2x1byk2
Canva — https://www.canva.com
Wix — http://wixstats.com/?a=780&c;=124&s1;=
Ucraft — https://www.ucraft.com
Jimdo — https://www.jimdo.com
Square — https://square.sjv.io/c/41544/1231833/9398
WordPress.com — https://wordpress.com/create/?aff=9485
Carrd — https://goodharvest.carrd.co/ (Winner)
Canva — https://goodharvest.my.canva.site/ (Runner Up)
Square — https://good-harvest.square.site/
Jimdo — https://good-harvest.jimdosite.com/
Ucraft — https://goodharvest.ucraft.site/
Wix — https://watchgoodharvest.wixsite.com/good-harvest
WordPress.com — https://goodharvest8.wordpress.com
I set out to build a website for FREE — here's what I learned.
On my journey I would try all kinds of free website tools. I even ended up building the same website 7 times (with 7 different tools!).
But eventually I actually found the perfect free tool — and it might just surprise you!
Prefer reading? Here's the article: https://www.sitebuilderreport.com/free-website-builders
Cleanshot Screen Recorder - https://cleanshot.sjv.io/c/41544/1735809/19944
Screen Studio Screen Recorder — https://screenstudio.lemonsqueezy.com/?aff=Jw0y2
C414 Microphone — https://amzn.to/3X3T5tx
Canon R5 — https://amzn.to/4crNMsn
Sound Effects & Music — https://share.epidemicsound.com/gtr0xj
Twitter — https://twitter.com/stevebenjamins
(Some links may be affiliate links. )
Carrd — https://try.carrd.co/r2x1byk2
Canva — https://www.canva.com
Wix — http://wixstats.com/?a=780&c;=124&s1;=
Ucraft — https://www.ucraft.com
Jimdo — https://www.jimdo.com
Square — https://square.sjv.io/c/41544/1231833/9398
WordPress.com — https://wordpress.com/create/?aff=9485
Carrd — https://goodharvest.carrd.co/ (Winner)
Canva — https://goodharvest.my.canva.site/ (Runner Up)
Square — https://good-harvest.square.site/
Jimdo — https://good-harvest.jimdosite.com/
Ucraft — https://goodharvest.ucraft.site/
Wix — https://watchgoodharvest.wixsite.com/good-harvest
WordPress.com — https://goodharvest8.wordpress.com
I set out to build a website for FREE — here's what I learned.
On my journey I would try all kinds of free website tools. I even ended up building the same website 7 times (with 7 different tools!).
But eventually I actually found the perfect free tool — and it might just surprise you!
Prefer reading? Here's the article: https://www.sitebuilderreport.com/free-website-builders
Cleanshot Screen Recorder - https://cleanshot.sjv.io/c/41544/1735809/19944
Screen Studio Screen Recorder — https://screenstudio.lemonsqueezy.com/?aff=Jw0y2
C414 Microphone — https://amzn.to/3X3T5tx
Canon R5 — https://amzn.to/4crNMsn
Sound Effects & Music — https://share.epidemicsound.com/gtr0xj
Twitter — https://twitter.com/stevebenjamins
(Some links may be affiliate links. )
- published: 04 Mar 2024
- views: 412457
Internets Worst Website Designs Pt.3
It would change my life and yours
#internetfacts #internet #gaming #internetgems #trilzo #websitedesign #website
It would change my life and yours
#internetfacts #internet #gaming #internetgems #trilzo #websitedesign #website
It would change my life and yours
#internetfacts #internet #gaming #internetgems #trilzo #websitedesign #website
- published: 15 Jun 2024
- views: 7654783
This Website Will Cure your Boredom!
If you have ever wanted to create landscape paintings like bob ross then you need to try out this website to cure boredom that uses nvidia gaugan's artificial i...
If you have ever wanted to create landscape paintings like bob ross then you need to try out this website to cure boredom that uses nvidia gaugan's artificial intelligence!
If you have ever wanted to create landscape paintings like bob ross then you need to try out this website to cure boredom that uses nvidia gaugan's artificial intelligence!
- published: 08 Mar 2022
- views: 1055281
Internets Worst Website Designs
It would change my life and yours
#internetfacts #internet #gaming #internetgems #trilzo
It would change my life and yours
#internetfacts #internet #gaming #internetgems #trilzo
It would change my life and yours
#internetfacts #internet #gaming #internetgems #trilzo
- published: 06 Jun 2024
- views: 16133873
Site or Grothendieck Topology
published: 18 Oct 2016
Grothendieck topologies
The notion of a Grothendieck topology allows the unification of the theory of the fundamental group in topology and Galois theory in field theory. In this video we take a peek at this notion by giving the definition and showing how it provides the data required to give rise to the notion of a sheaf generalising the notion of a sheaf on a topological space. We then look at the Grothendieck topology that is useful for Galois theory and show how the notion of a sheaf here corresponds to a set with a continuous action of the absolute Galois group.
published: 18 Jun 2024
Relating Topology and Geometry - 2 Minute Math with Jacob Lurie
Many believe the mathematical fields of Algebraic Topology and Algebraic Geometry are totally unrelated, but Harvard Professor Jacob Lurie delights in finding the connections. Hear about his work at the leading edge of mathematics.
Professor Jacob Lurie visited the Fields Institute for the Séminaire de mathématiques supérieures (SMS) 2018 from June 11 to June 15, 2018.
The Fields Institute is a centre for mathematical research activity - a place where mathematicians from Canada and abroad, from academia, business, industry and financial institutions, can come together to carry out research and formulate problems of mutual interest. Our mission is to provide a supportive and stimulating environment for mathematics innovation and education.
For more on the amazing mathematical research we...
published: 11 Sep 2018
Lecture 2: Grothendieck topologies and homotopy descent
In the Spring 2019 Semester, the CMSA will be hosting a special lecture series on Derived algebraic/differential geometry run by Artan Sheshmani, with lectures given by Prof. Sheshmani and Dr. Dennis Borisov. The seminar will be held on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 3:00-4:30pm in CMSA, room G10.
published: 08 Feb 2019
Olivia Caramello - 1/4 Introduction to Grothendieck toposes
This course provides an introduction to the theory of Grothendieck toposes from a meta-mathematical point of view. It presents the main classical approaches to the subject (namely, toposes as generalized spaces, toposes as mathematical universes and toposes as classifiers of models of first-order geometric theories) in light of the more recent perspective of toposes as unifying ‘bridges’ relating different mathematical contexts with each other and allowing to study mathematical theories from multiple points of view.
published: 09 Apr 2020
Sites/Coverings part 2: Grothendieck Topologies
Definition of a Grothendieck topology. This is just the axiomatization of coverings.
published: 06 Jun 2015
Grothendieck topology
If you find our videos helpful you can support us by buying something from amazon.
Grothendieck topology
In category theory, a branch of mathematics, a Grothendieck topology is a structure on a category C which makes the objects of C act like the open sets of a topological space.A category together with a choice of Grothendieck topology is called a site.
-Video is targeted to blind users
Article text available under CC-BY-SA
image source in video
published: 22 Jan 2016
Alexander Grothendieck and Jean Pierre Serre #ytshorts #youtubeshorts #puremathematics #numbertheory
Grothendieck and Serre , the duo responsible for much of the revolution in 20th century mathematics.
#mathmemes #puremathematics #ytshorts #youtubeshorts #algebraicgeometry #grothendieck #geometry #jeanpierreserre #numbertheory #algebra
published: 12 May 2023
Grothendieck's 10 Master Themes
A list of 10 "master-themes" of Grothendieck's discoveries, in chronological order:
1- Topological Tensor products and Nuclear Spaces
2- Derived Categories and 6 Functors Formalism
3- K-Theory and Reimann-Roch Theorem
4- Schemes
5- Topos Theory
6- étale and l-adic cohomology
7- Motives and Motivic Galois group
8- Crystals and Crystalline Cohomology
9- Homotopy Hypothesis and Pursuingstacks
10- Anabelian Geometry.
Most of these themes are still active part of research and there are tonnes of interesting directions which seem to find connections between many of them. It could rightly be said that a large part of current Mathematical research in Pure Maths either has to do with using tools which Grothendieck discovered or to solve problems which he formulated.
For more Grothendieck re...
published: 21 Jul 2021
For Grothendieck. least upper bound topology
1 Least upper bound of a family of topologies 1
published: 24 Apr 2024
Cohomology in Grothendieck Topologies and Lower Bounds in Boolean Complexity
Cohomology, in particular counting Betti numbers, was a known technique in algebraic complexity theory in the late 1970's and early 1980's. Speculation arose as to whether such methods could attack lower bounds in Boolean complexity theory (e.g., P vs. NP), by modeling Boolean functions with topological objects.
We shall show that if one generalizes the setting to Grothendieck topologies, it may be possible to circumvent two obstacles to connecting Boolean depth complexity lower bounds to cohomology. We describe ongoing research to look for models of Grothendieck topologies that yield, via these techniques, interesting lower bounds. As a simple example, we show that if we consider circuits with only AND gates, which is essentially a SET COVER pr...
published: 01 Jan 2018
Why greatest Mathematicians are not trying to prove Riemann Hypothesis? || #short #terencetao #maths
published: 08 Jun 2023
Alexander Grothendieck: Scaling the Heights of Mathematics
Step into the extraordinary world of Alexander Grothendieck, whose profound contributions to algebraic geometry, number theory, and homological algebra have reshaped the landscape of modern mathematics. Uncover the story of a man who continually sought new peaks of understanding in the vast terrain of mathematical thought.
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#GrothendieckJourney #MathematicalMountains #AlgebraicExplorations
published: 27 Dec 2023
Grothendieck's Section Conjecture - A short story
In his letter to Gerd Faltings on his Anabelian Geometry Program, Grothendieck hinted on a possible strategy to attack Mordell's conjecture ( now a theorem of Faltings ) which says that there are only finitely many Rational points on Algebraic curves of genus greater than 1 and formulated a conjecture which he called the Section Conjecture which supposedly was a crucial part of his strategy.
As if often the case with Grothendieck , he had an intuitive picture of what was going on. He knew that the theory of étale fundamental groups ( which he had developed much before for rather different purpose) and the way they vary with change of base points had a role to play. Although unlike the situation in classical Topology where fundamental group for different base points are Isomorphic ( non ca...
published: 07 Feb 2022
Grothendieck topologies
The notion of a Grothendieck topology allows the unification of the theory of the fundamental group in topology and Galois theory in field theory. In this video...
The notion of a Grothendieck topology allows the unification of the theory of the fundamental group in topology and Galois theory in field theory. In this video we take a peek at this notion by giving the definition and showing how it provides the data required to give rise to the notion of a sheaf generalising the notion of a sheaf on a topological space. We then look at the Grothendieck topology that is useful for Galois theory and show how the notion of a sheaf here corresponds to a set with a continuous action of the absolute Galois group.
The notion of a Grothendieck topology allows the unification of the theory of the fundamental group in topology and Galois theory in field theory. In this video we take a peek at this notion by giving the definition and showing how it provides the data required to give rise to the notion of a sheaf generalising the notion of a sheaf on a topological space. We then look at the Grothendieck topology that is useful for Galois theory and show how the notion of a sheaf here corresponds to a set with a continuous action of the absolute Galois group.
- published: 18 Jun 2024
- views: 489
Relating Topology and Geometry - 2 Minute Math with Jacob Lurie
Many believe the mathematical fields of Algebraic Topology and Algebraic Geometry are totally unrelated, but Harvard Professor Jacob Lurie delights in finding t...
Many believe the mathematical fields of Algebraic Topology and Algebraic Geometry are totally unrelated, but Harvard Professor Jacob Lurie delights in finding the connections. Hear about his work at the leading edge of mathematics.
Professor Jacob Lurie visited the Fields Institute for the Séminaire de mathématiques supérieures (SMS) 2018 from June 11 to June 15, 2018.
The Fields Institute is a centre for mathematical research activity - a place where mathematicians from Canada and abroad, from academia, business, industry and financial institutions, can come together to carry out research and formulate problems of mutual interest. Our mission is to provide a supportive and stimulating environment for mathematics innovation and education.
For more on the amazing mathematical research we support,
Subscribe to our channel - https://www.youtube.com/c/FieldsInstitute
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The Walk by Split Phase
Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0 License
Many believe the mathematical fields of Algebraic Topology and Algebraic Geometry are totally unrelated, but Harvard Professor Jacob Lurie delights in finding the connections. Hear about his work at the leading edge of mathematics.
Professor Jacob Lurie visited the Fields Institute for the Séminaire de mathématiques supérieures (SMS) 2018 from June 11 to June 15, 2018.
The Fields Institute is a centre for mathematical research activity - a place where mathematicians from Canada and abroad, from academia, business, industry and financial institutions, can come together to carry out research and formulate problems of mutual interest. Our mission is to provide a supportive and stimulating environment for mathematics innovation and education.
For more on the amazing mathematical research we support,
Subscribe to our channel - https://www.youtube.com/c/FieldsInstitute
Follow us on Twitter - https://twitter.com/FieldsInstitute
Visit our website - http://www.fields.utoronto.ca/about
The Walk by Split Phase
Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0 License
- published: 11 Sep 2018
- views: 35584
Lecture 2: Grothendieck topologies and homotopy descent
In the Spring 2019 Semester, the CMSA will be hosting a special lecture series on Derived algebraic/differential geometry run by Artan Sheshmani, with lectures ...
In the Spring 2019 Semester, the CMSA will be hosting a special lecture series on Derived algebraic/differential geometry run by Artan Sheshmani, with lectures given by Prof. Sheshmani and Dr. Dennis Borisov. The seminar will be held on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 3:00-4:30pm in CMSA, room G10.
In the Spring 2019 Semester, the CMSA will be hosting a special lecture series on Derived algebraic/differential geometry run by Artan Sheshmani, with lectures given by Prof. Sheshmani and Dr. Dennis Borisov. The seminar will be held on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 3:00-4:30pm in CMSA, room G10.
- published: 08 Feb 2019
- views: 831
Olivia Caramello - 1/4 Introduction to Grothendieck toposes
This course provides an introduction to the theory of Grothendieck toposes from a meta-mathematical point of view. It presents the main classical approaches to ...
This course provides an introduction to the theory of Grothendieck toposes from a meta-mathematical point of view. It presents the main classical approaches to the subject (namely, toposes as generalized spaces, toposes as mathematical universes and toposes as classifiers of models of first-order geometric theories) in light of the more recent perspective of toposes as unifying ‘bridges’ relating different mathematical contexts with each other and allowing to study mathematical theories from multiple points of view.
This course provides an introduction to the theory of Grothendieck toposes from a meta-mathematical point of view. It presents the main classical approaches to the subject (namely, toposes as generalized spaces, toposes as mathematical universes and toposes as classifiers of models of first-order geometric theories) in light of the more recent perspective of toposes as unifying ‘bridges’ relating different mathematical contexts with each other and allowing to study mathematical theories from multiple points of view.
- published: 09 Apr 2020
- views: 15210
Sites/Coverings part 2: Grothendieck Topologies
Definition of a Grothendieck topology. This is just the axiomatization of coverings.
Definition of a Grothendieck topology. This is just the axiomatization of coverings.
Definition of a Grothendieck topology. This is just the axiomatization of coverings.
- published: 06 Jun 2015
- views: 1743
Grothendieck topology
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Grothendieck topology
In categor...
If you find our videos helpful you can support us by buying something from amazon.
Grothendieck topology
In category theory, a branch of mathematics, a Grothendieck topology is a structure on a category C which makes the objects of C act like the open sets of a topological space.A category together with a choice of Grothendieck topology is called a site.
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If you find our videos helpful you can support us by buying something from amazon.
Grothendieck topology
In category theory, a branch of mathematics, a Grothendieck topology is a structure on a category C which makes the objects of C act like the open sets of a topological space.A category together with a choice of Grothendieck topology is called a site.
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- published: 22 Jan 2016
- views: 338
Alexander Grothendieck and Jean Pierre Serre #ytshorts #youtubeshorts #puremathematics #numbertheory
Grothendieck and Serre , the duo responsible for much of the revolution in 20th century mathematics.
#mathmemes #puremathematics #ytshorts #youtubeshorts #alg...
Grothendieck and Serre , the duo responsible for much of the revolution in 20th century mathematics.
#mathmemes #puremathematics #ytshorts #youtubeshorts #algebraicgeometry #grothendieck #geometry #jeanpierreserre #numbertheory #algebra
Grothendieck and Serre , the duo responsible for much of the revolution in 20th century mathematics.
#mathmemes #puremathematics #ytshorts #youtubeshorts #algebraicgeometry #grothendieck #geometry #jeanpierreserre #numbertheory #algebra
- published: 12 May 2023
- views: 9382
Grothendieck's 10 Master Themes
A list of 10 "master-themes" of Grothendieck's discoveries, in chronological order:
1- Topological Tensor products and Nuclear Spaces
2- Derived Categories an...
A list of 10 "master-themes" of Grothendieck's discoveries, in chronological order:
1- Topological Tensor products and Nuclear Spaces
2- Derived Categories and 6 Functors Formalism
3- K-Theory and Reimann-Roch Theorem
4- Schemes
5- Topos Theory
6- étale and l-adic cohomology
7- Motives and Motivic Galois group
8- Crystals and Crystalline Cohomology
9- Homotopy Hypothesis and Pursuingstacks
10- Anabelian Geometry.
Most of these themes are still active part of research and there are tonnes of interesting directions which seem to find connections between many of them. It could rightly be said that a large part of current Mathematical research in Pure Maths either has to do with using tools which Grothendieck discovered or to solve problems which he formulated.
For more Grothendieck related content check out :
1- https://youtu.be/yysW-egOCR4
2- https://youtube.com/shorts/wJ-XlHJKnh4?feature=share
3- https://youtube.com/shorts/wvolCt47ZNk?feature=share
4- https://youtube.com/shorts/RhO9uCVWZYc?feature=share
A list of 10 "master-themes" of Grothendieck's discoveries, in chronological order:
1- Topological Tensor products and Nuclear Spaces
2- Derived Categories and 6 Functors Formalism
3- K-Theory and Reimann-Roch Theorem
4- Schemes
5- Topos Theory
6- étale and l-adic cohomology
7- Motives and Motivic Galois group
8- Crystals and Crystalline Cohomology
9- Homotopy Hypothesis and Pursuingstacks
10- Anabelian Geometry.
Most of these themes are still active part of research and there are tonnes of interesting directions which seem to find connections between many of them. It could rightly be said that a large part of current Mathematical research in Pure Maths either has to do with using tools which Grothendieck discovered or to solve problems which he formulated.
For more Grothendieck related content check out :
1- https://youtu.be/yysW-egOCR4
2- https://youtube.com/shorts/wJ-XlHJKnh4?feature=share
3- https://youtube.com/shorts/wvolCt47ZNk?feature=share
4- https://youtube.com/shorts/RhO9uCVWZYc?feature=share
- published: 21 Jul 2021
- views: 4631
Cohomology in Grothendieck Topologies and Lower Bounds in Boolean Complexity
Cohomology, in particular counting Betti numbers, was a known technique in algebraic complexity theory in the late 1...
Cohomology, in particular counting Betti numbers, was a known technique in algebraic complexity theory in the late 1970's and early 1980's. Speculation arose as to whether such methods could attack lower bounds in Boolean complexity theory (e.g., P vs. NP), by modeling Boolean functions with topological objects.
We shall show that if one generalizes the setting to Grothendieck topologies, it may be possible to circumvent two obstacles to connecting Boolean depth complexity lower bounds to cohomology. We describe ongoing research to look for models of Grothendieck topologies that yield, via these techniques, interesting lower bounds. As a simple example, we show that if we consider circuits with only AND gates, which is essentially a SET COVER problem, using a free category and injectives sheaves (i.e., an extremely special and simple situation) we can rederive the relaxed LP bound.
For the talk we do not assume prior knowledge of complexity theory or Grothendieck topologies.
Cohomology, in particular counting Betti numbers, was a known technique in algebraic complexity theory in the late 1970's and early 1980's. Speculation arose as to whether such methods could attack lower bounds in Boolean complexity theory (e.g., P vs. NP), by modeling Boolean functions with topological objects.
We shall show that if one generalizes the setting to Grothendieck topologies, it may be possible to circumvent two obstacles to connecting Boolean depth complexity lower bounds to cohomology. We describe ongoing research to look for models of Grothendieck topologies that yield, via these techniques, interesting lower bounds. As a simple example, we show that if we consider circuits with only AND gates, which is essentially a SET COVER problem, using a free category and injectives sheaves (i.e., an extremely special and simple situation) we can rederive the relaxed LP bound.
For the talk we do not assume prior knowledge of complexity theory or Grothendieck topologies.
- published: 01 Jan 2018
- views: 224
Alexander Grothendieck: Scaling the Heights of Mathematics
Step into the extraordinary world of Alexander Grothendieck, whose profound contributions to algebraic geometry, number theory, and homological algebra have res...
Step into the extraordinary world of Alexander Grothendieck, whose profound contributions to algebraic geometry, number theory, and homological algebra have reshaped the landscape of modern mathematics. Uncover the story of a man who continually sought new peaks of understanding in the vast terrain of mathematical thought.
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#GrothendieckJourney #MathematicalMountains #AlgebraicExplorations
Step into the extraordinary world of Alexander Grothendieck, whose profound contributions to algebraic geometry, number theory, and homological algebra have reshaped the landscape of modern mathematics. Uncover the story of a man who continually sought new peaks of understanding in the vast terrain of mathematical thought.
➗ Simplify, add, subtract, multiply, and divide fractions with ease using our Fraction Calculator: https://math.icalculator.com/fraction-calculator.html
🧮 For more math tools and in-depth tutorials, visit our math site: https://math.icalculator.com/
🌐 Explore a wide range of calculators and educational content at iCalculator: https://icalculator.com/
#GrothendieckJourney #MathematicalMountains #AlgebraicExplorations
- published: 27 Dec 2023
- views: 275
Grothendieck's Section Conjecture - A short story
In his letter to Gerd Faltings on his Anabelian Geometry Program, Grothendieck hinted on a possible strategy to attack Mordell's conjecture ( now a theorem of F...
In his letter to Gerd Faltings on his Anabelian Geometry Program, Grothendieck hinted on a possible strategy to attack Mordell's conjecture ( now a theorem of Faltings ) which says that there are only finitely many Rational points on Algebraic curves of genus greater than 1 and formulated a conjecture which he called the Section Conjecture which supposedly was a crucial part of his strategy.
As if often the case with Grothendieck , he had an intuitive picture of what was going on. He knew that the theory of étale fundamental groups ( which he had developed much before for rather different purpose) and the way they vary with change of base points had a role to play. Although unlike the situation in classical Topology where fundamental group for different base points are Isomorphic ( non canonically ) , in case of étale fundamental groups the rational base points equip the fundamental group with the action of large profinite group called Absolute Galois group which moreover splits the Homotopy exact sequence and we can even further differentiate between two different base points using this Galois Action. Now what Section Conjecture claims is that this is always the case i.e every Rational point can be obtained this way but sadly no one so far has been able to prove or disprove this claim.
#grothendieck #sectionconjecture #algebraicgeometry
#algebraictopology #algebraicnumbertheory #diophantineequations
In his letter to Gerd Faltings on his Anabelian Geometry Program, Grothendieck hinted on a possible strategy to attack Mordell's conjecture ( now a theorem of Faltings ) which says that there are only finitely many Rational points on Algebraic curves of genus greater than 1 and formulated a conjecture which he called the Section Conjecture which supposedly was a crucial part of his strategy.
As if often the case with Grothendieck , he had an intuitive picture of what was going on. He knew that the theory of étale fundamental groups ( which he had developed much before for rather different purpose) and the way they vary with change of base points had a role to play. Although unlike the situation in classical Topology where fundamental group for different base points are Isomorphic ( non canonically ) , in case of étale fundamental groups the rational base points equip the fundamental group with the action of large profinite group called Absolute Galois group which moreover splits the Homotopy exact sequence and we can even further differentiate between two different base points using this Galois Action. Now what Section Conjecture claims is that this is always the case i.e every Rational point can be obtained this way but sadly no one so far has been able to prove or disprove this claim.
#grothendieck #sectionconjecture #algebraicgeometry
#algebraictopology #algebraicnumbertheory #diophantineequations
- published: 07 Feb 2022
- views: 2682