- published: 11 Dec 2010
- views: 970025
911: In Plane Site: Director’s Cut is a 2004 documentary which promotes 9/11 conspiracy theories. Photographs and video footage from the September 11 attacks are presented and the documentary claims that the public was not given all of the facts surrounding the terrorist attack.
The films ask a series of leading questions about 9/11 conspiracy theories. Despite the film's assertions that "a jetliner is too large to fit into the hole made in The Pentagon," others have refuted this claim by showing that a hole of over 90 feet (27 m) in width was made on the first floor. Films such as In Plane Site and Loose Change only refer to the smaller hole on the second floor.
A short review in The Portland Mercury says of In Plane Site, "it features both an exceedingly annoying crackpot theorist and outlandish, unsubstantiated allegations about blurrily pixelized photos that don't really show anything".
Another review at Heraldextra.com states, "Nor does the presentation explain, if the attack planes were military, what happened to the commercial planes. It hints that they might have been shot down over the ocean. The trouble is that they weren't necessarily over the ocean. And who remembers an Atlantic crash of an airliner where debris such as luggage did not wash up all up and down the Eastern seaboard? If airliners went down in the sea, the secret could not have been kept for long. It's fine to be entertained by this stuff, even if it is a bit morbid. But let's not lose our senses." In the documentary vonKleist says the purpose of the documentary was not to provide explanations, but to raise questions:
Plane or planes may refer to:
A director's cut is an ordinary edited version of a film, and less often TV series, music video, commercials, comic book or video games, that is supposed to represent the director's own approved edit. 'Cut' explicitly refers to the process of film editing: the director's cut is preceded by the rough editor's cut and followed by the final cut meant for the public film release.
Director's cuts of film are not generally released to the public: with most film studios the director does not have a final cut privilege. The studio (whose investment is at risk) can insist on changes that they think will make the film profit more at the box office. This sometimes means a happier ending or less ambiguity, or excluding scenes that would earn a more audience-restricting rating, but more often means that the film is simply shortened to provide more screenings per day. The most common form of director's cut is therefore to have extra scenes added, often making the director's cut considerably longer than the final cut.
Site may refer to:
In information technology:
In mathematics:
In biochemistry:
In other uses:
Year 911 (CMXI) was a common year starting on Tuesday (link will display the full calendar) of the Julian calendar.
DVD available at http://www.911inplanesite.com/ If A Picture Is Worth A Thousand Words, What Is A Video Worth? What "In Plane Site" accomplishes that no other video expose' on September 11th has to date, is it exposes the viewer to a barrage of news clips from a majority of the mainstream news outlets. The official story of that day was told on live TV by reporters, policemen, firefighters, and other on-the-scene eyewitnesses, however, that footage was shown only once on live television broadcasts in the first hours of the attacks and then... it was never repeated. The stories changed, information was enigmatically omitted, and what can only be described as officially prescribed propaganda took the place of indisputable reality. THE PENTAGON: Some of the most damning evid...
This shows the advanced military radar tracking and guidance system in clear view and also notice how the plane only has two engines where as the commercial version of that model has four engines.Hmmm.Still don't believe me???
September 11, 2001 Inside Truth About 9/11.This Video Was Banned And Removed From Internet But I Re-Uploaded It Again.This Video Will Reveal What Exactly Happened That Day With All Investigation And Proof To Give You The Real Insight. I do not claim to own the rights of This Video, I Just Uploaded To Give You The Insight Of What Exactly Happened On 9/11/2001. For More Visit:- http://www.thefirstinc.com/
What "In Plane Site" accomplishes that no other video expose' on September 11th has to date, is it exposes the viewer to a barrage of news clips from a majority of the mainstream news outlets. The official story of that day was told on live TV by reporters, policemen, firefighters, and other on-the-scene eyewitnesses, however, that footage was shown only once on live television broadcasts in the first hours of the attacks and then... it was never repeated. The stories changed, information was enigmatically omitted, and what can only be described as officially prescribed propaganda took the place of indisputable reality.
9/11 in Plane Site | Full Director's Cut | Best Conspiracy Documentaries | High quality DVD available from the filmmakers here: http://www.911inplanesite.com/ This film contains footage that you WILL NOT see in any other September 11th documentary. During the hours directly following the September 11th events, there was a lot of really sketchy and revealing LIVE news footage that was NEVER aired again. "9/11 In Plane Site Director's Cut" shows all this LIVE footage from different news reports that were only shown once, and once only. There's a lot of stuff in these reports that was not supposed to be made public, and you really have got to see what kind of stuff goes on. This footage is compiled into "9/11 In Plane Site" and it will really rock your socks. Produced by Dave vonKleist...
Dave VonKleist (The Producer of 911 In Plane Site) Confronting The Evidence Here's a video clip of Dave VonKleist at the "Confronting The Evidence - A Call to Reopen the 911 Investigation" In NY City Sept. 11, 2004 The reason I (DataRS). Wants you all to see Dave VonKleist as he is. His integrity to get this message out about 911. He's not out to BS anyone. Some 911 movement groups want to discredit his Pod theory, and well as the no Plane at the pentagon, and I find this to be disturbing to say the least. I do hope to have an interview with Dave in the near future, and put it up on Google. Go Dave VonKleist. DataRS@LooseChaneForum LooseChange Forum & WebSite http://s15.invisionfree.com/Loose_Change_Forum/index.php http://www.loosechange911.com In Plane Site WebSite ...
For more videos and playlists like this one, please visit http://www.youtube.com/user/BlackLookingGlass What "In Plane Site" accomplishes that no other video expose' on September 11th has to date, is it exposes the viewer to a barrage of news clips from a majority of the mainstream news outlets. The official story of that day was told on live TV by reporters, policemen, firefighters, and other on-the-scene eyewitnesses, however, that footage was shown only once on live television broadcasts in the first hours of the attacks and then... it was never repeated. The stories changed, information was enigmatically omitted, and what can only be described as officially prescribed propaganda took the place of indisputable reality.
http://stj911.org/members/index.html About Scholars for 9/11 Truth & Justice Scholars for 9/11 Truth and Justice (Scholars) is a non-partisan organization consisting of independent researchers and activists engaged in uncovering the true nature of the September 11, 2001 attacks. Scholars emphasizes a scholarly and civil approach to inquiry. While researchers affiliated with universities comprise a portion of the group, membership is not limited to individuals with academic affiliations. We welcome all who are interested in helping to achieve a full understanding of the events of that tragic day. Scholars was founded in 2006 following a successful series of conferences and events examining the attack of September 11, 2001 using the scientific method and stressing the analysis based on l...
Playlist: http://de.youtube.com/view_play_list?p=A46D19848A82C01B Besser als Fahrenheit 9/11!!! Tags: 911 in plane site fahrenheit 9/11 world trade center wtc war iraq irak krieg pentagon usa amerika amerikanische regierung verschwörung verschwörungstheorie conspiracy theorie george bush tony blair cheney rumsfeld republicans republikaner bill clinton kennedy osama bin laden saddam hussein el al qaeda kaida terroristen terror illuminati freimaurer logen area 51 anschläge 11. september new world order neue weltordnung märtyrer mk ultra mind control israel palästina flug93 flight 93 flug 77 flight77 plane flugzeug american airlines boeing truth deception wahrheit betrug hypocrites heuchler treason hochverrat landesverrat armee militär missile flugkörper geschoss ufo ...
Le premier film sur le 11/09 à présenter les preuves par les vidéos et photographies officielles qui changeront pour toujours la version officielle du 11 septembre 2001. www.911inplanesite.com
See for yourself
Full film - http://video.google.ca/videoplay?docid=2361717427531377078 [Alternate] http://www.megavideo.com/?v=T09YQ08G [Alternate] http://blip.tv/file/2028580 [Alternate] http://www.veoh.com/browse/videos/category/activism_non_profit/watch/v18289346paxEbGZZ http://Drey.orgfree.com CHECK OUT THE OCULAR STREAM! Health & Politics Section http://Drey.orgfree.com/Politricks.html Hundreds of Films, TV Shows, Documentaries, Comedy, everything full-length, linked material sourced by me from all across the internet. _____ Why were America and the world never shown the video and photographs of the Pentagon, BEFORE the outer wall had collapsed showing only one 16 ft. hole? Many people do not realize that the outer wall did not collapse until almost 30 minutes after the initial ...
Playlist: http://de.youtube.com/view_play_list?p=A46D19848A82C01B Besser als Fahrenheit 9/11!!!
Documental del 2006 que habla de las conspiraciones del 11-S. Fotografías y secuencias de vídeo se presentan como prueba de lo que el público no tuvo conocimiento respecto al peor ataque terrorista en la historia de los Estados Unidos. La versión completa del documental fue lanzada por medio de google video en enero de 2007. Varias de las reclamaciones presentadas en la película han sido rechazadas por el movimiento por la verdad del 11-S.
DVD available at http://www.911inplanesite.com/ If A Picture Is Worth A Thousand Words, What Is A Video Worth? What "In Plane Site" accomplishes that no other video expose' on September 11th has to date, is it exposes the viewer to a barrage of news clips from a majority of the mainstream news outlets. The official story of that day was told on live TV by reporters, policemen, firefighters, and other on-the-scene eyewitnesses, however, that footage was shown only once on live television broadcasts in the first hours of the attacks and then... it was never repeated. The stories changed, information was enigmatically omitted, and what can only be described as officially prescribed propaganda took the place of indisputable reality. THE PENTAGON: Some of the most damning evid...
This shows the advanced military radar tracking and guidance system in clear view and also notice how the plane only has two engines where as the commercial version of that model has four engines.Hmmm.Still don't believe me???
September 11, 2001 Inside Truth About 9/11.This Video Was Banned And Removed From Internet But I Re-Uploaded It Again.This Video Will Reveal What Exactly Happened That Day With All Investigation And Proof To Give You The Real Insight. I do not claim to own the rights of This Video, I Just Uploaded To Give You The Insight Of What Exactly Happened On 9/11/2001. For More Visit:- http://www.thefirstinc.com/
What "In Plane Site" accomplishes that no other video expose' on September 11th has to date, is it exposes the viewer to a barrage of news clips from a majority of the mainstream news outlets. The official story of that day was told on live TV by reporters, policemen, firefighters, and other on-the-scene eyewitnesses, however, that footage was shown only once on live television broadcasts in the first hours of the attacks and then... it was never repeated. The stories changed, information was enigmatically omitted, and what can only be described as officially prescribed propaganda took the place of indisputable reality.
9/11 in Plane Site | Full Director's Cut | Best Conspiracy Documentaries | High quality DVD available from the filmmakers here: http://www.911inplanesite.com/ This film contains footage that you WILL NOT see in any other September 11th documentary. During the hours directly following the September 11th events, there was a lot of really sketchy and revealing LIVE news footage that was NEVER aired again. "9/11 In Plane Site Director's Cut" shows all this LIVE footage from different news reports that were only shown once, and once only. There's a lot of stuff in these reports that was not supposed to be made public, and you really have got to see what kind of stuff goes on. This footage is compiled into "9/11 In Plane Site" and it will really rock your socks. Produced by Dave vonKleist...
Le premier film sur le 11/09 à présenter les preuves par les vidéos et photographies officielles qui changeront pour toujours la version officielle du 11 septembre 2001. www.911inplanesite.com
Quando o radialista Dave Vonkleist, viu em 2002, um site francês colocando sérias questões sobre como um avião poderia ter atingido o Pentágono, ficou curioso e começou a investigar.A princípio, Vonkleist queria provar que os franceses estavam errados. Colocou as questões em seu programa de rádio e passou a receber ajudas de ex-militares e especialistas. O resultado culminou neste surpreendente trabalho que desmascara completamente os relatórios oficiais de que os atos terroristas de 11 de setembro foram feitos por radicais da Al Qaeda. Descobriu-se mais, que os atos terroristas foram resultado de uma conspiração dentro do governo dos Estados Unidos e encoberto pela grande mídia. Tá difícil de acreditar, não é? Então assista, reflita e divulque o seu conteúdo.
11 сентября: Термоядерный снос Всемирного Торгового Центра в Нью-Йорке. http://maxpark.com/community/2599/content/772242 Год выпуска: 2006 Страна: США / Power Hour Productions Жанр: Документальный Продолжительность: 74мин. Перевод: Любительский (одноголосый) Режиссер: Вильям Льюис, Давид фон Кляйст Описание: Одна из первых попыток проанализировать документальные материалы и понять, что же действительно произошло в Вашингтоне и Нью-Йорке 11-го сентября 2001-го года. Многие документальные материалы, использованные в фильме, показывались только один раз, только в прямом эфире и никогда в записи по очень простой причине - они противоречат официальной версии и оставляют больше вопросов, чем дают ответов. Вопрос, заданный в фильме - где же последняя черта? Сколько нужно еще свидетельств? Выдв...
They'll never find me..... I'm blended in TOO well! Prop Hunt ► https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uobz-2wptDg Partner In Dumb ► https://www.youtube.com/user/markiplierGAME Laughing At Me ► https://www.youtube.com/user/muyskerm Oiled Up ► https://www.youtube.com/user/LordMinion777 ►Twitter : https://twitter.com/Jack_Septic_Eye ►Instagram: http://instagram.com/jacksepticeye ►Facebook : https://facebook.com/officialjacksepticeye ►Merchandise: http://jacksepticeye.fanfiber.com/ Outro animation created by Cranbersher: https://www.youtube.com/user/Cranbersher Outro Song created by "Teknoaxe". It's called "I'm everywhere" and you can listen to it here http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JPtNBwMIQ9Q
Watch for yourself! NASA using buoyancy pools! And Wires for Their elaborate Hoax! Its all there for you to see! Or will you still buy a lie??? "Still No Real Pictures Of Earth | Admitted By NASA - 2017" Check out my New video in this link below: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hKWpbATusOU NASA Themselves admitting to Photoshop! Find In this exclusive! Analyze renown known astronaut footage and get refuted to be a elaborate hoax, watch to find out exactly how they did this. NASA today even beats around the bush that we have been to the moon and even has their Astro-Nots say how they can "Only Perform Low-Earth orbit" Share the news why are we still learning all of this in schools! Please check out a Great Channel called Jeranism who is bringing more light on this subject, Watch here hi...
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