Global Green Growth Institute

The Global Green Growth Institute (GGGI) is dedicated to supporting and promoting strong, inclusive and sustainable economic growth in developing countries and emerging economies.

2016 Annual Report

Strengthening Policies for Green Growth: In 2016, GGGI continued to deliver on the priorities set out in its Strategic Plan 2015-20 and Work Program and Budget 2015-16 (WPB), building on the strong initial results achieved in 2015.

GGGI Refreshed Strategic Plan 2015 – 2020

In October 2017, the GGGI Council approved the GGGI Refreshed Strategic Plan 2015-2020.


Global Green Growth Institute

A New Kind of International Organization


2016 Annual Report

Strengthening Policies for Green Growth


Strengthening Policies for Green Growth

Accelerating a New Model of Growth

How we work

In pursuit of these goals, GGGI works with developing and emerging countries to design and deliver programs and services that demonstrate new pathways to pro-poor economic growth.  GGGI provides Member Countries with the tools to help build institutional capacity and develop green growth policy, strengthen peer learning and knowledge sharing, and engage private investors and public donors.

Country Programs

GGGI’s hands-on, country work is carried out by our Green Growth Planning & Implementation (GGP&I) division. Our experts are embedded within partner governments as trusted advisors to explore green growth opportunities in line with the country’s development goals.

Thematic Areas

Water and Sanitation

One of our most basic natural resources, water presents diverse social impacts and is critical to agricultural, industrial and energy production.

Thematic Areas

Green Cities

With over half of today’s global population now living in urban areas, cities consume 70% of global energy and produce between 60% and 80% of all global greenhouse gas emissions.

Thematic Areas

Sustainable Landscapes

Approximately 2.6 billion people across the globe rely on agriculture for their livelihoods; therefore, land-use and land degradation have a direct impact on social welfare and pose a significant challenge to efforts aimed at reducing poverty and enhancing food security.

Thematic Areas

Sustainable Energy

GGGI sees a fundamental transformation in the global energy sector as a key to driving economic growth, meeting growing demand, reducing energy poverty, and addressing future climate risk.


Water and Sanitation


Green Cities


Sustainable Landscapes


Sustainable Energy

GGGI Projects

GGGI was founded on the belief that economic growth and environmental sustainability are not merely compatible objectives; their integration is essential for the future of humankind. We work with partners in the public and private sector in developing and emerging countries around the world to put green growth at the heart of economic planning.

To develop environments that enable markets to work for green growth, GGGI’s Investment and Policy Solutions Division (IPSD) is charged with producing cutting edge, policy relevant knowledge products and services.

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