- published: 17 Nov 2014
- views: 288517
Rapid transit, also known as metro, subway or underground is a type of high-capacity public transport generally found in urban areas. Unlike buses or trams, rapid transit systems are electric railways that operate on an exclusive right-of-way, which cannot be accessed by pedestrians or other vehicles of any sort, and which is often grade separated in tunnels or on elevated railways.
Modern services on rapid transit systems are provided on designated lines between stations typically using electric multiple units on rail tracks, although some systems use guided rubber tyres, magnetic levitation, or monorail. The stations typically have high platforms, without steps inside the trains, requiring custom-made trains in order to avoid gaps. They are typically integrated with other public transport and often operated by the same public transport authorities. However, some rapid transit systems have at-grade intersections between a rapid transit line and a road or between two rapid transit lines. It is unchallenged in its ability to transport large numbers of people quickly over short distances with little use of land. Variations of rapid transit include people movers, small-scale light metro, and the commuter rail hybrid S-Bahn.
Metro usually refers to:
Metro may also refer to:
Latin America is the group of territories and countries in the Americas where Romance languages are spoken. The term originated in 19th century France to include French-speaking territories in the Americas within the larger group of countries that speak Spanish and Portuguese. It is therefore marginally broader than the term Iberian America or Spanish America, though it excludes French-speaking Quebec. Latin America consists of twenty sovereign states and several territories and dependencies which cover an area that stretches from the southern border of the United States to the southern tip of South America, including the Caribbean. It has an area of approximately 19,197,000 km2 (7,412,000 sq mi), almost 13% of the earth's land surface area.
As of 2015, its population was estimated at more than 626 million and in 2014, Latin America had a combined nominal GDP of 5,573,397 million USD and a GDP PPP of 7,531,585 million USD. The term "Latin America" was first used in 1861 in La revue des races Latines, a magazine "dedicated to the cause of Pan-Latinism".
Los Metros is a faction of a Mexican drug trafficking organization known as the Gulf Cartel. The group was formed in the late 1990s during the reign of Osiel Cárdenas Guillén, the former leader of the cartel, to provide security to the organization's leaders as the cartel's armed wing. The leader of Los Metros, Mario Ramirez Treviño, alias X-20, was arrested on 17 August 2013.
In the late 1990s, Osiel Cárdenas Guillén, the former leader of the Gulf cartel, had other similar groups besides Los Zetas established in several cities in Tamaulipas. Each of these groups were identified by their radio codes: the Rojos were based in Reynosa; the Metros were headquartered in Matamoros; and the Lobos were established in Laredo. The infighting between the Metros and the Rojos of the Gulf cartel began in 2010, when Juan Mejía González, nicknamed El R-1, was overlooked as the candidate of the regional boss of Reynosa and was sent to the "Frontera Chica," an area that encompasses Miguel Alemán, Camargo and Ciudad Mier – directly across the U.S-Mexico border from Starr County, Texas. The area that Mejía González wanted was given to Samuel Flores Borrego, suggesting that the Metros were above the Rojos.
India, officially the Republic of India (Bhārat Gaṇarājya), is a country in South Asia. It is the seventh-largest country by area, the second-most populous country with over 1.2 billion people, and the most populous democracy in the world. Bounded by the Indian Ocean on the south, the Arabian Sea on the south-west, and the Bay of Bengal on the south-east, it shares land borders with Pakistan to the west;China, Nepal, and Bhutan to the north-east; and Myanmar (Burma) and Bangladesh to the east. In the Indian Ocean, India is in the vicinity of Sri Lanka and the Maldives; in addition, India's Andaman and Nicobar Islands share a maritime border with Thailand and Indonesia.
Home to the ancient Indus Valley Civilisation and a region of historic trade routes and vast empires, the Indian subcontinent was identified with its commercial and cultural wealth for much of its long history. Four religions—Hinduism, Buddhism, Jainism, and Sikhism—originated here, whereas Zoroastrianism, Judaism, Christianity, and Islam arrived in the 1st millennium CE and also shaped the region's diverse culture. Gradually annexed by and brought under the administration of the British East India Company from the early 18th century and administered directly by the United Kingdom after the Indian Rebellion of 1857, India became an independent nation in 1947 after a struggle for independence that was marked by non-violent resistance led by Mahatma Gandhi.
Indian Railways Vs pakistan railways (Metros, Monorail And Semi High Speed Express)
The Metros - Education Part 2
Los Metros Más Modernos de América Latina 2016
Los Metros Más Modernos de América Latina Chile, México, Argentina, Perú, Colombia 2017-2018
Los Metros Más Extensos de América Latina 2016
The 8 metro rails of India(2017)
World Class Metros In India (Rapid Transit System) [Indian Metros]
3 Metros Sobre el Cielo 3MSC Pelicula Completabajaryoutube com
Una ola de récord: 19 metros de altura ( Español ) 2016
★★★Grandes Metros del Mundo★★★
AULA DE MATEMÁTICA - como calcular metros quadrados
100 metros - Trailer
Mr. Electro: "A mi no me impresionan cabrones de dos metros"
2. Cómo convertir centímetros a metros muy fácil
Aprenda como fazer cálculos em metros quadrados
Video Credits: Gurgaon Metro video by the3ccompany https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=11hKQinH8rE Mumbai Monorail video by Luke Starkenburg https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e-NCCfQc4zg Mumbai Metro video by Imzy Allinone https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NzjX0owZO74 Delhi Metro video by Rockstargeek Views https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gxyoHlVUG2c Delhi Airport Express video by PAUL HODGE - SoloAroundWorld https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eISJjPzIyUg Jaipur Metro video by deepesh verma https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TaeKRsbRVGA Bangalore Metro video by Santhosh kumar.n. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pMnH59jO2Nw chennai Metro video by ROHIT JAMES https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tOH8BY-Oj0I Kolkata Metro video by shahid ahmed https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BxX7DvZ5A0M Semi High Speed...
Music video by The Metros performing Education Part 2. (c) 2008 1965 Records under exclusive license to Sony BMG Music Entertainment (UK) Limited
↑↑SUSCRIBETE↑↑:http://goo.gl/f4ftH2 - 2012/2016 - Evaluó aspectos como la red de cobertura, frecuencia, limpieza, eficiencia, niveles de servicio al cliente, extensión, niveles de acceso, seguridad, consideraciones ambientales e innovación tecnológica. (Los "Metros o subtes" Mas modernos de América Latina) No incluyo, tranvías, teleféricos, etc.. Musica: Martin Garrix "Virus Remix" Fuente: http://es.wikipedia.org/wiki/Anexo:Sistemas_de_metro http://www.urbanrail.net/ http://es.wikipedia.org/wiki/Metro_(sistema_de_transporte) http://www.metrosantiago.cl/noticias/detalle/f7f580e11d00a75814d2ded41fe8e8fe
Metro de Santiago Este metro es uno de los sistemas más modernos, Línea 6 del Metro de Santiago la mas moderna de latinoamerica, siendo el segundo más largo después del de Ciudad de México; y es el séptimo más regular en frecuencia a nivel mundial. Metro de la Ciudad de México En el 2006 ocupó el tercer lugar a nivel mundial en captación de usuarios, al transportar a un promedio de 3.9 millones de pasajeros al día (en ocasiones superado por los metros de Nueva York, Moscú y Tokio). También en ese año obtuvo el quinto lugar a nivel mundial por la extensión de su red. Metro de Lima El Metro de Lima y Callao (o llamado simplemente Metro de Lima) es un ferrocarril metropolitano que sirve al área metropolitana de Lima, conformada por la conurbación de las ciudades de Lima y Callao, en el Perú...
↑↑SUSCRIBETE↑↑:http://goo.gl/f4ftH2 - Datos. 1- México---- 12 Líneas, 195 Estaciones, 226 km de red, Inaugurado el año 1969 2- Santiago-- 5 Líneas, 108 Estaciones, 103 km de red, Inaugurado el año 1975 3- Sao paulo- 5 Líneas, 64 Estaciones, 74,3 km de red, Inaugurado el año 1974 4- Caracas---- 4 Líneas, 45 Estaciones, 66,3 Km de red, Inaugurado el año 1983 5- Buenos aires—6 Líneas, 83 Estaciones, 58,8 KM, Inaugurado el año 1913 6- Brasilia---- 2 Líneas, 24 Estaciones, 46,5 KM, Inaugurado el año 2001
hola amigos esta ocacion les traigo una review del famoso simulador que ocupa el STC METRO DE LA CDMX si quieres descargar estos trenes y rutas checa aqui el perfil de facebook: https://www.facebook.com/OpenbveMexico?ref=ts&fref;=ts https://www.facebook.com/BVEMundial?fref=ts WEB: http://openbvemetromexico.blogspot.mx/
My Website-http://www.nsd747.cf/ I use tubebuddy tool for video planning and promotion Link- https://www.tubebuddy.com/nasdaqsingh Flipkart Shopping-http://fkrt.it/NmwxCTuuuN Metro rails of India 1)Bengaluru Metro(2017) 2)Chennai metro(2017) 3)Mumbai Metro(2017) 4)Lucknow Metro(2017) 5)Jaipur Metro(2017) 6)Delhi Metro(2017) 7)Kolkata Metro(2017) 8)GuruGram(Gurgaon) Metro (2017) There is also some pictorial information about The metro rail status of India. Please like Subscribe and share for more such cool and interesting videos. Come up with comments and if you really like my channel for my content please do not forget ot follow me on twitter,facebook or google+ google+ https://plus.google.com/116317555477646343237 facebook https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100011424167073 twitter ht...
Los metros más saturados de Europa. Like, Comparte, Suscríbete http://goo.gl/uK2Q6X y elige el contenido! El texto aquí: http://criticalandia.com/los-5-metros-mas-llenos-de-europa/ LOS 5 METROS MÁS LLENOS DE EUROPA 5- METRO DE MADRID 4- METRO DE SAN PETERSBURGO 3- METRO DE LONDRES 2- METRO DE PARÍS 1- METRO DE MOSCÚ Suscríbete también a: VIDEOLANDIA: https://goo.gl/kwumfU FOTOLANDIA: https://goo.gl/ViQwzZ BARCELONALANDIA: https://goo.gl/NvUZlX MISS SKATY: https://goo.gl/nsSRJw Vídeo creado por petición de Juan Bautista Battauz, aquí su canal - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCvxDylhJvLUC_VGZLlO9YoQ Web: http://criticalandia.com Facebook: http://facebook.com/Criticalandia Twitter: http://twitter.com/Criticalandia
La Organización Meteorológica Mundial (OMM) confirma la medición de una boya situada en el Atlántico Norte en febrero de 2013 Otros Vídeos Interesantes: EL SECRETO/TRUCO para Sacar PELUCHES De La MAQUINA! - Trick to win Teddies https://youtu.be/UaeGgotvAv0 Cuidado con el pendrive ‘ASESINO’ ( Español ) 2016 - USB Killer https://youtu.be/tENWAe0Ut6s NASA - Así es la capa de gases que provocan el calentamiento global ( Español ) 2016 https://youtu.be/7gO620g8B7Y Los mejores ‘smartphones’ de 2016 - ( Español ) https://youtu.be/Bx1xydkx4w8 Alabama - Un 'mannequin challenge' termina con dos detenciones ( Español ) 2016 https://youtu.be/f_-xnInKF_s Gafas de Snapchat - SPECTACLES - el objeto más deseado ( Español ) 2016 https://youtu.be/bc3PPsVGVig Órbita Laika - temporada 2 x02 con...
CUAL ES EL MEJOR SISTEMA DE METRO DEL MUNDO?...........Por su Infraestructura, diseño, facilidad de uso, historia, etc. Los metros cuentan y dicen mucho de cada ciudad. Hecha un vistazo y vota tu favorito. VOTA AQUI: http://listas.20minutos.es/lista/cual-es-el-mejor-sistema-de-metro-del-mundo-64567/
2016 Drama Dirigida por Marcel Barrena Interpretada por Dani Rovira, Karra Elejalde, Alexandra Jiménez, Maria de Medeiros, David Verdaguer, Andrés Velencoso, Bruno Bergonzini, Clara Segura. 100 METROS está inspirada en la increíble historia de Ramón Arroyo. Ramón (Dani Rovira), padre de familia, vive para el trabajo hasta que su cuerpo empieza a fallar. Diagnosticado de esclerosis múltiple, todos los pronósticos parecen indicar que en un año no será capaz de caminar ni 100 metros. Ramón decide plantarle cara a la vida participando en la prueba deportiva más dura del planeta. Con la ayuda de su mujer (Alexandra Jiménez) y el gruñón de su suegro (Karra Elejalde), Ramón inicia un peculiar entrenamiento en el que luchará contra sus limitaciones, demostrándole al mundo que rendirse nunca e...
¡Suscríbete a +LuchaTV y disfruta lo mejor de la lucha libre! http://www.youtube.com/subscription_center?add_user=mluchatv
SE METIERON CON LA PERSONA INCORRECTA ASI QUE AHORA LES TRAIGO EL VIDEO EPICO DE LA VENGANZA QUE ME DEBIAN! ME HICIERON UNA BROMA (ASESINO) termino enojado ► https://youtu.be/hqMbysbj6B8 PAYASOS ASESINOS (Broma sale mal) ► https://youtu.be/_joAt_Wn3Ec LIKE PARAS MAS VIDEOS! SUSCRIBETE SI AUN NO LO ESTAS! SUSCRIBITE AQUI :) ► https://goo.gl/wOyqAq PUEDES VER EL VIDEO AQUI EN FACEBOOK Y COMPARTIRLO: https://m.facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=1368184646637426&id;=803023769820186 INSTAGRAM: Edder_DHA ► https://www.instagram.com/edder_dha/ FACEBOOK: Edder DHA ► https://www.facebook.com/EdderDHA/ SNAPCHAT: edder.dha MIRA TODOS LOS VIDEOS DE #EDDER_DHA :) Si tienen alguna idea para que haga un video o algo quieras decirme pueden hablarme a la pagina de Facebook o por gmail :) Mucha...
MIRA LA LISTA COMPLETA DE CONVERSIONES AQUI: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL9SnRnlzoyX19wZ_2qR6K-hzIZau6cGqB En este video veremos cómo convertir centímetros a metros, mediante una muy sencilla regla de 3, paso a paso. ¡SUSCRIBETE!: http://goo.gl/hM9m9X Google+: http://plus.google.com/+arquimedes1075 Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/arquimedes1075 Twitter: http://twitter.com/arquimedes1075 Si te gustan mis videos, y deseas brindarme tu apoyo mediante un donativo :D, puedes hacerlo en este enlace: https://www.paypal.com/cgi-bin/webscr?cmd=_s-xclick&hosted;_button_id=TZ6HW3Z2VNSCJ ¡También puedes apoyarme en patreon! https://www.patreon.com/matefacil
Descrição do vídeo O metro quadrado (símbolo: m2) é a unidade padrão de área adaptada para o Sistema Internacional de Unidades, e derivada da unidade básica metro. Corresponde à área que tem um quadrado com um metro de lado. Em agrimensura utilizam-se algumas unidades derivadas do metro quadrado, como o are (equivalente a 100 metros quadrados e a 1 decâmetro quadrado) e o hectare (equivalente a 10.000 metros quadrados e a 1 hectômetro quadrado).2 Um erro comum em cálculos envolvendo áreas é tratar esta medida como uma medida linear; mas esta é uma medida quadrática. Por esse motivo, um quadrado com 2 m de lado tem uma área não de 2 m2, mas sim de 4 m2 (= 2 m x 2 m).3 Exemplo: Um metro quadrado equivale a 10.000 centímetros quadrados, pelo seguinte motivo: Um metro têm cem centímetros; e...
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Descrição do vídeo O metro quadrado (símbolo: m2) é a unidade padrão de área adaptada para o Sistema Internacional de Unidades, e derivada da unidade básica metro. Corresponde à área que tem um quadrado com um metro de lado. Em agrimensura utilizam-se algumas unidades derivadas do metro quadrado, como o are (equivalente a 100 metros quadrados e a 1 decâmetro quadrado) e o hectare (equivalente a 10.000 metros quadrados e a 1 hectômetro quadrado).2 Um erro comum em cálculos envolvendo áreas é tratar esta medida como uma medida linear; mas esta é uma medida quadrática. Por esse motivo, um quadrado com 2 m de lado tem uma área não de 2 m2, mas sim de 4 m2 (= 2 m x 2 m).3 Exemplo: Um metro quadrado equivale a 10.000 centímetros quadrados, pelo seguinte motivo: Um metro têm cem centímetros; e...
🆕Apoyar el vídeo con un ME GUSTA!! 😜👍 ➡️Donaciones: https://streamlabs.com/galgo96esp ▶️Twitter: http://bit.ly/1qCbQwe ➡️Instagram: http://bit.ly/2oHaE3F ↪️ Personal: http://bit.ly/2nQS7Oc ▶️Facebook: http://bit.ly/2o8UGhe ▶️Contacto: businessgalgo96esp@gmail.com 🆕Discord Suscriptores: http://bit.ly/DiscordSubs 🔴¿Quieres ayudar a el canal? Aquí puedes: ➡️Compra juegos en IG con un 3% de descuento: http://bit.ly/2jDs0g3 ➡️Compra juegos en G2A con un 3% de descuento: http://bit.ly/2xtwnjb ➡️Compra el PUBG con un 3% de descuento: http://bit.ly/2ffGDor ➡️El Gato Gaming: https://www.elgato.com/es/gaming ℹ️ ¿Quien sale en el vídeo? ● Def1com: http://bit.ly/2wLmmh0 ➡️Miniaturas: http://bit.ly/2hPcz3W ➡️ Mi PC: CPU: Intel Core i7 5820K @ 3.30GHz RAM: 16,0GB Placa Base: MSI X99S SLI PLUS (M...
esse filme foi baseado em uma historia real . ele e multi vocacional .........simplesmente lindo.
Festival de pipas gigantes em Arraial do Cabo com organização Julia Pipas, após todas as pipas gigantes subirem e termos um campeão com a maior pipa, Rafinha colocou a pipa vencedora com quase 4 metros p/ o relo com uma linha de 17 passadas, vídeo ta sensacional. Canal do parceiro Jean Nunes - http://bit.ly/JeanNunes ========================================= JOGUE AGORA NOSSO GAME O PIPA COMBATE ● Android: http://bit.ly/PipaCombateAndroid ● iOS: http://bit.ly/PipaCombateIOS ● PC Desktop: http://pipacombate.com ● Facebook: http://bit.ly/PipaCombateFacebook ========================================= ● Fanpage: http://bit.ly/PipaCombateFanPage ● Instagram: http://bit.ly/PipaCombateInstagram ● Contato: pipacombateof@gmail.com ========================================= Escreva sua Carta pa...
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Hasam es un joven como cualquier otro que se ve envuelto en una serie de conflictos familiares, su madre antes de morir le enseño a saborear con el alma las delicias de la comida; eso le da la motivacion dia con dia para convertirse en el mejor cheff de La France. Muy buen filme que nos enseña mucho!!!
Dos jóvenes que pertenecen a mundos opuestos se conocen. Ella, la dulce Babi, es una chica de clase alta que vive en un entorno tan protegido como poco excitante. Él, Hugo, conocido como el duro "H", es un chico impulsivo e irresponsable, aficionado a las peleas y a las carreras ilegales de motos. Esta es la crónica de un amor inicialmente imposible que arrastrará a ambos a un frenético viaje iniciático a través del cual descubrirán el amor.
¿LES GUSTA EL KPOP? :D Si es un si, sigueme en KpopWordMx donde encontraras noticias diarias de tus idols favoritos LINK: https://www.facebook.com/MundoCoreanoLatino/?ref=aymt_homepage_panel canciones de 3 metros sobre el cielo aquí una recopilación de los temas mas importantes de esta hermosa peli c: somethings triggered de cecilia krull la tormenta de arena dorian capturing images de anni B.sweet forever young de alphaville la cama de clara lago yo te esperare de cali y el dandee
!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!SEM COMENTÁRIOS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
First cry after doing some lines
In a club in 1994
But she left with his life on the A25
Express service from Victoria
Then he took her shopping up in the East End
A bit of a waster but a good boyfriend
And he's like 'I'm coming back tommorow'
That's what he always say
'I'm coming back tommorow, if that's ok'
She left in the morning
Awoah woah
Left a note in the kitchen
Awoah woah
'I'm coming back tommorow'
That's what he always say
'I'm coming back tommorow, if that's ok'
Two nights in the back and it's like
Ah ah Ah AH
Two beers at the bar and I'm like
Ah ah Ah Aaha
Two nights in the back and that's okay
Two beers from the bar and that's today
Live a live a live a live a live a little
Live a live a live a live a live a little
Tooooooold ya!
Can't remember the last time that I saw her face
I'm with the ascot classics at the Millwall game
And I'm like "She's coming back tomorrow"
That's what he always says
"Coming back tomorrow, if that OK"
And he needs her kisses
(Whoa whoa whoa)
And her sexy misses
(Whoa whoa whoa)
"I'm coming back tomorrow"
That's what he'd always say
"I'm coming back tomorrow,
if that OK"
Two lines in the back and it's like
Oh ah oh ah
Three beers at the bar and I'm like
Oh ah oh ah
Two lines in the back and that's OK
Two beers at the bar and that's today
Live a little