- published: 12 May 2013
- views: 99238
Madaba (Arabic: مادبا) is the capital city of Madaba Governorate in central Jordan, with a population of about 60,000. It is best known for its Byzantine and Umayyad mosaics, especially a large Byzantine-era mosaic map of the Holy Land. Madaba is located 30 kilometres (19 miles) south-west of the capital Amman.
Madaba dates from the Middle Bronze Age.
The town of Madaba was once a Moabite border city, mentioned in the Bible in Numbers 21:30 and Joshua 13:9.
During its rule by the Roman and Byzantine empires from the 2nd to the 7th centuries, the city formed part of the Provincia Arabia set up by the Roman Emperor Trajan to replace the Nabataean kingdom of Petra.
The first evidence for a Christian community in the city, with its own bishop, is found in the Acts of the Council of Chalcedon in 451, where Constantine, Metropolitan Archbishop of Bostra (the provincial capital) signed on behalf of Gaiano, "Bishop of the Medabeni."
During the rule of the Islamic Umayyad Caliphate, it was part of the southern district of Jund Filastin within the Bilad al-Sham province.
Jordan (/ˈdʒɔːrdən/; Arabic: الأردن Al-Urdun), officially the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan (Arabic: المملكة الأردنية الهاشمية Al-Mamlakah Al-Urduniyah Al-Hashimiyah), is an Arab kingdom in Western Asia, on the East Bank of the Jordan River. Jordan is bordered by Saudi Arabia to the east and south, Iraq to the north-east, Syria to the north, and Israel and Palestine to the west. Since the dawn of civilization, the country's location at the crossroads of the Middle East has served as a strategic nexus connecting Asia, Africa and Europe.
Archaeologists found evidence on inhabitance dating as far back as the Paleolithic period. Three kingdoms emerged on the territory of modern Jordan at the very end of the Bronze Age: Ammon, Moab and Edom. The lands were later part of several kingdoms and empires, most notably the Nabatean Kingdom, the Roman Empire and finally the Ottoman Empire from the 16th until the early 20th century. After the Partitioning of the Ottoman Empire after World war I by Britain and France, the Emirate of Transjordan was officially recognized by the Council of the League of Nations in 1922. In 1946, Jordan became an independent sovereign state officially known as The Hashemite Kingdom of Transjordan. The capture of the West Bank by Jordan during the 1948 Arab–Israeli War has showed that the Arab Legion forces known today as the Jordanian Armed Forces were the most effective among the Arab troops involved in the war. The same year, Abdullah I took the title King of Jordan. The name of the state was changed to The Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan on 1 December 1948.
Mazaj 95.3 FM | World Middle East | Jordan |
Beat FM (JO) | Pop | Jordan |
Sawt el Ghad Amman | World Middle East | Jordan |
Halimiat | World Middle East | Jordan |
Mada Ba - Gorée
Things to See & Do in Madaba - Jordan, Middle East
TLF - Madaba (audio) ft. La Bopé
Madaba City Tour
Mt Nebo & Madaba - Jordan
✈Madaba in Jordan
Chriss Ronson - Madaba (Marco Grandi remix)
Walking through Madaba, Jordan
Madaba Documentary
Madaba Jordania documental en (español) HD -مأدبا, الأردن Jordan
Road from Madaba city to Dead Sea, Jordan. March 28th 2014.
AUM | American University of Madaba
Street Jokes (1.27) from Madaba - Ro'ya - نكت من مادبا - نكت شوارع
Madaba y monte nebo
St. George's Greek Orthodox Church, located in Madaba, Jordan
TLF : "Madaba" ft. LA BOPÉ (live @ Mouv' Studios) #LE20MINUIT
Madaba & Monte Nebo - Jordania #3
AST feat Da Wanted, Jetcn, Malha, Diwess, Chico, Chucky & Primo - Madaba No Limit Comoria Remix
http://davidsbeenhere.com/ DBH Unplugged continues its journey through the Kindgom of Jordan to the city of Madaba. Here David tours Saint George's Church, home to the famous mosaic floor map, which is the world's oldest, intact depiction of the Holy Land. This is only the beginning of Madaba's mosaics though, with hundreds more unearthed and on display throughout this 'city of mosaics'. Tour this ancient side of Madaba as David displays the ruins and remains of churches, houses, columns, roads (and of course mosaics) left behind from the Roman period. With sites still being excavated and discovered today, you can get a sense of how important this ancient city has been throughout history. Continue on towards the capital with David for even more temples, theatres, statues and ruins providin...
TLF - Madaba (ft La Bopé) Extrait de ''No Limit'' - Album Disponible: http://smarturl.it/NoLimitiTunes --------------------------------------------- Abonne-toi à la chaîne VEVO de TLF: http://www.youtube.com/subscription_c... --------------------------------------------- Réalisé par DIEZ31DIEZPROD Retrouve TLF sur: Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/tlfofficial Twitter: https://twitter.com/tlfofficiel Instagram: https://instagram.com/tlfofficiel/
From Mount Nebo in Jordan you can see the land of Israel just as Moses and the children of Israel did after forty years of wandering the wilderness from Egypt. Dr Brendan Roach briefly explains the significance of this site, and that of the church in Madaba adorned with great mosaic work, including the ancient map of Jerusalem.
Madaba is a such lovely little city. Some great restaurants and amazing mosaics. So much to enjoy. I hope you enjoy this through my eyes.
clip Mada BA mbalakh "BEUGUE"
.:: DEHALI YO PIHA MUZI WA MADABA ::. 1- MADABA : Weyapuha ngelazimwiyo Wiyahose randzi, nge wuyafuduwe, naneka ngofuduwo ngodjo triya ..... 2- ZITRUNGUWU: Ngodjodjuwa huyafuduwa na ye zitrunguwu Swawumu na Baswara, na 3- CHINGO : ngodjotriya ye chingo he kiyasi yahaho, banda Yafunduha ndro ngodjokaza ye 4- NAZI : Ngo Hando yenazi Huyikaza Vodziho yihamdro, ngodjotriya yema daba, banga yadjorohora hudjotriya nemalalawo yadunga yofagna mtuzi.
Label: Ready Mix Records Release Date: 2014-01-27 http://www.beatport.com/release/madaba/1228100 Disclaimer: I do not own any copyrights for this track. If there's any troubles with this upload, contact me and I will remove it right away. Please support artists and labels and BUY TRACKS.
A short documentary about Madaba City in Jordan, for the Tourism Ministry.. فيلم وثائقي لوزارة السياحة والآثار عن مدينة مادبا في المملكة الأردينة الهاشمية،
somos cuatro alumnos de filología española e inglésa en La Universidad de Jordania hicimos este video y nos gustaria presentarlo a ustedes :) Universidad de Jordania madaba jordan amman aman jordania الجامعة الاردنية مأدبا مادبا وثائقي طلاب الجامعة الاردنية
Video clip was shot on location with FUJIFILM FinePix HS25EXR Camera. Edited with GOPRO Studio application.
صفحتنا على الفيسبوك http://www.facebook.com/StreetJokes حلقة ( نكت من مادبا ) من برنامج نكت شوارع الذي يبث على فضائية رؤيا الأردنية ويقدمه الكوميديان الأردني محمد اللحام. فكرة البرنامج مبنية على جولة محمد اللحام الذي يطوف فيها شوارع المدن المختلفة في الأردن ليجمع من الناس النكات والقصص المضحكة، وتتميز كل حلقة بموضوعها الخاص. *** تابعوه في الأوقات التالية على قناة رؤيا الفضائية: يوم خميس 9م توقيت الاردن (6م توقيت جرينيتش) يعاد يوم الجمعة 6م توقيت الاردن و يوم السبت 4 م توقيت الاردن وأكيد يمكنكم متابعة الحلقات بخاصية اتش دي عبر اليوتيوب أو عبر الفيس بوك http://www.facebook.com/StreetJokes قناة رؤيا الفضائية / تجدونها على التردد - 12398 عمودي Nilesat , frequency 12398 vertical
Madaba, (en árabe مادبا), es la capital de la Gobernación de Madaba en Jordania. Cuenta con una población de cerca de 60.000 habitantes. Por población, Madaba es la quinta población de Jordania. Se encuentra 35 kilómetros al suroeste de Ammán. Es muy conocida por sus mosaicos de las épocas bizantina y Omeya y por ello lleva el sobrenombre de Ciudad de los mosaicos. De especial importancia es el mapa de Madaba, mosaico-mapa de la era Bizantina con la representación cartográfica más antigua que se conserva de Jerusalén, Tierra Santa y el Delta del Nilo. Data del siglo VI y encuentra en la iglesia ortodoxa griega de San Jorge. El monte Nebo (en hebreo: הר נבו, en árabe: جبل نيبو) es un pico de 817 metros situado en el oeste de la Jordania actualLa historia bíblica del último capítulo de Deut...
St. George's Greek Orthodox Church, located in Madaba, Jordan. City of Maps. City of Mosaics. GEAR WE USE Olympus OM-D E-M5 II: http://amzn.to/1OchS7t Canon G7X: http://amzn.to/1YdjsYX Olympus 14-150mm II Lens: http://amzn.to/1Y79zeM Rode Video Mic GO: http://amzn.to/1WDKtVM Joby Gorilla Pod: http://amzn.to/1PgoY5F SanDisk 16GB Extreme Pro: http://amzn.to/25KEErs SOCIAL MEDIA & TRAVEL BLOGS AUDREY: blog: http://thatbackpacker.com/ instagram: https://www.instagram.com/thatbackpac... facebook: https://www.facebook.com/thatbackpacker twitter: https://twitter.com/ThatBackpacker SAMUEL: blog: http://nomadicsamuel.com/ facebook: https://www.facebook.com/nomadicsamuel twitter: https://twitter.com/NomadicSamuel instragram: https://www.instagram.com/nomadicsamuel/ This is part of our...
Invité du 20-Minuit de Damien le 15 mars 2016, TLF a offert une version live de son titre "Madaba" avec La Bopé Réécoutez l'émission intégrale : http://bit.ly/1q5vSVf Le 20-Minuit : http://bit.ly/1SRYlsc -- Toutes les fréquences de Mouv' : http://bit.ly/1YU2Gwz -- Abonne-toi : http://bit.ly/1eR014Z http://www.mouv.fr/ Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/MouvRadio/ Twitter : https://twitter.com/mouv Instagram : https://instagram.com/mouv/ Snapchat : mouvradio
El 3er día de ruta en Jordania nos lleva al bíblico Monte Nebo y a visitar la ciudad de Madaba donde se encuentra la iglesia ortodoxa de San Jorge. La historia bíblica del último capítulo de Deuteronomio 34:11 narra cómo Moisés, negada la entrada de la Tierra Prometida a la que dirigió a los israelitas desde Egipto, vio la tierra de Canaán desde la cima de la montaña antes de morir. El lugar exacto del bíblico monte Nebo no se conoce, pues el lugar descrito en la Biblia es para unos el monte Sinaí y para otros las montañas Abarim, al este de la desembocadura del río Jordán en el mar Muerto. En estas alturas en el oeste del Jordán, se observa Jerusalén en un día claro. Madaba, (en árabe مادبا), es la capital de la Gobernación de Madaba en Jordania. Cuenta con una población de cerca de 60....
Lyrics : A.S.T, Da Most Wanted, Jetcn Balacier, Malha, Diwess, Chico Fantastik, Chucky Mista Rap & Primo Boina Killah Mixage : K'poral Chris Baby Réalisation du clip : Interface Prod / Cineast Prises d'images : K'poral Chris Baby Montage : A.S.T @ Interface Prod 2016
http://davidsbeenhere.com/ DBH Unplugged continues its journey through the Kindgom of Jordan to the city of Madaba. Here David tours Saint George's Church, home to the famous mosaic floor map, which is the world's oldest, intact depiction of the Holy Land. This is only the beginning of Madaba's mosaics though, with hundreds more unearthed and on display throughout this 'city of mosaics'. Tour this ancient side of Madaba as David displays the ruins and remains of churches, houses, columns, roads (and of course mosaics) left behind from the Roman period. With sites still being excavated and discovered today, you can get a sense of how important this ancient city has been throughout history. Continue on towards the capital with David for even more temples, theatres, statues and ruins providin...
http://ultramodern-home.ru Top Tourist Attractions and beautiful places in Jordan: Travel Guide Dead Sea, Petra World Heritage Site, Madaba, Wadi Rum, Jerash Ruins, High Place of Sacrifice, Siq, Aqaba, The Treasury Petra, The Citadel Amman, The Jordan Museum Amman, Royal Automobile Museum, Roman Amphitheater Amman
A Travel Guide to Jordan Jordan is an extraordinary country. Although small in size and young in terms of nation state, it is blessed with some of the regions most revered historical treasures, some of its most spectacular scenery and some of its kindest and most hospitable people. It has a delicious cuisine, a good tourist infrastructure – with some great accommodation and knowledgeable guides – and under the much respected royal family, a stable government. Throughout its short history, Jordan has bucked the trends of its neighbours; by welcoming the foreign traveller with open arms, and gallons of sweet mint tea, in many ways it continues to do so. Amman is a lively, liberal city, modern in character, yet with one foot rooted firmly in the past. With a history dating back to Neolithic...
A short documentary about Madaba City in Jordan, for the Tourism Ministry.. فيلم وثائقي لوزارة السياحة والآثار عن مدينة مادبا في المملكة الأردينة الهاشمية،
Tour of Madaba and the mountain at witch John the Baptist was executed
Video clip was shot on location with FUJIFILM FinePix HS25EXR Camera. Edited with GOPRO Studio application.
Date Reviewed: November 21, 2015 Name: Moab Land Hotel Location: Madaba, Jordan (Downtown) Full Review: http://www.diytravelshow.com/moabland Website: http://www.moablandhotel.com Email: moabhotel@gmail.com Telephone: +962 79 0414049 / +962 5 3251318 Address: King Talat St, Madaba, Jordan Moab Land Hotel, located in the city centre of Madaba offers simply furnished private suites and budget dorm accommodations. One of the feature of the hotel is the terrace overlooking the Churches and Mosques of Jordan, lounge area with international television channels and WiFi access is available in all areas.
A visit to the St. George's church in Madaba, Jordan. This church contains the oldest surviving original mosaic map of the holy land.
St. George's Greek Orthodox Church, located in Madaba, Jordan. City of Maps. City of Mosaics. GEAR WE USE Olympus OM-D E-M5 II: http://amzn.to/1OchS7t Canon G7X: http://amzn.to/1YdjsYX Olympus 14-150mm II Lens: http://amzn.to/1Y79zeM Rode Video Mic GO: http://amzn.to/1WDKtVM Joby Gorilla Pod: http://amzn.to/1PgoY5F SanDisk 16GB Extreme Pro: http://amzn.to/25KEErs SOCIAL MEDIA & TRAVEL BLOGS AUDREY: blog: http://thatbackpacker.com/ instagram: https://www.instagram.com/thatbackpac... facebook: https://www.facebook.com/thatbackpacker twitter: https://twitter.com/ThatBackpacker SAMUEL: blog: http://nomadicsamuel.com/ facebook: https://www.facebook.com/nomadicsamuel twitter: https://twitter.com/NomadicSamuel instragram: https://www.instagram.com/nomadicsamuel/ This is part of our...
Discover the Dead Sea, Jordan's most important natural site, with its best rated hotels and keys attractions: http://jordan.worldbestplaces.com/destinations/dead-sea/ The Dead Sea is one of the most spectacular natural and spiritual landscapes in Jordan. It is famous for being the lowest body of water on earth, for its therapeutic qualities, as well as for its historical and spiritual legacy with numerous religious sites to be explored. What was once the home to the biblical cities of Sodom, Gomorrah, Admah, Zebouin and Zoar, has become a south after destination with local and international tourist. The Death Sea Hotel strips as well as the Amman Beach are located some 50 kilometres south west of the capital within the Jordan Valley. With only a half an hour drive from Amman, Madaba a...
The St. Georges church in Madaba was build in 6th Centrury AD and is known for the map that showed all major biblical sites from Lebanon to Egypt. Now just 1/3 or the Mosaic remains. The movie shows the mosaic - starting at the northern end and moving to the south.
From Mount Nebo in Jordan you can see the land of Israel just as Moses and the children of Israel did after forty years of wandering the wilderness from Egypt. Dr Brendan Roach briefly explains the significance of this site, and that of the church in Madaba adorned with great mosaic work, including the ancient map of Jerusalem.
Israel, its places, people and more... I am a licensee Tour Guide in Israel, feel free to ask your questions, for my service you can write me to aviel_is.superguide@yahoo.com or phone me +972(0)546711141 SOY UN GUIA EN ISRAEL SIENTASE LIBRE PARA HACER SUS PREGUNTAS Y PARA MI SERVICIO PUEDEN ESCRIVIRME A aviel_is.superguide@yahoo.com O LLAMARME +972(0)546711141
Full episode guide: http://www.diytravelshow.com/jordan Welcome to Jordan, we'll discover in this episodes the best of what it has to offer, safely, inexpensively and cheaply. Including the famous Wadi Rum and Petra, Madaba, the Dead Sea, Jerash, and much more. We'll also cover all the cheap food and getting around on public transportation.
Madaba is compact and easily explored on foot, with some excellent hotels and restaurants, and is less than an hour by regular public transport from Amman, so it's worth considering as an alternative to Amman as a place to stay. For more information you may visit us at http://bit.ly/16NBdlU
The Road. 7 days around Jordan: Amman, Jerash, Madaba, Dead Sea, Petra, Wadi Rum, Aqaba Gopro Best hotel rates! 80% cheaper! http://www.coompare.co.uk Promo codes, budget flights, holiday deals - http://www.TripSPY.co.uk Najlepsze wakacyjne oferty - http://www.WakacjeZaGrosze.com Najlepsza wyszukiwarka hoteli - http://www.Hootel.pl Wynajem samochodów na wakacjach - http://www.BudgetCar.pl Kochasz wyspy kanaryjskie? sprawdz - http://www.MojeKanary.com
I remember right when I woke up the first time
My mom had told me she had set it up by lunch time
You were coming over here to play at my house
We needed a play date, I threw up in my mouth
Never thought that I'd be this fed up so soon
'Till you put your hands on all the stuff in my room
Remember how I even made a sign said, "Keep out!"
I'm gone for one minute, I come back you sneak out
Ohhh you know just how to make me crazy
Ohhh this time I'm telling you I'm telling you
We are never ever ever getting back together
We are never ever ever getting back together
You go talk to your mom talk to my mom talk to me
But we are never ever ever ever getting back together
I'm really miss how immature you are
Working half an hour to make sure I fall
Over when we have to watch TV together
I'm come in, you trip me, spill popcorn, then feathers
Ohhh you know just how to make me crazy
Ohhh this time I'm telling you I'm telling you
We are never ever ever getting back together
We are never ever ever getting back together
You go talk to your mom talk to my mom talk to me