- published: 10 Jan 2017
- views: 18357
Coordinates: 16°N 8°E / 16°N 8°E / 16; 8
Niger (i/ˈnaɪdʒər/ or /niːˈʒɛər/;French: [niʒɛʁ]), officially the Republic of Niger, is a landlocked country in Western Africa, named after the Niger River. Niger is bordered by Libya to the northeast, Chad to the east, Nigeria and Benin to the south, Burkina Faso and Mali to the west, and Algeria to the northwest. Niger covers a land area of almost 1,270,000 km2, making it the largest country in West Africa, with over 80 percent of its land area covered by the Sahara Desert. The country's predominantly Islamic population of 17,138,707 is mostly clustered in the far south and west of the country. The capital city is Niamey, located in the far-southwest corner of Niger.
Niger is a developing country, and is consistently one of the lowest-ranked in the United Nations' Human Development Index (HDI); it was ranked last at 187th for 2013. Much of the non-desert portions of the country are threatened by periodic drought and desertification. The economy is concentrated around subsistence and some export agriculture clustered in the more fertile south, and the export of raw materials, especially uranium ore. Niger faces serious challenges to development due to its landlocked position, desert terrain, high fertility rates and resulting overpopulation without birth control, poor education and poverty of its people, lack of infrastructure, poor health care, and environmental degradation.
Samba (Portuguese pronunciation: [ˈsɐ̃bɐ]) is a Brazilian musical genre and dance style originating in Brazil, with its roots in Africa via the West African slave trade and African religious traditions, particularly Angola and the Congo. Although there were various forms of samba in Brazil in the form of various popular rhythms and regional dances that originated from the drumming, samba as music genre is seen as a musical expression of urban Rio de Janeiro, then the capital of Imperial Brazil.
It is recognized around the world as a symbol of Brazil and the Brazilian Carnival. Considered one of the most popular Brazilian cultural expressions, samba has become an icon of Brazilian national identity. The Bahian Samba de Roda (dance circle), which became a UNESCO Heritage of Humanity in 2005, is the main root of the samba carioca, the samba that is played and danced in Rio de Janeiro.
The modern samba that emerged at the beginning of the 20th century is predominantly in a 2/4 tempo varied with the conscious use of a sung chorus to a batucada rhythm, with various stanzas of declaratory verses. Traditionally, the samba is played by strings (cavaquinho and various types of guitar) and various percussion instruments such as tamborim. Influenced by American orchestras in vogue since the Second World War and the cultural impact of US music post-war, samba began to use trombones, trumpets, choros, flutes, and clarinets.
Africaine includes 1959 recordings by jazz artist Art Blakey and The Jazz Messengers. These recordings were not released until over 20 years after it was recorded. This album features tenor-saxophonist Wayne Shorter in his first recording with The Jazz Messengers, trumpeter Lee Morgan, pianist Walter Davis, Jr. and bassist Jymie Merritt.
Michael G. Nastos of Allmusic called it, "a recording that shows a band fully able to fuse many exotically attractive elements into a unified whole of creative jazz music ecstasy".
Nollywood is a sobriquet that originally referred to the Nigerian film industry. The origin of the term dates back to early 2000s, traced to an article in The New York Times.
The origin of the term "Nollywood" remains unclear; Jonathan Haynes traced the earliest usage of the word to a 2002 article by Matt Steinglass in The New York Times, where it was used to describe Nigerian cinema. The term continue to be used in the media to refer to the Nigerian film industry, with its definition later believed to be a portmanteau of the words "Nigeria" and "Hollywood", the American major film hub.
Definition of which films are considered Nollywood has always been a subject of debate. Alex Eyengho defined Nollywood as "the totality of activities taking place in the Nigerian film industry, be it in English, Yoruba, Hausa, Igbo, Itsekiri, Edo, Efik, Ijaw, Urhobo or any other of the over 300 Nigerian languages". He further stated that "the historical trajectory of Nollywood started since the pre and post independent Nigeria, with the theatrical (stage) and cinematic (celluloid)) efforts of the likes of Chief Hubert Ogunde, Chief Amata, Baba Sala, Ade Love, Eddie Ugboma and a few others".
2015 (MMXV) was a common year starting on Thursday (dominical letter D) of the Gregorian calendar, the 2015th year of the Common Era (CE) and Anno Domini (AD) designations, the 15th year of the 3rd millennium, the 15th year of the 21st century, and the 6th year of the 2010s decade.
2015 was designated as:
Film Nigerien 2017 Nouveauté – Les Plus Chaud II PERE DANGEREUX 1
L'ORPHELINE - Film Nigerien Ghaneen En Francais Complet 2017
LE CHAGRIN 1 - Film Nigerien Ghaneen En Francais Complet 2017
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Ce film raconte l'histoire de trois jeunes filles ifeoma, itohan et halima qui font les detournement sur internet telques: la prostitution et autres.leur vie tournent autour des joies et les peines..NOSTALGIE, La Meilleure chaîne Films africains traduits en français, Films nigerians, Films ghanéens, films camerounais. cinema africain, cinema congolais, films congolais Nollywood, Ghallywood, Camerwood https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCejqF7tMzCUnq8cVbUEbzIw Click to subscribe for the best and the hottest movies on Nollywood SCIFI https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCayL.... Nigerian Nollywood Movies Click to watch 19+ movies https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list.... Click on this link to watch Family movies https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list... Click to watch the best of our dime...
Ce film parle d'une jeune fille du nom d'anita orpheline de pere et elever par sa belle mere qui lui mene la vie difficile et accorde toute l'attention a sa propre fille princesse,d'ou anita est mise a part.Mais fred amoureux d'anita mais sa belle mere s;occupe a leur union pour que sa fille princesse l'epouse,a la fin anita fini par epouser fred et furent heureux..Souscrivez sil vous plait sur La Samba Africaine TV en cliquant sur ce lien: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCXXq0-yn9EVizv7wIRartMw To watch Free 5Star Movies, Nollywood,Ghallywood African Films And Movies, please subscribe to La Samba Africaine TV by clicking on this link: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCXXq0-yn9EVizv7wIRartMw Merci pour votre souscriptions aux meilleurs Films Africains 5etoiles, ces Films 5 etoiles vous...
Ce film parle de la vie d'une jeune fille du nom de nkem qui etant orpheline de mere a ete adopter par la femme de son pere,elle est maltraiter de toutes les manieres par sa belle mere jusqu'au jour ou son pere meurt,cette lui chasse de la maison.Mais comme jesus est seigneur nkem tombe sur un homme riche et fait d'elle sa femme.un jour nkem rencontre la femme de son pere qui avait une air palle..Souscrivez sil vous plait sur La Samba Africaine TV en cliquant sur ce lien: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCXXq0-yn9EVizv7wIRartMw To watch Free 5Star Movies, Nollywood,Ghallywood African Films And Movies, please subscribe to La Samba Africaine TV by clicking on this link: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCXXq0-yn9EVizv7wIRartMw Merci pour votre souscriptions aux meilleurs Films Africains 5et...
Ce film parle des realites du mariage lorsqu'il ya des moments de joies et de peines.......Souscrivez sil vous plait sur La Samba Africaine TV en cliquant sur ce lien: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCXXq0-yn9EVizv7wIRartMw To watch Free 5Star Movies, Nollywood,Ghallywood African Films And Movies, please subscribe to La Samba Africaine TV by clicking on this link: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCXXq0-yn9EVizv7wIRartMw Merci pour votre souscriptions aux meilleurs Films Africains 5etoiles, ces Films 5 etoiles vous feront sans doute plaisir ,regarder des Films 5 etoiles en famille. .Offert par La Samba Africaine TV Brought to you by La Samba Africaine TV
Princesse natasha de retour au palais apres un long en etranger est joyeuse de rencontrer ses parents,mais elle apprend que sa mere biologique est morte il y a tres longtemps,une histoire qu'elle n'arrive pas a croire.Ravissante et humble de son etat,elle convoiter par tous les hommes, par decu tous les combats par lesquels la princesse traverse et son pere traverse,ils ont la victoire. La princesse natasha rencontre son ame soeur et sont heureux. Souscrivez sil vous plait sur La Samba Africaine TV en cliquant sur ce lien: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCXXq0-yn9EVizv7wIRartMw To watch Free 5Star Movies, Nollywood,Ghallywood African Films And Movies, please subscribe to La Samba Africaine TV by clicking on this link: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCXXq0-yn9EVizv7wIRartMw Merci pour ...
Ceci est un film Nigérian Nollywood Ghallywood en Francais Gratuit,'' L amour dans le couple ,est fort lorsque les deux partie s entendent meme dans les moment difficiles,ce film presente l infidelite conjuguale du a un harcelement subit par le mari et d une vengeance farouche venant de la femme Action movies, erotic movies, blue movies, sex movies, adult movies, 18+ movies movies 2015 full movies, new movies 2015, movies 2015 action, movies 2015 and 2015, movies 2015 best, movies 2015 nollywood, full movies, movies 2015, action movies, action movies 2015, action movies 2015 full movie english,action movies 2015 hd,new action movies 2015, new action movies 2015 full movie english, full action movies,full movies online, smith disgust, hd movies, hindi dubbed, hindi dubbed movies hd, acti...
Ce film raconte l'histoire d'un jeune homme du nom de Hamza qui est amoureux d'une fille Aïcha mais ses parents sont contre se mariage. Ils lui propose plutôt une princesse d'un autre émirat ce qui change en aucun ses sentiments envers Aïcha .cette dernière fut enlever et capturer par les esclavagistes,Hamza quitte l’émirat et renonce a son heritage pour rejoindre Aïcha. La princesse au courant decide de retourner chez son père mais la reine s'oppose a son depart parce cela va crée la guerre. En suite par son voyage dans le desert a la recherche de sa bien aimer. Pendant tout ce temps la princesse a l'emire était malheureuse au point ou cela a été rapporter a ses parents qu'elle a été maltraiter et desceller par le prince.ses parents ont demander a la faire rentrer ou si ce n' es le ca...
Ce film parle de deux jeunes thompson et priscilla qui se sont aimes tres jeunes et ont fonde leur vie,ils ont tous construits leur vie,avenir ensemble et se sont maries.mais beaucoup de personnes etaient jaloux de leur union d'ou on a chercher a les separer et cela a bien au point ou thompson a chasser sa femme de la maison a cause du manque d'infidelite et prendre une autre du nom everlyn.mais apres cela sa vie a chavirer,comme jesus est seigneur thompson a reprit sa femme priscilla et la paix est revenu..Souscrivez sil vous plait sur La Samba Africaine TV en cliquant sur ce lien: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCXXq0-yn9EVizv7wIRartMw To watch Free 5Star Movies, Nollywood,Ghallywood African Films And Movies, please subscribe to La Samba Africaine TV by clicking on this link: https://w...
Ce film parle d'une jeune fille du nom d'anita orpheline de pere et elever par sa belle mere qui lui mene la vie difficile et accorde toute l'attention a sa propre fille princesse,d'ou anita est mise a part.Mais fred amoureux d'anita mais sa belle mere s;occupe a leur union pour que sa fille princesse l'epouse,a la fin anita fini par epouser fred et furent heureuxSouscrivez sil vous plait sur La Samba Africaine TV en cliquant sur ce lien: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCXXq0-yn9EVizv7wIRartMw To watch Free 5Star Movies, Nollywood,Ghallywood African Films And Movies, please subscribe to La Samba Africaine TV by clicking on this link: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCXXq0-yn9EVizv7wIRartMw Merci pour votre souscriptions aux meilleurs Films Africains 5etoiles, ces Films 5 etoiles vous f...
While some places are on this list due to armed conflicts and violence, other places are on the list thanks to physical or biological calamities. Regardless of the reasons, the one thing all of these places have in common is that most western governments do not advise travel to them unless it is absolutely necessary. These are the 25 most dangerous places to visit as a tourist. Also, before we continue, just remember, being on this list doesn't necessarily mean the entire country is bad to visit (although it can). Just make sure to check on regional travel warnings. Follow us on: Twitter: https://twitter.com/list25 Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/list25 Website: http://list25.com Instagram: https://instagram.com/list25/ Pinterest: https://www.pinterest.com/list25/ Check out the physic...
http://www.lightbeampro.com "Exploring Niger" is a 29 minute documentary shot in Niger, West Africa in 2005. Niger's beautiful landscapes, wide diversity of cultures, and exotic wildlife make it the perfect off-the-beaten-path" destination for adventurous travelers. "Exploring Niger" is being distributed by Chip Taylor Communications at www.chiptaylor.com http://www.lightbeampro.com
November 2015 I had the opportunity to travel to Niger, Africa with an incredible team of 18. As I returned home I had the privilege of creating a feature story on my trip for my TV class to share with my high school. As you watch this story from my heart I pray that you would be opened to the beautiful people of Niger and that you would partner with me in prayer for a flowing river of eternal life throughout this country and that souls would be saved for the Good News of our wonderful Savior, Jesus. Thank you for taking the time to watch this. Much love, Hannah
We all got movements
"Exploring Niger" is a 29 minute documentary about Niger, West Africa produced by Light Beam Production - Minnesota www.lightbeampro.com Niger's beautiful landscapes, wide diversity of cultures, and exotic wildlife make it the perfect off-the-beaten-path" destination for adventurous travelers. Distributed by www.chiptaylor.com
Viaje Sur de Argelia / Niger (Diciembre 2006 / Enero 2007) - Parte 1/2 - Tamanrasset (Algeria) - Assekrem - In Guezzam - Assamakka (Niger) - Arlit - Iferouane (Festival del Aïr) - Tîmia - Ténéré © Vicente Méndez 2008 Visita la página web de fotos de viaje http://www.vicentemendez.com Música: My hope is in you - Youssou N'Dour Melha - Khaled ANA NA MING - SALIF KEITA Liggeey - Youssou N'Dour Sahra - Khaled Wahrane, Wahrane - Various Artists Gomni - Ali Farka Touré, Toumani Diabaté Debe - Ali Farka Touré, Toumani Diabaté Ouelli El Darek - Khaled Hoy Igual Que Ayer - Niña Pastori Wiri-Wiri - Youssou N'Dour M'Bifo - Rokia Traore Sanvean (Live remastered) - DEAD CAN DANCE
Mali: An Invitation to Travel is a video documentary which presents a positive yet not uncritical introduction to the history, economics and culture of Mali. It aims to fill the void between the lack of information and the misinformation currently available about Africa in general and about Mali in particular. The project was initiated by members of MaliWatch (a group that promotes democracy and openness) including Abdoulaye Doucoure, Janet Goldner, Mohomoudou Houssouba, Boubacar Kane, Iba Ndiaye, and Bakary Sylla. It was produced and edited in Bamako with additional archival footage. A co-production of MaliWatch and CNCM (Le Centre National de la Cinématographie du Mali).