- published: 08 Sep 2013
- views: 8114
A geographic coordinate system is a coordinate system that enables every location on the Earth to be specified by a set of numbers or letters, or symbols. The coordinates are often chosen such that one of the numbers represents vertical position, and two or three of the numbers represent horizontal position. A common choice of coordinates is latitude, longitude and elevation.
To specify a location on a two-dimensional map requires a map projection.
The invention of a geographic coordinate system is generally credited to Eratosthenes of Cyrene, who composed his now-lost Geography at the Library of Alexandria in the 3rd century BC. A century later, Hipparchus of Nicaea improved upon his system by determining latitude from stellar measurements rather than solar altitude and determining longitude by using simultaneous timing of lunar eclipses, rather than dead reckoning. In the 1st or 2nd century, Marinus of Tyre compiled an extensive gazetteer and mathematically-plotted world map, using coordinates measured east from a Prime Meridian at the Fortunate Isles of western Africa and measured north or south of the island of Rhodes off Asia Minor. Ptolemy credited him with the full adoption of longitude and latitude, rather than measuring latitude in terms of the length of the midsummer day. Ptolemy's 2nd-century Geography used the same Prime Meridian but measured latitude from the equator instead. After their work was translated into Arabic in the 9th century, Al-Khwārizmī's Book of the Description of the Earth corrected Marinus and Ptolemy's errors regarding the length of the Mediterranean Sea, causing medieval Arabic cartography to use a Prime Meridian around 10° east of Ptolemy's line. Mathematical cartography resumed in Europe following Maximus Planudes's recovery of Ptolemy's text a little before 1300; the text was translated into Latin at Florence by Jacobus Angelus around 1407.
In geometry, a coordinate system is a system which uses one or more numbers, or coordinates, to uniquely determine the position of a point or other geometric element on a manifold such as Euclidean space. The order of the coordinates is significant and they are sometimes identified by their position in an ordered tuple and sometimes by a letter, as in "the x-coordinate". The coordinates are taken to be real numbers in elementary mathematics, but may be complex numbers or elements of a more abstract system such as a commutative ring. The use of a coordinate system allows problems in geometry to be translated into problems about numbers and vice versa; this is the basis of analytic geometry.
The simplest example of a coordinate system is the identification of points on a line with real numbers using the number line. In this system, an arbitrary point O (the origin) is chosen on a given line. The coordinate of a point P is defined as the signed distance from O to P, where the signed distance is the distance taken as positive or negative depending on which side of the line P lies. Each point is given a unique coordinate and each real number is the coordinate of a unique point.
A prime meridian is a meridian (a line of longitude) in a geographical coordinate system at which longitude is defined to be 0°. Together, a prime meridian and its antimeridian (the 180th meridian in a 360°-system) form a great circle. This great circle divides the sphere, e.g., the Earth, into two hemispheres. If one uses directions of East and West from a defined prime meridian, then they can be called Eastern Hemisphere and Western Hemisphere.
A prime meridian is ultimately arbitrary, unlike an equator, which is determined by the axis of rotation—and various conventions have been used or advocated in different regions and throughout history.
The notion of longitude was developed by the Greek Eratosthenes (c. 276 BC – c. 195 BC) in Alexandria and Hipparchus (c. 190 BC – c. 120 BC) in Rhodes and applied to a large number of cities by the geographer Strabo (64/63 BC – c. 24 AD). But it was Ptolemy (c. AD 90 – c. AD 168) who first used a consistent meridian for a world map in his Geographia.
Geographic Coordinate System
How to read Latitude and Longitude coordinates
04a GIS: Understanding Coordinate Systems
Coordinate System Jargon: geoid, datum, projection
Intro to coordinate systems and UTM projection
Geographic coordinate system - Video Learning - WizScience.com
How Do GPS Coordinates Work?
Coordinate Systems: Latitude and Longitude
How to read Latitude and Longitude Coordinates
Mapwork: coordinates
Geographic coordinate system
Geographic coordinate system
Change Projection - Coordinate System in ArcMap
Geographic and Projected coordinate in GIS || Map Projection in GIS
Geographic Coordinate System (GCS)
Projected Coordinate Systems
What Is The Geographic Coordinate System?
Mathematics and Geography: Geographic coordinate conversion, from minutes and seconds to decimals.
ArcMap 21 - الفرق بين projected and geographic coordinate system
Cartography Review - 02 Geographic Coordinates
Latitude and longitude is a coordinate system that is used for locating any place on the globe. Key terms covered include the Equator, Tropics of Cancer and Capricorn, Arctic & Antarctic Circles, the Prime Meridian (Greenwich), the antipodal meridian, the northern hemisphere, southern hemisphere, the western hemisphere and the eastern hemisphere., Globe images of the Earth are adapted from NASA World Wind.
An overview to understand coordinate systems in GIS. Summarizing Chapter 4 of Using GIS for Wildland Search and Rescue for Columbia College, CA GIS classes.
The road to choosing custom projections is not paved with sundrops and lilies. It is time to start learning the nuts and bolts of coordinate systems. Minute Markers: -0:27- Geodesy, the geoid. -1:10- Ellipsoid, geographic coordinate system. -2:09- Can't effectively measure with ellipsoid. -3:21- Planar coordinate system. -3:49- Geodetic datums. -5:41- Projections. -6:47- REMEMBER this, degrees vs. linear units. -7:10- Three types of projections. -7:32- Recap. All images included are in the public domain, though the geoid image was originally created here I believe (correct me if I'm wrong): http://www.esa.int/spaceinimages/Images/2004/10/The_Earth_s_gravity_field_geoid_as_it_will_be_seen_by_GOCE
A "geographic coordinate system" is a coordinate system that enables every location on the Earth to be specified by a set of numbers or letters. The coordinates are often chosen such that one of the numbers represents vertical position, and two or three of the numbers represent horizontal position. A common choice of coordinates is latitude, longitude and elevation. To specify a location on a two-dimensional map requires a map projection. The invention of a geographic coordinate system is generally credited to Eratosthenes of Cyrene, who composed his now-lost "Geography" at the Library of Alexandria in the 3rd century BC. A century later, Hipparchus of Nicaea improved upon his system by determining latitude from stellar measurements rather than solar altitude and determining longitud...
So you’ve seen those location-tagging numbers on maps and GPS devices before, but do you actually know what they mean? Brainstuff is here to fill you in. Learn more at HowStuffWorks.com: http://electronics.howstuffworks.com/gadgets/travel/gps.htm Subscribe: http://goo.gl/ZYI7Gt Visit our site: http://www.brainstuffshow.com SOURCES: https://www2.usgs.gov/faq/categories/9794/3022 http://maps.nationalgeographic.com/downloads/Map_Skills_Booklet.pdf https://www.britannica.com/place/Greenwich-meridian http://astro.unl.edu/naap/motion1/tc_units.html https://pubs.usgs.gov/fs/2001/0077/report.pdf https://www.fcc.gov/media/radio/dms-decimal
This animation illustrates that standard way of describing a location on the earth's spherical surface using latitude and longitude. The zero points for these coordinates arise from the rotation of the earth (a physical phenomena which determines the north and south poles and the equator) and Greenwich, England (a historical/political choice).
Latitude and longitude is a coordinate system that is used for locating any place on the globe. Key terms covered include the Equator, Tropics of Cancer and Capricorn, Arctic & Antarctic Circles, the Prime Meridian (Greenwich), the antipodal meridian, the northern hemisphere, southern hemisphere, the western hemisphere and the eastern hemisphere. The music in this video was used with permission by Kerin Gedge https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lqDQ-j28Tss Globe images of the Earth are adapted from NASA World Wind.
Mapping skills: Alphanumeric reference and coordinates explained! Grades 7-12.
A geographic coordinate system is a coordinate system that enables every location on the Earth to be specified by a set of numbers or letters. The coordinates are often chosen such that one of the numbers represents vertical position, and two or three of the numbers represent horizontal position. A common choice of coordinates is latitude, longitude and elevation. This video is targeted to blind users. Attribution: Article text available under CC-BY-SA Creative Commons image source in video
A geographic coordinate system is a coordinate system that enables every location on the Earth to be specified by a set of numbers or letters, or symbols. The coordinates are often chosen such that one of the numbers represents vertical position, and two or three of the numbers represent horizontal position. A common choice of coordinates is latitude, longitude and elevation. To specify a location on a two-dimensional map requires a map projection. The invention of a geographic coordinate system is generally credited to Eratosthenes of Cyrene, who composed his now-lost Geography at the Library of Alexandria in the 3rd century BC. A century later, Hipparchus of Nicaea improved upon his system by determining latitude from stellar measurements rather than solar altitude and determin...
This video illustrates how to change the map projection from one to another
This tutorial is about Geographic and projected Coordinates system, introduction of GCS in detail as Latitudes (parallels lines), Longitudes (Meridians lines), Datum, map Projection., UTM coordinate system. Map projection in GIS practical example is included in the tutorial. Hope you will find it best for learning. A geographic coordinate system (GCS) uses a three-dimensional spherical surface to define locations on the earth. A GCS is often incorrectly called a datum, but a datum is only one part of a GCS. A GCS includes an angular unit of measure, a prime meridian, and a datum (based on a spheroid).
Geographic Coordinates, Spheroids and Horizonal Datums. Converting from Degrees, Minutes, Seconds in excel to Decimal Degrees. Making a point event layer of GCS location from excel spreadsheet.
A coordinate system used for locating any point on the surface of a sphere or spheroid is essential map projection. The unit of measure is usually decimal degrees. Arcgis about geographic coordinate systems. And many gps users never a geographic coordinate system is three dimensional reference that locates points on the earth's surface. In each coordinate system, geographic locations or features are described mathematically using apr 1, 2013 map projections allow us to convert from sphere planar (flat) representation. It provides scientists with a means by geographic coordinate system uses three dimensional spherical surface to determine locations on the earth. A point has two coordinate values latitude and longitude. Googleusercontent search. A gcs is often incorrectly called a datum, but...
Part one of Mathematics and Geography. This video will show how to convert a geographic coordinate from minutes/seconds format to decimal format #Mathematics #Geography #geographiccoordinates #latitude #longitude
SCGIS Webinar Series Presenter: John Schaeffer, Juniper GIS This presentation will take the mystery out of projections, coordinate systems, and datums. We’ll start with an overview of coordinate system terminology and concepts, and then specifically discuss how these concepts and issues apply to GIS and also how to apply this knowledge correctly in ArcGIS. This presentation is useful for anyone working with GIS or GPS, and is especially useful for people who need to understand how to work with coordinate systems and projecting data in ArcGIS. John Schaeffer is the lead instructor for Juniper GIS Services and has over 24 years experience working with and teaching GIS to a wide variety of audiences. John has also been the lead instructor for the SCGIS Scholars program for several years...
What are coordinate systems? What should I know about vertical coordinate systems? Why should I care about geographic (datum) and vertical transformations? The software just handles them automatically, doesn’t it? Presented by Bojan Savric and Robert Juergens
The National Weather Service and the National Geospatial Agency coordinated five sessions of GIS training in January and February 2013. This video is from Session 2-GIS-Coordinate Systems, Datums, and Projections.
In this class Dr. Manishika will explain the concept of direction, coordinate system, latitude, longitude, time calculations and time zones. These are the very fundamentals to understand mapping and projections. F IAS Mains Geography optional postal course visit - http://www.examrace.com/IAS/IAS-FlexiPrep-Program/Postal-Courses/Examrace-IAS-Geography-Series.htm For Maps and locations books click here - http://www.examrace.com/IAS/IAS-FlexiPrep-Program/Postal-Courses/Examrace-IAS-Geography-Maps-Series.htm CBSE NET Geography optional postal course visit - http://www.examrace.com/CBSE-UGC-NET/CBSE-UGC-NET-FlexiPrep-Program/Postal-Courses/Examrace-CBSE-UGC-NET-Geography-Series.htm
Subject: Geology Paper: Remote sensing and GIS Module: Map projection, coordinate system and datum Content Writer: Asif
Many may refuse to believe it but the coordinate Systems , Navigation, GPS do actually work with a 2 dimensional grid System (with the Surface of earth divided in equal squares including at arctic and antarctic Areas) that is based on a square flat surface.The earth has no geographic poles.The international coordinate System is based on a square earth...what more to say? Not believing in the earth being a flat and square plain is not believing in Navigation devices, GPS and in coordinates ...since they all have a square earth as their base do Research -Coordinate systems -international mapping systems -Geographic Information System(GIS) -Military Refference Grid System(MGRS) -United States National Grid(USNG) the earth is square ..we are in a space loop
A in-depth explanation and illustration of the Universal Transverse Mercator (UTM) grid. This map grid is often used by backpackers and cross-country trekkers. It is the grid of choice for land navigation. Like this video? If so, you'll want to see my online video course in land navigation. It has around four hours of step-by-step instruction to help you find your way over land. We'll start from the very beginning, and go through some pretty sophisticated techniques. To read more about my course, and to link to it, see this page on my web site: http://www.land-navigation.com/land-navigation-course.html
In this video I walk us through pulling coordinates from a USGS 1:24000 map.
Spatial Referencing System (Map Projection and Coordinate System) with ArcGIS 10.1
more at http://search.quickfound.net/map_search_and_news.html "Features and use of lensatic compass in map orientation, in finding direction and location, and in land navigation, by day and night." US Army training film TF5-3721 Basic Map Reading Part IV Reupload of a previously uploaded film with improved video & sound. Public domain film from the US National Archives, slightly cropped to remove uneven edges, with the aspect ratio corrected, and one-pass brightness-contrast-color correction & mild video noise reduction applied. The soundtrack was also processed with volume normalization, noise reduction, clipping reduction, and/or equalization (the resulting sound, though not perfect, is far less noisy than the original). US Army Field Manual FM 3-25.26 MAP READING AND LAND NAVIGATIO...
Xtra Geography: In this lesson we take a close look at GIS and Map Projections as well as take a look at x-ample questions and x-ercises. ( E00184789 )
A video lecture designed for teaching at the Rochester Institute of Technology (RIT). For questions, comments and more information, contact: Brian Tomaszewski, Ph.D. Department of Information Sciences & Technologies Rochester Institute of Technology Rochester, NY 14623, USA bmtski@rit.edu http://people.rit.edu/bmtski/ v1.0 – Fall 2014
http://EPSG.io/ allows searching in a global database of spatial reference systems, datums, ellipsoids and projections to identify transformation parameters required for a software to correctly handle the geographic location in a known coordinate system. This presentation shows various functions of the search system and demonstrates how to use it efficiently to discover and identify the right coordinate system, transform the sample coordinates online, pick a position on a map, convert units, etc. It is possible to export definitions of coordinate systems in various formats, including WKT, OGC GML, XML, Proj.4, SQL or JS and directly use these in all compatible systems such as Proj4JS and OpenLayers or PostGIS. The whole system is open-source with the code on GitHub, in the background it ...
Trent University Geog2090 Lab 2, Part A Introduction to Geographic Information Systems Page 38-55 in Introduction to GIS 2017 Fall Lab Manual Feel free to ask questions in the comments
In geography, latitude is a geographic coordinate that specifies the north-south position of a point on the Earth's surface. Latitude is an angle which ranges from 0° at the Equator to 90° at the poles. Lines of constant latitude, or parallels, run east--west as circles parallel to the equator. Latitude is used together with longitude to specify the precise location of features on the surface of the Earth. Two levels of abstraction are employed in the definition of these coordinates. In the first step the physical surface is modelled by the geoid, a surface which approximates the mean sea level over the oceans and its continuation under the land masses. The second step is to approximate the geoid by a mathematically simpler reference surface. The simplest choice for the reference surfac...
Create a custom projection in ArcMAP using false eastings/northings and a self-defined central meridian.