- published: 11 Sep 2015
- views: 2040
A pseudonym (UK pronunciation: /ˈsjuːdənɪm/ SYOO-də-nim and US pronunciation: /ˈsuːdənɪm/ SOO-də-nim) is a name that a person or group assumes for a particular purpose, which can differ from his or her original or true name (orthonym). Pseudonyms include stage names and user names (both called screen names), ring names, pen names, nicknames, aliases, superhero identities and code names, gamer identifications, and regnal names of emperors, popes, and other monarchs. Historically, they have often taken the form of anagrams, Graecisms, and Latinisations, although there are many other methods of choosing a pseudonym.
Pseudonyms are most usually adopted to hide an individual's real identity, as with writers' pen names, graffiti artists' tags, resistance fighters' or terrorists' noms de guerre, and computer hackers' handles. Actors, musicians, and other performers sometimes use stage names, for example, to mask their ethnic backgrounds.
In some cases, pseudonyms are adopted because they are part of a cultural or organisational tradition: for example devotional names used by members of some religious institutes, and "cadre names" used by Communist party leaders such as Trotsky and Lenin.
The Battle of Badr (Arabic: غزوة بدر), fought on Tuesday, 13 March 624 CE (17 Ramadan, 2 AH in the Islamic calendar) in the Hejaz region of western Arabia (present-day Saudi Arabia), was a key battle in the early days of Islam and a turning point in Muhammad's struggle with his opponents among the Quraish in Mecca. The battle has been passed down in Islamic history as a decisive victory attributable to divine intervention, or by secular sources to the strategic genius of Muhammad. It is one of the few battles specifically mentioned in the Quran. Most contemporary knowledge of the battle at Badr comes from traditional Islamic accounts, both hadiths and biographies of Muhammad, recorded in written form some time after the battle.
Prior to the battle, the Muslims and the Meccans had fought several smaller skirmishes in late 623 and early 624. Badr, however, was the first large-scale engagement between the two forces. Advancing to a strong defensive position, Muhammad's well-disciplined force broke the Meccan lines, killing several important Quraishi leaders including the Muslims' chief antagonist Abu Jahl. For the early Muslims the battle was the first sign that they might eventually defeat their enemies among the Meccans. Mecca at that time was one of the richest and most powerful cities in Arabia, fielding an army three times larger than that of the Muslims. The Muslim victory also signaled to the other tribes that a new power had arisen in Arabia and strengthened Muhammad's position as leader of the often fractious community in Medina.
Also Known As (feat. Kirklandd) - The Setup (Official Video)
Also Known As - Spit Syndicate
Sasquatch Chronicles 2017 // See Atch Also Known As A Child Snatcher
HIMTB-Also Known As Ft. Young Remedy, G-Val & AkaFrank
Also Known As Jihadi | Éric Baudelaire | Exposition | Centre Pompidou
Trove Winter Login Rewards! - Shadow Ganda, also known as Yabaki, the Cast Shadow!
This theme park ride is also known as MARRIAGE... | Family Feud
SLAP THAT FLY (Also Known As Taurtis)
Diga Logo Also Known As 'Adi Halo" Dam, #Eritrea
Also Known As AKA
The Orion Nebula (also known as Messier 42, M42, or NGC 1976
The incredible story of the Loess Plateau also known as the Green wall of China
Zemer Atik (Also Known as Nigun Atik) - Gustavo Bulgach
Afroman - crazy rap also known as colt 45
Muhammad Ali in "a.k.a. (also known as) Cassius Clay"
Law of One also known as the The Ra Material with Jim McCarty 2017
Picea wilsonii Also known as Wilson's Spruce
Islamic War - Battle of Badr also known as Gazwa-e-Badr.
The Artist Also Known As (Coone) - Eating Donuts (Original)(Full Version)
Also Known As (feat. Kirklandd) - The Setup Music video. https://www.facebook.com/AlsoKnownAsOfficial?fref=ts https://soundcloud.com/alsoknownassound
Song: Also Known As Artist: Spit Syndicate Album: Sunday Gentlemen Year: 2013 Check out my channel for more graffiti tracks!
Sasquatch Chronicles 2017 // See Atch Also Known As A Child Snatcher Join us every Sunday night at 5pm PST as we discuss recent Sasquatch sightings, encounters and talk to Bigfoot eye witnesses. People are seeing something in the woods and there are too many reports for this too be ignored. Listen as we talk to researchers, witnesses and investigators to unravel the mystery of Bigfoot. Every week we will also bring you the latest Bigfoot news and information.
HIMTB Hey I Made This Beat Vol.1 (2016) Thank You For Stopping By My Channel! If You Enjoy New & Classic Bay Slappz... Then This is The Channel For You!!! ItsDaBay Is The Latest & Greatest Bay Area Underground Music Channel & More... Subscribe Comment Like & Share!!! For Any Song Requests Hit Me On My Kik! ItsDaBay: http://www.youtube.com/c/ItsDaBay Twitter: https://twitter.com/ItsDaBay Kik: http://kik.me/ItsDaBay DISCLAIMER: I DO NOT CLAIM OR OWN ANY RIGHTS TO THIS MUSIC! THEY ARE OWNED BY THEIR RESPECTIVE OWNERS! I AM A FAN & I POST THESE TO MAKE THE ARTIST MORE WELL KNOWN. IF ANY DISTRIBUTER OR RECORD LABEL WANTS ME TO REMOVE ANY MUSIC, I WOULD GLADLY DO SO! ALL I ASK IS TO NOT HAVE MY CHANNEL SUSPENDED! Promotional Use Only!
Du 6 au 18 septembre 2017 : Éric Baudelaire, Après : un film, une exposition, des rencontres. Extrait du film Also Known As Jihadi. Le projet APRÈS réunit une exposition et une programmation quotidienne de rencontres. Le dernier film d’Éric Baudelaire, Also Known As Jihadi (101 min, 2017), exposé pour la première fois en France, est au cœur de ce dispositif. Projection quotidienne dans l'exposition à 11h, 13h, 15h et 17h. http://bit.ly/baudelaire-expo
Logging into Trove and adventuring through its vast worlds is its own reward – but, on top of that reward are a stack of new ones! Winter Extravaganza Daily Login Rewards Login every day between now and Monday, December 18 to receive free loot! December 12 – 10 Dragon Coins December 13 – 7 Chaos Chests December 14 – 3 Bound Brilliance December 15 – 1 Empowered Gem Box December 16 – 1 Ninth Life December 17 – 5 Lapis Luckbugs December 18 – 3 Booster Boxes Previous Episode: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tR_4ZAjJV40 Also, don't forget to hit the like button and subscribe to my channel if you love this kind of content. Please add me on my social. Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/terrpacYT/ Twitter: https://twitter.com/terrpac Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/terrpac/?hl=en Disc...
Name an amusement park ride you could compare to marriage... SUBSCRIBE: http://bit.ly/FamilyFeudSub PLAY FAMILY FEUD LIVE: Android: http://ludia.gg/FFLAndroid iOS: http://ludia.gg/FFLiOS Visit our NEW STORE: manicmerch.com/familyfeud FACEBOOK: facebook.com/FamilyFeud INSTAGRAM: instagram.com/familyfeud TWITTER: twitter.com/FamilyFeud WEBSITE: familyfeud.com
SLAP THAT FLY (Also Known As Taurtis) Today we're not playing minecraft, but a silly little game called slap the fly! It's kind of like who's your daddy but with a man and a fly... Pretty fun!! Let me know what you think - I edited this video a bit differently! Taurtis: https://www.youtube.com/user/Taurtis Official GRIAN Store: https://grianmc.com/ Follow me! - Twitter: https://twitter.com/GrianMC - Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/GrianMC - Twitch: http://www.twitch.tv/Grianmc - Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/grianmc/ -Powered by Chillblast: Chillblast.com
Expected to hold 30 million cubic meter water and would be useful to Asmara and agricultural efforts around the region, which has been dry and stricken with drought. Water is life and food security is "too big to fail" in Eritrea; hence it has an utmost priority.
Visit ALSO KNOWN AS @ http://www.alsoknownasla.net/ Full Album Available on ITUNES https://itunes.apple.com/us/album/proper-villains/id525129424 Visit us @ http://www.reverbnation.com/alsoknownaslosangeles https://www.facebook.com/alsoknownasla https://twitter.com/alsoknownasla http://instagram.com/alsoknownasla Also Known As promotional video Interviews by Jesse Russell Brooks Special Thanks to: The Dragon Fly - Hollywood Ca, The Beauty Bar - Las Vegas NV Mr E Brains, Ohana Tree, RisingSons Independent Wreckon Clothing, and Analog Dive,
The Orion Nebula (also known as Messier 42, M42, or NGC 1976
The Lessons of the Loess Plateau shows how an ancient civilization failed because they degraded their ecosystem functions. This parallels many if not all of the original cradles of civilization. But recently the Chinese people are showing that it is possible to rehabilitate large-scale damaged ecosystems. It's also known as the Green wall of China
Afroman Cool and classy- colt 45 Crazy rap Crazy rap also known as colt 45 and 2 zig zags is a rap single recorded by the rapper afroman, and was added to his greatest hits album "Afrolicious mix"
This 1970 documentary about Muhammad Ali was directed by Jim Jacobs and produced by Bill Cayton. It features Richard Kiley and Cus D'Amato.
Guest: Jim McCarty Website: http://www.llresearch.org Book: https://goo.gl/EN66hf The transcript of your interview with Jim is now published on ll Research archive website: http://www.llresearch.org/interviews/interview_2017_0714.aspx James McCarty was born in 1947 in Kearney, Nebraska. After receiving an undergraduate degrees from the University of Nebraska at Kearney and a masters of science in Early Childhood Education from the University of Florida, Jim moved to a piece of wilderness in Marion County, Kentucky, in 1974 to build his own log cabin in the woods, and to develop a self-sufficient lifestyle. For the next six years, he was in almost complete retreat. He founded the Rock Creek Research and Development Laboratories in 1977 to further his teaching efforts. After experiment...
The Battle of Badr,The greatest victory of Islam,taken place at 17 Ramjan ,Friday 2 AH as per Islamic calelder.The Meccan marched with well equipped army of 1000 men 100 horses,700 camels while Muslims were 313 ill equipped man including old and boys on 70 camels and few horses.Led by the Prophet (pbuh) the Muslims marched forwad and made great victory.The Battle of Badr strenghtened the Muslim's ststus in Arabia.
"Eating Donuts" by The Artist Also Known As aka Coone
This nickname reminds one of the many lakes in Minnesota. In fact, there are 11,842 lakes that are 10 acres or more. Depending on ones definition of a lake, we have seen numbers as high as 15,000. Minnesotas license plates display the legend "10,000 Lakes." Geography of minnesota is the most northerly all states (reaching lat. Mint's bicentennial commemorative quarter for minnesota) minnesota is also known as the 'bread and butter state' because of its numerous flourmills another nickname state 'land 10,000 lakes nov 17, 2015. Travel leisure called jan 27, 2015 here in minnesota, our official motto is the star of north, while we're also known as land 10,000 lakes. In fact, there are 11,842 lakes that 10 acres or more statehood may 11, 1858 (32th); Origin of state's name based on the 'land ...
Most regimes used burma in their version of the country was closed off from outside world as new despot promoted an isolation ideology based on what he called burmese way to socialism. The burmese government 7 apr 2017 burma, the 'golden land,' is a mostly buddhist country whose history can be traced back to neolithic era. Just what is in a name? Without so much as by your leave from the people, they announced that burma was going to be known myanmar english now on officially, and it would at 19 nov 2012 us president barack obama sidesteps political storm referring former pariah both. The official english name was changed by the country's 26 sep 2007 protest marches in burma have entered a ninth day. Myanmar is bordered by india and bangladesh to its west, thailand laos east china north no...
This is a real-life example of the new global phenomenon known as "Gang Stalking" "Gangstalking is an umbrella term describing a series of techniques utilized by a group to instill mental instability within a victim with the intent to discredit, sabotage, harass, extort and even drive a victim to suicide. A victim of gangstalking can have their reputation, credibility, careers, relationships and entire life put into ruins." Gang stalking is slang term used to describe a harassment protocol that is enforced 24/7 and consists of: covert and overt photography, stalking and following, illegal and intrusive surveillance, smear campaigns and tactics, intimidation and threats, color harassment, mobbing, crowding, etc... anyone can engage in this protocol, the many testimonials online can be used...
A huge part of Irish tradition, the delicious stouts, ales and lagers of Ireland have become staple items at most St. Patricks Day celebrations around the world. With flavorful beers from brands like Harp, Murphys, Guinness, theres a notable Irish brew for all types of beer lovers . Ireland is well known as a drinker's paradise, much like many other surrounding european countries. How beer and whiskey became irish specialities thejournal. 29 oct 2013 matt molloy is the flautist in the chieftains, one of ireland's most successful groups, so, unsurprisingly, his pub is known for its trad music nights as well as its pints. The extent of this trade can be deduced from the statistics for 11 jun 2014 discussions irish beer usually begin and end with one word guinness. Ireland craft beer in irela...
In this video I want to explain why this is the only piece of equipment of it's kind that you should use and if you;d like to become a trainer then please visit our web-site here: http://www.nfps.info/handcuff-trainer
In 1520 three ships commanded by Ferdinand Magellan (1480?–1521) sailed out of the stormy passage of the strait at the southern tip of South America into the Pacific Ocean and named it the peaceful, calm, quiet ocean. Popular the pacific or peaceful ocean notes from field blogs. The pacific ocean is the largest. With this area, the pacific ocean covers in terms of its geology, area encompassing is sometimes called ring fire. Pacific ocean wikipedia. The ocean is also where the deepest point on earth lies. Southern ocean map the southern ocean, also known as antarctic is an enormous body of water that surrounds entire continent antarctica and reaches australia end south america. Pacific ocean united states american history. The ocean was often called the sea of magellan in his honor until e...
NGC 5256 also known as Markarian 266 A riot of colour and light dances through this peculiarly shaped galaxy, NGC 5256. Its smoke-like plumes are flung out in all directions and the bright core illuminates the chaotic regions of gas and dust swirling through the galaxy’s centre. Its odd structure is due to the fact that this is not one galaxy, but two — in the process of a galactic collision. NGC 5256, also known as Markarian 266, is about 350 million light-years away from Earth, in the constellation of Ursa Major (The Great Bear). It is composed of two disc galaxies whose nuclei are currently just 13, 000 light-years apart. Their constituent gas, dust, and stars are swirling together in a vigorous cosmic blender, igniting newborn stars in bright star formation regions across the g...
comedy reasons
This is my room which I will be turning into a weather radio lab. But here it is before. Also contest ends tomorrow. Have a nice day
Koi Dwarf Parrot - (Cirrhilabrus solorensis) also known as a Red Head Solon Fairy Wrasse... We've not often seen a school of Koi Dwarf Parrot fish … but they look amazing together! Who has this very friendly and smart fish in their aquarium?
Ingredient 2lb all purpose flour 1 pinch baking powder 1 pinch bicarbonate of soda 2tbsp butter or margarine 4tbsp water if needed Oil for frying Syrup 2 cups sugar 2 cups water Cardamom Method Boil syrup with all the ingredients n keep aside. Mix flour ,butter , baking powder and bicarbonate of soda together... add some water if needed. Rest for 30 mins. Then roll n fry as per picture. Put in syrup n cool down n serve Subscribe my channel Ash video
Excluding the large and small magellanic clouds, which can't be seen from northerly latitudes, andromeda galaxy also known as m31 is brightest in all. You probably know that our galaxy is called the milky way. The galaxy was named after the constellation which, in turn, mythical princess andromeda, daughter of cassiopeia and cepheus, greek mythology a similar collision is expected between our galaxy, milky way, nearby andromeda several billion years. Million light years away. Within that the andromeda galaxy (m31), little more than a fuzzy blur in sky to all but most powerful telescopes of earliest also known as messier 31, m31, or ngc 224, is spiral approximately 780 kiloparsecs (2. After that 13 sep 2017 although a couple of dozen minor galaxies lie closer to our milky way, the andromeda...
Midnight sun the canadian encyclopedia. For example, iceland is known for its midnight sun, even though most of it (grmsey the land sun may refer to any world's northern regions above (or close to) arctic circle, i. The midnight sun is a natural phenomenon that occurs in the summer months places north of svalbard, norway, northernmost inhabited region europe, there no sunset from approximately 19 april to 23 august. The midnight sun official travel guide to norway visitnorway. This is because of the tilt to earth's axis, sun since arctic location being at poles, axis affects amount sunlight gets. For six months it will have no sun at all, and the answers for extensive region of europe also called land midnight although only shines above arctic circle, nights are white there is a time sleep...
Lancelot, also spelled Launcelot, also called Lancelot of the Lake, French Lancelot du Lac , one of the greatest knights in Arthurian romance; he was the lover of Arthurs queen, Guinevere, and was the father of the pure knight Sir Galahad. Monochromatic color how to use it effectively define monochromatic at dictionary. Color scheme wikipedia monochromatic color wikipedia en. Color wheel pro color theory basics. Blue how to design with a monochromatic color scheme bombs. Color scheme wikipediacolor wikipedia. Monochromatic colors go the harmonious color combinations are called schemes sometimes term 'color monochromatic well together, producing a soothing effect aug 19, 2015 is rooted in theory and takes more than just picking here definitions you need to know base definition, of or hav...
The Cenozoic Era, which began about 65 million years ago and continues into the present, is the third documented era in the history of Earth. The current locations of the continents and their modern-day inhabitants, including humans, can be traced to this period. The tertiary is made up of 5 epochs learn about earth's paleogene period and the beginning cenozoic era define. Million years ago and continuing until today. And continue to thrive today. Cenozoic era synonyms, cenozoic pronunciation, translation, english dictionary definition of. That's because this is the period on geological time scale in which mammals moved into niches that mammals, had been around since jurassic, diversified greatly throughout cenozoic era. Cenozoic era facts about climate, animals & plants live science. Html...
Making oobleck!
New DataNet - Pay People also known as "eDough"
All New DataMobile - Pay People also known as "eDough"
Sasquatch Chronicles 2017 // See Atch Also Known As A Child Snatcher Join us every Sunday night at 5pm PST as we discuss recent Sasquatch sightings, encounters and talk to Bigfoot eye witnesses. People are seeing something in the woods and there are too many reports for this too be ignored. Listen as we talk to researchers, witnesses and investigators to unravel the mystery of Bigfoot. Every week we will also bring you the latest Bigfoot news and information.
The Lessons of the Loess Plateau shows how an ancient civilization failed because they degraded their ecosystem functions. This parallels many if not all of the original cradles of civilization. But recently the Chinese people are showing that it is possible to rehabilitate large-scale damaged ecosystems. It's also known as the Green wall of China
This 1970 documentary about Muhammad Ali was directed by Jim Jacobs and produced by Bill Cayton. It features Richard Kiley and Cus D'Amato.
Guest: Jim McCarty Website: http://www.llresearch.org Book: https://goo.gl/EN66hf The transcript of your interview with Jim is now published on ll Research archive website: http://www.llresearch.org/interviews/interview_2017_0714.aspx James McCarty was born in 1947 in Kearney, Nebraska. After receiving an undergraduate degrees from the University of Nebraska at Kearney and a masters of science in Early Childhood Education from the University of Florida, Jim moved to a piece of wilderness in Marion County, Kentucky, in 1974 to build his own log cabin in the woods, and to develop a self-sufficient lifestyle. For the next six years, he was in almost complete retreat. He founded the Rock Creek Research and Development Laboratories in 1977 to further his teaching efforts. After experiment...
Ripped from vinyl LP. 1- "What a Lemon" (Music: Gasolin' / Lyrics: Gasolin', Skip Malone, Dan Beck, Jan Bredsdorf) -- 4:57 2 - "Fatherless Hill" (Music: Kim Larsen, Gasolin' / Lyrics: Larsen) -- 4:16 3 - "Lonesome Avenue" (Music: Larsen / Lyrics: Larsen) -- 3:25 4 - "Rebel Run" (Music: Gasolin', Tommy Petersen / Lyrics: Beck) -- 2:58 5 - "Lots of Success" (Music: Gasolin' / Lyrics: Gasolin', Beck) -- 3:40 6 - "It's All the Same to an American Dane" (Music: Gasolin' / Lyrics: Gasolin', Mick Moloney, Beck) -- 3:54 7 - "Lady Oh Lady" (Music: Gasolin' / Lyrics: Gasolin', Moloney) -- 2:43 8 - "Sad Song of the Bluebird" (Music: Gasolin' / Lyrics: Gasolin', Moloney) -- 4:31 9 - "Rabalderstraede" (Music: Larsen, Wili Jønsson / Lyrics: Gasolin', Mogens Mogense...
Mr Bean New Episodes ᴴᴰ • Special Collection 2017 • BEST FUNNY PLAYLIST • #2 -------------------------------------------------- Mr. Bean also known as Mr. Bean: The Animated Series is an animated television series produced by Tiger Aspect Productions and, only for its first three seasons, by Richard Purdum Productions and Varga Holdings. It is based on the British live-action series of the same name, and the characters included Mr. Bean, Irma Gobb, Teddy, and the Reliant Supervan's mysterious driver, with the new addition of Mrs. Wicket, Bean's landlady, and her evil cat Scrapper. In February 2001, the series was officially announced, with it premièring shortly afterwards.
We take some time to do something I've been meaning to do for a while, build a house. Also big shoutout to Walden for dropping off some sweet premium blocks at the museum, which we also take a sweet overhead view of. Sweet. Check out live me; www.twitch.tv/sloppycanadiangaming Leave a like if you enjoyed, it helps the channel a lot! And subscribe if you're new. Follow me on twitter for more @SloppyCanadian Also check out www.project-singularity.com
This is episode 49 and well as the title already suggest Binx steals the show. He is really made for the spotlight or at least he thinks he is ;-) I promise there is lots of yarn too! Enjoy! You can find the group on Ravelry here: http://ravelry.com/groups/colourful-creativity You can find the shop at: http://kralalien.etsy.com You can find me on Instagram: http://instagram.com/kralalien You can find me on Twitter: http://twitter.com/kralalien You can find me on Facebook: http://facebook.com/kralalien You can find me on Ravelry: http://ravelry.com/people/kralalien Shownotes can be found on my blog: http://blog.kralalien.nl You can subscribe to my newsletter here: http://bit.ly/colourfulcreativity Leave me a note, would love to hear from you! XoXo Carolien
FROM 1894 TO 1915 TWO MILLION ARMENIANS VICTEMS OF A GENOCIDE COMMITTED BY THE BARBARIC SAVAGE TURKISH GOVERNMENT ,TURKEY GUILTY OF MANY GENOCIDES , MILLIONS OF CHRISTIANS , ARMENIANS , GREEKS , ASSYRIANS ALL VICTIMS OF GENOCIDAL NATION OF TURKS !!! http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Aurora_Mardiganian for much more information about the Armenian Genocide go to http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Armenian_Genocide Cherishing The Memory Of Our Ancestors Two exceptional books on the Armenian Genocide, "Genocide of Armenians through Swedish Eyes" by Goran Gunner and "Ravished Armenia: The real life story of Aurora Mardiganian" are among new releases, as Armenians worldwide commemorate the 98th anniversary of Armenian Genocide. The books have been published with Ameria Groupís support in eternal memory o...
Here's the text-based guide that accompanies this course→ http://www.bit.ly/cfiguide Here's a list of the US FINRA-Approved Regulation Crowdfunding Platforms (as of November 2017) → http://bit.ly/eazlcfilist Subscribe to Eazl now by clicking → http://bit.ly/eazlyoutube Get Free Resources from Eazl → http://bit.ly/eazlresources Learn about a transformative financial technology just legalized in the US (May of 2016) and everything you need to be in the know about crowdfund investing (sometimes called Equity Crowdfunding). ✽ Build the vocabulary, rules, and use cases of crowdfund investing in 25 minutes ✽ • Why startup / small business investing via the internet is transformative • How crowdfund investing and crowdfunding (e.g. Kickstarter) are completely different • What the law allow...
Nat Love was born a slave, emancipated into abject poverty, grew up riding the range as a cowboy and spent his maturity riding the rails as a Pullman Porter. For me, the most amazing thing about him is that despite the circumstances of his life, which included being owned like a farm animal solely because of the color of his skin and spending later decades living and working as an equal with white coworkers, he was an unrepentant racist! Convinced that the only good Indian was a dead one, and that all Mexicans were “greasers” and/or “bums,” he rarely passed up a chance to shoot a member of either group, whether in self-defense or cold blood, and shows no sign of having appreciated the difference. At one point, he fell in love with a Mexican girl but, apparently unable to tolerate this real...
In November 2012 both Woody and I were surrounded by these creatures. This encounter changed both of our lives so I decided to start this podcast in order to allow others to come forward and share their encounter(s) with us. Since our encounter I have been researching and investigating reports from eye witnesses. Follow me on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/SasquatchChroniclesPodcast/ Don't forget subscribe for more video update: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCI9KtmkLlrzIt-mD6h0WcKw?sub_confirmation=1 Watch More video in here: https://www.youtube.com/user/tdkolich/videos Thank you for watching!
In this battle, 4th Marines fought a hugely outnumbering Vietnamese force and defeated them. Two medals of honor came out of this battle, one for James Livingston and one for Jay Vargas. The battle took place near the mouth of the Cua Viet river in South Vietnam and was one of the most ferocious land battles fought by Battalion size Marine forces with supporting arms from the Navy and Marine Corps. On 29 April 1968, the 2/4 Marine Battalion Landing Team of the 3rd Marine Division, locked horns with an NVA Division (304th) in the 'ville" of Dai Do on the Cua Viet River 'horseshoe' just south of the DMZ (I Corp RVN). Intelligence had tipped our Forces that an entire NVA Division was in the first stage of a major march to seize and destroy the 3rd Marine Division Headquarters at Dong Ha. Th...
Been a while since I've done a rant and I think this video will probably be the angriest I've ever been because honestly to have seen someone I once looked up to do this just hurt me in a way that I never thought possible.
Take a look at the "DID" Clone also known as the "Griffin" Genesis Atomizer from China. The device straight out of the package seems to be a decent atomizer, but I ended up make the air hole a bit bigger to 1/16 of inch. That provided better air flow and more vapor. I also had to sand down the top cap to line the air hole directly up with the wick. But with those small modifications, the device is working fine. Contest Rules: PLEASE ONLY ONE ENTRY PER PERSON!!! To enter the contest, you must subscribe to my YouTube Channel if you have not already done so, AND Comment on this video in the Comment section of this YouTube Video. You must be 18 years old to enter the contest. This contest is for U.S.A Residents only!! I will end the contest on October 17th 2012 at 11:59 pm EST. and then make...
Black King 1932 also known as Harlem Big Shot, this all-black production is astonishingly racist even by 1932 standards. Lampooning Marcus Garvey's "Back to Africa" movement, the film stars A. B. Comatherie as Deacon Charcoal Johnson, a bombastic phony who exhorts his fellow black citizens to declare themselves free of their white oppressors and establish their own country (the United States of Africa!) To achieve this lofty goal, he establishes a fund-raising organization, collecting money from Harlem to Mississippi -- all the while intending to keep every penny for himself. Johnny Lee, best remembered as Algonquin J. Calhoun the lawyer on TV's Amos 'N' Andy, delivers a scene-stealing performance as the Count of Zanzibar. Lest anyone make the mistake of taking The Black King seriously, th...