- published: 17 Oct 2010
- views: 831
Expo may refer to:
The term Congo may refer to two countries that border the Congo river:
The name may also refer to:
A democratic republic is, strictly speaking, a country that is both a republic and a democracy. It is one where ultimate authority and power is derived from the citizens, and the government itself is run through elected officials.
However, in recent practice, countries that have described themselves as democratic republics have not always held free or fair elections. Two examples of this were the German Democratic Republic and the Democratic Republic of Vietnam, communist states commonly known as East Germany and North Vietnam. Another is the Democratic Republic of the Congo which in 2011 was rated by Freedom House as a "not free" country, having a rating of 6.0 (1.0 being completely free and 7.0 being completely unfree). Also, the 'Democratic People's Republic of Korea', commonly known as North Korea, is rated the least democratic in the world, run by a dictator. A republic is a state in which the supreme power rests in the body of citizens entitled to vote.
Coordinates: 1°26′24″S 15°33′22″E / 1.44°S 15.556°E / -1.44; 15.556
The Republic of the Congo (French: République du Congo), also known as Congo, Congo Republic,West Congo, or Congo-Brazzaville, is a country located in Central Africa. It is bordered by five countries: Gabon to the west; Cameroon to the northwest; the Central African Republic to the northeast; the Democratic Republic of the Congo to the east and south; and the Angolan exclave of Cabinda to the southwest.
The region was dominated by Bantu-speaking tribes, who built trade links leading into the Congo River basin. Congo-Brazzaville was formerly part of the French colony of Equatorial Africa. Upon independence in 1960, the former colony of French Congo became the Republic of the Congo. The People's Republic of the Congo was a Marxist–Leninist one-party state from 1970 to 1991. Multi-party elections have been held since 1992, although a democratically elected government was ousted in the 1997 Republic of the Congo Civil War and President Denis Sassou Nguesso has ruled for 26 of the past 36 years.
Coordinates: 2°52′48″S 23°39′22″E / 2.88°S 23.656°E / -2.88; 23.656
The Democratic Republic of the Congo (/ˈkɒŋɡoʊ/; French pronunciation: [kɔ̃ɡo]; French: République démocratique du Congo), also known as DR Congo, DRC, DROC, RDC, Congo-Kinshasa, or simply Congo is a country located in Central Africa. From 1971 to 1997 it was named Zaïre. The DRC borders the Republic of the Congo, the Central African Republic, and South Sudan to the north; Uganda, Rwanda, Burundi and Tanzania to the east; Zambia and Angola to the south; and the Atlantic Ocean to the west. It is the second largest country in Africa by area, the largest in Subsaharan Africa, and the eleventh largest in the world. With a population of over 75 million, the Democratic Republic of the Congo is the most populated officially Francophone country, the fourth most populated nation in Africa and the nineteenth most populated country in the world.
The Congolese Civil Wars, which began in 1996, brought about the end of Mobutu Sese Seko's 31-year reign and devastated the country. The wars ultimately involved nine African nations, multiple groups of UN peacekeepers and twenty armed groups, and resulted in the deaths of 5.4 million people.
Expo CONGO sur livres - Denys M. LUKUSA - video 004
Expo 92: Pabellón de Congo
Cagnotte Expo les femmes du marché Pointe-Noire Congo
Expo Congo Aragón TV
EXPO-ESURS 2014 | Le génie créateur congolais à l'oeuvre (RD. Congo)
A land to Discover: Democratic Republic of Congo Expo 2015
Kinshasa sur le fleur Congo
Expo "Les femmes du marché Pointe-Noire Congo" à Peyrat-le-Château
Il Congo a Expo: importante esserci per la lotta alla fame
Bonobo & Congo Biodiversity Initiative · Dr. Gay Reinartz · Expo 2014
Pabellón Congo en Expo 92
Dancing for Peace in the Democratic Republic of the Congo
EXPO-BIO Campagne Made in Congo pour promouvoir les produits BIO
Expo World Presse Photo
Expo Fleuve Congo
congo 50° expo de luloloko et zogo
Ray Wilson's Genesis — Congo Live! Crocus City Expo, Msk 26.04.11
Franco Loja Tribute Video - Expo Spannabis 2017
Expo CONGO sur les livres - Denys M. LUKUSA - Bozar - SDC19825 video 002.AVI
Expo Congo Aragón TV
Expo Congo Aragón TV
EnogastroCosmico.com a Expo - pad Congo
Expo Milano 2015 Mozambico-Congo-Haiti
Le specialità del Congo
Pabellón Congo en Expo 92
EXPO 2017: national days of African countries
Roma verso EXPO 2015 - Rep. Democratica del Congo
Congo-Ballet Folklorico Panamá Internacional
Résumé du livre Préfacé par le Professeur Didier Reynders, Vice-Premier Ministre belge, avec une postface du Prof. Henri Mova Sakanyi, ambassadeur de la RDC près le Royaume de Belgique, Benelux et l'Union Européenne. Ce livre a été écrit à partir des documents d'archives, d'histoire, officiels et privés, de l'observation des événements ayant marqué l'évolution historico-politique de la RDC, des ouvrages, articles, medias, films, déclarations, PVs, magazines, de mes expériences et observations personnelles, et de toutes autres sources fiables, des interviews, de quelques témoignages des acteurs ou témoins des événements de 1960, année de l'Indépendance de la RDC à nos jours, 2010. Ce livre est une mine d'or de l' l'histoire politique générale (du Moyen Âge à nos jours) et une ch...
1992: 8 de agosto. Día de honor del Congo. El pabellón se encuentra dentro del de Plaza de África. Este edificio fue construido con fondos comunitarios por la Confederación de empresarios de Andalucía. El pabellón muestra la artesanía y el arte de los maestros congoleños, principalmente esculturas en madera y cuadros de autores contemporáneos. Pueden comprarse gran parte de los contenidos expositivos entre los que hay alimentos y telas. [Informativo "Expodiario", 8 de agosto de 1992. Canal Sur Televisión] Blog Memoranda: memoranda.canalsur.es También en @ArchivoCanalSur 08/08/1992
L'expo "Les femmes du marché Pointe-Noire Congo" présente le rôle des femmes courageuses qui valorisent le patrimoine, garantissent le lien social et combattent contre la pauvreté. Elles parlent des problématiques du marché qui s'accentuent à cause du manque d'autonomie. De manière pertinente, elles ont émis des idées dans un projet constructif... Pour en savoir plus, lisez le lien ci-dessous et soutenez les femmes du marché https://www.leetchi.com/c/village-interactif
Placée sous le thème principal « opportunités et défis de l’Enseignement supérieur universitaire et de la recherche scientifique face à l’émergence à l’horizon 2030 », cette 5ème édition a été une occasion en or pour les étudiants congolais d'apporter le vision permettant de contribuer au développement du pays.
Fruits and Legumes Cluster. Watch photo gallery of National Day: http://goo.gl/fjU9Yk
Kinshasa compte parmi les plus vastes mégapoles, témoignant d’une urbanisation débridée au coeur du continent africain. De son noyau colonial historique aux banlieues en construction, la ville et ses habitants semblent en perpétuel mouvement. Ce rythme frénétique induit un espace urbain inscrit dans un paysage et un imaginaire identitaire fort, au point de rupture de charge du fleuve Congo.
Du 19 juillet au 16 Août 2017 au cinéma de Peyrat-le-Château, l'expo vous invite un voyage au milieu des marchés de la ville de Pointe-Noire à la rencontre de femmes structurantes dans le développement. Pour plus d'infos, lisez notre projet sur le lien suivant https://www.leetchi.com/c/village-interactif
Il ministro Mvouba ai nostri microfoni: "E' un argomento fondamentale, in troppi muoiono ancora di fame"
The bonobo lives only within the Democratic Republic of the Congo. Listen to Dr. Gay Reinartz deliver a message of overcoming adversity to rebuild local communities and establish ecosystem conservation. Recorded at the Wildlife Conservation Network Expo at Mission Bay Conference Center in San Francisco, CA on October 11, 2014.
Expo national day congo balli nazionali e ingresso delegazioni ministri (Agenzia VISTA) Milano, 30 Maggio 2015 - L'evento all'EXPO. Courtesy Rete7. a cura di Alexander Jakhnagiev VISTA Agenzia Televisiva Parlamentare
Expo national day congo balli e alzabandiera di italia e congo (Agenzia VISTA) Milano, 30 Maggio 2015 - L'evento all'EXPO. Courtesy Rete7. a cura di Alexander Jakhnagiev VISTA Agenzia Televisiva Parlamentare
United Nations, New York, January 2012 - In The Democratic Republic of the Congo, millions have died and hundreds of thousands of women raped since a civil war began there more than a decade ago. But amid the violence, is a group of people determined to use the power of dance to spread a message of peace. We take you on stage with the National Ballet of Congo who hope their work will inspire change. Here's our story.... 21st Century - Show 62 - Dancing for Peace in the Democratic Republic of the Congo Script (pdf): http://www.un.org/webcast/pdfs/21century62.pdf
congo 50° expo de luloloko et zogo grand hotel mediterraneo firenze
Genesis classic Ray Wilson Berlin Symhonic Orchestra в Крокус Сити Холл, Москва 26.04.11 «Услышать незабываемые хиты в живом исполнении группы «Genesis» и окунуться в световое шоу теперь смогут и зрители России. Московский концерт будет уникальным. Вместе с легендарной группой на сцене Крокус Сити Холла будет Берлинский симфонический оркестр. Ray Wilson и музыканты оркестра объединят вечные мировые хиты Genesis и классическое симфоническое звучание. Зритель услышит уникальный струнный квартет с фортепиано. Художники по свету везут с собой огромное количество световой аппаратуры. Режиссеры шоу утверждают, что в свете будет утопать не только сцена, но и весь зал». *** Извиняюсь за качество, всё таки в первую очередь смотрел концерт, а потом снимал )
Special Tribute video for Franco Loja memorial ceremony at Expo Spannabis 2017. Thanks to Dub All Sense ft. Monkey Jhayam and 2H & Arobase Nickson for the great music. Please also visit Franco Loja new youtube channel that we are setting up for his foundation that will help Franco's children with financial support! Missing Franco! Legends never die, FULL GAS, CONTROL FARI! Original song here: Dub All Sense ft. Monkey Jhayam - Franco Loja Special Tribute: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wZ1zDNnuBVg 2H & Arobase Nickson - A LA MEMOIRE DE FRANCO LOJA : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cc7KUcDk9jk Franco Loja Foundation upcoming youtube channel (please subscribe!!!) https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCMbZXvvBYg6gsysH3WbdKzQ
Expo national day congo omaggi in danza alla delegazione ministeriale congolese (Agenzia VISTA) Milano, 30 Maggio 2015 - L'evento all'EXPO. Courtesy Rete7. a cura di Alexander Jakhnagiev VISTA Agenzia Televisiva Parlamentare
Expo national day congo ministro sviluppo economico repubblica congo (Agenzia VISTA) Milano, 30 Maggio 2015 - L'evento all'EXPO. Courtesy Rete7. a cura di Alexander Jakhnagiev VISTA Agenzia Televisiva Parlamentare
The Democratic Republic of Congo marked its national day at Expo 2017.
El Ballet Folklórico Panamá Internacional, se presentó al ritmo de los Congos en Expo Turismo Internacional 2015, realizado en el centro de convenciones Atlapa.
The bonobo lives only within the Democratic Republic of the Congo. Listen to Dr. Gay Reinartz deliver a message of overcoming adversity to rebuild local communities and establish ecosystem conservation. Recorded at the Wildlife Conservation Network Expo at Mission Bay Conference Center in San Francisco, CA on October 11, 2014.
The final rounds for event 12 of 12 on the PAPA Pinball 2013-14 Tournament Circuit. http://www.papa.org
Dr. James Sanderson talks about the plight of the 29 species of small wild cats that do not garner the same attention and money as the big 7. He focuses specifically on the success of fishing cat conservation with the help of his student Ashwin Naidu. Recorded at the Wildlife Conservation Network Expo at Mission Bay Conference Center in San Francisco, CA on October 11, 2014.
Restructuration du secteur de l'énergie électrique en RD Congo. Our thesis proposes ways to restructure the electrical energy sector of DRC , the sector, with its actual organization, does not help to provide sufficient and reliable electrical energy supply to the country for its development. The sector must go from the full liberalization, by a deep restructuring of the national electrical utility company and to the creation of a regulatory authority . With a SWOT analysis , we demonstrate the huge potential that the country have, with its STRENGTH and OPPORTUNITIES, but the reality is that the WEAKNESSES are inhibiting that potential. Thus our new plan is built to rebalance the situation. Throughout this report, we come up with the findings that in order to consolidate its competitive...
Congo - Descent into Zinj was developed by Viacom New Media for Machintosh, Windows, Windows 3.x & published by Funsoft in 1995. Congo is an adventure game adapted from the 1995 movie of the same name. The plot revolves around a search for a diamond that presumably have power enough to change the world of telecommunications as we know it. On a mission issued by Travis, the head of TraviCom, you are sent in contemporary Congo in order to recover the diamond and find out what has happened to another expedition led by Dr. Karen Ross. The game is supplied with the trailer of the afore-mentioned 1995 movie. I am playing this using Windows 98 in VMware. The game is abandonware.
The shy, gentle okapi faces the challenge of making its home in the Democratic Republic of Congo, one of the least stable places on earth. After a few challenging years, peace is returning to the Okapi Wildlife Reserve. Recorded at the Wildlife Conservation Network Expo at Mission Bay Conference Center in San Francisco, CA on October 10, 2015.
Thank you for watching “The Melody Trice Show” where you can live life unlimited with Melody Trice. This episode is with special guest from Congo in South Africa. I hope you enjoy our journey as we explore their country. Pls like and comment and subscribe to my channel. Thank you! Follow Melody on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/melodytrice Follow Melody on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/melody_trice Follow Melody on Twitter: https://twitter.com/melodytrice Follow Melody on Periscope: https://periscope.com/melodytrice Follow Melody on LinkedIn:https://www.linkedin.com/nhome/ Follow Melody on Tumblr: https://www.tumblr.com/search/melody+... Follow Melody on Pinterest: https://www.pinterest.com/melodytrice... Subscribe to Melody YouTube channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC1d...
Congo pinball tutorial by Bowen Kerins for Belles & Chimes PDX women's pinball league. This was originally filmed as a live stream with Belles in attendance at C-Bar in Portland, OR on March 19, 2017, organized by Belles PDX founder Jessica DeNardo. Huge thanks to Bowen for teaching us and to Rose City Pinball for getting the games in great shape for us to play! Find Belles & Chimes PDX online: https://www.facebook.com/bellespinballpdx/ https://www.twitch.tv/bellespinballpdx
DEBAT : pona nini mibali ya poto bakomi ba irresponsables ? Basi bakomibna devoir ya kosunga mabota ; Lelo bolanda toli ya MA MUNGUA .
Transforming conflict in the DR Congo: How to tackle the Land - Power - Identity triangle A seminar about conflicts and peacebuilding in the Democratic Republic of Congo Speakers: Stina Högbladh, Department of Peace and Conflict Research at Uppsala University, Koen Vlassenroot, Congo expert and Professor at Ghent University, Belgium, and Loochi Muzaliwa, journalist and programme coordinator, Life & Peace Institute, Bukavu, DRC. Moderator is Dr. Anders Sjögren from The Nordic Africa Institute. Stay connected: Web: http://life-peace.org/ Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/LifePeaceInstitute?ref=hl Twitter: @LPI_voices
www.jeunesserdc.com Contact: 0049 178 5511596 jeunesserdc@hotmail.com il est strictement interdit de télécharger ou vendre nos vidéos