Fraudsters in
Ghana show us how they use internet scams to steal thousands of dollars from unsuspecting victims all over the globe.
Nigeria's 401 scammers may have written the book on
West African internet fraud, their shtick looks like Compuserve compared to what's going on in Ghana.
Unsatisfied with the meager winnings from emailing thousands of random
Westerners in hopes of convincing one poor sap they're the treasurer of the
Ivory Coast, Ghana's scammers decided to stack the odds in their favor the old-fashioned way—witchcraft.
Taking a page from cyberpunk, traditional West African
Juju priests adapted their services to the needs of the information age and started leading down-on-their-luck internet scammers through strange and costly rituals designed to increase their powers of persuasion and make their emails irresistible to greedy
Americans. And so "Sakawa" was born.
Now not only is Sakawa Ghana's most popular youth activity and one of its biggest underground economies, it's a full-blown national phenomenon. Sakawa has its own tunes, clothing brands, Sakawasploitation flicks, and even a metastatic backlash from
Christian preachers and the press. When we were in
Accra over the summer it was impossible to walk more than 10 feet without seeing the word Sakawa in blood-red
Misfits letters on a poster or tabloid, often accompanied by bone-chilling horrors of the photoshopped variety.
The government is freaked out because Sakawa is threatening Ghana's business reputation, the Christians are freaked out because they're losing money to the Juju priests, the press is freaked out because being freaked out is what sells papers, and the public is freaked out because their government, preacher, and media are all telling them they should be. All the while the Sakawa boys are living the high life and racking up debts to the spirit world, just waiting for the axe to fall.
Hosted by
Thomas Morton |
Originally released in
2011 at
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- published: 01 Mar 2013
- views: 2291701