- published: 02 Jan 2013
- views: 27068
Somalia: Somali National Movement vs Barre regime 88/89
Somali National movement (SNM )maj 30th 1988
Somali National Movement SNM guutadii 99 aad ee loo yiqiin looma ooyaanka
SNM Somaliland National Movement
SNM Somaliland National Movement
Somali national movment SNM to became Somaliland republic this is history only
PREVIEW: Co-Founder of SNM - Somali National Movement (Mohammed Caseeyr)
Somali National Movement-SNM [ SOMALILAND ]
Somali National Movement SNM our boys that fought for us we will never for get thank you
Acknowledge the genocide of the Isaaq, when over 50,000 innocent civilians were killed by the Barre regime.
SNM guutadan 99aad waxay ahaayeen niman ay faqshtii dhaqaanjin kari wayday akhirkiina ku kalifay in ay is dhiibaan intii kalena jabuuti ku carareen
Geesiyadii snm ee dagaalkii kululaa la galay kaligii taliyihii macangaga ahaa ee dalka haystay
Halgamayaashi snm ee dagaalka kula jiray keligii taliyhii siyaad barre
This is how somaliland be came republic of somaliland with tree great somaliland presidents Tuur Eagaal and Siilaanyo where is Daahir Riyaale
English and Soomaali, see below. SOOMAALI::: Wareysi xasaasi aan la yeelanay Casayr C/qaadir Faarax oo ka mid ahaa asaasayaashii iyo saraakiishi sar-sare ee jabhadii SNM. Casayr, ka hor intuusan ku biirin jabhadii SNM, wuxuu ahaa duuliye ka tirsanaa saraakiisha ciidanka Cirka Soomaaliyeed. 1979kii ayuu xilkaas iska casilay, dabadeedna u wareegay wadanka Sacuudiga. Casayr waxaan ka wareesanay sababihii keenay ina la aaso jabhad hubeysan oo mucaarad ah si loo rido (ama la badalo) dawladii Kacaanka, cabashooyinkii jiray, hadafkii iyo himiladii SNM, wixii saxsanaa iyo wixii khaldanaa, xiriirka u dhaxeeyey jabahadii kale ee wadanka ka jiray, riyadii Soomaaliweyn iyo gooni-isu taaga Somaliland, xiriirka u dhaxeeyey dawladii Kacaanka, waxyaabihii ugu yaabka badnaa ee la kulmeen iyo xogag kale...
Former Snm Gudomiyihi Thank u SNM love u Guys all Viva Somaliland
this yang men libarate Somaliland for faqash
Xasuuqi Somaliland Loo Gaystay 1988 Iyo Duqayntii Moorgan Hargeysa Ku Baabiyey Iyo SNM Oo Ka Xoraysay
The Somali Civil War is an ongoing civil war taking place in Somalia. It grew out of resistance to the Siad Barre regime during the 1980s. By 1988–90, the Somali Armed Forces began engaging various armed rebel groups, including the Somali Salvation Democratic Front in the northeast, the Somali National Movement in the northwest, and the United Somali Congress in the south. The clan-based armed opposition groups eventually managed to overthrow the Barre government in 1991. Various armed factions began competing for influence in the power vacuum and turmoil that followed, particularly in the south. Among the effects of the 1990-92 fighting was the temporary collapse of customary law. This precipitated the arrival of UNITAF and UNOSOM peacekeeping forces in December 1992. Factional fighting p...
On May 18, 1991, amid the disintegration of Somalia’s central government, leaders of the Somali National Movement (SNM) – a rebel army that had fought the Somali government for nearly a decade – and a group of northern traditional clan “elders” gathered in the northwestern Somali town of Burao12 and declared the independence of the Republic of Somaliland. Mohamed Siad Barre, who had ruled Somalia since taking power in a 1969 military coup, had fled the capital, Mogadishu, months earlier, leaving behind chaos as rival clan-based militia battled for control over the southern half of the country. Script source: De Facto Statehood? The Strange Case of Somaliland By Alexis Arieffff
bbc somali interview with snm chairman
This is a short documentary about the Somali National Movement (SNM)
#SomaliArchive | SUBSCRIBE for Daily High-Definition Videos from Somalia Hosted by http://www.keydmedia.net - The Isaaq (also Isaq, Ishaak) (Somali: Reer Sheik Isaxaaq, Arabic: إسحاق) is one of the main Somali clans. Members of the clan principally live in the northwestern Somaliland region of Somalia, and the Somali Region of Ethiopia. The populations of five major cities of Somaliland -- Hargeisa, Burco, Berbera, Erigavo and Gabiley -- are predominantly Isaaq. The Somali National Movement (Somali: Dhaq dhaqaaqa wadaniga soomaliyeed, Arabic: الحركة الوطنية الصوماليه) was a 1980s--1990s Somali rebel group. Founded and led by Isaaq members to protect the clan's interests, it was key in the formation of Somaliland, a self-declared sovereign state that is internationally recognised as an a...
SOMALILAND, Ahmed Mire , one of the Elite Freedom Fighters of the Somaliland National Movement (SNM). The Man & His Legacy. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Somali_National_Movement by Axmed Cumar & Xamse Axmed Salaan
dhegayso Taariikhda SNM 1981 1991 oo keenay radiyoga bbc af soomaaliga waxa kaa hadlya Ahmed Mohamed Mohamoud Silanyo.Mohammed Said Hersi Morgan Butcher of Hargeisa, iyo Af Wayne siad