- published: 16 Aug 2017
- views: 246206
A potato chip (American English) or crisp (British English) is a thin slice of potato that has been deep fried, baked, kettle cooked, or popped until crunchy. Potato chips are commonly served as a snack, side dish, or appetizer. The basic chips are cooked and salted; additional varieties are manufactured using various flavorings and ingredients including herbs, spices, cheeses, and artificial additives.
"Crisps", however, may also refer to many different types of savory snack products sold in the United Kingdom and Ireland, some made from potato, but some made from corn, tapioca or other cereals, just as there are other varieties of chips in the United States.
Potato chips are a predominant part of the snack food market in Western countries. The global potato chip market generated total revenues of US$16.49 billion in 2005. This accounted for 35.5% of the total savory snacks market in that year ($46.1 billion).
In the UK, the origin of the potato chip has been attributed to English food writer William Kitchiner's 1822 cookbook The Cook's Oracle, which was a bestseller in England and the United States, and includes a recipe for "Potatoes fried in Slices or Shavings", which instructs readers to "peel large potatoes, slice them about a quarter of an inch thick, or cut them in shavings round and round, as you would peel a lemon; dry them well in a clean cloth, and fry them in lard or dripping". The earliest reference of the potato chip in the United States is in Mary Randolph's The Virginia House-Wife (1824), which includes a recipe explicitly derived from Kitchiner's earlier cookbook. Boston Housekeeper N.K.M. Lee's cookbook, The Cook's Own Book (1832), also contains a recipe for the potato chip that references Kitchiner's cookbook.
Apple crisp (name used in the United States and Canada) or apple crumble (name preferred in the United Kingdom, Australia and New Zealand) is a dessert consisting of baked chopped apples, topped with a crisp streusel crust.
Ingredients usually include cooked apples, butter, sugar, flour, cinnamon, and often oats and brown sugar, ginger, and/or nutmeg. One of the most common variants is apple rhubarb crisp, in which the rhubarb provides a tart contrast to the apples.
Many other kinds of fruit crisps are made. These may substitute other fruits, such as peaches, berries, or pears, for the apples.
Apple crisp is a relatively modern dish. It is notably absent from the first edition of the Fannie Farmer Cookbook (1896), which is a comprehensive collection of American recipes.
The earliest reference to apple crisp in print occurs in 1924, with a recipe in the Everybody's Cook Book: A Comprehensive Manual of Home Cookery, Isabel Ely Lord [Harcout Brace and Company: New York] 1924 (p. 239). In 1924, apple crisp also makes an appearance in a newspaper article in the Appleton Post Crescent on Tuesday, December 9, 1924 (Appleton, Wisconsin). Despite its relatively recent invention, apple crisp or crumble has become an American and British tradition especially during the autumn, when apples are plentiful. The dish is also very popular in Canada, especially in areas where berries and fruit are readily available.
Sia - Rare Acid Jazz Song from Crisp Era (1995)
CRISP — До Того Как Стал Известен!
Crispiest Apple Crisp Ever! Easy Apple Crisp Recipe with Ultra Crispy Topping
Actors: Megan Cavanagh (actress), Jessica M. Bair (actress), Heather Thomas (actress), Stacy Codikow (producer), Joanna Canton (actress), Mike O'Connell (actor), Jessica Chaffin (actress), Gabrielle Christian (actress), Chris W. Hill (editor), Angela Robinson (producer), Angela Robinson (writer), Che Landon (miscellaneous crew), Michelle Lombardo (actress), Erin Kelly (actress), Tiffani Elise Edwards (actress),
Genres: Crime, Drama, Musical,Actors: Bruce Gowers (director), Kenny Everett (writer), Bryan Izzard (producer), Brian Colville (actor),
Genres: Comedy,Actors: Bruce Gowers (director), Kenny Everett (actor), Kenny Everett (writer), Terry Henebery (producer), Brian Colville (actor), Gordon Hesketh (director),
Genres: Comedy,Где купить такой же ноутбук: http://goo.gl/MG3SjP Выиграй ноутбук как у меня: http://goo.gl/FQLu8t На канале Druzhko Show, автором которого является Сергей Дружко со своей рубрикой ДРУЖКО ШОУ случилось нечто аномальное. От Ютуб-канала Дружко начали отписываться зрители. Не помогают даже всякие ДИССы от Николая Соболева и рэп-клипы с Джараховым. Статистика канала продолжает падать. 👽Избранные Подписываются - https://goo.gl/2aBjqT 🔥СМОТРИ, что тут есть - https://goo.gl/1b5Sjv 🔥ШКОЛЬНИК ЧИТАЕТ РЭП ПРО ПЕРДЕЖ - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f5Z2n8ojU7k&t;=37s 🔵Я ВКОНТАКТЕ ➤ https://vk.com/yo_crisp 🔵ГРУППА ➤ https://vk.com/crisp_official 🔵INSTAGRAM ➤ https://www.instagram.com/igor_crisp Интересно, что должен сделать Дружко в своём Дружко Шоу, чтоб...
Хотите узнать, кто же самый богатый блогер в Ютуб (.ne,)? Этому ютуберу всего 15 лет, а на его счетах уже миллионы долларов. В своих роликах блогер показывает богатую и беспечную жизнь. 👽Избранные Подписываются - https://goo.gl/2aBjqT 🔥СМОТРИ, что тут есть - https://goo.gl/1b5Sjv 🔥ШКОЛЬНИК ЧИТАЕТ РЭП ПРО ПЕРДЕЖ - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f5Z2n8ojU7k&t;=37s 🔵Я ВКОНТАКТЕ ➤ https://vk.com/yo_crisp 🔵ГРУППА ➤ https://vk.com/crisp_official 🔵INSTAGRAM ➤ https://www.instagram.com/igor_crisp Смотри ролик до конца, чтобы узнать, как выглядит самый богатый блогер в Ютуб.
Despacito - хит, который завоевал слушателей по всему миру. Клип на песню Диспасито звучит по всему миру. Просмотры клипа исчисляются в миллиардах, о чем говорит статистика песни Диспасито на Ютуб. Почти 3 000 000 000 просмотров, и миллионы лайков. Не исключено, что в ближайшие дни Luis Fonsi со своей композицией обгонит Wiz Khalifa и займёт Олимп. А это будет, на секундочку, самый просматриваемый и популярный ролик на Ютуб. То есть, Диспасито смело можно будет называть самой популярной песней в мире. 👽Избранные Подписываются - https://goo.gl/2aBjqT 🔥СМОТРИ, что тут есть - https://goo.gl/1b5Sjv 🔵Я ВКОНТАКТЕ ➤ https://vk.com/yo_crisp 🔵ГРУППА ➤ https://vk.com/crisp_official 🔵INSTAGRAM ➤ https://www.instagram.com/igor_crisp Представьте на секундочк...
I thought I would share since I got my hands on this. Fetus Sia at it's finest. This was in 1995 when she was in her very first vocal group, an acid jazz band called "Crisp." Song is called "Sia's Song". I love her voice here. Enjoy!
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Овуляшки, Тупые мамаши, ЯЖЕМАТЬ, Сумасшедшие мамаши. как только не называют женщин, которые готовы ради ребёнка загрызть окружающих, позволяя детям всё и вся. К сожалению, эта проблема настолько актуальна, что каждый день в сети появляются тысячи рассказов про Я ЖЕ МАТЬ и столько же видео на Ютуб про злых мамаш, которые готовы выяснять отношения на дороге, в такси, за рулем и даже в скейт парке. Ежедневно появляются десятки разных "яжемать подборка", где собраны самые странные ролики. Удивительно, но синдром Я ЖЕ МАТЬ вирусится. 🔥САМЫЕ КРУТЫЕ ВИДОСЫ🔥 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dtTGHQoxBq4&list;=PLR8Ri4i9cv5rMKsnGwQ-HKtFzVP61drrh 🔵Я ВКОНТАКТЕ ➤ https://vk.com/yo_crisp 🔵ГРУППА ➤ https://vk.com/crisp_official 🔵INSTAGRAM ➤ https://www.instagram.com/...
There is nothing better then home made chips. You can flavour them how ever you like and experiment with different types of potatoes. Today i show you how easy they are to make. Check out my mouth watering Nutella recipes: http://goo.gl/UYbFjo FACEBOOK https://www.facebook.com/toddskitchen TWITTER https://twitter.com/SimpleEasyCook INSTAGRAM: http://instagram.com/toddm007 My other Youtube channels: My HOME HANDY HINTS CHANNEL: http://www.youtube.com/homehandyhints MY YOUTUBE VLOG CHANNEL: http://www.youtube.com/easycookingvlog New video recipes every: TUESDAY, THURSDAY, FRIDAY & SUNDAY All music used is Royalty-Free from: http://incompetech.com/music/
Максим Ожерельев, тот самый школьник, который доказывал, что Земля плоская и все мы шараёбы. В начале июня неизвестный школьник Максим, который завел свой канал на ютуб, рассказывал зрителям, что существует теория заговора и нам внушают, что Планета Земля Круглая. На самом деле она плоская. Своих хейтеров он смело называет шараебы / шараёбы. 🔥Боже мой, что это?🔥 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dtTGHQoxBq4&list;=PLR8Ri4i9cv5rMKsnGwQ-HKtFzVP61drrh 🔵Я ВКОНТАКТЕ ➤ https://vk.com/yo_crisp 🔵ГРУППА ➤ https://vk.com/crisp_official 🔵INSTAGRAM ➤ https://www.instagram.com/igor_crisp По мнению Максима, все люди шараебы, если они верят, что наша Планета Земля Плоская. Как вы понимаете, в сторону школьника посыпалось столько хейта, что он он вынужден был удалить с...
THIS IS NOT AN AD OR A SPONSORED VIDEO. This is not clickbait, this actually happened. SUBSCRIBE AT THIS LINK - http://full.sc/12NaNRT Social Media Links Below Jays Facebook - http://full.sc/1rb4EvF Romells Facebook - http://full.sc/1AUKk1H Romells Snapchat - pickledcookie Jays Instagram - http://instagram.com/byjayswingler Romells Instagram - http://instagram.com/uncleromell Jays Twitter - http://full.sc/1AUKF4h Romells Twitter - http://full.sc/1rb4Tqy
Learn how to make a Crispy Apple Crisp Recipe! - Visit http://foodwishes.blogspot.com/2012/02/crispiest-apple-crisp-ever-ever.html for the ingredients, more recipe information, and over 675 additional original video recipes! I hope you enjoy this Crispiest Apple Crisp recipe!
Two years later same conclusion
This is where it ends
This is where you have to choose so
Choose for something else
Be true to what you have been thinking
Every day again
Cause you can't pretend to
There it goes
You try to hold it tight
There it goes
Afraid of what you'll find and still a lot to hide
There it goes
I know you're scared of getting hurt
And being all alone
But you know better than to go with
Something that is gone
Stay true to what you have been thinking
Every day again
Cause you can't pretend to
There it goes
You try to hold it tight
There it goes
Afraid of what you'll find and still a lot to hide
There it goes
I walked around the house for hours
Tryin to think about
What it means for you to let it, let it go again
But I've been there done that
This is how it is
I have felt it seen it
This is what it is
There it goes
You try to hold it tight
There it goes
Afraid of what you'll find and still a lot to hide