- published: 29 Nov 2014
- views: 197
MTR Corporation Limited (Chinese: 香港鐵路有限公司; literally: "Hong Kong Railway Corporation Limited") is a company listed on the Hong Kong Exchange and Hang Seng Index. MTR runs Hong Kong's Mass Transit Railway (MTR), and is also a major property developer and landlord in Hong Kong. It also invests in railways in different parts in the world, and has obtained contracts to operate rapid transit systems in London, Stockholm, Beijing, Shenzhen, Hangzhou, Melbourne, and Sydney.
The Mass Transit Railway Corporation (Chinese: 地下鐵路公司) was established in 1975 as a government-owned statutory corporation to build and operate a mass transit railway system to meet Hong Kong's public transport needs. On 30 June 2000 the MTRC was succeeded by the MTR Corporation Limited (MTRCL, Chinese: 地鐵有限公司). As with the MTRC, the MTRCL's principal business is to operate the mass transit railway system. Following a successful initial public offering, the MTRCL was listed on the Hong Kong Stock Exchange on 5 October 2000, however the government is still the major stakeholder in the MTRCL.
MTR Corporation
Interview with Jay Walder, CEO of MTR Corporation
Apple - iPad in Business Profiles - MTR Corporation
RIP South West Trains (1996-2017)
Jeremy Long, MTR Corporation, discusses the metro rail industry
Hong Kong MTR Voice clips MTR Subway
[News](2013-05-15)MTR Corp claims Express Rail Link is on schedule
MTR - redo för pendeltågen
Gill Meller, Legal Director and Secretary of MTR Corporation
Omsi good scenery (004) MTR 港鐵 觀塘綫 ( Hong Kong Mass Transit Railway ) Kwun Tong @ 296A City
MTR Corporation Limited is a company listed on the Hong Kong Exchange and Hang Seng Index. MTR runs the Hong Kong MTR metro system, and is also a major property developer and landlord in Hong Kong. It also invests in railways in different parts in the world, and has obtained contracts to operate rapid-transit systems in London, Stockholm, Beijing, Shenzhen, Hangzhou, and Melbourne. This video is targeted to blind users. Attribution: Article text available under CC-BY-SA Creative Commons image source in video
iPad in Business Profiles - MTR Corporation
Sadly, it has been announced that Stagecoach has lost the South Western railway franchise after nearly twenty years to none other than a FirstGroup/MTR Corporation consortium. I am greatly disappointed with this decision. The South Western lines will never be the same again.
From the Total Rail channel: the blog dedicated to news and developments for rail operators and investors Hear Jeremy Long, MTR Corporation, discuss the metro rail industry MetroRail 2013 is now in its 9th year and has become an established platform for operators, service providers and station managers to meet and exchange ideas. Learn more about MetroRail 2013! : http://www.terrapinn.com/metro_8reas_youtube Subscribe! http://www.youtube.com/subscription_center?add_user=fasttrackrail Read our blog: http://blogs.terrapinn.com/total-rail/ Follow us on twitter: http://twitter.com/totalrail Join our Linkedin group: http://www.linkedin.com/groups/Fast-Track-3676401
Read the Description before watching the video: For the people who loves the best subway ever and the cleanest subway ever and who likes the voice of the MTR subway in Hong kong Thank you! feel free to comment and share!, subscribe! More about MTR Corporation: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/MTR_Corporation A trip to MTR by me Visit this video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Jx8CAGt_VZU
[News](2013-05-15)MTR Corp claims Express Rail Link is on schedule
En berättelse om hur vi gjort oss redo att ta oss an pendeltåget i Stockholm.
Gill Meller, Legal Director and Secretary of MTR Corporation shares important legal advice to startup entrepreneurs.
Map:296a (By Calvin 1995) 香港鐵路(英語:Mass Transit Railway),常簡稱港鐵(英語簡稱為MTR),是香港最大的鐵路運輸系統[3],泛指能夠通過一張港鐵單程票通行的9條路線[註 1],廣義上包括一條連接香港國際機場及香港市區的機場快線、擁有12條路線的輕鐵系統及昂坪360纜車系統,組織成為貫通香港島、九龍及新界、市區及多座新市鎮,總計87座鐵路站及68座輕鐵站、合共長220.9公里的鐵路網[1]。同時,整個系統亦包括接駁巴士及城際客運服務。 綜合港鐵系統[註 3]由香港鐵路有限公司(簡稱港鐵公司)營運,於2007年12月2日由地鐵[註 4]及九鐵系統[註 5]合併而成[4]。其中東鐵線[註 2]始建於1906年,於1910年通車,是連接香港及廣東省主要的鐵路運輸;而以地下隧道為主的第二條路線觀塘線則於1979年通車,成為香港鐵路發展歷史的里程碑。 於2013年,港鐵所有路線(不包括輕鐵)累積載客量逾15億9千萬人次、而輕鐵則為2億1千萬人次[2],是全球最繁忙的鐵路系統之一。香港鐵路為國際地鐵聯盟的創會會員之一[註 6]。而港鐵在香港專營公共運輸工具市場整體佔有率不斷上升,由2013年的46.9%,增至48.1%,當中港鐵在過海交通工具市場的佔有率更達68.2%[5]。 雖然港鐵在服務及管理水平在國際上享有高度評價,有很多國家和地區都有引進港鐵的營業模式,但近年港鐵本地服務水平被批評有所下降。 This article is about the metro system in Hong Kong. For the company that operates the system, see MTR Corporation. For other meanings of "MTR", see MTR (disambiguatio...
Que fato absurdo
Ter que viver calado
Sempre na tensão
Já não agüento
Silêncios intensos, vícios
Sempre a vencer
Se calar é tão fácil
Que eu não posso mais
Devo... deixar... isso... tudo?
Que loucura!
Saia do seu instante
Se quiser mudar
Que loucura!
Nada vem do ar
A coisa é tão simples
Que só você não percebe
Tenho que falar
Abra seu jogo
Relaxe seu ego, assuma
Se quiser amar