- published: 03 Jul 2014
- views: 24264
Circular may refer to:
Iván Ferreiro (born 1970) is a Spanish singer-songwriter born in Vigo, Galicia. He was the voice, leader and composer of the popular pop-rock band Los Piratas.
After Los Piratas split, by late 2003, Iván kept playing with his brother Amaro in a pub in Vigo, called El Ensanche. Due to the success of this set of concerts, he decided to record an album with new songs, Canciones para el tiempo y la distancia, that was released in 2005. In the tour of the album, Tournedo, Iván was accompanied by his brother on the guitar and Karlos Arancegui at the drum kit.
In November 2005, Iván thought up a project called Laboratorio Ñ, consisting of collecting some Spanish and Argentinian musicians in a house at Buenos Aires, in order to write new songs among friends. Some of these musicians were Juan Aguirre and Eva Amaral (Amaral), Xoel López (singer of Deluxe) or Quique González.
In October 2006, he released Las siete y media, a mini-album with 8 songs (7 and a half, as in Iván words) written during the Tournedo tour. In 2008, he released a new album Mentiroso Mentiroso, followed by Picninc Extraterrestre in 2010 and his most recent album Confesiones de un artista de mierda recorded in 2011 live in front of an audience as a combination of new songs, collaborations and a new reading of some of Los Piratas and his own greatest hits.
CIRCULAR - [ Moon Pool ] full album
How To Make A Homemade Table Saw With Circular Saw
Perfect Cuts With A Circular Saw - 200
How to Make a Circular Saw Using 775 Motor and PVC Pipe
Circular runway airports: Dutch researchers propose circular runways for future airports - TomoNews
Framing the Flat Patio Circular Roof | Shae's Earthbag Bedroom Ep12 | Weekly Peek
Knitting Help - Tight Circular Cast-Ons
Diy 4'' Circular Saw from Angle Grinder
🇷🇴🛠 circular tamplarie --- o varianta mai inbunatatita
Circular de Cvs semana 9/24/17 - 9/30/17
Homemade Circular Saw
Circular saw to table saw conversion, by c.u.jmy
Iván Ferreiro - El pensamiento circular (Videoclip Oficial)
Circular Palazzo | Palazzo Pant | Cutting and Stitching
Economía Circular: descubre lo que es antes de que reviente el Planeta. #EconomíaCircular
Bajofondo - Circular
Montando uma serra circular de bancada
Sierra circular con soporte casero para todo tipo de cortes
¿Cómo cortar con una Sierra Circular?
buy links https://ultimae.bandcamp.com/album/moon-pool http://shop.ultimae.com/nshop/index.php?add=inre070&cookie;=true Tracklist: 01 - Circular - Lunokhod 00:00 02 - Circular - Selenic Light 13:33 03 - Circular - Theory Of Tides 19:07 04 - Circular - Ashlands 31:18 05 - Circular - 3 Moons 37:21 06 - Circular - Imbrium (Featuring Aes Dana) 43:44 07 - Circular - Synchronous 48:53 08 - Circular - Meteorites 57:25
In this video I'll show you how to make a homemade table saw using a circular saw. For various woodworking projects I found that circular saw isn't enough for me. And for more precise cuts I need a table saw. Instead of buying one, I made it by using circular saw. Try to made it simple and cheap as possible. This table saw cost me only few $ - and that was for screws and zip ties. How I made a fence for this table saw: https://youtu.be/2bpfvXTmXKA How I made crosscut sled for this table saw: https://youtu.be/HXPbGWrV1E4 Support Well Done Tips on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/welldonetips Due to factors beyond the control of WellDoneTips, it cannot guarantee against unauthorized modifications of this information, or improper use of this information. WellDoneTips assumes no li...
Subscribe to my brothers channel: http://www.youtube.com/subscription_center?add_user=natureshiftnow Tools in my shop (If you buy through these links it supports my channel! Thank you! ): Bandsaw - http://amzn.to/2gMHrjd Bevel gauge (t-bevel) - http://amzn.to/2eYLB2N Bluetooth adapter - http://amzn.to/1GDYgFl Dado blade - http://amzn.to/210w6ex Dewalt planer - http://amzn.to/1IGqVoz Dewalt sander - http://amzn.to/1IGt0B6 Dewalt countersink - http://amzn.to/1ThxZQi Dovetail gauge - http://amzn.to/2bJpxIi Eclipse quick release vise - http://amzn.to/1PUkyEW Engineer square - http://amzn.to/2bqS0lA Festool Domino - http://amzn.to/1IGrQ8u Forstner bit - http://amzn.to/2fMph1z Glu-Bot glue bottle - http://amzn.to/1LrKulZ Gyokucho 372 japanese pull saw - http://amzn.to/1TgnE9i Irwin Marples 10" ...
In this video, I am using DC 12Volt 775 Motor Large Torque High with PVC Pipe, and i will Make a Circular Saw at Home Hope you guys will enjoy this !!!, - 775 Motor you can buy here: http://bit.ly/2oQT8sp - Arbor Adaptor : https://goo.gl/JUVN8V Thanks for watching, Have a great day !
AMSTERDAM — Scientists in the Netherlands are working at the country’s aerospace center to develop circular airport runways. After several years of research, scientist Henk Hesselink believes that circular runways could have several benefits, including being more environmentally friendly and less noisy, the BBC reported. The European Commission funded the research project called the Endless Runway, on which Hesselink and five European institutes collaborated together, the NL Times reported. The group proposed constructing a 3.5-km-wide circular runway with banked sides divided into 18 runway segments, with the airport terminal in the center of the circle. The length of the runway would be equal to three straight runways, while being able to handle the air traffic of four. ...
We have started on the roof!! What would we do without our truck for hauling in supplies :) Join us while we take a step closer to the finish line! The video below will also reveal what's going in the secret cubby. Please enjoy and we'll see you Wednesday! Podcast Desk/Table: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4Ht53DNSRvc Please consider contributing thru Patreon:) https://www.patreon.com/MyLittleHomestead Other Links: https://www.patreon.com/MyLittleHomestead http://mylittlehomestead.com/ep12-shaes-earthbag-bedroom-flat-round-circular-patio-roof-construction.html https://www.twitter.com/MyLilHomestead https://www.facebook.com/TheRealMyLittleHomestead http://www.mylittlehomestead.com Bree: https://www.youtube.com/HungerGamesPit Garen: https://www.youtube.com/MrOffAndOn Bryson: https://ww...
In this video I demonstrate what to do when your stitches don't fit around your 16" needles. The Knitter's Pride needles I use in the video can be found here: Dreams 16": https://www.yarn.com/products/knitters-pride-dreamz-special-interchangeable-circular-set Platina 16": https://www.yarn.com/products/knitters-pride-nova-platina-special-interchangeable-needle-set Royale 16": goo.gl/PhW59N Bamboo DPNs: https://www.yarn.com/products/knitters-pride-bamboo-8-double-pointed-needle-set You can find more information about Knitter's Pride needles from these retailers: Bryson Distributing: http://www.brysonknits.com/ Accessories Unlimited: http://www.accessoriesunlimitedinc.com/ Knitter's Pride Shop finder: http://knitterspride.com/find-store.asp The yarn I'm using for demonstration is Berro...
Project no.33 Homemade Circular Saw / Diy Angle Grinder Circular Saw To complete this diy circular saw i came up with a reducer (which is the broken angle grinder) that reduces the speed of my angle grinder because the blades maximum speed is only 6000 rpm and i doubt if i will use my homemade dimmer switch project to reduce the speed im afraid that the torque will also reduce, so thats it. i hope you enjoy the video. LIKE MY FACEBOOK PAGE https://www.facebook.com/PINOYDIYBUILDS SUBSCRIBE TO MY CHANNEL https://www.youtube.com/c/sekaustria AND SUPPORT ME ON PATREON https://www.patreon.com/sekaustria Like Share Subscribe for a Weekly Videos
Pentru critici si sugestii puteti suna la tel 0761.576.867----- Voi face si al doilea videoclip ,dupa cum se vede l-am si marcat pe primul , al doilea nu stiu cand va fi !!! , voi loa pe capitole si o sa vopsesc despre partea care se misca sau care sta , oricum de la filmarea si montarea materialului am sesizat ca nu se vede clar , m-am resemnat si iam dat drumul asa cum era filmat ...nu aveam ce sa mai fac .....deci astept sa fac rost de un aparat de filmat si va arat ca nu e cine stie ce .
Hola amigos le dejo este video para mostrarles los especiales que vamos a tener la proxima semana en la CVS. 💖 En este enlace les muestro como funciona Fetch Rewards: https://www.youtube.com/edit?o=U&video;_id=xIttUuJeFuM 💖 Este es mi codigo de referencia para Fetch Rewards: G9UXQ 💖 Mi correo electronico es: Ahorrandoconpina@gmail.com 💖 Este es un enlace para obtener un mes de tinta TOTALMENTE GRATIS: http://try.hpinstantink.com/gn9Hv 💖 Este es enlace para hacer su cuenta en Ibotta: https://ibotta.com/r/jdokvyt 💖 En este video les muestro como se utiliza Ibotta: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JihxGs9awQc 💖 Este es el enlace para hacer su cuenta en Checkout51: http://www.shareasale.com/r.cfm?B=544885&U;=1448639&M;=49403&urllink;= 💖 Este es el video de como usar Ibot...
Это видео создано в редакторе слайд-шоу YouTube: http://www.youtube.com/upload.
Made In a 2 piece portable unit, one the base with the circular saw, The support table with the unique sliding aperture to form the rip width from the fence. (3 ft.)The conversion requires the use of two sawhorses for support
Videoclip Oficial del nuevo single de Iván Ferreiro adelanto de su nuevo álbum. Escúchala al completo en Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/track/03DQgr2yeWmNaV8fJ8VVhq Sigue a Iván Ferreiro en: https://www.facebook.com/ivanferreiro.oficial/ https://twitter.com/ivanferreiro?lang=es https://www.instagram.com/ivanferreiro/
Hello Everyone ! We're back with another video. Today, we're going to show - How to make "Stylish Circular Palazzo". This video tutorial includes drafting, cutting and stitching of circular palazzo in very detailed manner. FABRIC DETAILS ============== Type : Crepe Length : 2.5 metres MEASUREMENTS USED ==================== Waist : 30" Hip : 36" Length : 38" CONNECT WITH US ON SOCIAL MEDIA ================================ Subscribe Us : http://bit.ly/SubscribeBST Facebook : http://bit.ly/BST_FB Google+ : http://bit.ly/BST_GPLUS Twitter : https://goo.gl/zds5pG WATCH KIDS VIDEO TUTORIALS ================================== Simple Frock : https://youtu.be/9EQ8UO7bx08 Round Body Frock : https://youtu.be/UL-dLfdeCcw Baby Frock : https://youtu.be/IjmWsFd-pZU Baby Angrakha : https://youtu.be/f...
programa silvio santos
Nos lo estamos jugando todo. 15 minutos de viaje que no te dejarán indiferente. Continúa la conversación en comentarios, o en redes con el hashtag #EconomíaCircular. Subtítulos disponibles en español e inglés Sí quieres profundizar un poco más, visita nuestro Foro #INNOVA100 donde hablamos de #EconomíaCircular: http://cotec.es/los-100/foro-innova100/innovar-economia-circular-reinventar-sistema/ En la web de Cotec también está disponible el informe de Situación y Evaluación de la Economía Circular en España: http://cotec.es/media/informe-CotecISBN-1.pdf More than 100 people from the Freesound community contributed with their sounds and music to make this video awesome. In no particular order, we'd like to credit cognito-perceptu, jimblodget, martian, sribubba, weyoun, kizilsungur, pha...
Olá amigos neste video mostro como montei minha serrinha circular de bancada e como ela ficou depois de pronta confiram até o final Abraços Toninho ( Arteirinho Vip )
Con este nuevo proyecto, vamos cerrando el círculo de diferentes propósitos, mostrar todos los posibles soportes caseros que existen y los cuales son verdaderamente útiles, podemos conseguir máquinas casi con cortes de gran precisión, en madera y metales, disponiendo simplemente de unas máquinas manuales como las de esta serie, espero les guste, saludos Amazon.es - https://www.amazon.es/Evolution-RAGE1B1852EU-RAGE-Sierra-circular/dp/B00DSIEM1Y/ Aslak - http://www.aslak.es/es/catalogo/sierra-circular/_i:3903/ Screwfix.eu - http://www.screwfix.eu/evolution-rage-1b-185mm-multipurpose-circular-saw-230v.html
Domingo Freire. En este vídeo les muestro cómo usar una sierra circular, ya que es una herramienta muy útil y versátil en los trabajos diarios del carpintero. Aquí podrán ver de forma detallada cómo utilizar un riel para obtener un corte recto que en este caso se hizo en una puerta entamborada que además de estar muy larga para su instalación tenía un corte irregular en el lado que tuve que cortar. --------------------------------------- Grupo Creativo DF, C.A. http://www.grupocreativodf.com Suscríbete a Domingo Freire ¡y nunca te pierdas un vídeo! -------------------------------------- Te espero por mis redes sociales: Twitter: @grupocreativodf https://twitter.com/GrupoCreativoDF Facebook: Grupo Creativo DF https://www.facebook.com/grupocreativ... Instagram: @GrupoCreativoDF https...
Circular pizza coming my way and I'm not afraid to let it
Wait for the day when I love you again and I own my right
cos I'm on time
Don't you understand that this feeling can't last long
If you don't take her hand and be sure keep holding on
1 2 3 4
I wish I was a fairy queen running through the grass
I'd climb up all the rocks and trees and slide down on my