Going over to the dark side

Edit The Hindu 21 Oct 2016
My son hasn’t done anything wrong. He’s not that kind of a boy ... “He told us some friends would come home and that we should prepare food for them as well. We never knew who was coming ... T ... K.H ... Yet another post, titled “Shed a Kafir’s blood”, says “unless there’s no peace agreement with Muslims, a Kafir’s (non-Muslim) life and property won’t be protected” ... Keywords....

Thousands hard liners march against Ahok

Edit The Jakarta Post 14 Oct 2016
The protesters, most of whom were men dressed in white Muslim attire, were heard yelling, "We want a Muslim governor", "Burn Ahok!" and "Kafir!". "Indonesia is a country based on the rule of law ... Ja'far asked the protesters to carry out “peace action” ... 51 ... ....

Learn about Islam to assess threat and more letters to the editors

Edit Times Free Press 08 Oct 2016
Learn about Islam to assess threat. Shadi Hamid's Sept. 24 column in the Times Free Press, "Why Islam isn't like other faiths," requires comment. It is correct that the Koran, Allah's words, is considered perfect and therefore cannot be changed. That is why there cannot ever be reform in Islam ... Mohammed was a dissident in Mecca and Medina ... Believers should not take Kafirs as friends in preference to other believers. Koran 47.4 ... Roger W....

How ISIS terrorists neutralize guilt to justify their atrocities

Edit Business Insider 07 Oct 2016
A fighter of the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL) holds an ISIL flag and a weapon on a street in the city of Mosul, Iraq June 23, 2014 ... And the perpetrators of the violence? Well, they probably don’t feel guilty at all ... For them, the condemners – journalists, judges, police officers, and the like – are corrupted, depraved, brutal hypocrites and deviants, because they are kafir (non-believers) ... Appealing to higher loyalties ... ....

Ash clouds and frozen roses

Edit The Hindu 30 Sep 2016
One dozen cryogenated roses hanging in a fridge. It’s a ghoulishly delightful image. A cheeky rejoinder to the industry of romance, gooey with heart-shaped cakes, saccharine greeting cards and red rose avalanches. At Pan Asian, our red roses arrive at the end of the meal ... Music plays softly in the background ... Then comes a quirky light bulb filled with creamy pumpkin soup, spiked with Kafir lime, chillies and a truffle pate ... ....

Street preacher convicted of abusing passer-by Tuesday 27 September 2016 (West Midlands Police)

Edit Public Technologies 27 Sep 2016
(Source. West Midlands Police). Street preacher convicted of abusing passer-by. 27/09/2016 ... Krissoni Henderson was in New Street on 4 July when he launched a torrent of insults at a passer-by he singled out after taking umbrage at her appearance. Henderson shouted 'you Satan, you devil, you prostitute wearing tight jeans… take them off, you'll go to hell' before branding her a 'kafir' and threatening to blow up her house ... He said ... (noodl....

Birmingham street preacher guilty of abusing woman over 'tight jeans'

Edit BBC News 26 Sep 2016
A street preacher who told a woman she would "burn in hell" for wearing tight jeans has been found guilty of religiously aggravated threatening behaviour ... He also called police officers arresting him "disgusting atheists" ... "He directed the conversation to me and started saying you are a 'kafir' [an Islamic term for a non-believer]," she said ... ....

Street preacher appears in court after abusing Muslim woman over 'tight jeans'

Edit ITV 26 Sep 2016
A street preacher who abused a Muslim woman because of her clothing has been found guilty of religiously aggravated threatening behaviour. Krissoni Henderson told Noor Alneaimi that she would "burn in hell" for wearing tight jeans. He also called her a non-believer and a prostitute ... She added. "He directed the conversation to me and started saying you are a 'Kafir' ... ....

Preacher found guilty after telling Muslim she would 'burn in hell'

Edit The Guardian 26 Sep 2016
Krissoni Henderson convicted of religiously aggravated threatening behaviour after incident in Birmingham. A street preacher who told a Muslim woman she would “burn in hell” for wearing tight jeans has been found guilty of religiously aggravated threatening behaviour ...Look at your tight jeans.” ... “He directed the conversation to me and started saying you are a ‘Kafir... You will burn in hell for wearing such clothes’ ... ....

‘Wefie’ marks beginning of gubernatorial campaign

Edit The Jakarta Post 26 Sep 2016
Following a hectic nomination and registration process, Jakarta’s gubernatorial candidates visited Mintohardjo Navy Hospital in Bendungan Hilir, Central Jakarta, for medical checkups on Saturday ... Some Islamic groups are trying out various schemes to prevent the reelection of Ahok, who they refer to as a kafir (infidel), including by calling on Muslim voters to join together in an alliance to oppose him ... 26 and end on Feb ... ....

Man Harasses Woman Because He Says Her Tight Pants Violate His Religious Beliefs, Pays The Price

Edit Opposing Views 24 Sep 2016
A Muslim bodyguard was given a dose of karma after he called a woman a prostitute and threatened to "blow her up" over her outfit.  ... His trial began in early September ... Henderson this woman was the victim of religious and offensive words, including calling her a kafir -- a derogatory term for a non-believer,” prosecutor Simon Brownsey told the court, the Daily Mail reported ... “He's a hypocrite. He's a POS ... ....

Sectarianism simmers as Jakarta election approaches

Edit The Jakarta Post 20 Sep 2016
Some Islamic groups have tried out various schemes to prevent the reelection of the clear frontrunner, Jakarta Governor Basuki “Ahok” Tjahaja Purnama, whom they refer to as a kafir (non-believer), including calling on Muslim voters to join together in an alliance to oppose him ... One of the points stipulated in the accord is that it is haram (forbidden by Islamic law) for Muslims to vote for a non-Muslim candidate ... ....

Nadia Murad, Survivor of ISIS Atrocities, Named U.N. Goodwill Ambassador

Edit Time Magazine 16 Sep 2016
Nadia Murad Basee Taha, who survived captivity by ISIS in Iraq to become an activist for her Yazidi people, has been appointed as a Goodwill Ambassador for the United Nations ... ISIS has targeted the Yazidi population of approximately 230,000 people in the area, considered “kafir” or “nonbelievers” because they are not Muslims, in what is widely considered to be a genocide ... ....