- published: 28 Jul 2010
- views: 848560
HIDDEN ERROR: Usage of "nationality" is not recognizedHIDDEN ERROR: Usage of "party" is not recognized
David John "Dave" Matthews (born January 9, 1967) is a South African-born American singer-songwriter, musician and actor, best known as the lead vocalist, songwriter, and guitarist for the Dave Matthews Band. Matthews was born in Johannesburg, South Africa and moved to Westchester County, New York at the age of 2. Matthews mainly plays acoustic guitar, which he started playing at age 9.
From 1991 to 2003, Matthews predominantly focused on songwriting and performing with the Dave Matthews Band, which he started in Charlottesville, Virginia in 1991. Since then, he has also done various solo performances and produced other records. During the period from 2000 to 2010, his band sold more tickets and earned more money than any other act in North America. The band's most recent album, Away from the World, released in 2012, made them the only group to have six consecutive studio albums debut at number one on the Billboard charts.
Dave Matthews Band (often abbreviated to DMB) is an American rock band that was formed in Charlottesville, Virginia in 1991. The founding members were singer-songwriter and guitarist Dave Matthews, bassist Stefan Lessard, drummer/backing vocalist Carter Beauford and saxophonist LeRoi Moore. Boyd Tinsley was added to the band as a violinist soon after the band was formed. Moore died suddenly in August 2008 due to complications from injuries sustained in an ATV accident. Grammy Award-winner Jeff Coffin (of Béla Fleck and the Flecktones) has since filled Moore's spot as the band's saxophonist. Rashawn Ross and Tim Reynolds have also become full-time touring members of the band. The band's 2009 album Big Whiskey and the GrooGrux King (the first album since Moore's death) debuted at number one on the Billboard 200, earning the band their fifth consecutive number-one debut. Their most recent album, Away from the World, released in 2012, debuted at number one on the Billboard chart — making them the only group to have six consecutive studio albums debut in the top spot. As of 2010, the Dave Matthews Band has sold over 30 million records worldwide.
Saratoga Springs is a city in Saratoga County, New York, United States, that is also widely known as simply Saratoga (though not to be confused with the nearby town of that name). The population was 26,586 at the 2010 census. The name reflects the presence of mineral springs in the area, which has made Saratoga a popular resort destination for over 200 years. The city is just north of Albany in the heart of New York's Capital Region.
Saratoga Springs was ranked tenth in the list of the top 10 places to live in New York State for 2014 according to the national online real estate brokerage Movoto.
The picturesque area was occupied by the Algonquian-speaking Mahican Indians before they were pushed out by European settlement, both Dutch and English colonists. They eventually moved east and became allied with other remnant peoples and became known as the Stockbridge Indians, as they settled near Stockbridge, Massachusetts.
The English built Fort Saratoga in 1691 on the west bank of the Hudson River. The current village of Schuylerville was settled about a mile south by English colonists shortly after the fort; it was known as Saratoga until 1831. In 1767, William Johnson, a British soldier who was a hero of the French and Indian War, was brought by Native American friends to springs about 10 miles (16 km) west of the village. They treated his war wounds, as the spring was thought to have medicinal properties. Now known as High Rock Spring, it may still be visited today. In 1756 Johnson had been appointed British Superintendent of Indian Affairs in the Northeast region due to his success in building alliances with the Mohawk and other Iroquois tribes. He had learned the language, and created many trading relationships. He achieved great wealth from trading and landholdings, and was knighted for his service to the Crown with the Iroquois.
SPAC may refer to:
Dead & Company is a band consisting of former Grateful Dead members Bob Weir (guitar), Mickey Hart (drums), and Bill Kreutzmann (drums), along with John Mayer (guitar), Oteil Burbridge (bass), and Jeff Chimenti (keyboards).
Dead & Company was formed in 2015 following the hugely successful Fare Thee Well concerts performed by the surviving members of the Grateful Dead. They initially announced only one concert date on October 31, 2015 at Madison Square Garden in New York but announced a full tour shortly afterwards.
John Mayer expressed a particularly strong enthusiasm toward playing with the new band.Phil Lesh, the original bassist for the Grateful Dead, did not join.Mike Gordon of Phish briefly auditioned for the role but had to withdraw due to being too busy with other matters.
Following the band's final 2015 performance on December 31, 2015 John Mayer told fans that they could expect more Dead & Company concerts in 2016 and this was confirmed by Bob Weir when he was interviewed on Periscope. The band initially had one performance confirmed for 2016 at the Bonnaroo Music Festival but announced a full summer tour on February 8, 2016.
Chinaski - Spac
Dead & Company: Live from SPAC (6/20/2017 Set 1)
SPAC The Documentary feat. Dave Matthews Band
Dave Matthews and Tim Reynolds SPAC June 17th 2017 Full Show HD Multicam
SPAC at 50 | Trailer
Rzabka • Spać prod. by @TSKSOMD
Dave Matthews Band at SPAC (N2) -- July 16th, 2016 -- (AUDIO - Full) - Taped by Will Clark
Dead & Company 6/20/17 SPAC Saratoga Springs NY Set 1
Dave Matthews Band - 6/8/12 - [Full Show] - SPAC Night 1 - [Multicam/HQ-Audio] - Saratoga, NY
SPAC - Interno quadro
Piękni i Młodzi - Chciałabym spać z Tobą (Oficjalny teledysk)
Enej - Nie chcę spać (Official video)
Dead & Company 6/20/17 SPAC Saratoga Springs NY Set 2
Dave Matthews Band - 5/25/13 - [Full Show] - SPAC N1 - [Multicam/HQ-Audio] - Saratoga Springs, NY
Société SPAC
F/T15 SPAC - 静岡県舞台芸術センター『真夏の夜の夢』 演出:宮城 聰
Dave Matthews Band - 6/21/08 - [Complete] - SPAC Night 2 - Saratoga Springs, New York - [Birderdj]]
Dave Matthews Band at SPAC (N1) -- July 15th, 2016 (AUDIO - Full) -- Taped by Chris Drews
Nuka spac
Spacs junikorn
Actors: Swift (actor), Tarabas (writer), Tarabas (director), Pac (actor), Mike (actor), Paulnebunul (actor), Remz1 (actor), Spac (actor), Spammer (actor), String (actor), Tdk (actor), Poizan (actress), Adyr (actor), Bebeinc (editor), Danysan (actor),
Genres: Mystery,Music video by Chinaski performing Spac. (C) 2010 Universal Music s.r.o.
Dead & Company performed at Saratoga Performing Arts Center in Saratoga Springs, NY and streamed the first few songs for live viewing! Hear the entire set via http://LiveDead.co , where you can download MP3, Lossless and Hi-Res formats including MQA and DSD, as well as purchase good ol' CDs. You can also stream now in the nugs.net app. Follow Dead & Company http://www.deadandcompany.com/ https://twitter.com/deadandcompany https://www.facebook.com/DeadandCompany/ https://www.instagram.com/deadandcompany/
Shot on the GoPro Hero3. For any DMB fan SPAC weekend serves as some of the most anticipated concerts on the tour. Experience the excitement, people and music that keeps us coming back each year.
Full show with HQ-Audio and multicam of the second night of a series of two shows of Dave Matthews and Tim Reynolds presented at Saratoga Performing Arts Center on June 17th 2017. If you want to watch only one song watch this one: 2:34:47 Halloween *** - Songs with a "*" have better multicam footage - *** 0:53 Little Thing 5:00 Bartender *12:42 Pig 20:49 Why I Am *25:45 When the World Ends *29:52 So Much to Say 34:31 Samurai Cop *39:47 What Would You Say 44:26 Black and Blue Bird 50:42 Grace Is Gone *54:26 Warehouse *1:04:06 Long Black Veil 1:09:20 Crush 1:18:58 In Your Eyes Out of My Hands **No Footage Save Me **No Footage *1:34:15 The Best of What's Around *1:40:05 The Maker 1:45:43 Two Step Betrayal **No Footage *1:59:35 Melissa Everyday **No Footage Typical Situation **No Footage Foo...
Commemorate 50 years of the Saratoga Performing Arts Center with our new documentary exploring the history, architecture and artists that have made SPAC an incredible, unique performance destination. Learn more at wmht.org/spac
SPOTIFY: https://play.spotify.com/album/6pQXoNpGZ0Y53vOnMzaJDd Tutaj możesz kupić koszulki SOMD: http://somd.cupsell.pl SOMD: https://www.facebook.com/SOMDswag/ RZABKA: https://www.facebook.com/rzabkasomd/ TSK: https://www.facebook.com/TSKSOMD/ Dzisiaj nastąpiła premiera wyjątkowego materiału najlepszego rapera z ziemi lubuskiej. Rzabka nagrał swój kolejny album pełen przemyśleń zaserwowanych w intrygujący sposób. Każdy track przechodzi do historii w dzień premiery. Pobierz: https://tsksomd.bandcamp.com/album/fr... Odsłuchaj: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list...
Dave Matthews Band Saratoga Performing Arts Center (SPAC) Saratoga Springs, NY 7/16/16 (Night 2) -----\ NOTES \----- ***** http://davematthewsband.com/tour A few more shows on the East Coast and then they make their way to the West Coast, all leading up to the 3-day end of tour weekend Labor Day at The Gorge in Washington. Then back in VA in the fall for Farm Aid 2016! ***** An excellent quality taping, documenting the unforgettable end of SPAC Weekend 2016. Recorded with care by a longtime contributor to the dreamingtree.org team and tape community, Will Clark ***** IMPORTANT NOTE: YouTube is lossy. It processes its videos into MP4 which degrades the audio quality of the original tape. This is purely for streaming enjoyment, convenience, also for promoting the Dave Matthews Band fan c...
1st set : Hell in a Bucket Next Time You See Me Loose Lucy Mississippi Half-Step Uptown Toodeloo Looks Like Rain Dire Wolf Lost Sailor Saint of Circumstance *Originally Periscoped by Casezille108 in the Pit Set 2 here: https://youtu.be/nrtazANjoiA
Dave Matthews Band June 8, 2012 Saratoga Performing Arts Center, Saratoga Springs, NY 00:50 Proudest Monkey 09:45 Don't Drink the Water 16:37 You Never Know 24:17 Funny the Way It Is 32:55 Minarets 38:41 #41 52:40 Mercy 1:01:04 What Would You Say 1:07:15 Say Goodbye (Intro) 1:12:31 Say Goodbye 1:19:53 Seven* 1:26:27 Can't Stop** 1:35:52 Shake Me Like a Monkey* 1:41:32 Lie in Our Graves 1:57:47 You & Me 2:03:03 Warehouse 2:14:04 Ants Marching ----------------------------------- 2:26:30 #40 [partial] 2:29:22 If Only 2:37:45 Halloween (Intro) » 2:38:55 Halloween » 2:43:30 Tripping Billies * - Shady Horns ** - Eric Krasno --- Primary Video Sources: @Sully4of5 - http://www.youtube.com/user/Sully4of5 @thecanzone - http://www.youtube.com/user/ZoniBoyProductions @his_dreamgirl - http://www.you...
Disegno del topografico interno armadio in SPAC Automazione
SPAC秋→春のシーズン#6 『ロミオとジュリエット』 構成・演出: オマール・ポラス 原作: ウィリアム・シェイクスピア 日本語訳: 河合祥一郎 出演: 山本実幸、宮城嶋遥加、大内米治、貴島豪、アントニー・サンドヴァル、 武石守正、舘野百代、永井健二、吉見亮、ピエール=イヴ・ル・ルアルン 公演期間:2016年2月24日(水)~3月16日(水) 会場:静岡芸術劇場 製作:SPAC‐静岡県舞台芸術センター 公演詳細はこちら http://spac.or.jp/romeo_2016.html
ZABRONIONE KOPIOWANIE NA INNE KANAŁY!!! Aranżacja: Jan Bańkowski/Kamil Kwiatkowski W teledysku wzięli udział tancerze: https://www.facebook.com/sebastiankowalczykdance Szczególne podziękowania dla Karczmy u Wiencka za gościnność oraz ciepłe przyjęcie!!! https://www.facebook.com/karczmauwiencka?fref=ts Dziękujemy również wszystkim, którzy przyczynili się do powstania naszego klipu! Management: Impresariat www.impresariat.pl Krzysztof Bogucki +48 508 750 659 (C) + (P) 2014 Vanila Records biuro@vanilarecords.pl Singiel dostępny w serwisach: Muzodajnia http://www1.plus.pl/muzodajnia/main/track.html?artistId=1416066&trackId;=4634019&t;=Piekni+I+Mlodzi+Chcialabym+spac+z+Toba iTunes https://itunes.apple.com/pl/album/chcia-abym-spac-z-toba-single/id886685597?l=pl PlayTheMusic http://www.playthe...
Zapraszamy na oficjalną stronę zespołu Enej na FB http://www.facebook.com/enejband Zamów płytę PAPARANOJA: http://punkshop.pl/produkt/paparanoja,enej,29182 Oficjalna strona internetowa zespołu Enej: http://www.enej.pl Oficjalna strona Kojro Management na FB: https://www.facebook.com/kojromanagement Oficjalna strona Lou & Rocked Boys: http://www.lourockedboys.pl/ „Nie chcę spać” to najnowszy singiel zespołu Enej promujący płytę – „Paparanoja”, która pojawi się na sklepowych półkach już 12 lutego 2015 roku. Po ponad dwóch latach grupa wydaje kolejny album studyjny, wzbogacony doświadczeniem setek zagranych koncertów w kraju i za granicą, dużo dojrzalszy i bardzo zróżnicowany ze względu na mnogość inspiracji. „Nie chcę spać” niemal dokładnie opisuje płytę „Paparanoja” pod wieloma wz...
Set 2: China Cat Sunflower Deal China Doll Terrapin Station Drums Space All Along the Watchtower Black Peter I Know You Rider Encore: Going Down the Road Feelin' Bad *Originally Periscoped by Casezille108 from the Pit *Thanks to magicpez for the help with saving the periscope stream of set 2 for me so I could upload it to my youtube channel! Unfortunately, the Periscope app did not save Set 2 on my camera roll when I stopped recording. That's why I don't have an HD version of set 2. And an extra special thanks to 5299! Enjoy!
Dave Matthews Band May 25, 2013 Saratoga Performing Arts Center, Saratoga Springs, NY 01:08 Seek Up 21:45 Intro to... 23:02 Don't Drink the Water 30:18 The Idea of You 36:06 Rooftop 43:26 Drum Intro 47:32 Say Goodbye 55:02 So Right 1:01:56 Joyride 1:06:39 Where Are You Going 1:12:30 Grey Street 1:19:43 Spaceman » 1:25:58 Corn Bread 1:32:38 Snow Outside 1:44:48 Shake Me Like a Monkey 1:48:56 Drunken Soldier 1:59:14 Jimi Thing 2:17:14 What You Are 2:23:35 ---EncoreBreak--- 2:26:19 Little Thing (tease) 2:27:42 Belly Belly Nice 2:32:14 Pantala Naga Pampa » 2:32:52 Rapunzel Notes: ====== Temperature at show time: 43 degrees / Rain Showers / Wind NW 16mph / 75% Humidity on Stage This was the 4th show of DMB's 2013 summer tour. Five songs in this set were played five or less times during th...
Don't Drink the Water- 1:00 One Sweet World- 11:07 Grey Street- 19:10 The Dreaming Tree- 25:27 #41- 41:09 Rhyme or Reason- 52:39 Shotgun- 1:01:40 Ants Marching- 1:10:43 A Dream So Real- 1:21:00 #40- 1:26:12 Cornbread- 1:29:17 Money 1:36:28 Money (That's What I Want) 1:43:37 Eh Hee- 1:47:40 Lie In Our Graves- 1:52:29 Jimi Thing- 2:05:17 So Much To Say/ASTB 2:24:02 Too Much- 2:31:50 -------------------- Lie In Our Graves (reprise)- 2:40:16 So Damn Lucky- 2:41:40 Thank You- 2:49:19 Video Filmed by: http://www.youtube.com/birderdj -- Timestamps: Kuchar34
Dave Matthews Band Saratoga Performing Arts Center Saratoga Springs, NY 07/15/16 (Night 1) -----\ SETLIST \----- 00:00:00 | Intro 00:01:55 | So Right 00:08:53 | Recently 00:17:25 | Crash into Me 00:24:32 | Raven 00:30:02 | Warehouse 00:42:27 | Bob Law 00:48:07 | Proudest Monkey [tease] » 00:48:50 | Satellite 00:55:52 | One Sweet World 01:03:07 | Crush 01:19:35 | Samurai Cop 01:24:50 | Seek Up 01:45:53 | The Idea of You 01:52:12 | Grey Street 01:59:40 | Death on the High Seas 02:05:33 | Typical Situation 02:21:59 | Too Much 02:29:17 | Pantala Naga Pampa » 02:29:55 | Rapunzel -----\ ENCORE \----- 02:43:38 | Sister 02:48:14 | Granny 02:53:08 | Tripping Billies -----\ Taper Notes \----- Taper: Chris Drews * Source: Neumann AK40 » LC3 » km100(DINa, ~15') » UA-5 ...
Nuka spac!
this is what a spac is
Dave Matthews Band - May 7, 2016 -Full 25th Anniversary Show - John Paul Jones Arena, Charlottesville, VA - [Full Show/Multicam/HQ-Audio] 00:01:50 The Song That Jane Likes 00:07:14 When the World Ends 00:11:40 One Sweet World 00:19:24 Why I Am 00:24:45 #41 00:35:21 Samurai Cop 00:41:35 Don't Drink the Water 00:49:26 Bob Law 00:55:30 What Would You Say 01:01:04 Big Eyed Fish » 01:06:02 Bismarck 01:13:20 Sugar Will 01:21:17 Belly Belly Nice 01:26:30 Virginia in the Rain 01:33:27 Warehouse 01:44:45 Jimi Thing* » 01:56:18 Sexy MF [partial] 02:01:01 The Space Between 02:07:50 Grey Street ----------------------------------- 02:15:17 Ants Marching 02:27:00 The Last Stop 02:41:07 Tripping Billies Notes: --- * - John D'Earth on trumpet First time The Song That Jane Likes has opened a show sinc...
Video - Mrnycrispy / Audio Schoeps MK4 - Jon Koch / For You Tube Only! The Stone 00:00 Proudest Monkey 11:45 Crash 20:44 Old Dirt Hill 26:13 Idea Of You 35:30 Burning Down The House 40:55 #41 46:50 Say Goodbye 58:45 So Damn Lucky 1:08:20 Minarets 1:19:22 Where Are You Going 1:26:50 Rhyme And Reason 1:30:50 Lie In Our Graves 1:44:05 The Maker 1:59:52 You Might Die Trying 2:09:25 Typical Situation 2:17:50 Last Stop 2:32:30 Ants Marching 2:44:18 Encore Pig 3:05:50 Stay 3:11:42
Dave Matthews Band - Full Concert Recorded Live: 7/24/1999 - Woodstock 99 East Stage (Rome, NY) More Dave Matthews Band at Music Vault: http://www.musicvault.com Subscribe to Music Vault: http://goo.gl/DUzpUF Setlist: 0:00:00 - greetings 0:02:29 - #41 0:12:15 - Two Step 0:23:13 - Too Much 0:27:32 - Rhyme & Reason 0:33:12 - Don't Drink The Water 0:39:59 - Tripping Billies 0:45:21 - All Along The Watchtower 0:53:22 - Ants Marching Personnel: Dave Matthews - guitar, vocals Stefan Lessard - bass LeRoi Moore - saxophone Boyd Tinsley - violin Carter Beauford - drums, vocals
Dave Matthews Band Live #41 Listener Supported 9/11/99
Dave Matthews Band July 15, 2014 Jacksonville Veterans Memorial Arena, Jacksonville, FL 00:01 - Bartender 07:57- Two Step 15:18 - Snow Outside 23:24 - Satellite 30:06 - Stolen Away on 55th & 3rd 38:25 - #27 44:39 - Sweet 51:46 - Tripping Billies 57:21 - What Would You Say ----------------------------------- 1:03:04 - Minarets » 1:10:55 - One Sweet World 1:19:05 - Seven 1:25:31 - Belly Belly Nice 1:29:37 - Crush 1:45:19 - Save Me 1:51:14 - If Only 1:58:47 - Warehouse 2:09:51 - You & Me 2:15:24 - Sledgehammer 2:21:21 - You Might Die Trying 2:29:12 - Everyday 2:37:27 - Grey Street ----------------------------------- 2:51:02 - Belly Full » 2:52:55 - Good Good Time 2:58:13 - Why I Am Thanks to Craig Parks who posted the time stamps.
Dave Matthews Band played at Meo Arena in Lisbon, Portugal on 10.11.2015 as a part of a tour that began in Abu Dhabi and will end on November 13th in Dublin.
Dave Matthews Band performs "You Might Die Trying" from their DVD "Live at Piedmont Park"
Live at Red Rocks 8.15.95 is an album by Dave Matthews Band, released on October 28, 1997. It was recorded live at Red Rocks Amphitheatre in Morrison, Colorado on August 15, 1995. Full Double Album. Full Show L@RR. Playlist: 1. Seek Up 2. Proudest Monkey 3. Satellite 4. Two Step 5. The Best of What's Around 6. Recently 7. Lie in Our Graves 8. Dancing Nancies 9. Warehouse 10. Tripping Billies 11. Drive In Drive Out 12. Lover Lay Down 13. Rhyme and Reason 14. #36 15. Ants Marching 16. Typical Situation 17. All Along the Watchtower just sharing for enjoyment...
Live at Continental Airlines Arena in East Rutherford, New Jersey on September 11, 1999.
One of the best band in this Universe and great song. Dave Matthews Band !!!!
Released August 14, 2007 Recorded Radio City Music Hall, New York City, New York on April 22, 2007 Label: RCA
Dave Matthews Band plays Dreamgirl at Red Rocks (09.11.05)
Dave Matthews Band - May 26, 2012 - Comcast Theatre, Hartford, CT 00:52Sweet 05:49 Grace Is Gone 14:15 Eh Hee 20:00 What Would You Say 26:41 Don't Drink the Water 33:50 Beach Ball 38:30 #41 » 51:55 Funny the Way It Is 1:01:49 Mercy 1:10:11 Lie in Our Graves* 1:22:45 Two Step 1:39:45 Little Red Bird 1:43:45 You & Me 1:48:50 You Might Die Trying 1:57:30 Dancing Nancies 2:08:11 So Much to Say » 2:12:35 Anyone Seen the Bridge » 2:14:28 Too Much ----------------------------------- 2:24:17 Save Me 2:30:48 Carter Intro 2:32:37 Halloween » 2:36:13 (Nature) 2:37:01 Tripping Billies * - Stanley Jordan on Electric guitar -- Notes: Audio Replacement/Sync Deshake (Thalin) Crop by keyframe/Rotation Fix/etc/etc NeatVid3 (If Nec) Thanks to @thestonefool, @sully4of5, and @jcomey for the three amazing...
Dave Matthews Band July 7, 2012 Alpine Valley Music Theatre, East Troy, WI 02:45 Little Thing » 04:52 Funny the Way It Is 12:45 Pantala Naga Pampa » Rapunzel 20:36 Loving Wings 31:30 You & Me 36:40 Shotgun 44:02 Crash into Me 51:03 Minarets 57:19 Jimi Thing 1:15:35 Rhyme & Reason** 1:23:47 The Dreaming Tree** 1:40:16 Raven 1:46:30 #41 2:00:10 So Much to Say » 2:04:40 Anyone Seen the Bridge » 2:06:52 Too Much 2:13:00 Gaucho 2:18:20 Typical Situation 2:31:45 If Only » 2:39:38 Two Step --- 2:59:47 The Space Between* 3:05:40 Ants Marching 3:13:50 Thank You** * - Dave solo ** - w/ Stanley Jordan Notes ------- Per www.dmbalmanac.com this the 2nd longest show DMB has ever performed with a total song duration of 3 hours and 2 minutes and 45 seconds. (Alpine N1 2015 was a couple mi...
Dave Matthews Band Thursday, May 7th, 2015 Legends on Letterman Ed Sullivan Theatre, New York, NY 1:23 Seven 7:15 Stay Or Leave 12:22 Belly Belly Nice 17:39 Don't Drink The Water » 24:30 Digging A Ditch 30:45 Satellite 37:33 You And Me 43:00 Black And Bluebird (song debut) 49:40 Grey Street ----------------------------------- 57:18 Granny
Bartender Dave Matthews & Tim Reynolds Live @ Radio City Music Hall New York City April 22, 2007
Para el pueblo lo que es del pueblo. https://www.facebook.com/loquerisne Torrent DVD9: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/0B4qlx8QLV84OY0Etd0VreV9BRlE?usp=sharing ============================== Summer Break Festival Complejo al Río, Buenos Aires, Argentina 14 de Diciembre de 2013 Entrada de la banda (0:38) Pantala Naga Pampa - Rapunzel (2:17) Don't Drink the Water (9:54) Kill the Preacher [tease] (16:45) Why I Am (17:08) Dave speak spanish (21:21) What Would You Say (21:48) Satellite (27:30) Belly Belly Nice (33:51) Crush (37:54) Mercy (52:45) Shake Me Like a Monkey (1:03:49) #41 (1:08:03) Rooftop (1:20:03) Ole, ole, oleeee (1:26:08) Crash Into Me (1:27:44) Ants Marching (1:33:02) Buscate en el público! (1:43:08) =============================== The Space Between (1:46:49) Tripping B...
Dave Matthews Band - May 7, 2016 -Full 25th Anniversary Show - John Paul Jones Arena, Charlottesville, VA - [Full Show/Multicam/HQ-Audio] 00:01:50 The Song That Jane Likes 00:07:14 When the World Ends 00:11:40 One Sweet World 00:19:24 Why I Am 00:24:45 #41 00:35:21 Samurai Cop 00:41:35 Don't Drink the Water 00:49:26 Bob Law 00:55:30 What Would You Say 01:01:04 Big Eyed Fish » 01:06:02 Bismarck 01:13:20 Sugar Will 01:21:17 Belly Belly Nice 01:26:30 Virginia in the Rain 01:33:27 Warehouse 01:44:45 Jimi Thing* » 01:56:18 Sexy MF [partial] 02:01:01 The Space Between 02:07:50 Grey Street ----------------------------------- 02:15:17 Ants Marching 02:27:00 The Last Stop 02:41:07 Tripping Billies Notes: --- * - John D'Earth on trumpet First time The Song That Jane Likes has opened a show sinc...
Full show with HQ-Audio and multicam of the second night of a series of two shows of Dave Matthews and Tim Reynolds presented at Saratoga Performing Arts Center on June 17th 2017. If you want to watch only one song watch this one: 2:34:47 Halloween *** - Songs with a "*" have better multicam footage - *** 0:53 Little Thing 5:00 Bartender *12:42 Pig 20:49 Why I Am *25:45 When the World Ends *29:52 So Much to Say 34:31 Samurai Cop *39:47 What Would You Say 44:26 Black and Blue Bird 50:42 Grace Is Gone *54:26 Warehouse *1:04:06 Long Black Veil 1:09:20 Crush 1:18:58 In Your Eyes Out of My Hands **No Footage Save Me **No Footage *1:34:15 The Best of What's Around *1:40:05 The Maker 1:45:43 Two Step Betrayal **No Footage *1:59:35 Melissa Everyday **No Footage Typical Situation **No Footage Foo...
I do not own the music, the video or the cover artwork, I just wanted to share this amazing album with other people. All songs by Dave J. Matthews unless noted. 1. Dodo – 0:00 2. So Damn Lucky (Matthews/Harris) – 4:57 3. Gravedigger – 9:31 4. Some Devil – 13:24 5. Trouble (Matthews/Harris) – 17:28 6. Grey Blue Eyes" (Matthews/Anastasio/Harris) – 23:12 7. Save Me – 26:13 8. Stay Or Leave – 30:48 9. An' Another Thing – 34:50 10. Oh – 40:20 11. Baby" – 43:08 12. Up And Away – 45:30 13. Too High – 49:48 14. Gravedigger (Acoustic) – 55:24
Video - Mrnycrispy / Audio Schoeps MK4 - Jon Koch / For You Tube Only! The Stone 00:00 Proudest Monkey 11:45 Crash 20:44 Old Dirt Hill 26:13 Idea Of You 35:30 Burning Down The House 40:55 #41 46:50 Say Goodbye 58:45 So Damn Lucky 1:08:20 Minarets 1:19:22 Where Are You Going 1:26:50 Rhyme And Reason 1:30:50 Lie In Our Graves 1:44:05 The Maker 1:59:52 You Might Die Trying 2:09:25 Typical Situation 2:17:50 Last Stop 2:32:30 Ants Marching 2:44:18 Encore Pig 3:05:50 Stay 3:11:42
Dave Matthews & Tim Reynolds Stand With Standing Rock Benefit Concert D.A.R. Constitution Hall Washington, D.C. November 27, 2016 -Don't Drink The Water -Satellite -One Sweet World -#41 -The Maker (w/ Neko Case) -Tangled Web We Weave (Tim Reynolds Solo) -Little Thing -Samuri Cop -Oh -Crush -Teach Your Children (with Graham Nash and Shane Fontayne) ENCORE BREAK -Song For Billijo (debut) -Two Step www.standwithstandingrock.net Sign the Petition: http://standwithstandingrock.net/take-action/ Donate: http://standwithstandingrock.net/donate/ #STANDWITHSTANDINGROCK
All songs, album art, and other content do not belong to me. All rights reserved and belong to Dave Mathews Band and their Label. Only for the private fair use of individuals, for educational, and referential purposes. Copyright infringement not intended. 1. So Much To Say 00.00 - 4.05 2. Two Step 4.06 - 10.32 3. Crash Into Me 10.34 - 15.48 4. Too Much 15.50 - 20.11 5. #41 20.12 - 27.00 6. Say Goodbye 28.00 - 33.00 7. Drive In, Drive Out 33.03 - 38.57 8. Let You Down 38.58 - 43.03 9. Lie In Our Graves 43.05 - 48.45 10. Cry Freedom 48.47 - 54.38 11. Tripping Billies 54.41 - 59.38 12. Proudest Monkey 59.42
Dave Matthews and Tim Reynolds January 17, 2015 Paramount Theatre Oakland, CA 00:00:17 Seek Up 00:09:15 Where Are You Going 00:14:46 Minarets 00:21:58 Little Red Bird 00:26:57 Lying in the Hands of God 00:34:43 Gravedigger 00:39:45 Grey Street 00:44:02 Che (Tim Solo) 00:51:00 Bartender 00:59:33 Sister 01:03:06 Little Thing » 01:07:10 Lie in Our Graves 01:16:02 Digging a Ditch 01:23:35 Squirm 01:29:39 You & Me 01:34:10 Hug (Tim Solo) 01:39:00 The Stone 01:46:20 Mercy 01:54:15 Jimi Thing 02:00:45 The Space Between 02:05:02 Recently » 02:09:42 Dancing Nancies ----------------------------------- 02:19:02 Warehouse 02:27:32 Ants Marching ----------------------------------- 02:34:25 I'll Back You Up 02:38:52 Tripping Billies -- Notes: Video Sources: Nychris2007 Tankthearmytank RebelLion0815 S...
Dave Matthews and Tim Reynolds Constellation Brands–Marvin Sands Performing Arts Center Canandaigua, NY June 4, 2017 --------------------------------------------------- SETLIST --------------------------------------------------- 00:00:00 | Intro 00:01:14 | Satellite 00:07:07 | When the World Ends 00:11:21 | What Would You Say 00:16:27 | Crush 00:24:48 | Why I Am 00:29:15 | Warehouse 00:39:32 | So Much to Say 00:44:52 | #41 00:50:28 | You & Me 00:56:30 | Rapunzel 01:02:36 | Don't Drink the Water 01:10:08 | Summer Night in December * 01:15:08 | Out of My Hands 01:20:20 | Worried Man Blues 01:25:09 | Funny the Way It Is 01:32:47 | Samurai Cop 01:38:10 | Lie in Our Graves 01:45:42 | Kashmir * 01:53:54 | Melissa 01:59:46 | Corn Bread 02:06:27 | Jimi Thing 02:13:51 | Cra...
Dave & Tim Mann Center Philadelphia, PA June 3, 2017 Crush Pig So Much to Say Granny Old Dirt Hill* Fool to Think* Say Goodbye Worried Man Blues A Whiter Shade of Pale Warehouse* Spoon Corn Bread Ode to the Box Death on the High Seas #41 Minarets* Stay or Leave Black and Blue Bird* Don’t Drink the Water Manfood All Along the Watchtower You & Me Stay Dancing Nancies* *partial/incomplete video - Audio recorded by Jeff Travitz - Video shot from balcony box
The classic #41 w/ The Flecktones from 4/20/02. Quality upgrade for a video on this channel. Questions/Comments/Updates: http://www.twitter.com/Copperpot5
Before These Crowded Streets is the third studio album by Dave Matthews Band, released on April 28, 1998. It was the last official album by the group to be produced by longtime producer Steve Lillywhite until 2012's Away from the World. It was recorded in Sausalito, California. Playlist: 1. Pantala Naga Pampa 2. Rapunzel 3. The Last Stop 4. Don't Drink the Water 5. Stay 6. Halloween 7. The Stone 8. Crush 9. The Dreaming Tree 10. Pig 11. Spoon just sharing for enjoyment...
Dave Matthews Band - Full Concert Recorded Live: 7/24/1999 - Woodstock 99 East Stage (Rome, NY) More Dave Matthews Band at Music Vault: http://www.musicvault.com Subscribe to Music Vault: http://goo.gl/DUzpUF Setlist: 0:00:00 - greetings 0:02:29 - #41 0:12:15 - Two Step 0:23:13 - Too Much 0:27:32 - Rhyme & Reason 0:33:12 - Don't Drink The Water 0:39:59 - Tripping Billies 0:45:21 - All Along The Watchtower 0:53:22 - Ants Marching Personnel: Dave Matthews - guitar, vocals Stefan Lessard - bass LeRoi Moore - saxophone Boyd Tinsley - violin Carter Beauford - drums, vocals
Dave Matthews Band August 1, 1994 Muse, Nantucket, MA 00:02:30 Satellite 00:08:22 The Song That Jane Likes 00:13:01 Jimi Thing 00:24:14 Say Goodbye 00:30:55 Lie in Our Graves 00:38:17 Warehouse 00:47:03 Rhyme & Reason 00:52:54 [Set Break] (1min of Video) 00:56:38 Minarets » 01:04:44 Typical Situation 01:14:35 (Davepeak: Jennifer go outside / Marriage proposal) 01:15:56 Dancing Nancies 01:25:45 Tripping Billies 01:31:24 The Best of What's Around 01:37:20 (Davespeak: Jennifer's answer) 01:37:52 Lover Lay Down 01:45:50 Ants Marching (Mostly Cut) Notes: ------- New gem from a 20yr old VHS tape. 1994 DMB videos are extremely rare. Prior to this tape there were only three 1994 Dave Matthews (band) videos out there. 2/11/94 (massively cut up), 4/30/94 (song clips from Jazzfest), and Dave sol...
DAVE MATTHEWS BAND - Crash (1996)(JOSERAFAELV° SESSIONS) Crash es el segundo álbum de estudio del grupo de rock estadounidense; Dave Matthews Band, lanzado el 30 de abril de 1996. El 16 de marzo de 2000, el álbum había vendido siete millones de copias, y fue certificado como disco de platino por la RIAA. Este es actualmente el álbum más vendido, su participación en el concierto en vivo “ Come Together Tribute To John Lennon”, interpretando el tema “In My Life”, es excepcional, que también lo subí por este canal. Artist: DAVE MATTHEWS BAND Title: CRASH Year Of Release: (1996) Label: RCA Genre: FUNK ROCK/ SOFT ROCK Quality: WAVE (LOSLESS) Total Time: 68:51 Total Size: Source Format: COMPACT DISC WebSite: https://www.davematthewsband.com/ WebSite To Join: https://youtu.be/u_G9zUYYBV8 Web...
Dave Matthews and Tim Reynolds August 20, 2011 nTelos Wireless Pavilion, Charlottesville, VA 01:00 Bartender 09:10 Old Dirt Hill (Bring That Beat Back) 14:57 Save Me 20:30 Grace Is Gone 26:50 Squirm 33:46 So Damn Lucky 40:22 Where Are You Going (Video Cuts) 46:10 Crush 54:04 Che (Tim Solo - Video Cuts) 1:00:50 Out of My Hands 1:07:38 Davespeak (Coconut Vagina) 1:10:16 Little Red Bird 1:13:36 Funny the Way It Is 1:20:00 Davespeak (Turtle Sex) 1:22:47 Stay or Leave 1:28:17 Jimi Thing* 1:36:10 #41* 1:48:40 Baby Blue 1:53:13 Eh Hee 1:57:40 Betrayal (Tim Solo) 2:04:08 Sweet 2:08:34 Don't Drink the Water 2:18:10 Lying in the Hands of God 2:23:43 Davespeak 2:26:33 Lie in Our Graves » 2:34:50 You & Me 2:40:00 Davespeak (Tow Truck) 2:44:23 Dancing Nancies ----------------------------------- 2:53:...
Dave Matthews Band September 4, 2016 - [Multicam /1080p / 60fps] The Gorge Amphitheatre, George, WA 00:00:50 The Stone 00:12:36 Proudest Monkey » 00:21:36 Crash into Me » 00:27:06 Old Dirt Hill (Bring That Beat Back) 00:36:22 The Idea of You 00:41:53 Burning Down the House 00:47:43 #41 00:59:39 Say Goodbye* 01:09:12 So Damn Lucky 01:20:14 Minarets 01:27:44 Where Are You Going 01:32:17 Rhyme & Reason** 01:44:58 Lie in Our Graves 02:00:45 The Maker* 02:10:20 You Might Die Trying 02:18:44 Typical Situation* 02:33:20 The Last Stop » 02:45:10 Ants Marching ----------------------------------- 02:57:53 Pig 03:04:47 Stay (Wasting Time) * - w/ Carlos Malta ** - w/ Joe Lawlor Notes: -- Thanks to Chris (MRNYCRISPY), SRG, and Kensonsounds for sending me masters of the 3 primary sources. Thanks to ...
Dave Matthews Band July 15, 2014 Jacksonville Veterans Memorial Arena, Jacksonville, FL 00:01 - Bartender 07:57- Two Step 15:18 - Snow Outside 23:24 - Satellite 30:06 - Stolen Away on 55th & 3rd 38:25 - #27 44:39 - Sweet 51:46 - Tripping Billies 57:21 - What Would You Say ----------------------------------- 1:03:04 - Minarets » 1:10:55 - One Sweet World 1:19:05 - Seven 1:25:31 - Belly Belly Nice 1:29:37 - Crush 1:45:19 - Save Me 1:51:14 - If Only 1:58:47 - Warehouse 2:09:51 - You & Me 2:15:24 - Sledgehammer 2:21:21 - You Might Die Trying 2:29:12 - Everyday 2:37:27 - Grey Street ----------------------------------- 2:51:02 - Belly Full » 2:52:55 - Good Good Time 2:58:13 - Why I Am Thanks to Craig Parks who posted the time stamps.
Dave Matthews Band - Central Park Concert - 2003 - New York Tracklist: 00:00:00 - Prelude 00:03:00 - Don't Drink the Water 00:10:15 - So Much to Say 00:14:33 - Anyone Seen the Bridge? 00:15:55 - Too Much 00:21:25 - Granny 00:26:32 - Crush 00:38:10 - When the World Ends 00:42:05 - Dancing Nancies 00:51:37 - Warehouse 01:01:40 - Ants Marching 01:07:35 - Rhyme & Reason 01:13:20 - Two Step
Dave Matthews - Live 3/20/1992 at JMU "Cool Aid" benefit concert. This is one of the earliest known video recordings of a DMB show. Shot at James Madison University at the PC Ballroom 3/20/1992 at part of a benefit for Mercy House. I shot this on a good quality (for 1992) Canon L1 Hi-8mm (standard definition) video camera with PCM stereo audio. De-interlaced, black level adjusted, and mastered using 264 compression at 1280 x 960 with highest quality output settings (in Final Cut Pro). Thanks to copperpot5 for advice on how to best render this for YouTube. Setlist: 00:00 Ants Marching (great Dave scatting around 3:25) 04:29 Warehouse 11:14 Lover Lay Down 17:01 The Song That Jane Likes 20:23 Dancing Nancies 26:11 Recently (Starts with riff from "Norwegian Wood") - tape cuts off p...
Grammy-winning singer-songwriter Dave Matthews has noticed some changes over his twenty-five-year career. Subscribe To "The Late Show" Channel HERE: http://bit.ly/ColbertYouTube For more content from "The Late Show with Stephen Colbert", click HERE: http://bit.ly/1AKISnR Watch full episodes of "The Late Show" HERE: http://bit.ly/1Puei40 Like "The Late Show" on Facebook HERE: http://on.fb.me/1df139Y Follow "The Late Show" on Twitter HERE: http://bit.ly/1dMzZzG Follow "The Late Show" on Google+ HERE: http://bit.ly/1JlGgzw Follow "The Late Show" on Instagram HERE: http://bit.ly/29wfREj Follow "The Late Show" on Tumblr HERE: http://bit.ly/29DVvtR Watch The Late Show with Stephen Colbert weeknights at 11:35 PM ET/10:35 PM CT. Only on CBS. Get the CBS app for iPhone & iPad! Click HERE: http:/...
Funny DMB Videos: http://www.youtube.com/user/ChesterCopperpot5 Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/Copperpot5 Check out some Dave Matthews Band show on my other channel for example SPAC Night 1 from 2013: http://youtu.be/PgB1AnTOdtM?t=30m19s
I do not own any of this footage. Just had this piece on VHS and thought fans would want to see a great piece from Charlie Rose & co.. Originally aired 1/23/01.
www.youtube.com/qtv Dave Mathews of The Dave Matthews Band, considered one of the most popular live acts in rock history, sits down for an in-depth interview spanning a new album, religion and ... monkeys.
Jan 13, 2004 - Dave Matthews / Scarlett Johansson / Donald Trump. Dave Matthews tells a story about a goat who likes to pee on himself. Dave Matthews & Friends were the music guest. Dave & Friends were comprised of: Dave Matthews – rhythm guitar, lead vocals Trey Anastasio – lead guitar, vocals Tim Reynolds – lead guitar Tony Hall – bass guitar Brady Blade – drums, backing vocals Ray Paczkowski – keyboard
htp://www.ConcertTicketsPlus.com A Short Interview With Dave Matthews As He Talks About His Guitar Playing Techniques. Buy Your Dave Matthews Concert Tickets Today At http://www.ConcertTicketsPlus.com
You'll never guess who Ellen ran into backstage before rehearsal... Dave Matthews! She was so happy to see him, she invited him onto the stage with her.
Why I Am played live on the David Letterman show and uploaded for all of those who missed the interview or show.
You Don't Mess with the Zohan - Dave Matthews Interview
Dave Matthews discusses his solo album Some Devil, the Dave Matthews Band. Watch Dave's performance of Gravedigger here:
Hilarious Sex Talk by Dave Matthews. you gotta love the guy! Tickets for his next concert : http://itshrunk.com/de41db
Dave Matthews, lead vocalist and guitarist for the Dave Matthews Band, was the featured speaker for Monticello's 51st Annual Independence Day Celebration and Naturalization Ceremony on July 4, 2013. After the ceremony, Matthews shared his thoughts on immigration, citizenship, Thomas Jefferson, and being at Monticello for the 4th of July in an interview in front of the Cabinet, Jefferson's study.
Just Go With It (2011) For more tv and movie news head to http://theentertainmenthotline.net Director: Dennis Dugan Cast: Adam Sandler, Jennifer Aniston, Nicole Kidman, Brooklyn Decker, Bailee Madison In "Just Go With It", a plastic surgeon, romancing a much younger schoolteacher, enlists his loyal assistant to pretend to be his soon to be ex-wife, in order to cover up a careless lie. When more lies backfire, the assistant's kids become involved, and everyone heads off for a weekend in Hawaii that will change all their lives.
The Dave Matthews & Tim Reynolds Tour visits the Late Show to play 'Samurai Cop,' a song that's definitely not about samurai cops. Subscribe To "The Late Show" Channel HERE: http://bit.ly/ColbertYouTube For more content from "The Late Show with Stephen Colbert", click HERE: http://bit.ly/1AKISnR Watch full episodes of "The Late Show" HERE: http://bit.ly/1Puei40 Like "The Late Show" on Facebook HERE: http://on.fb.me/1df139Y Follow "The Late Show" on Twitter HERE: http://bit.ly/1dMzZzG Follow "The Late Show" on Google+ HERE: http://bit.ly/1JlGgzw Follow "The Late Show" on Instagram HERE: http://bit.ly/29wfREj Follow "The Late Show" on Tumblr HERE: http://bit.ly/29DVvtR Watch The Late Show with Stephen Colbert weeknights at 11:35 PM ET/10:35 PM CT. Only on CBS. Get the CBS app for iPhone &...
NRDC interviews Dave Matthews backstage about mountaintop mining at the Music Saves Mountains concert.
Great documentary about the early life of Dave Matthews. Dave Matthews Driven Documentary - Reposted as other was removed - Great documentary about the early life of Dave Matthews.
This is my backstage interview with Tim Reynolds who plays with Dave Matthews Band among other bands. At about the 2:00 mark of the 5-minute video he jokes about meeting Dave on a ship and even talking with banana phones, no Joke!! Timmy is the best.
To stay up to date with DMB videos, Subscribe! → https://goo.gl/RCHp2K "Satellite" - Canandaigua, NY 07.06.16 For more information visit www.daveandtimrivieramaya.com 2016 Summer Tour Warm Up https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLOTmY-rTH6lDLDd_miffMoaM1YpMpJsEM Dave Matthews Band Summer Tour Warm Up - Typical Situation 7.10.15 https://youtu.be/kApHXHWRhig?list=PLOTmY-rTH6lDLDd_miffMoaM1YpMpJsEM Dave Matthews Band Summer Tour Warm Up - Tripping Billies 6.5.15 https://youtu.be/xtiXZ8jCEQ4?list=PLOTmY-rTH6lDLDd_miffMoaM1YpMpJsEM Dave Matthews Band Summer Tour Warm Up - Rhyme and Reason 5.16.15 https://youtu.be/yfYdr_6EASE?list=PLOTmY-rTH6lDLDd_miffMoaM1YpMpJsEM Dave Matthews Band Summer Tour Warm Up - The Dreaming Tree 7.8.15 https://youtu.be/rSjA-EeJT-4?list=PLOTmY-rTH6lDLDd_mif...
She was a beauty queen with the future in her hand
Full of dreams and a ticket to wonderland
Young and innocent ready for action
Trying anything for some satisfaction
But she fell deeper and deeper without success
Met the wrong guys and got stuck in a mess
So now she works at a sleazy place
In a red light quadrant of space
Astro girl
Why don't you leave this world
I've been watching her for awhile
Those tender eyes and her beautiful smile
The way she serves the drinks and acts polite
And then disappears when the price is right
I can see that there is something wrong
It's very obvious that she doesn't belong
I wish there was something I could to
To help her start something new
Astro girl