- published: 07 Oct 2016
- views: 126164
Modularity is the degree to which a system's components may be separated and recombined. The meaning of the word, however, can vary somewhat by context:
Modular on the Roof 2 - Dreadbox Erebus and Intellijel Atlantis sequenced with Korg SQ1
modular electric board connection
Exploring Modular Synths Episode 0 - Beginner's Mind - Introduction and First Patch
Modular (Minecraft Remix)
Scott's Modular Synth Clinic | Introductory Class
Função Modular: Módulo de um Número Real (Aula 1 de 5)
Modular Smartphones: Explained!
Why Have Modular Smartphones Failed?
Rubberneckers (Modular Synth Performance)
DGTL presents MODULAR [Official aftermovie DGTL Amsterdam 2017]
An Intro to Making Generative Music on Modular
Modular on the Roof 7 - Federico Chiesa (Oora)
Funções - Aula 4 - Função Modular - Prof. Gui
Modular Home from Start to Finish
Amazing! Kids Car Racing - Modular construction toys
Top 5 Modular Inventions you should buy
Inside Airbus' modular concept plane | Next Level Ep. 1
Me Salva! PRC19 - Função Modular
This tiny modular home adapts to your moods
https://www.facebook.com/modularontheroof/ http://www.facebook.com/wandertalk instagram @nickkwas http://www.soundcloud.com/wandertalk http://wandertalk.bandcamp.com
in this video you will learn how to make a electrical wiring board. how to connect switches from neutral and phase .which type of wire is used in home wiring. which type of switches is used .everything related to home wiring board you will know in this video इस विडियो में हमने बताया हे की घर मर जो स्विच बोर्ड लगाया जाता हे उसमे स्विच कैसे लगते हे कौन कौन से स्विच लगते हे , तार कौन सा उपयोग में लेते हे। सारे स्विच को एकदूसरे से कैसे जोड़ते हे। न्यूट्रल और फेज कहा से देते हे। यह सब आप इस विडियो में सीखेंगे इस चैनल के सारे वीडियोस की लिस्ट देखने के लिए निचे लिंक पर क्लिक करे click below to watch list of all videos of our channel https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLIto_V4Krof6nDowksLzMkEo4SwIZtIp8 upcoming videos https://goo.gl/xcpwwn More videos of sandeep agarmor tutorial connec...
This video is for beginners interested in exploring modular synthesis. It explains what a modular synth is, different types of modules, and how to create a first patch. I try to go step by step and use Pressure Points and Brains as a sequencer to run the Dixie ii+ oscillator, Peaks for envelopes, and the Echophon delay.
Twitter - https://twitter.com/liltommyj Tumblr - http://liltommyj.tumblr.com/ Patreon - http://www.patreon.com/liltommyj
Instructor Scott Murray explores and demonstrates the versatility of the myriad options found with modular synthesizers. If you've ever been curious about how to make your own sounds, EuroRacks, or just routing signal and electricity in general, this is a great class to check out! Click here for more info! http://bit.ly/1OZAxNO The Conservatory of Recording Arts and Sciences (CRAS) is an audio engineering school in Tempe and Gilbert, Arizona that trains students in all the disciplines of audio engineering; studio recording, live sound, post production, broadcast audio, analog production, digital music production, mastering, audio business, contract law, mix engineering, troubleshooting, video game audio, music business, Pro Tools, Logic Pro, sound editing, music editing, mixing music, re...
Olá pessoal, tudo bem!? Essa videoaula traz o assunto Função Modular, abordando primeiramente os conceitos sobre o módulo de um número real. Boa aula!! _ INSCREVA-SE: youtube.com/professorferretto SITE: www.professorferretto.com.br FACEBOOK: www.facebook.com/maismatematica
The modular phone dream has evolved... Project Ara Update: https://youtu.be/aWW5mQadZAY Video Gear I use: http://kit.com/MKBHD/video-gear#recommendation17959 Intro Track: Ongoing Thing by 20syl, Oddisee ~ http://twitter.com/MKBHD http://snapchat.com/add/MKBHD http://google.com/+MarquesBrownlee http://instagram.com/MKBHD http://facebook.com/MKBHD
What do Project ARA, LG G5, Moto Z and Fairphone have in common? None of them were very successful. Why? - The Story Behind Episode 17 [MORE TECHALTAR]: youtube.com/TechAltar twitter.com/TechAltar instagram.com/TechAltar facebook.com/TechAltar plus.google.com/+TechAltar [MUSIC & IMAGES]: Music: Majestic Casual - Kenny Segal - Procrastination: http://bit.ly/29CWdE2 Stock images: pixabay.com [MY VIDEO GEAR]: (I earn a commission from purchases through these links) Camera: Sony RX100 III http://amzn.to/1Wo1z68 Microphone: Zoom H1 http://amzn.to/1SPTfhK Monitor: Dell Ultrasharp 25: http://amzn.to/2huKvS0 Mouse: Logitech MX Master: amzn.to/2if2tnr Tripod: Coman CN-0 http://amzn.to/245VjFZ LED lights (white): Yongnuo YN300 http://amzn.to/1VhQFia Color LED light bulbs: Revogi Lightbulb h...
This one started out as an experiment with WMD Devices' Sequential Switch Matrix. It's buried under way too many cables but you can hear it on the mr. magoo synth solo in the middle section. Another new arrival, Erica Synths' Black Polivoks Filter, is doing its thing on the bass in the builds. As usual maestro Trigger Riot conducting.
DGTL presents Modular Turn on the highest quality & maximum volume to relive DGTL Amsterdam 2017 like never before! The film builds further on this year’s overarching theme of Modularity. In engineering terms, it means the degree to which a system’s components can be separated and recombined. In nature, modularity refers to the construction of cellular organisms, that join together their standardized units to form larger compositions. While in music, it hints to the modular synthesizer, one of the most common instruments in dance music. The theme reoccurred throughout festival efforts, its Art and Revolution programs and its stage designs. Video: Jerom Fischer & Boris Acket Coming up: DGTL Barcelona 2017 August 11/12 https://bcn.dgtl.nl https://www.facebook.com/dgtlbarcelona DGTL A...
Please support on Patreon! https://www.patreon.com/mylarmelodies Breaking down some of the most useful module types one-by-one to aid in the pursuit of making generative music on your modular. AKA: How to jumble your shit! TABLE OF CONTENTS: 2:38 VCAS - To Modulate Modulation 8:35 LFOS - To Enact Changes Over Time 11:00 Random Voltage Generators - To Add Life 12:17 Pitch Quantisers - To Make Randomness Musical 14:15 Clock Dividers - For Long, Timed Occurrences 19:49 Sequential Switches - To Jumble Your Shit 23:25 Logic Modules - To Make Ace New Clock Patterns Out of Simple Or Unruly Ones SHOUTOUT TO AWESOME CONTRIBUTORS AND GOOD PEOPLE: http://umcorps.tumblr.com http://www.abstractdata.biz https://twitter.com/d01 https://twitter.com/silentdilemma https://twitter.com/hughhopper And http...
Modular artist and producer, Federico (AKA Oora), climbs up to the #modularontheroof rooftop for the chilliest and one of the best sounding sessions yet! Combining two Moog Mother 32s, Strymon pedals, an ORIGINAL TR606, a 303 clone, mutable modules, and others, for a dark, acid-inspired and arp-heavy session. https://oora.bandcamp.com/track/aria-fredda https://soundcloud.com/ooramusic/ariafredda https://www.facebook.com/ooramusic https://www.instagram.com/federico__chiesa modular on the roof FB: http://facebook.com/modularontheroof/ follow me on instagram: https://www.instagram.com/nickkwas/
Definição de módulo, equação modular e exemplos de funções modulares, como construir seus gráficos. Lista de exercícios: http://www.matematicaemexercicios.com/aulas/funcoes.html Curta e siga no Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/matematicaemexercicios Acesse o site e confira todo o conteúdo disponível gratuitamente: http://www.matematicaemexercicios.com
http://www.AllAmericanModularLLC.com One of our modular homes, is a ranch style home, manufactured by Skyline in Woodland, California. $85 per square foot (excludes all onsite costs/construction costs)call 209-744-0400 for more details. The video shows all phases of the building process - at the factory and on site. Meet our customer and join us at the final walk-through. Modular and Manufactured Green Homes for California. Contact: 13631 Montfort Rd. Herald, CA 95638 Phone: 209-744-0400 Subscribe: https://www.youtube.com/user/allamericanmodular1 Modular and Manufactured homes on Google +: https://plus.google.com/u/0/b/115873622253841191755/+Allamericanmodularllc/about Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/pages/All-American-Modular
Modular ™ Construction Toys - a revolutionary new modular approach to construction toys. www.modulartoy.com Modular™ Construction Toys take a new and unique approach to construction toys allowing true three-dimensional, fully modular construction of race tracks, highways and districts while developing abstract thinking, three-dimensional perception, and creativity. All kits are totally inter-compatible. Unlike conventional construction sets, Modular™ Construction Toys allows the building parts to be stacked vertically without limit, constructing complex bridges, interchanges, and more. Multiple variations guarantees hours of fun! www.modulartoy.com
The Future is on Modular Devices... SUBSCRIBE: http://bit.ly/1WAdLlk Links: BLOCKS - http://www.chooseblocks.com/#overview/1 Nexpaq - https://nexpaq.com/ RePhone Kit - http://www.seeed.cc/rephone/ AUGMENT - http://www.rubix.co/collections/augment Cusby USB-C - http://www.cusby.com/
In our season premiere of our new video series Next Level with senior technology editor Lauren Goode, we got the exclusive first look inside what multinational aviation company Airbus has been working on in its Silicon Valley labs: modular airplane cabins, ones that can be swapped out in less than an hour to give commercial flyers the experience of spas, gyms, and day care centers while they’re in flight. Subscribe: https://goo.gl/G5RXGs Check out our full video catalog: https://goo.gl/lfcGfq Visit our playlists: https://goo.gl/94XbKx Like The Verge on Facebook: https://goo.gl/2P1aGc Follow on Twitter: https://goo.gl/XTWX61 Follow on Instagram: https://goo.gl/7ZeLvX Read More: http://www.theverge.com
Acesse https://goo.gl/NugNrJ e estude com muito mais conteúdo! Aulas das disciplinas de engenharia, exercícios resolvidos e mais! Siga o Me Salva! 👇 Instagram: http://instagram.com/mesalvaoficial Snapchat: mesalva Blog: https://goo.gl/YgyYXR Facebook: http://facebook.com/mesalva
Since the creation of the Eurorack format the modular synthesiser has had an amazing renaissance. You will work hard to find an electronic musician these days who doesn’t use some sort of modular system. In this Tech Talk on EB.TV we dig a bit deeper to grasp this Modular Fascination and understand how these diverse and powerful instruments are being used. The words and wisdom of: Thomas Kircher of Schneiders Laden, Blawan, Kangding Ray, Henning Baer, Smash TV, Tobi Neumann and Alex Krueger help us along the way. Links: http://www.schneidersladen.de/ https://soundcloud.com/stroboyouth (Thomas Kircher) https://www.facebook.com/BlawanUK/ http://www.kangdingray.com/ https://www.facebook.com/HenningBaerGroundedTheory https://www.facebook.com/SmashTVofc/ https://www.facebook.com/tobineumannof...
To have a truly smart home, the tech needs to be integrated from the inside out. In the second episode of Home of the Future, The Verge and Curbed take you inside Kasita, a tiny modular home that you can program to fit your every mood. Subscribe: http://goo.gl/G5RXGs Check out our full video catalog: http://goo.gl/lfcGfq Visit our playlists: http://goo.gl/94XbKx Like The Verge on Facebook: http://goo.gl/2P1aGc Follow on Instagram: http://goo.gl/7ZeLvX Read More: http://www.theverge.com
This moment will too pass us by, it's this notion inside all of us
To prioritize through our selfish eyes
To be the bull behind the rampage, the reason for all the riot
We'll feed our flame before wasting time on everyone else's
With more problems and less pride
We'll feed our flame before wasting time on everyone else's
The gallows were not supposed to look like this
Oh God, we live in misery lying here in desperation
We need You here more than anything right now, right now
If everything's relative then why the emptiness in our souls?
If everything's relative then why the emptiness in our souls?
Trying to untie the knot we thought we were untying
Our entire lives we're busied up and burnt out
Everyone together we will strengthen ourselves
Everyone together we will strengthen ourselves
Everyone together we will strengthen ourselves, we will
Because now we know
You won't ever fly fast enough to make time stand still
You won't ever fly fast enough to make time stand still
Stop, listen and learn, stop, listen and learn
You won't ever fly fast enough to make time stand still
Stop, listen and learn
You won't ever fly fast enough to make time stand still
Stop, listen and learn
You won't ever fly fast enough to make time stand still
Stop, listen and learn
You won't ever fly fast enough to make time stand still