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Weekly Podcast: The Kicker

Podcast: The New Yorker’s ‘Cat Person’ and ties between journalism and fiction

Dec 14, 2017

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The Trump Issue: The year that changed journalism

Fall 2017

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The angry, witty, adventurous life of Jay Caspian Kang

Jay Caspian Kang collects basketball sneakers. He surfs. He plays poker and says he once lost $9,000 to a stripper wearing heart-shaped sunglasses in Las Vegas. He picked his own middle name at the age of 8 after reading The...

Nov 8, 2017

First Person

Fighting ‘the Gawker effect’ in the wake of Weinstein

I used to joke that I could wallpaper my house with threat letters during a career in which I’ve worked for publications including The Washington Post, Vanity Fair, Time, and Esquire. In every case, I’ve relied on the advice of...

Oct 13, 2017

America’s growing news deserts

America's growing news deserts

The new information environment: digital fragmentation

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