- published: 06 Jun 2017
- views: 22904
Jan Pieter "Jan Peter" Balkenende, Jr. (Dutch pronunciation: [ˈjɑn ˈpeːtər ˈbɑlkənˌɛndə]; born 7 May 1956) is a Dutch politician of the Christian Democratic Appeal (CDA). He served as Prime Minister of the Netherlands from 22 July 2002 until 14 October 2010.
Balkenende, a jurist by occupation, worked for the Academic Council and the Christian Democratic Appeal Think tank from 1982 until 1998. Balkenende became a professor of Christian theology at the VU University Amsterdam in 1993. He was elected as a Member of the House of Representatives after the Dutch general election of 1998, serving from 19 May 1998 until 22 July 2002. After the then Leader of the Christian Democratic Appeal and Parliamentary leader in the House of Representatives Jaap de Hoop Scheffer stepped down after an internal power struggle between him and then Party chair Marnix van Rij, Balkenende was selected to succeed him in both positions, and became the Lijsttrekker (top candidate) for the Dutch general election of 2002. The Christian Democratic Appeal became the surprising winner of the election, gaining 14 seats becoming the largest party in the House of Representatives. This success was in part owed to Balkenende's neutral attitude in the debates with Pim Fortuyn, the eponymous leader of the Pim Fortuyn List party who was assassinated during the national election campaign on 6 May 2002.
Kijk de hele aflevering op: http://www.rtlxl.nl/#!/gemist/rtl-late-night-301978 Jan Peter Balkenende wordt niet altijd meer herkend als voormalig premier van Nederland. Vooral jongeren herkennen Balkenende nog wel, maar ze weten niet meer waarvan. "Ik maak echt van alles mee. Een meisje riep naar mij: ik ken u van televisie, u bent een bekende televisiepresentator", zegt Balkenende tegen Humberto. Website : http://www.rtlxl.nl Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/RTLXL Twitter : https://twitter.com/rtlxl Nieuwsbrief : http://www.rtl.nl/service/xl/nieuwsbrief/
Tijdens het Carre debat deze uitspraak van Balkenende.
Dutch PM gets powned by Obama, obviously a case of "Thank you now get lost" "I got a lot of stuff to do" Well, like what? Like giving the first kick at a football match, much more important than a dumb PM from a country you hardly heard of who just promised to take some Gitmo prisoners off your hands
Spoeddebat 18-02-10 Geert Wilders went balkenende veel genot toe tijdens zijn laatste kopje kruidenthee bij de Koningin
On 4 February, The Hague Institute hosted former Prime Minister of the Netherlands, Jan Peter Balkenende, as part of our Distinguished Speaker Series. Mr. Balkenende, who led the Netherlands from 2002 to 2010, was one of the longest-serving Prime Ministers in Dutch history and is one of the leading European politicians of the past decade. Mr. Balkenende spoke on the topic of "Sustainable Development and Global Justice," reflecting his emergence as a leading expert in this field. In this brief interview, Mr. Balkenende highlights the Institute's relevance as a global think and do tank, particularly in sustainable development. For more information about the event, visit: http://thehagueinstituteforglobaljustice.org/index.php?page=Events-Events-Upcoming_events-Distinguished_Speaker_Ser...
Unieke beelden van Balkenende's skatepartijtje in Eindhoven. Plus een interview met de daders. door Peper.
Feitje Ampersand ontvangt in Koefnoen's WEEK & N!WZ Albert Verline, Jan Peter Balkenende en Sonja Bakker.
Demissionair premier Jan-Peter Balkenende schuift op zondag 30 mei aan in het tv-programma Carlo & Irene: Life 4 You. Dit i.v.m. de campagne die het CDA momenteel voert voor de verkiezeringen van 9 juni aanstaande.
On 4 February, The Hague Institute hosted former Prime Minister of the Netherlands, Jan Peter Balkenende, as part of our Distinguished Speaker Series. Mr. Balkenende, who led the Netherlands from 2002 to 2010, was one of the longest-serving Prime Ministers in Dutch history and is one of the leading European politicians of the past decade. Mr. Balkenende spoke on the topic of "Sustainable Development and Global Justice," reflecting his emergence as a leading expert in this field. In this brief interview, Mr. Balkenende highlights the Institute's relevance as a global think and do tank, particularly in sustainable development. For more information about the event, visit: http://thehagueinstituteforglobaljustice.org/index.php?page=Events-Events-Upcoming_events-Distinguished_Speaker_Ser...
Welke communicatiestijl heeft Jan Peter Balkenende?
Interview met Jan Peter Balkenende, voorzitter Dutch Sustainable Growth Coalition en partner bij EY, over duurzaam ondernemen in het kader van www.wegmetmvo.nl en www.mvo-leiderschap.nl. Over het verband tussen groei en duurzaamheid, het belang van principes in business, ondernemen als waardengedreven vraagstuk, de noodzaak van een langetermijnperspectief en het opschalen van de activiteiten. Ook aandacht voor het belang van corporate governance, duurzame innovatie als businessdriver en geldgedreven ondernemers als uitstervend ras. WegmetMVO is een initiatief van Petra Pronk (interview) en Ruben Koerhuis (techniek) en is een opiniekanaal dat een podium biedt aan mensen uit verschillende hoeken van de samenleving die een sleutelrol vervullen in de discussie over duurzaamheid en MVO.
CLC interviewed Professor Jan Peter Balkenende, former Prime Minister of Netherlands, during his visit to the Centre in September. In this interview, he shares how elements of thinking long term, integrating sustainability and new alliances contribute to the Netherlands’ climate adaptation initiative. Prof. Balkenende also talks about how the partnership between governments, the private sector, NGOs and academia can provide innovative solutions not just to environmental problems but also to social issues such as migration, integration and ageing workforce.
interview with the cast of Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban from Shownieuws, Holland. About our prime minister which we call here also Harry Potter ;)
Jan Peter Balkenende, partner corporate responsibility bij EY vertelt in deze video over innovatie, duurzaamheid en ondernemerschap, en hoe die drie elementen met PortXL samenkomen in de Rotterdamse Haven.
Interview met Jan Peter Balkenende bij BZW LENTEPRIKKEL 2015. Dinsdag 17 maart, Rat Verlegh Stadion, Breda
With the world's resources running low and climate change on the rise, the future of business must lie in business models that combine profitability and planet. Increasingly, responsible consumers demand products that are produced and transported in a sustainable way. In the Netherlands, big companies that are household names in many parts of the world, have joined up order to promote their business models that respect the planets resources, labour standards and aim at lower waste targets, each in their own specific way. These businesses are now more profitable than before. Their leadership has been an inspiration to other companies, including SME’s and young startups. Governments can lead by promoting sustainable business practices in many ways. In the Netherlands, the so-called ‘Topsect...
De opening van PROVADA, het jaarlijks ontmoetingspunt van de vastgoedbranche, werd dit jaar verzorgd door Jan Peter Balkenende. Hier spreekt hij over verschillende ontwikkelingen in de vastgoedsector. Wiebe Brink, EY Sector leader Real Estate, Hospitality & Construction vertelt over de meerwaarde van PROVADA voor EY.
Kijk de hele aflevering op: http://www.rtlxl.nl/#!/gemist/rtl-late-night-301978 Jan Peter Balkenende wordt niet altijd meer herkend als voormalig premier van Nederland. Vooral jongeren herkennen Balkenende nog wel, maar ze weten niet meer waarvan. "Ik maak echt van alles mee. Een meisje riep naar mij: ik ken u van televisie, u bent een bekende televisiepresentator", zegt Balkenende tegen Humberto. Website : http://www.rtlxl.nl Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/RTLXL Twitter : https://twitter.com/rtlxl Nieuwsbrief : http://www.rtl.nl/service/xl/nieuwsbrief/
Tijdens het Carre debat deze uitspraak van Balkenende.
Dutch PM gets powned by Obama, obviously a case of "Thank you now get lost" "I got a lot of stuff to do" Well, like what? Like giving the first kick at a football match, much more important than a dumb PM from a country you hardly heard of who just promised to take some Gitmo prisoners off your hands
Spoeddebat 18-02-10 Geert Wilders went balkenende veel genot toe tijdens zijn laatste kopje kruidenthee bij de Koningin
On 4 February, The Hague Institute hosted former Prime Minister of the Netherlands, Jan Peter Balkenende, as part of our Distinguished Speaker Series. Mr. Balkenende, who led the Netherlands from 2002 to 2010, was one of the longest-serving Prime Ministers in Dutch history and is one of the leading European politicians of the past decade. Mr. Balkenende spoke on the topic of "Sustainable Development and Global Justice," reflecting his emergence as a leading expert in this field. In this brief interview, Mr. Balkenende highlights the Institute's relevance as a global think and do tank, particularly in sustainable development. For more information about the event, visit: http://thehagueinstituteforglobaljustice.org/index.php?page=Events-Events-Upcoming_events-Distinguished_Speaker_Ser...
Unieke beelden van Balkenende's skatepartijtje in Eindhoven. Plus een interview met de daders. door Peper.
Feitje Ampersand ontvangt in Koefnoen's WEEK & N!WZ Albert Verline, Jan Peter Balkenende en Sonja Bakker.
Demissionair premier Jan-Peter Balkenende schuift op zondag 30 mei aan in het tv-programma Carlo & Irene: Life 4 You. Dit i.v.m. de campagne die het CDA momenteel voert voor de verkiezeringen van 9 juni aanstaande.
With the world's resources running low and climate change on the rise, the future of business must lie in business models that combine profitability and planet. Increasingly, responsible consumers demand products that are produced and transported in a sustainable way. In the Netherlands, big companies that are household names in many parts of the world, have joined up order to promote their business models that respect the planets resources, labour standards and aim at lower waste targets, each in their own specific way. These businesses are now more profitable than before. Their leadership has been an inspiration to other companies, including SME’s and young startups. Governments can lead by promoting sustainable business practices in many ways. In the Netherlands, the so-called ‘Topsect...
Toespraak van ex-premier van Nederland Jan Peter Balkenende tijdens de Promotieplechtigheid van de afgestudeerden van de faculteit Rechtsgeleerdheid op 6 juli 2013.
Bekijk hier de lezing van Jan Peter Balkenende op Grip op je Vermogen op 24 april 2015!
Van harte welkom bij de lezingen van de Israëlcursus voorjaar 2015. Alle informatie over de Israëlcursus kunt u vinden via www.israelcursus.nl Jan-Peter Balkenende | Kennis van het verleden, hoop voor de toekomst? Voormalig premier Jan Peter Balkenende staat met ons stil over het belang van het blijven herdenken van wat het Joodse volk in de Holocaust is aangedaan. Na een bezoek aan het Holocaustherdenkingsmuseum Yad Vashem in Jeruzalem raakte Balkenende doordrongen van het belang om nooit te vergeten wat er in de Holocaust is gebeurd. Tijdens de Israëlcursus deelt hij iets persoonlijks over dat bezoek. Programma Israëlcursus voorjaar 2015 Harald Eckert | Israël, de volkeren en het dal van de beslissing Rabbijn Tzvi Marx | Israël, volk en land vanuit de Bijbel ds. Kees Kant | Hoe denken ...
Event Date: 4 February 2014 On 4 February, The Hague Institute hosted former Prime Minister of the Netherlands, Jan Peter Balkenende, as part of our Distinguished Speaker Series. Mr. Balkenende, who led the Netherlands from 2002 to 2010, was one of the longest-serving Prime Ministers in Dutch history and is one of the leading European politicians of the past decade. Mr. Balkenende spoke on the topic of "Sustainable Development and Global Justice," reflecting his emergence as a leading expert in this field. Speakers: Jan Peter Balkenende Former Prime Minister of the Netherlands Topic: "Sustainable Development and Global Justice" Dr. Abiodun Williams, Moderator President, The Hague Institute For more information about this event, visit: http://thehagueinstituteforglobaljustice.o...
In this lively Q&A; section, Professor Balkenende answers various questions from the floor, such as: ## What sort of business culture can enable new ideas to emerge and to thrive? ## Do you think government policy should intervene or should it be the corporate that takes the initiative to implement corporate social responsibility (CSR)? ## What should educators teach leaders from the public policy field on sustainability? ## The future is our business, but whose business does the past belongs to? ## With new advance technology like internet and e-commerce, etc, how do you think this will impact the rural villages? ## What are your views on the Dutch government being sued successfully by an NGO called agenda for not doing enough. Do you think it will set a trend in Europe and/or in ...
Bekijk hier de speech van één van de internationale sprekers tijdens onze 18e Europese Corporate Governance Conferentie over Corporate Social Responsibility in the Boardroom: Disruptive Thoughts, Entrepreneurial Action! Hosted by NCD & ecoDa. Meer info op ncd.nl en csrnl.nl
Keynote: Jan Peter Balkenende, former Prime Minister of The Netherlands (2002-2010) and currently Partner, Corporate Responsibility for Ernst & Young “Sustainable Development and Our Common Values” Symposium on Sustainable Development: Lessons Learned 17 August 2015 – Bangkok, Thailand