The End of Net Neutrality—Or Is It?

Today the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) voted to end net neutrality. Net neutrality refers to regulations on how Internet Service Providers (ISPs) provide online services to Americans. Now, without it, ISPs can decide what content their customers can access and set fees based on the services consumers use. What Happened? The FCC vote reversed a … Continue reading The End of Net Neutrality—Or Is It?

Step-by-step: How to Create Your Own Podcast

So you’re ready to take the plunge into the world of podcasting?Terrific! While setting up a podcast is a bit more complicated than starting a blog, it’s not nearly so daunting that you can’t make it a worthwhile endeavor. In our previous article, we talked about how podcasts can help you promote your business. This … Continue reading Step-by-step: How to Create Your Own Podcast

Should You Add Podcasts to Your Marketing Arsenal?

Podcasts are quickly becoming an important way that people choose to consume media—in addition to the internet, television, and radio. According to Edison Research, 40% of Americans have listened to podcasts and 24% have listened to one in the past month. That’s a lot of listening, which means it might be time to pay attention … Continue reading Should You Add Podcasts to Your Marketing Arsenal?

A Business Owner’s Guide to the Holiday Slowdown

When you run a business, is there ever such a thing as a holiday slowdown? Sure, there might be a seasonal lull in new clients or customer orders, but even when there’s less to do in your business, there’s always more to do for your business. While your business’ to-do list can sometimes seem never-ending … Continue reading A Business Owner’s Guide to the Holiday Slowdown

Give Yourself the Gift of a Stress-free Holiday

Everywhere you go this season, there’s holiday music over the PA systems and local stores awash with Christmas decorations. The neighbor’s house glows like an airport runway and your Facebook feed is clogged with babies and pets in ridiculous sweaters. Although some people embrace the Christmas spirit, the holiday season isn’t jolly for everyone. A … Continue reading Give Yourself the Gift of a Stress-free Holiday

Namecheap Customer Stories: Samuel Carvalho

We know we keep saying it, but we love our customers. Not just because you buy our products and services, but because you’re changing the world in your own unique and profound ways. Namecheap customer Samuel Carvalho is no exception. From Suffering to Support As a teenager, Samuel battled eating disorders and severe depression. Luckily, … Continue reading Namecheap Customer Stories: Samuel Carvalho

FCC Prepares to Vote to Kill Net Neutrality

The FCC just unveiled rules to dismantle net neutrality policies, undermining free speech and the way we access the Internet. They plan to vote December 14th to remove all protections on how our Internet Service Providers allow us to access the Internet. There’s still time to stop them from undermining your access to a free … Continue reading FCC Prepares to Vote to Kill Net Neutrality

Kristopher Jones: A Serial Digital Entrepreneur

Kristopher Jones has been involved with the web since the 1990s—starting with a family recipe and building a multi-million dollar empire with numerous programs, apps and marketing platforms.  His affiliate marketing platform PepperJam was sold to eBay who is using it as their current platform. Recently, Namecheap had the opportunity to talk with him about … Continue reading Kristopher Jones: A Serial Digital Entrepreneur