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Watch: Colin Kaepernick Accepts Puffin/Nation Prize for Creative Citizenship

Web ExclusiveDecember 08, 2017
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Football player Colin Kaepernick accepted the Puffin/Nation Prize for Creative Citizenship Tuesday night, for having sparked a movement against racism and police brutality across the National Football League after refusing to stand for the national anthem before NFL games. This week, Kaepernick also accepted Sports Illustrated’s Muhammad Ali Legacy Award.

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This is a rush transcript. Copy may not be in its final form.

AMY GOODMAN: And football player Colin Kaepernick accepted the Puffin/Nation Prize for Creative Citizenship Tuesday night, for having sparked a movement against racism and police brutality across the NFL and beyond, after refusing to stand for the national anthem before NFL games.

COLIN KAEPERNICK: I would like to say, at this point in time, with freedom of speech and freedom of press being under attack in so many ways, in so many forms, The Nation Institute and the work that journalists and reporters are doing right now is more important than it ever has been. You truly are the pathway for the people to see the truth that’s going on.

So, in this moment of time, my message to all of you is: Continue to speak just in an unjust room, regardless of the consequences, regardless of the backlash. We’re with you. We need that truth. And continue to spread that truth for us, because people need to know what’s truly going on, so we can game plan as far as how to fight against these oppressive forces.

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Rev. Jesse Jackson: Colin Kaepernick is a “Martyr” & Deserves the Right to Play Football

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