Eloquent JavaScript Video Tutorials

Eloquent Javascript Video Tutorials (Updated Ch.7) 2017 Sep

Eloquent JavaScript is one of the most popular handbook for JavaScript. Many programmers use this book to begin their journey with JavaScript. Besides the great content, Eloquent JavaScript is also available free online. If you want to learn JavaScript, this book is definitely a good start.

However, reading is frustrating to many people. So many people just couldn’t finish the whole book. This is why I created this series of video tutorials. I’m going through every chapter to explain everything in the book so that you can finish it by watching these videos.

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Sydney WordPress Theme Review

Sydney WordPress Theme Review: Best in WordPress.org (Updated Video) 2017

If you have been hanging around the official WordPress theme directory, or done some researches on free WordPress themes that you can find on WordPress.org. You would probably have noticed this:

Sydney theme is probably the most popular theme on WordPress.org.

The official WordPress theme directory shows there are 100,000+ downloads of the Sydney theme and its
creator aThemes claims that it has been downloaded for more than 600,000 times, which is very impressive.

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minimalist wordpress theme zack

Free Minimalist WordPress Theme for Blogging: Zack 2017

Have you ever wonder:

What makes a WordPress theme great for blogging?

Nowadays most themes come with tons of features, but do you really need them? I bet you don’t know every feature of your theme, because you never touch some of them or you just don’t know what these features are there for.

This is why I created this new theme: Zack theme. It’s a minimalist WordPress theme, for only one purpose, blogging, which means it values your content the most. Consider it as a paleo diet for your blog: it contains only things that are necessary. I remove all the fats that exist in other so called “full-featured” theme. You just want to blog, right?Read more

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