In the lead-up to the 50th anniversary of the agreement that brought the military communications and surveillance facility at PINE GAP into existence, two exciting events have been arranged, by the Independent Peaceful Australia Network (IPAN) and the Australian Anti-Bases Campaign Coalition (AABCC). They will raise questions about 


  • Public Seminar, All day 10.00am to 3.00pm, Sunday September 11, 2016
    Featuring James O’Neill, Emily Howie and Dr Vincent Scappatura
  • Public Meeting From 2.00pm to 4.00pm, Sunday September 25, 2016
    Featuring international speakers Prof. Kosuzu Abe (from Okinawa) and Dr. Lisa Natividad (from Guam) who are on their way to IPAN’s national conference in Alice Springs on October 2.

Both events will take place at CFMEU Headquarters 12, Railway Street Lidcombe

(Easily accessible from Lidcombe Railway Station. On-site parking available)

James O’Neill.

Brisbane-based barrister, outspoken critic of the Australia/US alliance and frequent contributor to the journal ‘Near Eastern Outlook’. “The South China Sea; Australia and the wider geopolitical context.”

Emily Howie

Melbourne-based lawyer who has worked with the Human Rights Law Centre since 2009 protecting human rights in Australian foreign policy. She also works on accountability for Australia’s actions overseas, including Australia’s involvement in the US drone program.

“Targeted killing using drones in a secret war, what we know about Australia’s involvement and possible legal implications for Australia.”

Dr Vincent Scappatura

Sydney-based academic with a special interest in the US ‘pivot’ to the Asia Pacific Region. His topic

“The perils of the US alliance.”

Prof. Kosuzu Abe

University of Ryukyus, Okinawa. Known for her activism and for being deeply committed to the protest movement against further militarization of Okinawa.

Dr. Lisa Natividad

University of Guam. Long-term activist against the domination of her homeland by the US military and for the independence of her Chamorro people.

IPAN Conference Australia 2016

National Peace and Anti-War Gathering
Alice Springs October 2016
Public Forum and IPAN National Conference

A critique of the Australia-US alliance and a call for a more independent and Peaceful Australia.

Hear experienced speakers and engage with others as part of a building a national movement for these aims.

IPAN National Conference:
Pine Gap: Serving US Militarism for 50 Years - Time for Independence?
Saturday 1st October 2016, 8.30am - 5.00pm
Venue TBC, Alice Springs
$100 Registration
(negotiable if financial constraints)

Booking information to come

NOTE: If you are intending to come to the Conference it would help planning if you let us know. In addition, if you require low cost camping accommodation, please indicate this as well. Send an email to Jonathan:

Topics will include:

50 years of Pine Gap: It's changing role
How US facilities in Australia are used in current wars
The role of drones in modern warfare
Australian foreign policy in relation to the US.
The age of survellance - a new state of being?
The impact of a military presence on indigenous peoples
Peace agreements: Do they work
Engaging in a movement for change.

Public Forum
Friday 30 Sept 2016
6.30pm - 8.30pm
Venue TBC
High Profile Speakers
$10 entry
Booking information to come

For more info. see IPAN website:
IPAN Facebook
IPAN Conference: email enquiries to Jonathon:

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