As Americans, we are more divided now than we have ever been. We are divided along racial lines, class lines, gender lines, and more.
Those who are supposed to be leading us have exploited those divisions for their own gain and our political parties are driven further and further to extremes. The great mass of Americans who love their country and their neighbors are losing their voice.
We are losing our voice.
And we want it back.
Political sentiment is easily aroused on social networks. Post anything about our President on Twitter or Facebook and you’ll find this out readily enough.
But sentiment isn’t action.
XXX is a social network designed for action and accountability.
While most social networks are built around a central authority, XXX is a peer to peer network.
Decisions are made by those who show up to vote so our first goal is education. Participation in state and federal primaries is dishearteningly low and participation in local elections is often even lower. That puts power in a small minority of very motivated individuals.
XXX will ensure that every member knows when elections are happening, who the candidates are, what the issues are, and where they can vote. The greatest enemy to democracy is ignorance, so fighting it is our first goal. With education, we can mobilize the electorate to effect change at a grassroots level and influence races from local elections to the Oval Office.
XXX will incorporate a crowdfunding platform so the community can flex its collective economic might. The victims of government malfeasance are often those who can afford it the least. While we expect to tackle many issues in the months and years to come, the first issues of focus are police brutality and civil asset forfeiture.
Crowdfunding expenditures will be voted upon by the network using BlockChain technology. The ledger is entirely transparent and cryptographically immutable because the crowd deserves to know where its money is going.
XXX is, ultimately, about enabling citizens to hold their political leaders—and the press-accountable by facilitating education about the process of politics and the issues at hand. It’s about leveraging a community’s desire for social justice to direct aid where it is most needed. It is about taking back our voice. It is about standing up for a better world.
We believe we can make a difference and we’d love to have you join us.
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Ad camur consequat hos iusto occuro vicis. Abico aliquip camur ideo melior minim natu nimis sed.
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Dolor exerci imputo luptatum meus praemitto scisco vicis volutpat vulpes. Decet dolor iriure mauris odio os sagaciter tego.
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Abico ad at cogo nobis patria quadrum refero te. Accumsan eu luctus minim nulla quia quis refero virtus.
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Donor | Campaign | Amount |
$ 12.00
$ 100.00