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Dec 22 2017

Open Thread

Go to Fox News for conservative, maybe go to msnbc for liberal, and be right here on CNN for the God's honest truth. - Anthony Weiner

Dec 22 2017

Student Ratted Out for Remembering Unperson Kate Steinle

In liberal academia, no thought crime goes unpunished:

A student at the University of California San Diego has been contacted to report to its Office for the Prevention of Harassment & Discrimination after hanging pro-Kate Steinle posters across the campus.

On the evening of Dec. 7, Gregory Lu hung 150 posters of Steinle’s smiling face with the words “She had dreams too” in highly traversed areas across campus that other students typically hang items on, such as bulletin boards and the free speech area.

Four days later, an investigator with the Office for the Prevention of Harassment & Discrimination [i.e., the Thought Police] emailed Lu asking to meet with him.

Correctly perceiving the meeting as an attempt to intimidate him into no longer expressing nonconformist (i.e., nonleftist) views, Lu wisely consulted a lawyer.

He had been ratted out via an online incident report, after having been followed around as he hung the posters. Unsurprisingly, the posters had disappeared when he checked back the next day.

The same day Lu was contacted by the bias office, the UC San Diego College Democrats had also called the posters “racist propaganda” targeting the “undocumented community” in a statement posted on their Facebook page. It went on to describe the posters as “displays of hate.”

Lu put up the posters on behalf of the newly formed group Right Wing West, whose members “want to remain unnamed because they are concerned they will be targeted by progressive peers or overzealous administrators.” The group put up the Kate Steinle “She Had Dreams Too” posters at numerous West Coast schools, where they were promptly torn down. At U.C. Berkeley, the pictures of Kate Steinle were ripped up in apparent hatred.

It wasn’t enough that Kate Steinle was murdered by lowlife illegal alien Jose Ines Garcia Zarate, who had already been deported five times. It wasn’t enough that Zarate was running around loose because local authorities had deliberately refused to turn him over to immigration officials. It wasn’t enough that a San Francisco jury outrageously found him guilty only of a firearm possession charge after he had shot her dead in broad daylight in front of witnesses. Now she must be forgotten completely, because her tragic story conflicts with the liberal narrative.

If anyone brings up this unperson, respond by asking, “Kate who?” Otherwise, you too may be suspected of thought crime.

On a tip from J.

Dec 22 2017

Unemployed African “Refugees” Go on Strike in Germany

This ought to tug at the heartstrings of liberals. Moochers from Africa, after arriving in Germany for their lifetimes of handouts in exchange for helping Germans obliterate their own civilization out of neurotic guilt, found the free accommodations not up to par, and were even forced to boycott their German classes. They sound off at THE VOICE Refugee Forum Germany:

On Friday, 15th of December 2017, 209 people from Sierra Leone in the transit camp in Deggendorf started a ‘strike of closed doors’. In protest, the children and young people refused to attend the German class as access to other educational institutions is denied. The adults haven’t left the accommodation and denied to work in the 80 cents jobs. On Saturday, 16th of December 2017 they started a hunger strike. The protest involves 44 children and young people, as well as 40 women (among them 12 pregnant women) and 125 men. The starting point of the protest was the violent deportation of a man from Sierra Leone on Friday morning, which was stopped in the last minute at the airport.

Among their gripes:

– Very poor accommodation facilities with 8 occupants in a room, with poor hygiene and toilet facilities.

– Very poor quality of food.

– Deportation to Italy with serious torture and no proper arrangements for reinstatement of the immigrants in Italy thereby leaving the immigrants on the street suffering.

Serious torture! Someone had better report this to the United Nations.

No word on when the disgruntled parasites will be returning to Sierra Leone, since the hospitality in Germany does not meet their standards.

On a tip from The Lieberal Media.

Dec 22 2017

Righteous She-Moonbats Fail to Denounce Bill Clinton, Al Franken

Liberal establishmentarians exploited Anita Hill during Clarence Thomas’ high-tech lynching. In the midst of sexual misconduct hysteria, they have dragged her out of mothballs to exploit her some more. Let’s hear what Ms. Hill had to say about the world’s most famous compulsive indulger in sexual misconduct, Bill “Slick Willie” Clinton:

[Kathleen] Willey, once an enthusiastic fundraiser for, and supporter of, Bill Clinton’s successful presidential campaigns, came to see him in the Oval Office. She was in financial trouble. He chose this moment to assault her. When asked about Willey’s accusations on Meet the Press, Hill dismissed them:

“We don’t have Ms. Willey claiming that this behavior was severe and ongoing, or pervasive enough that it became a condition of her employment. She’s not making that claim at all. And, in fact, no one has made that claim. She says in the deposition, I believe, that she was not given any particular favor at the White House because of this incident nor could she say that she suffered any disadvantage because of this incident.”

She then gave a variation of the “everybody does it” defense so frequently utilized by liberals in those days, referencing former Democrat presidents JFK and LBJ.

From there it gets even dumber:

Hill kept going and compounded the “they all do it” defense with the now unfathomable double-standard reasoning that Clinton should get a pass because … he’s a liberal and supports “women’s issues.” Sound familiar?

Harvey Weinstein, the most egregious of the current crop of sexual abusers, is a flaming liberal who shovels money at so-called women’s issues, so by this logic he ought to get a pass too. Maybe that’s why Hollyweirdos picked Hill to lead their dog and pony show of a sexual misconduct commission.

Speaking of absurd theatrics, Al Franken gave a final speech after getting hounded out of the Senate. He droned on for 40 minutes, not with apologies for sexually abusing women, but with tired partisan denunciations of Republicans.

Franken did not mention the allegations of sexual misconduct that led to his resignation.

However, he did say that he has “earned a reputation as someone who respects the women I work alongside every day.”

What do Minnesota feminists have to say about the uncontrite Franken’s appalling behavior? Not much:

Many feminist professors at universities across Minnesota are declining to comment on or condemn Democrat Sen. Al Franken over his sexual harassment scandal — even as the senator prepares to resign for the misconduct. …

The College Fix reached out to nine women’s studies professors at four large public and private universities in Minnesota, the state Franken serves, to seek comment on the sexual harassment accusations against the Democrat politician and former actor, as well as his resignation.

Multiple queries elicited no comment from any of them, because feminism, like all liberal issues, is a fraud. It is exploited so long as it advances the agenda. Then it is discarded.

The issue is never the issue; the issue is always the revolution.

On tips from Jester and Bodhisattva.

Dec 22 2017

Coloring Book for White-Hating Liberals

Disappointment is in store for moonbats who don’t find this under the tree on Christmas morn:

Jim Corbett wants to help political democrats and progressives cope with the current times by coloring. […He] has co-authored an adult coloring book, “I Am So Sick of White Guys,” which offers a message about white privilege and unchecked power.

Corbett is, unsurprisingly, a white guy, like his coauthor Tim Jones. But the illustrations are by Steve Hartley, a Person of Politically Preferred Pigmentation, lending the project the cachet of authentic race hatred, in addition to the pathetic self-hatred that characterizes white liberals.

Instead of unicorns and snowmen, readers can color images of Donald Trump and illustrations that represent freedom of speech, Russian collusion theories, the Ku Klux Klan and football civil rights action.

“Football civil rights action” presumably refers to the grotesquely overpaid cretinous Neanderthals of the NFL engaging in theatrical demonstrations of disrespect when the national anthem is performed.

The coloring book is available online at Amazon for $10; Corbett says 10 percent of the profits from sales are being donated to the Southern Poverty Law Center.

Moonbats will search in vain for a more pernicious way to waste their money than donating to the SPLC.

As liberals continue to devolve into infantilism, expect the hot gift next year to be I Hate White People pacifiers.

On tips from Mr. Freemarket, J, and Steve T.

Dec 22 2017

Homely Black Woman Gripes That Charlie Rose Is Racist for Not Trying to Molest Her

These days lots of people are sexual harassers. But Charlie Rose is something far worse: a racist! That’s according to Rebecca Carroll, a Journalist of Color who gripes about Rose never trying to molest her:

[T]he women Charlie preferred and preyed upon—at least that I witnessed—were white. It was an environment that all but erased me, while simultaneously exploiting me as a black woman. …

In America, the most desirable woman in the room—the most sacred, coveted, enshrined woman—has always been the white woman. …

[Rose’s] sexualization of white women was a manifestation of gendered power dynamics in the same way that his not sexualizing me was an expression of racialized power dynamics.

If you don’t find Ms. Carroll irresistibly attractive, you too are a racist. Report to the nearest college campus for reeducation immediately.

On a tip from J.

Dec 22 2017

United Nations Declares That USA Has No Right to Recognize Israel’s Capital

The USA’s acknowledgment of Israel’s right to name its own capital has had an unexpected benefit; now no one can pretend they don’t know that the United Nations is malevolent and absurd:

The Islamic militant group Hamas is welcoming a U.N. General Assembly resolution calling the U.S. recognition of Jerusalem as Israel’s capital “null and void.”

By “Islamic militant group,” they mean terrorist group with gallons of innocent blood on its hands. The destruction of Israel is the purpose of its existence.

The General Assembly voted 128-9 with 35 abstentions in favor of the non-binding resolution.

One hundred twenty-eight countries sided with terrorists against Western Civilization by proclaiming not only that Israel has no right to name its own capital, but that the USA has no right to acknowledge Israel’s capital.

The position is not even remotely reasonable. Yet American taxpayers are forced to fund this coven of dictators and moonbats.

On a tip from Bodhisattva.

Dec 21 2017

Open Thread

The most useful piece of learning for the uses of life is to unlearn what is untrue. - Antisthenes

Dec 21 2017

A Few Reasons Global Warming Would Be Good

Although it is unlikely to have much to do with human activity, let’s hope the climate really is warming. David Friedman (son of Milton Friedman) lists a few of the reasons that this would be a positive development:

• Global warming would increase the amount of land available for human use.
• Warming would affect cold places more than warm places.
• There would be longer growing seasons and consequently more food.
• The disastrous consequences of global warming are of low probability.
• The inevitable next glaciation will be a very big problem.

The basic rule is simple: warm good, cold bad. Liberals should have stuck with the Ice Age rhetoric they pushed in the 1970s; it was far more frightening than global warming.

On a tip from Bodhisattva.

Dec 21 2017

What Hitler Learned From the Democrats

A history lesson from Dinesh D’Souza could help explain why progressives often remind us the Nazis they righteously denounce:

Hat tip: Right Wing News.

Dec 21 2017

Last Jedi Sinks at Box Office

Word is getting around that the latest Star Wars movie is insufferably moonbatty. A new installment in a successful franchise is bound to rake in big money, which is one reason Hollywood rarely makes anything original anymore. But the haul from The Last Jedi is less than expected:

“Last Jedi” Tuesday was $20.3 million vs. $37 mil for “Force Awakens” on its first Tuesday. That’s around 42% off. $17 million is a big difference. Monday and Tuesday are big days for adults going to the movies, so this development is a little surprising. Almost every other film increased from Monday to Tuesday by quite a lot. Only “Last Jedi” declined, by 6%. Again, Monday and Tuesday are days when adults come out and sample “smart” movies. For some reason, their interest in “Star Wars” less than was imagined.

To understand why normal people don’t like the movie without actually having to sit through it, read why moonbat critics love it.

On tips from J.

Dec 21 2017

University College London Apologizes for Referencing White Christmas

Snow can’t help but be white. But the color white is still racist. Therefore, the concept of a white Christmas is racist — forcing University College London to cringingly apologize for having tweeted a thought crime:

The original tweet referred both to Bing Crosby’s now racist song, and to a large amount of local snowfall.

An apt response:

On a tip from Bodhisattva.

Dec 21 2017

Sweden’s Retirement Age May Need to Be Raised to Finance Islamic Welfare Colonization

It now being unsafe for women to walk alone at night isn’t the only price to be paid for Sweden subjecting itself to Islamic welfare colonization. For example, there is also a monetary cost:

Swedish Socialist party Finance Minister Magdalena Andersson announced that the retirement age would likely be raised in the near future in order to offset increased welfare costs, Swedish newspaper Expressen reports.

As Sweden’s population explodes, the welfare state is growing faster than government revenues. This is because the population growth is not natural, but is mainly the result of importing economically unproductive Third Worlders from abroad.

A recent report showed that while the native Swedish unemployment rate was around 3.9 percent, it stood at 21.8 percent for Swedish residents from foreign backgrounds.

Say Swedes have their retirement age raised from 65 to 70. That would mean they would spend the last 5 years of their working lives functioning as slaves for their imported overlords, many of whom don’t work at all.

It is doubtful that their Viking ancestors would have submitted to this.

On a tip from Bodhisattva.

Dec 21 2017

Why Muslims Should Wear Beards

A Turkish Islamic preacher clarifies why Muslims should wear beards:

Speaking on the private religious station Fatih Medreseleri (Madrasahs) TV on Dec. 16, preacher Murat Bayaral blasted men who shave, saying they cause confusion for other men who might consider them to be feminine.

Bays Bayaral,

“If you see a man with long hair from afar you may think he is a woman if he does not have a beard. Because nowadays women and men dress similarly. God forbid! You could be possessed by indecent thoughts.”

Good thing conversion therapy probably isn’t restricted in Turkey, like it is in California. Bayaral could have issues to deal with.

This may explain why goats grow beards — to ward off the lustful indignities to which they are often subjected in Islamic lands.

On a tip from Guy B.

Dec 21 2017

Anthropogenic Global Warming Blamed for Snow in Alaska Mountains

One of the most terrifying aspects of climate change is that you never know how it is going to come at you next. Not long ago, warmists warned that it would soon cause the end of snow. Now, it appears that climate change is making it snow in the mountains of Alaska:

Snowfalls atop an Alaskan mountain range have doubled since the start of the industrial age, evidence that climate change can trigger major increases in regional precipitation, according to research published in the journal Scientific Reports on Tuesday. …

“We were shocked when we first saw how much snowfall has increased,” said Erich Osterberg, an assistant professor of earth sciences at Dartmouth College and principal investigator for the research. …

The study suggests that warming tropical oceans have driven the increased snowfall by strengthening the northward flow of warm, moist air.

We are told that this is a consequence of “carbon dioxide and other emissions from industry,” just like the rain that fell during Hurricane Harvey.

Snow in Alaska mountains. Add it to The List.

Yet again we see that all weather phenomena of any type whatsoever are caused by climate change. Only taxes, regulation, international wealth redistribution, and centralized authority can keep us safe from weather — and yet:

Every nation in the world except the United States has joined a global pact to fight climate change. President Donald Trump announced the U.S. withdrawal from the 2015 Paris Climate Agreement in June, saying it was too costly for the U.S. economy.

This makes America a pariah nation, responsible for the world’s weather.

On tips from Zack VC and Bodhisattva.

Dec 20 2017

Open Thread

No self-respecting person who loves humanity or wishes for a world of greater equality and justice should have anything to do with whitewashing the slavery and extermination of Marxism-Leninism. - Anthony Gregory

Dec 20 2017

Shopping at the Mall

They say online shopping is killing malls. Actually, malls were probably going to die anyway. This recent scene in Fort Myers, Florida shows why:

On a tip from seaoh.

Dec 20 2017

Patriots Win the Second Battle of Bunker Hill

The good guys lost the original Battle of Bunker Hill, but it was a pyrrhic victory for the British, who sustained heavy losses, as the American rebels gained confidence. The second Battle of Bunker Hill was fought for the same purpose: to secure liberty. This time, the patriots won. Consequently, it will no longer be forbidden to pass out copies of the Constitution at Bunker Hill Community College:

“[T]hanks to the efforts of [Young Americans for Liberty (YAL)] students and attorneys from Alliance Defending Freedom (ADF) and the Foundation for Individual Rights in Education (FIRE), Bunker Hill Community College has eliminated its unconstitutional restrictions on free speech that prevented Navy veteran Jeff Lyons from passing out copies of the U.S. Constitution,” YAL said in a press release.

The group also announced that the entire Massachusetts Community College System, including Bunker Hill, “has agreed to review similar problematic [i.e., unconstitutional] policies at 6 of its other campuses.”

Maybe the tide is starting to turn. According to an annual study by the Foundation for Individual Rights in Education, the percentage of colleges imposing “speech codes that clearly and substantially restrict freedom of speech” has been going down. If liberal authoritarianism recedes in academia, which is its main source, there may yet be hope for the future.

On tips from Sterling B.

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