December 13, 2017

Wednesday Overnight Open Thread (12/13/17) 3rd Monday Of The Week Edition

—Misanthropic Humanitarian


(Sit back and enjoy The ONT)


Quotes of The Day

Quote I

Voyager upon life's sea:—
To yourself be true,
And whate'er your lot may be,
Paddle your own canoe.
Dr. Edward P. Philpots

Quote II

Thy spirit, Independence, let me share!
Lord of the lion-heart and eagle-eye,
Thy steps I follow with my bosom bare,
Nor heed the storm that howls along the sky.
Tobias Smollett

Quote III

THOU of an independent mind,
With soul resolv’d, with soul resign’d;
Prepar’d Power’s proudest frown to brave,
Who wilt not be, nor have a slave;
Virtue alone who dost revere,
Thy own reproach alone dost fear,
Approach this shrine, and worship here.
Robert Burns


UPDATE No one has made the promise of "no math" this evening. AOSHQ COOKBOOK CONTEST #3: MATH! We have a winner. Congrats Methos

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Posted by Misanthropic Humanitarian at 10:06 PM Comments

Surprise! (?)


This doesn't prove anything, but it sure does dovetail with what many expected.

Posted by Ace at 07:23 PM Comments

PBS Suspends Tavis Smiley Over Sexual Harassment Complaint


Too bad.

"Effective today, PBS has indefinitely suspended distribution of 'Tavis Smiley,' produced by TS Media, an independent production company," the public broadcaster said. "PBS engaged an outside law firm to conduct an investigation immediately after learning of troubling allegations regarding Mr. Smiley. This investigation included interviews with witnesses as well as with Mr. Smiley. The inquiry uncovered multiple, credible allegations of conduct that is inconsistent with the values and standards of PBS, and the totality of this information led to today's decision."


The investigation found that Smiley had engaged in sexual relationships with multiple subordinates. Some witnesses interviewed expressed concern that their employment status was linked to the status of a sexual relationship with Smiley. In general, they described Smiley as creating a verbally abusive and threatening environment that went beyond what could be expected in a typical high-pressure work environment. Several expressed concerns about retaliation.

Meanwhile, three women say music mogul Russell Simmons raped them, and another women complains of other "violent sexual behavior."

So I don't know about you but I want to sit close, lean in, and hear these icons' wisdom.

Posted by Ace at 06:40 PM Comments

New Claim From CNN: Anderson Cooper's Assistant Left His Phone Unattended and Unlocked at the Gym; An Unknown Rando Must Have Picked Up the Phone and Used It to Tweet Out that Trump Was a "Tool" and a "Pathetic Loser"


He left his phone unlocked at a gym?

Don't phones lock themselves after like ten seconds of non-use?


What is the provenance of the claim that "geolocation services" prove it the tweet was sent from NY? Are we just relying on Honest Anderson and Never Misled By Sources CNN for that claim?

Someone suggested to me that what likely happened (assuming the "assistant" was even involved in this transaction at all) was that the assistant was tweeting his own anti-trump stuff on his own account, switched to Cooper's account to do the bullshit promotion stuff, then forgot to log out of Cooper's account to begin his own twitter tirades again.

Why should we believe people who continue brazenly lying to us?

CNN isn't just content to pump out #FakeNews about Trump; it's now pumping out #FakeNews about itself, too.

Even Slate -- Slate!!! -- criticizes CNN (and CBS and NBC) for covering up how they all made the same critical mistake about the "Wikileaks decryption key" despite all claiming they had multiple sources confirming the same erroneous date.


Posted by Ace at 04:55 PM Comments

Is This Something?


You're darn tootin' this is something.

Continue reading

Posted by Ace at 03:59 PM Comments

Elizabeth Warren Demands McConnell Seat Jones Immediately, Even Though Luther Strange's Term Isn't Over Until January


She's on the warpath about this.*

The savage tribe* picked up on this absurdity:

* Not a slur about American Indians; it's a slur about Elizabeth Warren, who is an American Indian like I'm an American Indian. PS, I'm not an American Indian, though I'd like to be -- but I don't think they allow for conversions.

Posted by Ace at 02:38 PM Comments

#TheToasterIsStillLoyal: Anderson Cooper Someone #Hacked His Twitter Account to Post One (1) Anti-Trump Tweet


He's claiming he was #Hacked. Anthony Weiner claimed he too was #Hacked for a single tweet, too.

Anthony Weiner notably did not contact the authorities about this breach of his privacy and this attempt to diminish his reputation. He preferred to keep his "#Hacking" as a small, quiet matter, using only his own resources to investigate.

I found that strange. I found it strange that a man would try to minimize a pretty serious bit of defamation and vandalism of reputation.

It seemed to me that there would be a good reason to not report a #Hacking to the police: if it was not in fact a #Hacking at all, and if reporting it to the police would result in 1, the police announcing to the world that the user tweeted the alleged rogue tweet himself, and 2, being charged for filing a false report.

It seemed that way to me immediately, and that turned out to be correct in that instance.

So now Anderson Cooper claims someone "#Hacked" his twitter account to post a single tweet, and nothing else.

The cable network tweeted early Wednesday that "someone gained access" to Anderson's account and sent the tweet to the president. "We're working with Twitter to secure the account," it said.


The apparently rogue tweet came in response to President Donald Trump explaining why Republican Roy Moore wasn’t able to win the race. "Oh, really? You endorsed him tool! Pathetic loser," read the tweet.

I have repeatedly asked Anderson Cooper and CNN's PR account to find out which law enforcement agencies Anderson Cooper and/or CNN have contacted to investigate this "#Hacking."

So far, they have not answered.

Until they do, I will assume they have not contacted the police.

And then I'll just wonder about the reasons that might animate someone to refuse to contact the police about an invasion of privacy.

Posted by Ace at 01:25 PM Comments

Strzok Wrote That Trump Could Not Be Permitted to Become President, and That an "Insurance Policy" Was Necessary


Jim Jordan connected up two of Strzok's most conspiracy-suggesting outbursts to the timing of the the FBI's -- probably actually Strzok's -- application for a FISA warrant to "spy on Americans."

That video is below, but here are the two text chains he focuses on.

So there you have Strzok saying he can "protect the country at many levels" from the "menace" of Trump in his position as an FBI agent.

Then he talks about a conversation that happened in Andrew McCabe's office-- remember, McCabe's wife ran for office in Virginia as a Democrat and was partly bankrolled by Friend of Hillary Terry MacAuliffe -- in which McCabe, Lisa Page, and Andrew Strzok apparently spent work-time discussing the menace of a Trump presidency.

Although Lisa Page threw out a "path" by which she claimed Trump could not win te race -- and we don't know what this "path" was about -- Strzok was still too worried about the prospect of it, and announced "I'm afraid we can't take that risk" and cryptically refers to an "insurance policy" against that possibility:

The video below begins mid-quotation, but Jordan is quoting from the texts above. He knits these together to show that Strzok was a man who considered himself the last insurance policy against a Trump presidency, which just might be why he then packaged up the Steele dossier and presented it to a FISA court to get warrants to begin spying on Trump associates.

Update: Chuck Ross sketches a partial timeline, too:

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Posted by Ace at 12:18 PM Comments

The Morning Rant: J.V. Edition



Humans are really, really cruel and mean sometimes. Why didn't they just throw some poo at this guy and call it a day?

Arizona Cop Acquitted for Killing Man Crawling Down Hotel Hallway While Begging for His Life

You want a rant? I'll give you a rant.

This is murder, and no amount of obfuscation or sucking up to the cops (I'm looking at you Patterico) will change the facts. Sure, you can break it down frame by frame and contort and massage your way to a conclusion that maybe, just maybe, the cops had a tiny window during which it wasn't perfectly, 100% clear that all they had was a dumb drunk on their hands who was terrified and who was also horribly confused by their psychotic, pulling-the-wings-off-flies behavior, and even more insane instructions.

The fact is that policing in America is broken, and this case is a perfect example of it. We have morphed from the idea that policemen are our friends and neighbors and are there to help, into some dystopian nightmare where rogue cops get to do pretty much whatever they want and then get away with it. And why do they get away with it? Because the thin blue line protects them. That line usually includes the prosecutors, who need the cops to lie about evidence and lie on the stand and lie to judges about warrants, so that Mr. Prosecutor gets a promotion and a ticket to the state capital or a cushy private sector job. And in return? He tanks murder prosecutions against the cops.

And the so-called "honest cops," who supposedly make up 99.9% of the police in America? Bullshit. They are crooks too. Because every time they turn their backs on the criminality of one of their fellow officers they are breaking the law.

The shooter had "You're Fvcked" etched on the dust cover of his rifle. As far as I am concerned: QED...murder. And I am sick and tired of hearing about how the lives of our police officers are so damned important. I don't see firemen hanging out outside of burning buildings until everything is safe. A lot of those guys run into burning buildings to save people...because that's the job, and that's the risk they signed up for. Cops also signed up for similar risks. Civilian lives are more important than cop lives. Sorry, but that's the reality. If you don't want to take the risk, then don't become a cop. Become a tree-trimmer or a cab driver or a construction worker or a lumberjack. But wait...those occupations are MORE dangerous than being a cop.

I have seen out-of-control cops behave exactly this way, even here in my little slice of suburbia. An asshole buzz-cutted iron-pumping cop screwing with some poor soccer mom who is late to pick up her kids from school, or a bunch of idiot drunk teenagers? Wow...real tough. How about you take a little jaunt to Afghanistan and cower in your piss and shit while real men fight real bad guys and still have the time and humanity to care for the weak and the defenseless. But you won't do that, because they don't make nearly the money that you do as a wannabe tough-guy who is just itching to shoot someone, and deep down inside you know that you aren't the real man you want to be...You aren't're just a bully. And now a murderer.

And just in case you might think that I am furious simply because this is a white victim, take a look at this video of the Walter Scott Murder. It's just as bad. At least he's going to jail, to the surprise of everyone involved, most of all him and his buddies.

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Posted by CBD at 11:20 AM Comments

Mid-Morning Open Thread


Raoul Hynckes hand.jpg

The Iron Hand
Raoul Hynckes

There are two wildly different versions of this painting. One is dark and foreboding. One is much lighter and airy. I have no idea which is closer to reality. The dark one is three down from the top at this site.

Which one do you like more?

Posted by CBD at 09:30 AM Comments

The Morning Report 12/13/17

—J.J. Sefton


Good morning kids. I'm old enough, and by now should be wise enough, to understand what happened yesterday in Alabama, and yet I'm still shocked and sickened. I suppose that is the normal reaction if we were living in anything resembling normal times; obviously we're not. A Senate seat in what is arguably a solid red state has been "stolen" and made Democrat. The word stolen has multiple meanings in this context and I think virtually all of them are correct (pending the whereabouts of Al Franken's Buick LeSabre, fraud will not be considered - yet).

Let's face it; electoral politics as we have known it is gone. If we didn't realize that certainly by last November, we never would have. The election of Donald Trump has thoroughly exposed the corruption, criminality and rot that is our government, media and culture. They will not allow that to stand. I can't say whether we would have witnessed the spectacle of the last few months had the candidate been Luther Strange or Mo Brooks. But, idiosyncrasies or not, Roy Moore is a lightning rod and even worse, a staunch supporter of the President and avowed enemy of Mitch McConnell and the Establishment. And so yesterday is just another indication that we are in a war between those who want to subjugate this country and citizenry, and the rest of us who want to somehow try to save it and our posterity from extinction. Yes, our enemies will crow, strut and preen about the significance of this "victory" as proof positive of the repudiation of the President and the first step towards his downfall. To which I say "go to Hell."

From a practical standpoint, Moore is not conceding and in all likelihood will demand a recount. Slim as the margin seems to be as of this writing, I have my doubts that he can overcome it. McTraitor also is saying that Doug Jones won't be seated until next year, so he will not be voting on legislation, most crucially the Tax Reform bill, and whatever else may be up for a vote between now and then. On the plus side, he's only there until 2020 but on the downside, losing that seat to a hardcore Leftist leaves only a wafer-thin majority in the Senate. And of course with Republicans like Collins, Murkowski, Alexander and too many others, well, you get the picture. And speaking of raw sewage, Richard Shelby.

Predictable: Steve Bannon (PBUH) is being attacked and mocked for causing Moore to lose the election. And yet the same momzers dumping on Bannon are the ones who not only refused to support or defend Roy Moore but actively participated in his defeat. The chutzpah is just beyond belief.

Prediction: Gloria Allred and her clients who accused Roy Moore will completely disappear from the news cycle within a day or so. Allred though will no doubt be back as what yesterday was is the opening salvo in the new/old strategy of Mish-Grabber-Gate 2.0. We can see that the Russian collusion angle has failed and the Mueller probe is going to go the same route with the revelations about Strzok, McCabe, Rosenstein and probably Adam Schiff. Oh, hell yes. It's a war people. It's a goddam long, bloody war and there will be pain inflicted on us. Let us steel ourselves and move forward.

In other news, Minnesota's governor Mark Dayton is supposed to name a replacement for Al Franken's senate seat. All well and good except Franken has not officially quit. Meh, with Moore losing Alabama, he has no excuse to stick around. And speaking of rape, New York restaurateur Ken Friedman allegedly has a rape room in an eatery that he co-owns with entertainer and former crack dealer Jay-Z. Were I not so utterly disgusted about the election, I'd have something snarky.

Lastly, J. Christian Adams talks about what's been going on at the DoJ aside from the somnambulant proclivities of its director. As I've said before, unless Sessionzzzzz personally leads the Clintons, Obama and Soros in leg irons to the paddy wagon, I can't think of a better replacement than Adams to run that agency.

Chin up people. Happy Hanukkah and eat some latkes.

Anyway, links from around the world, across the nation and up your street. Have a better one and remain blessed.

Posted by J.J. Sefton at 06:47 AM Comments

Tuesday Overnight Open Thread (12/12/17)

—Misanthropic Humanitarian


(The Christmas Spirit)


Quotes of The Day

Quote I

"You cannot say that it's an honest mistake when you're purposefully putting out information that you know to be false, or when you're taking information that hasn't been validated, that hasn't been offered with any credibility, and has been continually denied by a number of people, including people with direct knowledge of an instance," Sarah Sanders

Quote II

One becomes a critic when one cannot be an artist, just as a man becomes a stool pigeon when he cannot be a soldier. Gustave Flaubert

Quote III

All men are by nature born equally free and independent… men entered into compacts to give up some of their natural rights, that by union and mutual assistance they might secure the rest; but they gave up no more… all government, and every kind of civil compact therefore, is or ought to be, calculated for the general good and safety of the community. Every power, every authority vested…is, or ought to be, ultimately directed to this sole end; and whenever any power or authority whatever extends further…it may be called government, but it is in fact oppression. George Mason

Quote IV

Yes, antisemitism is a clever virus and this shape-shifting is one of its oldest methods of perpetuating itself. Like other viruses currently feasting on humans, this one always has a pleasure principle associated with it. It feels good to get it and we live in the plague years of “If it feels good, do it.” Those whose moral immune systems have been previously compromised by other pleasure-born diseases have souls which are particularly susceptible to this virus. Gerard Van der Leun

Quote V

If the Arabs put down their weapons today, there would be no more ‎violence. If the Jews put ‎down their weapons ‎today, there would be no ‎more Israel'‎” Benjamin Netanyahu

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Posted by Misanthropic Humanitarian at 10:09 PM Comments

Strzok/Page Texts Are Maybe Worse Than You Guessed


Even CBS can't spin this one:

At one point, Page wrote to Strzok, "I just saw my first Bernie Sander bumper sticker. Made me want to key the car." Strzok replied, "He's an idiot like Trump. Figure they cancel each other out."

Strzok says of Mr. Trump that he's "awful" and "an idiot."

On Election Day, Strzok expressed his dismay at seeing a map showing Mr. Trump winning -- he called it "f*****g terrifying," and a week after the election, Strzok and Page were also alarmed to see that Jeff Sessions was likely to be named attorney general.

"Sessions for AG," Strzok texted, along with a profanity. Page replied, "Good god."

Here are some of the texts discovered just so far:

And here's the smoking gun -- so far. It might get worse.


This doesn't sound like an adulterous couple who should have been permitted to work on either the Clinton or Trump matters.

Oh, Wow: From Chuck Ross, Fusion GPS confirms that (now former) Assistant AG Bruce Ohr's wife was hired to work on the Trump oppo file; Ross also reports that it was Bruce Ohr who requested the meeting with Fusion head Glenn Simpson -- to talk about the Trump oppo file.

And to strategize, is my guess.

And more...

Posted by Ace at 09:10 PM Comments

Live Video Coverage of the Alabama Special Election from Decision Desk HQ


We'll see.

Update: The New York Times has one of those fluttering needles up like they did on November 8, 2016. While Moore was coming back from being down, to having a 39% chance of winning, he just fell to 31%.

Not looking good.

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Posted by Ace at 08:00 PM Comments

Exit Polls: Voters Split On Whether Roy Moore's Accusers Are Telling the Truth, But 55% Say It's a "Minor" Factor or Not a Factor In Their Decision


The partisan split among those showing up to vote today is Democrat 37%, Republican 46%, Independent 20%. This sounds a bit bad to me -- I'd expect the Republican affiliation to be higher, if Moore was going to win. I know that many people in the south still claim to be nominally Democrat or Independent while voting Republican, but still, I'd think this should be higher, were Moore going to win:

The "abortion illegal" number also seems low to me. You can't trust exit polls much, especially with a candidate perceived as disapproved by the media, but these polls don't look good to me for Moore.

Posted by Ace at 07:14 PM Comments

Trump's Attorneys Demand Investigation Into Leaks from House Intel Committee;
Jeff Sessions Asks Lawyer to Look Into Possible Need for Special Counsel Investigation Into DOJ


Here's the reporting on Sessions:

Posted by Ace at 06:24 PM Comments

Is This Something?


I don't doubt that pay-for-allegation schemes go on, but I'm a little skeptical about how such a tape, if genuine, could come into Bill O'Reilly's possession. If it's legit, that means that the person being offered money wasn't "safe," and you'd imagine they would only make this offer to people they knew were "safe." As in, definitely super-partisan progressive and almost guaranteed to not talk about the offer, even if they turned it down.

Posted by Ace at 05:06 PM Comments

Trump Rags on Kirsten Gillibrand, and Elizabeth Warren Steps In to Call Gillibrand a Slut in the Guise of Defending Her


Gee, thanks, Fauxcahantas.

Women shiv women.

Posted by Ace at 04:14 PM Comments

Instapundit: I Asked the DOJ If Lisa Page Was Involved In Getting FISA Warrants For Her Boyfriend, Disgraced FBI Hack Peter Strzok, and They Gave Me the Runaround


If the DOJ isn't going to answer relevant questions, then no one should answer a single question asked by the DOJ or its pet hitman Mueller.

Posted by Ace at 03:04 PM Comments

Jim Acosta Heroically Whines That a Woman Made Him Feel Very Very Scared


Three things that make CNN the most HEROIC of all entertainment channels:

1. Jim Acosta speaks TRUTH TO POWER through glistening BLOWJOB LIPS

2. Jake Tapper has a DEVIANTART PAGE where he sells paintings of GARBAGE PAIL KIDS doing wacky hijinks like

3. Brian Stelter's farts smell like ARBY'S CHICKEN and

Posted by Ace at 02:04 PM Comments

Andrew McCabe Abruptly Cancels Testimony Before Congress Scheduled for Today; Source Says He Has "An Ohr Problem"


The DOJ lies again and claims this is a "routine scheduling error," while Congressional sources say "McCabe has an Ohr problem."

Deputy FBI Director Andrew McCabe on Monday night reportedly postponed an appearance before the House Intelligence Committee that was scheduled for Tuesday.

The abrupt cancellation occurred following a report by Fox News that raised new questions about connections between the Justice Department and Fusion GPS, the opposition research firm behind the infamous Trump dossier.

Fox News reported that McCabe's interview will be rescheduled for next week. The Justice Department told the network that the cancellation was due to a "routine scheduling error."

A Congressional source told The Daily Caller that the excuse is "very hard to believe."

A source also told Fox News that it was believed that the interview was postponed because “McCabe has an Ohr problem.

Posted by Ace at 01:04 PM Comments

The Morning Rant


talking ape.jpg"So if the reason that all of those CNN stories that have blown up in their smug faces were due to innocent, could-have-happened-to-anyone reporting errors, you'd think that some number of them would be in Trump's favor. If these errors were truly random, I mean. Then you'd expect up to half of the errors would work to Trump's advantage. But the actual number is, get this, zero. Isn't that odd? And if reporters were such fearlessly unbiased champions of the truth that they like to portray themselves as, you'd think at least one of them would be questioning this weird statistical anomaly. But, not to worry. I'm sure they'll get around to asking these questions any day now."


To this, I would add:

--Character is what you do when no one else is watching.

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Posted by OregonMuse at 11:34 AM Comments

Mid-Morning Open Thread



Stadsgezicht (City View)
Carel Willink

Posted by CBD at 09:30 AM Comments

The Morning Report 12/12/17

—J.J. Sefton


Good morning kids. The Link-Fu is strong today so here we go. The big showdown in Alabama has come and so it's time to elect Roy Moore and put a serious torpedo in the twin demons of the GOP-e as well as the Democrat-Media Complex. There have been those here in the Horde, whom I respect and shall remain nameless so as to avoid embarrassment, who have claimed that we should be condemning Moore as loudly as we condemn anyone on the other side for their alleged crimes. The only problem is, the accusations against Roy Moore are over 40 years old, have for the most part been proven to be specious at best, utter lies at worst, and considering Roy Moore has been a political lightning rod both locally for many years and recently nationally (10 Commandments issue), the fact that his accusers come forward only now reeks to high heaven. Also, the now dozens of political and cultural celebrities on the Left who have been accused have issued apologies and/or been removed from their positions, Al Franken notwithstanding. The bottom line is, forget the lies and smears; while Roy Moore may not be the ideal candidate, he has voiced his strong support of the President and his agenda and his opposition to the Establishment. I think the choice is obvious.

Several links at the top have all the salient coverage. In short, Bannon came out swinging for the candidate and is believed to have taken a somewhat veiled swipe at Ivanka. The polls, as we all know, are a total crock and have been wildly oversampled for Democrats, showboating lowlife Wisconsin congress-thing Gwen Moore (D)Based asked the sergeant at arms if teenage Senate pages would be protected from Roy Moore, Charles Barkley stuck his huge foot in his mouth whilst stumping for Doug Jones and despite the complete baselessness of all the charges against Roy Moore, Barbara Comstock has promised Moore will be dragged before the ethics committee if he wins the race. Despite it's reputation for being a joke and the place where charges against politicians go to die, I fully expect for the first time in history that the investigation against Moore will be in the headlines on a daily basis.

The terrorist attack at the Port Authority Bus Terminal in New York, which some are calling "thwarted" but which in reality was a major dodged bullet due to the deviant's flunking out of Clock-Boy 101, has drawn the typical obfuscation and outrage from the usual quarters. The 7th century parents that spawned this 6th century fiend are, get this, attacking the NYPD for how they treated their poor, little precious would-be killer, while the media around the world blame Trump for recognizing Jerusalem as Israel's capital for the attack. Too bad pipe-bomb boy was angry about the situation in Gaza, which is wholly the fault of the Paleo-stinians who run that gulag as well as the sight of Christmas lights in the subway. The horror. The horror. But President Trump is rightly placing the blame on the insane chain migration system that allowed this bastard and perhaps scores of others like him to come to our country. And yet jerks like Cuomo and DeBolshevik claim the dumb luck that spared the city from an horrific bloodbath is a sign that the system is working as planned.

From hither and yon, the SoCal Wildfire has consumed an area as large as New York and Boston combined, Groperdammerung has now claimed Mario Batali and walking corpse Larry King, Sarah Huckabee-Sanders totally pwn3d Jim "Accoster" Acosta, VP Pence is on his way to the Middle East for his first official state visit to the region, and lastly, the black teen who videoed her cohorts torturing a white special needs kid a few years ago has received a slap on the wrist as punishment. Yup. The system is "working" as intended. Disgusting.

Off to the allergist shortly to get shot, so hence the earlier than usual post. Anyway, links from around the world, across the nation and up your street. Have a better one and remain blessed.

Posted by J.J. Sefton at 06:45 AM Comments

Monday Overnight Open Thread (12/11/17) 2 Weeks 'Til Christmas Edition

—Misanthropic Humanitarian


(Fire. Drink. ONT. Life is good.)


Quotes of The Day

Quote I

"Isn't food important? Why not 'universal food coverage'? If politicians had given us 'universal food access' 20 years ago, today Democrats would be wailing about the 'food crisis' in America, and you'd be on the phone with your food-care provider arguing about whether or not a Reuben sandwich with fries is covered under your plan." Ann Coulter

Quote II

“A man can no more diminish God’s glory by refusing to worship Him than a lunatic can put out the sun by scribbling the word ‘darkness’ on the walls of his cell.” C.S. Lewis

Quote III

That is the reality of the custodial state. The people in charge see themselves as your caretakers, like a baby sitter or care giver. In reality though, you are their slave, because like a slave, you no longer control your body. They control where it is and what it is permitted to do. In this particular case. the state is trying to force this baker to perform his services for the homosexuals. The efforts to punish him are no different from a slave master flogging a runaway slave. It’s to send a message to the rest of the slaves. The Zman

Continue reading

Posted by Misanthropic Humanitarian at 10:03 PM Comments

Open Thread


Posted by Ace at 08:41 PM Comments

CNN Special Snowflakes to Donald Trump: Please Stop Bullying Us After We Spend Hour After Hour of #FakeNews Attacks on You!


These people aren't being "bullied." They're nasty sissies who enjoy slapping and scratching but then cry if someone hits back.

So: Is CNN an innocent victim of "bullying," or is it an aggressive, seething sissy who likes to hit and bite and then cry when it gets its sissy ass kicked?


Today CNN contributor Sally Kohn declared that sexual harassment happens because "most men hate women."

Most. Hate.

CNN covered its #FakeNews claim that Donald Trump Jr. was given a Super Secret Decryption Key for hacked emails earlier than the public twenty-seven times as much as they spent on correcting their outrageously false claim.

A little more than an hour after the terrorist attack on the Port Authority (I earlier said "40 minutes," which was wrong), here was CNN, which is totally being bullied, itself totally not engaging in bullying:

A lot of fat people work for CNN (more fat men than fat women -- apparently they only want women with nice figures on TV), but I don't see Brooke Baldwin taking Chris Cilizza or Brian Stelter aside to tell them to lay off the carbs.

Oh, and this is cute: CNN made huge claims about Jeff Sessions' failure to disclose brief meetings with Russian officials in his ordinary course of duties as a Senator. But when it's reported that the FBI cleared him of any wrongdoing, stating that Sessions had no obligations at all to report such fleeing hey-nice-to-see-ya's, CNN "quietly backtracks" its previous reporting. I'd like to see a comparison of how much time they spent on the original news -- with the #FakeNews implication that Sessions did something wrong -- compared to how little coverage they've given the update/correction of previous implications.

CNN spends half of its time telling us that reporters are courageous heroes who rush into the fire -- and by the way, not only do 99% of them never rush into any kind of fire at all, but will cry if they're forced to leave their air-conditioned offices -- and the other half of the time whining that the Mean Man Said Mean Things About Them.

Choose one (1). You don't get to pose as heroes worthy of a Frank Frazetta tribute while crying that your tampons are itchy.

Posted by Ace at 07:44 PM Comments

New Yorker Fires Archliberal Shill Ryan Lizza For "Inappropriate Sexual Conduct"


The War on Women is coming from inside the house.

Seems like this is the sort of guy who would pretend to get offended by Romney's "binders full of women" statement while himself engaging in fireable-level "inappropriate sexual contact."

Yup, that's what I expected.

Lizza has issued his own statement, calling the New Yorker's actions a "mistake" and saying that his relationship with the woman was "respectful" and a dating situation:

Lizza is also a paid contributor for (wait for it....!) CNN. CNN says they are looking into the matter.

Posted by Ace at 06:41 PM Comments

Wife of Senior DOJ Official Demoted for Bias Worked for FusionGPS, the Firm Behind the Phony RUSSIA Dossier That Was Subsequently Used to Procure a FISA Warrant


By the way, the FBI and DOJ have not confirmed that the Steele Dossier was used to get the FISA warrant, but they continue refusing to answer that question, even when posed by Congressmen with oversight authority, so I'm taking that as proof positive the fake Steele Dossier was used to contrive the FISA warrant and get this whole covert op against a duly-elected president started.

And the demoted DOJ Assistant AG, Bruce Ohr (note: not the more famous demoted FBI agent revealed previously, Peter Strzok) just so happened to be married to a woman working for FusionGPS, which paid RUSSIAN soruces for dezinformationizya.

A senior Justice Department official demoted last week for concealing his meetings with the men behind the anti-Trump"“dossier" had even closer ties to Fusion GPS, the firm responsible for the incendiary document, than has been disclosed, Fox News has confirmed: The official's wife worked for Fusion GPS during the 2016 election.

Contacted by Fox News, investigators for the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence (HPSCI) confirmed that Nellie H. Ohr, wife of the demoted official, Bruce G. Ohr, worked for the opposition research firm last year. The precise nature of Mrs. Ohr's duties-- including whether she worked on the dossier -- remains unclear but a review of her published works available online reveals Mrs. Ohr has written extensively on Russia-related subjects. HPSCI staff confirmed to Fox News that she was paid by Fusion GPS through the summer and fall of 2016.

Bruce Ohr was Associate Attorney General, with an office only four doors down from the AG. He himself met privately with both Glenn Simpson (founder of FusionGPS) and Christopher Steele (compiler of the fake dossier) and discussed the anti-Trump dossier and Simpson's frustrations that Trump had won the election. Congressional investigators say Ohr did not disclose those meetings with the DOJ.

See the video report at the link. It seems that the DOJ lied to Fox for the reasons for his demotion. When Fox asked the first time, they refused to answer. The second time Fox asked, the DOJ actually lied to the Fox (and thereby to the American public) claiming he was merely being reassigned because he shouldn't "wear two hats" and was being told to focus on his usual job of overseeing organized crime prosecutions.

That was a lie -- yet another lie from the DOJ.

He was demoted due to failure to disclose clear conflicts of interest.

Corrected: I originally said the DOJ lied twice about this. In fact, they only lied once; their first response was simply yet another refusal to respond at all.

Which isn't a lie -- it's just hiding the truth from the public.

Posted by Ace at 05:07 PM Comments

Media Has All Sorts of Reasons Why You Should Trust Them Even More After Weeks of Biased Incompetence and Possibly Deliberate Complicity in Disinformation


David Frum wins, ultimately, by claiming that the media's mistakes mean you should trust them even more, and are the result of trying too hard to be fair to Trump.

Meanwhile, the day the CNN face-planted with its latest round of #VeryFakeNews, who did Jake Tapper have on to discuss the Trump investigation? California Democrat Adam , who makes the most vaporware claims about what is "proven" about Trump RUSSIAN Collusion, and who is being straight-up accused by people who usually don't straight-up accuse of being the source for the coordinated false leaks.

Guess what Jake Tapper, the Hero of the Gimp-Suit Fake Conservative Remnant, did not ask Adam Schiff about?

That's right -- for some strange reason I could not even guess at, super-straight-shooter Jake Tapper did not ask Adam Schiff for his thoughts on the coordinated lies put out, allegedly, by two sources, each to four different media outlets (ABC, MSNBC, CBS, #VeryFakeNewsCNN).

Why did he not ask about that? Is it because reporters don't ask such things of their sources?

And why was Adam Schiff even on the show? Was he pre-booked in anticipation of talking up the information that I'm quite sure he had no idea would be breaking on CNN?

Glenn Greenwald had a good point: A "whistleblower" contacted the Washington Post claiming to have a story about Roy Moore groping her. This whistleblower also wanted anonymity.

When this whistleblower turned out to be a hoaxer -- working for Project Veritas to see how easily the Washington Post could be snookered -- the Washington Post outed this person they'd offered anonymity to.

Why are none of the four media outlets hoaxed by two sources (allegedly -- I suspect it's one source) outing those hoaxers?

I think the answer is obvious: Because while the Washington Post hoaxer hoped to hurt the Washington Post, the two (or maybe one) hoaxer putting out the Wikileaks Early Peak story was hoping to hurt Trump.

And that's what makes it an "innocent mistake" as far as CNN and the rest of them are concerned -- it wasn't a mistake, it was in fact deliberate, but it was "innocent" in the sense that they were spreading false stories about the right target.

Oh, and of course: Because they don't want to burn the guy feeding them leaks every couple of days, who is almost certainly either Adam Schiff, and/or other Democrat Congressmen on the House Intelligence Committee and/or Democratic staffers on that committee.

They want to keep the leak gravy train -- true or false, it does not matter -- coming.

And they want to protect their fweinds.

Posted by Ace at 03:59 PM Comments

Quick Update: Port Authority Terrorist Came On a Chain Migration Visa


Someone was getting a green card. So, the sibling of that person also got a visa. And then this terrorist, who was under 21 at the time, got what amounts to be a "nephew visa."

The important question, however, is: How much Diet Coke should Trump drink?

Posted by Ace at 03:03 PM Comments

Port Authority Terrorist Came to US on Immigrant Visa Under Obama


Bur I thought we had procedures that made this virtually impossible.

By the way, 40 minutes after another terrorist attack committed by an immigrant in the media's world capital city (NYC), CNN was back to covering the real news: Donny Two-Scoops' alleged overconsumption of Diet Coke.

At 8:43am ET [40 minutes after first reports of the terrorist attack], Camerota breathlessly related a New York Times piece on Trump and soda:
This is about his Diet Coke habit.... Watching cable, he shares thoughts with anyone in the room, even the household staff he summons via a button for lunch or for one of the dozen Diet Cokes he consumes each day.

The co-host chided, "When I read this, I think, 'This is not what doctors would recommend. This is not the healthiest diet.'"

I look forward to seeing Brian Stelter discuss unhealthy dietary choices. With Chris Cilliza, David Axelrod, and Candy Crowley.

It wasn't healthy for Barack Obama to continue smoking throughout his term of dubious service but you covered that up neatly enough.

Posted by Ace at 01:56 PM Comments

Open Thread


I'm very late in getting started. Here's a new thread at least.

Oh, here's something amusing:

If you could, use this thread for headline and link tips. That will help me out a lot. My ass is dragging and I don't really know what's *still* news, if you know what I mean -- yes, I know about the partial-failure terrorist attack. But is that still news at 1:30?

Posted by Ace at 01:12 PM Comments

The Morning Rant: J.V. Edition



Oh, Chicks is Chicks, and Dudes is Dudes, and never the two shall meet; and if they do, I'm throwing poo! (Stuff Rudyard Kipling Said: Volume II)

No Gender December rolls round again

And I for one am tremendously excited to blur the genetic and cultural roles that two separate sexes have fit in rather nicely for...oh...our entire natural history. Because only good will become of that. For starters, we won't have war, or for that matter any violence, because it is the heteronormative patriarchy that is the corrosive effect on our culture. Get rid of that, and its unicorns and skittles!


In 2014 a group called Play Unlimited founded No Gender December with the aim to end what they call 'gender-stereotyped toys'. They believe that with correct parental conditioning you can actually defy biological reality and scientific studies and make boys like girl's toys and girls like boy toys. Last year they were successful in lobbying major Australian retailers Big W and Target to end having gendered toy categories in their stores.

I have a cousin by marriage who is an Aussie. He is in his early 90s, fought in the Pacific and then Crete, was transferred to the British Mandate of Palestine, where he met my cousin. Got married, built a business, raised four kids, and now grows peaches in Colorado.

I think he is pretty confident of, and comfortable with his gender, and his wife's gender, and his daughters' genders. I'll bet he isn't confident of the future prospects of Australia though!

Continue reading

Posted by CBD at 11:32 AM Comments

Mid-Morning Open Thread


Zhuravlev Wedding.jpg

Before The Wedding
Firs Sergeyevich Zhuravlev

Posted by CBD at 09:30 AM Comments

The Morning Report 12/11/17

—J.J. Sefton


Good morning kids. Monday again and we are loaded with linkage so let's dive right in. First up, the massive wildfires continue to devastate southern California. So far upwards of 200,000 acres have been consumed and now the beautiful seaside town of Santa Barbara is directly in the path of the destruction. Prayers for all affected and hoping the firefighters can get this thing under control ASAP. Of course, Governor Moonbeam blames global warming (what's the point in providing a link to that?).

Election eve in Alabama and as Roy Moore continues to maintain his lead in the polls, which are of course designed to shape public opinion and not reflect it, by tomorrow there should be a much more accurate picture of the situation. The Left, with the usual gang of Soros- and Obama-led organizations has now poured over $4 million into this race. This time, unlike an insignificant House seat, a Senate seat - especially in the heart of red state America - would be a major victory. I don't think it's going to happen but it goes without saying that Alabama morons should vote early and often.

In news from the insurrection, it seems that Fusion GPS was attempting to tie the President to Clinton's pedophile friend Jeffrey Epstein and a new report about the so-called John Doe investigations/persecutions of Scott Walker and other Wisconsin Republicans was more extensive and hideous than previously thought.

We have a mixed bag of links from the Tax Reform follies. First, one story from the Wall Street Journal claims that some people and businesses might get upwards of a 100% marginal tax rate (yes, RATE, not increase), while another link touts the economic and political benefits of forcing blue states to finally pay for their profligacy. And Rep. Luke Messer from Indiana is fighting to keep his amendment in the overall bill: that is no more free money to illegal aliens and their dependent aliens.

The Groperdammerung follies continue as another woman steps forward to accuse a 9th Circus Judge of sexual assault, Gayle King makes a fool of herself on TV (BIRM), and a fine essay about the hypocrisy of the #MeToo movement.

Penultimately, we have a trio of links about the state of education in our nation. As I have always said, this is the real battle for the heart, soul and future of America. Ultimately, we will not be overwhelmed from an across the border invasion of people subsuming America; we will be subsumed from within by future generations of native-born Marxist pod-people if we don't stop the brainwashing factories now. It may already be too late considering what we see happening all over from K through post-grad.

Lastly, there has been a wave of anti-Semitic attacks in the wake of the President's decision to recognize Jerusalem as the capital of Israel. We have the great Daniel Greenfield checking in on that and the superstar of the Trump administration, Ambassador Nikki Haley reading the riot act to the United Nations. I hope she becomes the first female president of the US one day. She has "iron lady" potential. And considering his mindset, I would not be unhappy at all with Steve King either.

Anyway, links from around the world, across the nation and up your street. Have a better one and remain blessed.

Posted by J.J. Sefton at 07:12 AM Comments

Sunday Overnight Thread (12/10/17) The Weekend Is Gone Edition

—Misanthropic Humanitarian



Quotes of The Day

Quote I

"I am horrified to learn again just how invasive this witch hunt was into nearly every part of every major Wisconsin conservative’s life. Now it's confirmed that it reached my own, even so far as to collect private medical information included in my emails with my daughter … The thought of my government intentionally and illegally targeting me is sickening." WI State Senator, Leah Vukmir-Republican


Quote II

“I had a boyfriend many years ago, he was my first boyfriend who had his own house, and one day I went outside to see what he was doing, and he was hoisting an American flag up the flagpole in his front yard. And I instantly felt very weird. It didn’t make sense, but I felt … scared." Sarah Silverman

Quote III

“Why? Because there are things in this world that are more important than ourselves. Freedom. The Constitution of the United States. Our way of life. Mom, baseball, apple pie; these things and so many more that make us uniquely American. We belong to something greater than ourselves. As complex and diverse and discordant as it is, this thing, this idea called America, binds us together in citizenship and community and brotherhood.”Lt. Heather "Lucky" Penny.

Sarah Silverman, if you weren't such a despicable piece of shit, you might learn something from this woman.

Quote IV

“The appalling House vote for concealed carry reciprocity puts all New Yorkers at risk. This legislation would let individuals from out-of-state convicted of certain crimes carry hidden, loaded weapons in New York, in violation of New York’s much better, safer law. Only the NRA could propose something so ill-considered, dangerous and vile. New York passed the strongest gun safety measures in the country, and instead of joining the fight against senseless gun violence, Washington is trying to make New York and the rest of the nation less safe.”Governor Andrew M. Cuomo (D-NY)

What f*cking laws, Andy?

Continue reading

Posted by Misanthropic Humanitarian at 09:45 PM Comments

The Weekend Gun Thread

—Misanthropic Humanitarian



Beautiful pieces of art.

Continue reading

Posted by Misanthropic Humanitarian at 06:54 PM Comments

Food Thread: Our Long National Nightmare Has Just Begun: The Moron Cookbook Is Here!


[Why bacon? Why the hell not?]

I got my copy yesterday, and it far exceeded my expectations! I was hoping for a fun, amateur cookbook with some clever Horde memes worked into it. But it is a thoroughly professional effort that is a pleasure to read. It is laid out well, it is humorous, some of the recipes look fantastic and the rest are fun to read and certainly worth a try, and definitely a chuckle.

The net proceeds will be donated to Toys for Tots and Fisher House, both highly rated charities according to "Charity Navigator."

Below the fold is a note from Bluebell and Weasel, but before you click to the rest of the post, head over to the sidebar and buy a few dozen copies of the cookbook. Or at least really is a hoot.

Continue reading

Posted by CBD at 04:00 PM Comments

Not Just A River In Egypt

—Misanthropic Humanitarian

(The Left is still in denial)

Continue reading

Posted by Misanthropic Humanitarian at 12:25 PM Comments

The AoSHQ Amazon Store

Top Headlines
Now Available!
[All profits go to charity]
Chin up. [Mis. Hum.]
Irrepressible commenter Toni (aka Ritabootoo) passed away on Friday, December 8, 2017. Here is a bit more info. RIP. [Update] A memorial service for Ritabootoo, who passed from cancer last week, will be held this Thursday, December 14th at the Wooster Funeral Home in Clementon, New Jersey. 6:30 - 7:30 is visitation followed by a service led by Father Adam at 7:30pm.
BREAKING: PIPE BOMB DETONATES IN SUBWAY STATION BENEATH NYC PORT AUTHORITY BUS TERMINAL. Rush hour crowd stampedes from scene. One suspect arrested. Bomb squad on scene. Still developing. [J.J. Sefton]
The annual posting of Dave in Texas's "Crap Tree" is up at IB. Merry Xmas!! [geoff]
Short and sweet video by black conservative: The Left Uses "Racism" To Control Black Voters [dri]
Byron York: Author of the Phony Trump "Dossier" Was In Direct Contact With Obama's Justice Dept. ...The department's Bruce Ohr, a career official, served as associate deputy attorney general at the time of the campaign. That placed him just below the deputy attorney general, Sally Yates, who ran the day-to-day operations of the department. In 2016, Ohr's office was just steps away from Yates, who was later fired for defying President Trump's initial travel ban executive order and still later became a prominent anti-Trump voice upon leaving the Justice Department. Unbeknownst to investigators until recently, Ohr knew Steele and had repeated contacts with Steele when Steele was working on the dossier. Ohr also met after the election with Glenn Simpson, head of Fusion GPS, the opposition research company that was paid by the Clinton campaign to compile the dossier... This is a potential bombshell which has been completely ignored by the Democrat-Media Complex. [J.J. Sefton]
Kevin Spacey Grabbed the Crown Jewels of a Member of Norway's Royal Family
No seriously, he grabbed the balls of then-husband of Norway's Princess
Reminder: Psych: The Movie Debuts Tomorrow Night on USA
I don't know what time. I ain't your TV Guide, bub.
No but really it's on at 8pm.
An environmental revolution is about to transform our ports and piers Or the BBC version of the headline: "Israeli Scientists Plot To Destroy Marine Habitats" [CBD]
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