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  2. prije 15 minuta
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  4. prije 2 sata
  5. prije 3 sata

    On we'd like to say a huge thank you to everyone who has supported us and helped to provide with a better life.

  6. prije 4 sata
  7. prije 4 sata
    Odgovor korisnicima i sljedećem broju korisnika:

    In fact BLOCKS to everybody who post the reality in their tweets, they blocked me too, they are the worst 💩 trying yo make believe the western people they love ☞ZERO ANIMAL PROTECTION LAWS this people ENJOY THE TORTURE and te GOVERNEMENT accept it!

    Ovo je potencijalno osjetljiv multimedijski sadržaj. Saznajte više
  8. prije 5 sati
  9. prije 7 sati

    In 2015, rescued Ricky the bear, who lived for 16 years at an ice cream shop. We were recently able to liberate the other 25 from the shop! 🐥🐇🐐

  10. You'll know how this feels if you have a special relationship with . They are vitally important.

  11. prije 8 sati

    Butterfly 2017-176 Thank you to everyone who has commented, liked or followed Have a great holiday and a great 2018

  12. prije 8 sati
  13. prije 9 sati

    This is a portrait of my favourite Border Leicester ram, Julius.

  14. prije 12 sati
  15. prije 20 sati
  16. prije 21 sat
  17. 14. pro
  18. 14. pro

    We sincerely love our parents. You're my hometown. Thank you.

  19. 14. pro
  20. 11. pro

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